110 lines
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110 lines
3.8 KiB
from django.core.files.uploadedfile import UploadedFile
from django.utils.datastructures import MultiValueDict
from django.utils.functional import lazy_property
from django.utils import six
from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.storage.exceptions import NoFileStorageConfigured
class BaseStorage(object):
step_key = 'step'
step_data_key = 'step_data'
step_files_key = 'step_files'
extra_data_key = 'extra_data'
def __init__(self, prefix, request=None, file_storage=None):
self.prefix = 'wizard_%s' % prefix
self.request = request
self.file_storage = file_storage
def init_data(self):
self.data = {
self.step_key: None,
self.step_data_key: {},
self.step_files_key: {},
self.extra_data_key: {},
def reset(self):
def _get_current_step(self):
return self.data[self.step_key]
def _set_current_step(self, step):
self.data[self.step_key] = step
current_step = lazy_property(_get_current_step, _set_current_step)
def _get_extra_data(self):
return self.data[self.extra_data_key]
def _set_extra_data(self, extra_data):
self.data[self.extra_data_key] = extra_data
extra_data = lazy_property(_get_extra_data, _set_extra_data)
def get_step_data(self, step):
# When reading the serialized data, upconvert it to a MultiValueDict,
# some serializers (json) don't preserve the type of the object.
values = self.data[self.step_data_key].get(step, None)
if values is not None:
values = MultiValueDict(values)
return values
def set_step_data(self, step, cleaned_data):
# If the value is a MultiValueDict, convert it to a regular dict of the
# underlying contents. Some serializers call the public API on it (as
# opposed to the underlying dict methods), in which case the content
# can be truncated (__getitem__ returns only the first item).
if isinstance(cleaned_data, MultiValueDict):
cleaned_data = dict(cleaned_data.lists())
self.data[self.step_data_key][step] = cleaned_data
def current_step_data(self):
return self.get_step_data(self.current_step)
def get_step_files(self, step):
wizard_files = self.data[self.step_files_key].get(step, {})
if wizard_files and not self.file_storage:
raise NoFileStorageConfigured(
"You need to define 'file_storage' in your "
"wizard view in order to handle file uploads.")
files = {}
for field, field_dict in six.iteritems(wizard_files):
field_dict = field_dict.copy()
tmp_name = field_dict.pop('tmp_name')
files[field] = UploadedFile(
file=self.file_storage.open(tmp_name), **field_dict)
return files or None
def set_step_files(self, step, files):
if files and not self.file_storage:
raise NoFileStorageConfigured(
"You need to define 'file_storage' in your "
"wizard view in order to handle file uploads.")
if step not in self.data[self.step_files_key]:
self.data[self.step_files_key][step] = {}
for field, field_file in six.iteritems(files or {}):
tmp_filename = self.file_storage.save(field_file.name, field_file)
file_dict = {
'tmp_name': tmp_filename,
'name': field_file.name,
'content_type': field_file.content_type,
'size': field_file.size,
'charset': field_file.charset
self.data[self.step_files_key][step][field] = file_dict
def current_step_files(self):
return self.get_step_files(self.current_step)
def update_response(self, response):