307 lines
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307 lines
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import uuid
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.backends.base.operations import BaseDatabaseOperations
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.duration import duration_microseconds
class DatabaseOperations(BaseDatabaseOperations):
compiler_module = "django.db.backends.mysql.compiler"
# MySQL stores positive fields as UNSIGNED ints.
integer_field_ranges = {
'PositiveSmallIntegerField': (0, 65535),
'PositiveIntegerField': (0, 4294967295),
cast_data_types = {
'AutoField': 'signed integer',
'BigAutoField': 'signed integer',
'CharField': 'char(%(max_length)s)',
'DecimalField': 'decimal(%(max_digits)s, %(decimal_places)s)',
'TextField': 'char',
'IntegerField': 'signed integer',
'BigIntegerField': 'signed integer',
'SmallIntegerField': 'signed integer',
'PositiveIntegerField': 'unsigned integer',
'PositiveSmallIntegerField': 'unsigned integer',
cast_char_field_without_max_length = 'char'
explain_prefix = 'EXPLAIN'
def date_extract_sql(self, lookup_type, field_name):
# https://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/date-and-time-functions.html
if lookup_type == 'week_day':
# DAYOFWEEK() returns an integer, 1-7, Sunday=1.
# Note: WEEKDAY() returns 0-6, Monday=0.
return "DAYOFWEEK(%s)" % field_name
elif lookup_type == 'week':
# Override the value of default_week_format for consistency with
# other database backends.
# Mode 3: Monday, 1-53, with 4 or more days this year.
return "WEEK(%s, 3)" % field_name
elif lookup_type == 'iso_year':
# Get the year part from the YEARWEEK function, which returns a
# number as year * 100 + week.
return "TRUNCATE(YEARWEEK(%s, 3), -2) / 100" % field_name
# EXTRACT returns 1-53 based on ISO-8601 for the week number.
return "EXTRACT(%s FROM %s)" % (lookup_type.upper(), field_name)
def date_trunc_sql(self, lookup_type, field_name):
fields = {
'year': '%%Y-01-01',
'month': '%%Y-%%m-01',
} # Use double percents to escape.
if lookup_type in fields:
format_str = fields[lookup_type]
return "CAST(DATE_FORMAT(%s, '%s') AS DATE)" % (field_name, format_str)
elif lookup_type == 'quarter':
field_name, field_name
elif lookup_type == 'week':
return "DATE_SUB(%s, INTERVAL WEEKDAY(%s) DAY)" % (
field_name, field_name
return "DATE(%s)" % (field_name)
def _convert_field_to_tz(self, field_name, tzname):
if settings.USE_TZ:
field_name = "CONVERT_TZ(%s, 'UTC', '%s')" % (field_name, tzname)
return field_name
def datetime_cast_date_sql(self, field_name, tzname):
field_name = self._convert_field_to_tz(field_name, tzname)
return "DATE(%s)" % field_name
def datetime_cast_time_sql(self, field_name, tzname):
field_name = self._convert_field_to_tz(field_name, tzname)
return "TIME(%s)" % field_name
def datetime_extract_sql(self, lookup_type, field_name, tzname):
field_name = self._convert_field_to_tz(field_name, tzname)
return self.date_extract_sql(lookup_type, field_name)
def datetime_trunc_sql(self, lookup_type, field_name, tzname):
field_name = self._convert_field_to_tz(field_name, tzname)
fields = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second']
format = ('%%Y-', '%%m', '-%%d', ' %%H:', '%%i', ':%%s') # Use double percents to escape.
format_def = ('0000-', '01', '-01', ' 00:', '00', ':00')
if lookup_type == 'quarter':
return (
"CAST(DATE_FORMAT(MAKEDATE(YEAR({field_name}), 1) + "
"INTERVAL QUARTER({field_name}) QUARTER - " +
"INTERVAL 1 QUARTER, '%%Y-%%m-01 00:00:00') AS DATETIME)"
if lookup_type == 'week':
return (
"CAST(DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB({field_name}, "
"INTERVAL WEEKDAY({field_name}) DAY), "
"'%%Y-%%m-%%d 00:00:00') AS DATETIME)"
i = fields.index(lookup_type) + 1
except ValueError:
sql = field_name
format_str = ''.join([f for f in format[:i]] + [f for f in format_def[i:]])
sql = "CAST(DATE_FORMAT(%s, '%s') AS DATETIME)" % (field_name, format_str)
return sql
def time_trunc_sql(self, lookup_type, field_name):
fields = {
'hour': '%%H:00:00',
'minute': '%%H:%%i:00',
'second': '%%H:%%i:%%s',
} # Use double percents to escape.
if lookup_type in fields:
format_str = fields[lookup_type]
return "CAST(DATE_FORMAT(%s, '%s') AS TIME)" % (field_name, format_str)
return "TIME(%s)" % (field_name)
def date_interval_sql(self, timedelta):
return 'INTERVAL %s MICROSECOND' % duration_microseconds(timedelta)
def format_for_duration_arithmetic(self, sql):
return 'INTERVAL %s MICROSECOND' % sql
def force_no_ordering(self):
"ORDER BY NULL" prevents MySQL from implicitly ordering by grouped
columns. If no ordering would otherwise be applied, we don't want any
implicit sorting going on.
return [(None, ("NULL", [], False))]
def last_executed_query(self, cursor, sql, params):
# With MySQLdb, cursor objects have an (undocumented) "_executed"
# attribute where the exact query sent to the database is saved.
# See MySQLdb/cursors.py in the source distribution.
query = getattr(cursor, '_executed', None)
if query is not None:
query = query.decode(errors='replace')
return query
def no_limit_value(self):
# 2**64 - 1, as recommended by the MySQL documentation
return 18446744073709551615
def quote_name(self, name):
if name.startswith("`") and name.endswith("`"):
return name # Quoting once is enough.
return "`%s`" % name
def random_function_sql(self):
return 'RAND()'
def sql_flush(self, style, tables, sequences, allow_cascade=False):
# NB: The generated SQL below is specific to MySQL
# 'TRUNCATE x;', 'TRUNCATE y;', 'TRUNCATE z;'... style SQL statements
# to clear all tables of all data
if tables:
for table in tables:
sql.append('%s %s;' % (
sql.append('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;')
sql.extend(self.sequence_reset_by_name_sql(style, sequences))
return sql
return []
def validate_autopk_value(self, value):
# MySQLism: zero in AUTO_INCREMENT field does not work. Refs #17653.
if value == 0:
raise ValueError('The database backend does not accept 0 as a '
'value for AutoField.')
return value
def adapt_datetimefield_value(self, value):
if value is None:
return None
# Expression values are adapted by the database.
if hasattr(value, 'resolve_expression'):
return value
# MySQL doesn't support tz-aware datetimes
if timezone.is_aware(value):
if settings.USE_TZ:
value = timezone.make_naive(value, self.connection.timezone)
raise ValueError("MySQL backend does not support timezone-aware datetimes when USE_TZ is False.")
return str(value)
def adapt_timefield_value(self, value):
if value is None:
return None
# Expression values are adapted by the database.
if hasattr(value, 'resolve_expression'):
return value
# MySQL doesn't support tz-aware times
if timezone.is_aware(value):
raise ValueError("MySQL backend does not support timezone-aware times.")
return str(value)
def max_name_length(self):
return 64
def bulk_insert_sql(self, fields, placeholder_rows):
placeholder_rows_sql = (", ".join(row) for row in placeholder_rows)
values_sql = ", ".join("(%s)" % sql for sql in placeholder_rows_sql)
return "VALUES " + values_sql
def combine_expression(self, connector, sub_expressions):
if connector == '^':
return 'POW(%s)' % ','.join(sub_expressions)
# Convert the result to a signed integer since MySQL's binary operators
# return an unsigned integer.
elif connector in ('&', '|', '<<'):
return 'CONVERT(%s, SIGNED)' % connector.join(sub_expressions)
elif connector == '>>':
lhs, rhs = sub_expressions
return 'FLOOR(%(lhs)s / POW(2, %(rhs)s))' % {'lhs': lhs, 'rhs': rhs}
return super().combine_expression(connector, sub_expressions)
def get_db_converters(self, expression):
converters = super().get_db_converters(expression)
internal_type = expression.output_field.get_internal_type()
if internal_type in ['BooleanField', 'NullBooleanField']:
elif internal_type == 'DateTimeField':
if settings.USE_TZ:
elif internal_type == 'UUIDField':
return converters
def convert_booleanfield_value(self, value, expression, connection):
if value in (0, 1):
value = bool(value)
return value
def convert_datetimefield_value(self, value, expression, connection):
if value is not None:
value = timezone.make_aware(value, self.connection.timezone)
return value
def convert_uuidfield_value(self, value, expression, connection):
if value is not None:
value = uuid.UUID(value)
return value
def binary_placeholder_sql(self, value):
return '_binary %s' if value is not None and not hasattr(value, 'as_sql') else '%s'
def subtract_temporals(self, internal_type, lhs, rhs):
lhs_sql, lhs_params = lhs
rhs_sql, rhs_params = rhs
if internal_type == 'TimeField':
if self.connection.mysql_is_mariadb:
# MariaDB includes the microsecond component in TIME_TO_SEC as
# a decimal. MySQL returns an integer without microseconds.
return 'CAST((TIME_TO_SEC(%(lhs)s) - TIME_TO_SEC(%(rhs)s)) * 1000000 AS SIGNED)' % {
'lhs': lhs_sql, 'rhs': rhs_sql
}, lhs_params + rhs_params
return (
"((TIME_TO_SEC(%(lhs)s) * 1000000 + MICROSECOND(%(lhs)s)) -"
" (TIME_TO_SEC(%(rhs)s) * 1000000 + MICROSECOND(%(rhs)s)))"
) % {'lhs': lhs_sql, 'rhs': rhs_sql}, lhs_params * 2 + rhs_params * 2
return "TIMESTAMPDIFF(MICROSECOND, %s, %s)" % (rhs_sql, lhs_sql), rhs_params + lhs_params
def explain_query_prefix(self, format=None, **options):
# Alias MySQL's TRADITIONAL to TEXT for consistency with other backends.
if format and format.upper() == 'TEXT':
format = 'TRADITIONAL'
prefix = super().explain_query_prefix(format, **options)
if format:
prefix += ' FORMAT=%s' % format
if self.connection.features.needs_explain_extended and format is None:
# EXTENDED and FORMAT are mutually exclusive options.
prefix += ' EXTENDED'
return prefix
def regex_lookup(self, lookup_type):
# REGEXP BINARY doesn't work correctly in MySQL 8+ and REGEXP_LIKE
# doesn't exist in MySQL 5.6 or in MariaDB.
if self.connection.mysql_version < (8, 0, 0) or self.connection.mysql_is_mariadb:
if lookup_type == 'regex':
return '%s REGEXP BINARY %s'
return '%s REGEXP %s'
match_option = 'c' if lookup_type == 'regex' else 'i'
return "REGEXP_LIKE(%%s, %%s, '%s')" % match_option
def insert_statement(self, ignore_conflicts=False):
return 'INSERT IGNORE INTO' if ignore_conflicts else super().insert_statement(ignore_conflicts)