276 lines
6.0 KiB
276 lines
6.0 KiB
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
# Translators:
# Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>, 2011
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: django-core\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-09 20:17+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-10 08:45+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>\n"
"Language-Team: Latvian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: lv\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : "
#: admin.py:41
msgid "Personal info"
msgstr "Personīgā informācija"
#: admin.py:42
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Tiesības"
#: admin.py:44
msgid "Important dates"
msgstr "Svarīgi datumi"
#: admin.py:132
msgid "Password changed successfully."
msgstr "Paroles nomainīta sekmīgi."
#: admin.py:142
#, python-format
msgid "Change password: %s"
msgstr "Paroles maiņa: %s"
#: forms.py:33 tests/test_forms.py:261 tests/test_forms.py:266
#: tests/test_forms.py:407
msgid "No password set."
msgstr ""
#: forms.py:39 tests/test_forms.py:271 tests/test_forms.py:277
msgid "Invalid password format or unknown hashing algorithm."
msgstr ""
#: forms.py:72
msgid "A user with that username already exists."
msgstr "Lietotājs ar šādu lietotāja vārdu jau eksistē."
#: forms.py:73 forms.py:254 forms.py:314
msgid "The two password fields didn't match."
msgstr "Paroles lauki nesakrita."
#: forms.py:75 forms.py:120
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Lietotāja vārds"
#: forms.py:77 forms.py:121
msgid "Required. 30 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only."
msgstr "Obligāts. 30 vai mazāk zīmes. Tikai burti, cipari un @/./+/-/_ ."
#: forms.py:80 forms.py:124
msgid "This value may contain only letters, numbers and @/./+/-/_ characters."
msgstr "Šī vērtība var saturēt tikai burtus, ciparus un @/./+/-/_ simbolus"
#: forms.py:82 forms.py:126 forms.py:153 forms.py:316
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Parole"
#: forms.py:84
msgid "Password confirmation"
msgstr "Paroles apstiprinājums"
#: forms.py:86
msgid "Enter the same password as above, for verification."
msgstr "Pārbaudei atkārtoti ievadiet to pašu paroli kā augstāk."
#: forms.py:127
msgid ""
"Raw passwords are not stored, so there is no way to see this user's "
"password, but you can change the password using <a href=\"password/\">this "
msgstr ""
#: forms.py:156
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Please enter a correct %(username)s and password. Note that both fields may "
"be case-sensitive."
msgstr ""
#: forms.py:158
msgid "This account is inactive."
msgstr "Šis konts nav aktīvs."
#: forms.py:206
msgid "Email"
msgstr ""
#: forms.py:256
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Jaunā parole"
#: forms.py:258
msgid "New password confirmation"
msgstr "Jaunās parole vēlreiz"
#: forms.py:287
msgid "Your old password was entered incorrectly. Please enter it again."
msgstr ""
"Jūsu iepriekšējā parole netika ievadīta korekti. Lūdzu ievadiet to atkārtoti."
#: forms.py:290
msgid "Old password"
msgstr "Vecā parole"
#: forms.py:318
msgid "Password (again)"
msgstr "Parole (vēlreiz)"
#: hashers.py:243 hashers.py:317 hashers.py:365 hashers.py:393 hashers.py:426
#: hashers.py:459 hashers.py:493
msgid "algorithm"
msgstr ""
#: hashers.py:244
msgid "iterations"
msgstr ""
#: hashers.py:245 hashers.py:319 hashers.py:366 hashers.py:394 hashers.py:494
msgid "salt"
msgstr ""
#: hashers.py:246 hashers.py:367 hashers.py:395 hashers.py:427 hashers.py:460
#: hashers.py:495
msgid "hash"
msgstr ""
#: hashers.py:318
msgid "work factor"
msgstr ""
#: hashers.py:320
msgid "checksum"
msgstr ""
#: models.py:72 models.py:121
msgid "name"
msgstr "nosaukums"
#: models.py:74
msgid "codename"
msgstr "kods"
#: models.py:78
msgid "permission"
msgstr "tiesība"
#: models.py:79 models.py:123
msgid "permissions"
msgstr "tiesības"
#: models.py:128
msgid "group"
msgstr "grupa"
#: models.py:129 models.py:294
msgid "groups"
msgstr "grupas"
#: models.py:200
msgid "password"
msgstr "parole"
#: models.py:201
msgid "last login"
msgstr "pēdējoreiz pieslēdzies"
#: models.py:291
msgid "superuser status"
msgstr "superlietotāja statuss"
#: models.py:292
msgid ""
"Designates that this user has all permissions without explicitly assigning "
msgstr "Lietotājam ir visas tiesības arī bez to atsevišķas piešķiršanas."
#: models.py:295
msgid ""
"The groups this user belongs to. A user will get all permissions granted to "
"each of his/her group."
msgstr ""
#: models.py:299
msgid "user permissions"
msgstr "lietotāja tiesības"
#: models.py:301
msgid "Specific permissions for this user."
msgstr ""
#: models.py:368
msgid "username"
msgstr "lietotāja vārds"
#: models.py:367
msgid ""
"Required. 30 characters or fewer. Letters, numbers and @/./+/-/_ characters"
msgstr "Obligāts. 30 vai mazāk zīmes. Tikai burti, cipari un @/./+/-/_ simboli"
#: models.py:370
msgid "Enter a valid username."
msgstr ""
#: models.py:372
msgid "first name"
msgstr "vārds"
#: models.py:373
msgid "last name"
msgstr "uzvārds"
#: models.py:374
msgid "email address"
msgstr ""
#: models.py:375
msgid "staff status"
msgstr "personāla statuss"
#: models.py:376
msgid "Designates whether the user can log into this admin site."
msgstr ""
"Atzīmējiet, ja vēlaties, lai lietotājs var pieslēgties administrācijas lapā."
#: models.py:378
msgid "active"
msgstr "aktīvs"
#: models.py:379
msgid ""
"Designates whether this user should be treated as active. Unselect this "
"instead of deleting accounts."
msgstr "Nosaka, vai lietotājs ir aktīvs. Atceliet šo konta dzēšanas vietā."
#: models.py:381
msgid "date joined"
msgstr "datums, kad pievienojies"
#: models.py:389
msgid "user"
msgstr "lietotājs"
#: models.py:390
msgid "users"
msgstr "lietotāji"
#: views.py:89
msgid "Logged out"
msgstr "Atslēdzies"
#: templates/registration/password_reset_subject.txt:2
#, python-format
msgid "Password reset on %(site_name)s"
msgstr ""
#: tests/test_forms.py:325
msgid "Enter a valid email address."
msgstr ""