from django.contrib.admin.filterspecs import FilterSpec from django.contrib.admin.options import IncorrectLookupParameters from django.contrib.admin.util import quote, get_fields_from_path from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousOperation from django.core.paginator import Paginator, InvalidPage from django.db import models from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode, smart_str from django.utils.translation import ugettext from django.utils.http import urlencode import operator # The system will display a "Show all" link on the change list only if the # total result count is less than or equal to this setting. MAX_SHOW_ALL_ALLOWED = 200 # Changelist settings ALL_VAR = 'all' ORDER_VAR = 'o' ORDER_TYPE_VAR = 'ot' PAGE_VAR = 'p' SEARCH_VAR = 'q' TO_FIELD_VAR = 't' IS_POPUP_VAR = 'pop' ERROR_FLAG = 'e' # Text to display within change-list table cells if the value is blank. EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE = '(None)' class ChangeList(object): def __init__(self, request, model, list_display, list_display_links, list_filter, date_hierarchy, search_fields, list_select_related, list_per_page, list_editable, model_admin): self.model = model self.opts = model._meta self.lookup_opts = self.opts self.root_query_set = model_admin.queryset(request) self.list_display = list_display self.list_display_links = list_display_links self.list_filter = list_filter self.date_hierarchy = date_hierarchy self.search_fields = search_fields self.list_select_related = list_select_related self.list_per_page = list_per_page self.model_admin = model_admin # Get search parameters from the query string. try: self.page_num = int(request.GET.get(PAGE_VAR, 0)) except ValueError: self.page_num = 0 self.show_all = ALL_VAR in request.GET self.is_popup = IS_POPUP_VAR in request.GET self.to_field = request.GET.get(TO_FIELD_VAR) self.params = dict(request.GET.items()) if PAGE_VAR in self.params: del self.params[PAGE_VAR] if TO_FIELD_VAR in self.params: del self.params[TO_FIELD_VAR] if ERROR_FLAG in self.params: del self.params[ERROR_FLAG] if self.is_popup: self.list_editable = () else: self.list_editable = list_editable self.order_field, self.order_type = self.get_ordering() self.query = request.GET.get(SEARCH_VAR, '') self.query_set = self.get_query_set() self.get_results(request) self.title = (self.is_popup and ugettext('Select %s') % force_unicode(self.opts.verbose_name) or ugettext('Select %s to change') % force_unicode(self.opts.verbose_name)) self.filter_specs, self.has_filters = self.get_filters(request) self.pk_attname = def get_filters(self, request): filter_specs = [] if self.list_filter: for filter_name in self.list_filter: field = get_fields_from_path(self.model, filter_name)[-1] spec = FilterSpec.create(field, request, self.params, self.model, self.model_admin, field_path=filter_name) if spec and spec.has_output(): filter_specs.append(spec) return filter_specs, bool(filter_specs) def get_query_string(self, new_params=None, remove=None): if new_params is None: new_params = {} if remove is None: remove = [] p = self.params.copy() for r in remove: for k in p.keys(): if k.startswith(r): del p[k] for k, v in new_params.items(): if v is None: if k in p: del p[k] else: p[k] = v return '?%s' % urlencode(p) def get_results(self, request): paginator = self.model_admin.get_paginator(request, self.query_set, self.list_per_page) # Get the number of objects, with admin filters applied. result_count = paginator.count # Get the total number of objects, with no admin filters applied. # Perform a slight optimization: Check to see whether any filters were # given. If not, use paginator.hits to calculate the number of objects, # because we've already done paginator.hits and the value is cached. if not self.query_set.query.where: full_result_count = result_count else: full_result_count = self.root_query_set.count() can_show_all = result_count <= MAX_SHOW_ALL_ALLOWED multi_page = result_count > self.list_per_page # Get the list of objects to display on this page. if (self.show_all and can_show_all) or not multi_page: result_list = self.query_set._clone() else: try: result_list = except InvalidPage: raise IncorrectLookupParameters self.result_count = result_count self.full_result_count = full_result_count self.result_list = result_list self.can_show_all = can_show_all self.multi_page = multi_page self.paginator = paginator def get_ordering(self): lookup_opts, params = self.lookup_opts, self.params # For ordering, first check the "ordering" parameter in the admin # options, then check the object's default ordering. If neither of # those exist, order descending by ID by default. Finally, look for # manually-specified ordering from the query string. ordering = self.model_admin.ordering or lookup_opts.ordering or ['-' +] if ordering[0].startswith('-'): order_field, order_type = ordering[0][1:], 'desc' else: order_field, order_type = ordering[0], 'asc' if ORDER_VAR in params: try: field_name = self.list_display[int(params[ORDER_VAR])] try: f = lookup_opts.get_field(field_name) except models.FieldDoesNotExist: # See whether field_name is a name of a non-field # that allows sorting. try: if callable(field_name): attr = field_name elif hasattr(self.model_admin, field_name): attr = getattr(self.model_admin, field_name) else: attr = getattr(self.model, field_name) order_field = attr.admin_order_field except AttributeError: pass else: order_field = except (IndexError, ValueError): pass # Invalid ordering specified. Just use the default. if ORDER_TYPE_VAR in params and params[ORDER_TYPE_VAR] in ('asc', 'desc'): order_type = params[ORDER_TYPE_VAR] return order_field, order_type def get_query_set(self): qs = self.root_query_set lookup_params = self.params.copy() # a dictionary of the query string for i in (ALL_VAR, ORDER_VAR, ORDER_TYPE_VAR, SEARCH_VAR, IS_POPUP_VAR): if i in lookup_params: del lookup_params[i] for key, value in lookup_params.items(): if not isinstance(key, str): # 'key' will be used as a keyword argument later, so Python # requires it to be a string. del lookup_params[key] lookup_params[smart_str(key)] = value # if key ends with __in, split parameter into separate values if key.endswith('__in'): value = value.split(',') lookup_params[key] = value # if key ends with __isnull, special case '' and false if key.endswith('__isnull'): if value.lower() in ('', 'false'): value = False else: value = True lookup_params[key] = value if not self.model_admin.lookup_allowed(key, value): raise SuspiciousOperation( "Filtering by %s not allowed" % key ) # Apply lookup parameters from the query string. try: qs = qs.filter(**lookup_params) # Naked except! Because we don't have any other way of validating "params". # They might be invalid if the keyword arguments are incorrect, or if the # values are not in the correct type, so we might get FieldError, ValueError, # ValicationError, or ? from a custom field that raises yet something else # when handed impossible data. except: raise IncorrectLookupParameters # Use select_related() if one of the list_display options is a field # with a relationship and the provided queryset doesn't already have # select_related defined. if not qs.query.select_related: if self.list_select_related: qs = qs.select_related() else: for field_name in self.list_display: try: f = self.lookup_opts.get_field(field_name) except models.FieldDoesNotExist: pass else: if isinstance(f.rel, models.ManyToOneRel): qs = qs.select_related() break # Set ordering. if self.order_field: qs = qs.order_by('%s%s' % ((self.order_type == 'desc' and '-' or ''), self.order_field)) # Apply keyword searches. def construct_search(field_name): if field_name.startswith('^'): return "%s__istartswith" % field_name[1:] elif field_name.startswith('='): return "%s__iexact" % field_name[1:] elif field_name.startswith('@'): return "%s__search" % field_name[1:] else: return "%s__icontains" % field_name if self.search_fields and self.query: for bit in self.query.split(): or_queries = [models.Q(**{construct_search(str(field_name)): bit}) for field_name in self.search_fields] qs = qs.filter(reduce(operator.or_, or_queries)) for field_name in self.search_fields: if '__' in field_name: qs = qs.distinct() break return qs def url_for_result(self, result): return "%s/" % quote(getattr(result, self.pk_attname))