
168 lines
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import os
from importlib import import_module
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
from django.db.models.loading import cache
from django.db.migrations.recorder import MigrationRecorder
from django.db.migrations.graph import MigrationGraph
from django.conf import settings
class MigrationLoader(object):
Loads migration files from disk, and their status from the database.
Migration files are expected to live in the "migrations" directory of
an app. Their names are entirely unimportant from a code perspective,
but will probably follow the convention.
On initialisation, this class will scan those directories, and open and
read the python files, looking for a class called Migration, which should
inherit from django.db.migrations.Migration. See
django.db.migrations.migration for what that looks like.
Some migrations will be marked as "replacing" another set of migrations.
These are loaded into a separate set of migrations away from the main ones.
If all the migrations they replace are either unapplied or missing from
disk, then they are injected into the main set, replacing the named migrations.
Any dependency pointers to the replaced migrations are re-pointed to the
new migration.
This does mean that this class MUST also talk to the database as well as
to disk, but this is probably fine. We're already not just operating
in memory.
def __init__(self, connection):
self.connection = connection
self.disk_migrations = None
self.applied_migrations = None
def migrations_module(cls, app_label):
if app_label in settings.MIGRATION_MODULES:
return settings.MIGRATION_MODULES[app_label]
app = cache.get_app(app_label)
return ".".join(app.__name__.split(".")[:-1] + ["migrations"])
def load_disk(self):
Loads the migrations from all INSTALLED_APPS from disk.
self.disk_migrations = {}
self.unmigrated_apps = set()
self.migrated_apps = set()
for app in cache.get_apps():
# Get the migrations module directory
app_label = app.__name__.split(".")[-2]
module_name = self.migrations_module(app_label)
module = import_module(module_name)
except ImportError as e:
# I hate doing this, but I don't want to squash other import errors.
# Might be better to try a directory check directly.
if "No module named" in str(e) and "migrations" in str(e):
directory = os.path.dirname(module.__file__)
# Scan for .py[c|o] files
migration_names = set()
for name in os.listdir(directory):
if name.endswith(".py") or name.endswith(".pyc") or name.endswith(".pyo"):
import_name = name.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
if import_name[0] not in "_.~":
# Load them
for migration_name in migration_names:
migration_module = import_module("%s.%s" % (module_name, migration_name))
if not hasattr(migration_module, "Migration"):
raise BadMigrationError("Migration %s in app %s has no Migration class" % (migration_name, app_label))
self.disk_migrations[app_label, migration_name] = migration_module.Migration(migration_name, app_label)
def get_migration_by_prefix(self, app_label, name_prefix):
"Returns the migration(s) which match the given app label and name _prefix_"
# Make sure we have the disk data
if self.disk_migrations is None:
# Do the search
results = []
for l, n in self.disk_migrations:
if l == app_label and n.startswith(name_prefix):
results.append((l, n))
if len(results) > 1:
raise AmbiguityError("There is more than one migration for '%s' with the prefix '%s'" % (app_label, name_prefix))
elif len(results) == 0:
raise KeyError("There no migrations for '%s' with the prefix '%s'" % (app_label, name_prefix))
return self.disk_migrations[results[0]]
def graph(self):
Builds a migration dependency graph using both the disk and database.
# Make sure we have the disk data
if self.disk_migrations is None:
# And the database data
if self.applied_migrations is None:
recorder = MigrationRecorder(self.connection)
self.applied_migrations = recorder.applied_migrations()
# Do a first pass to separate out replacing and non-replacing migrations
normal = {}
replacing = {}
for key, migration in self.disk_migrations.items():
if migration.replaces:
replacing[key] = migration
normal[key] = migration
# Calculate reverse dependencies - i.e., for each migration, what depends on it?
# This is just for dependency re-pointing when applying replacements,
# so we ignore run_before here.
reverse_dependencies = {}
for key, migration in normal.items():
for parent in migration.dependencies:
reverse_dependencies.setdefault(parent, set()).add(key)
# Carry out replacements if we can - that is, if all replaced migrations
# are either unapplied or missing.
for key, migration in replacing.items():
# Do the check
can_replace = True
for target in migration.replaces:
if target in self.applied_migrations:
can_replace = False
if not can_replace:
# Alright, time to replace. Step through the replaced migrations
# and remove, repointing dependencies if needs be.
for replaced in migration.replaces:
if replaced in normal:
del normal[replaced]
for child_key in reverse_dependencies.get(replaced, set()):
normal[key] = migration
# Finally, make a graph and load everything into it
graph = MigrationGraph()
for key, migration in normal.items():
graph.add_node(key, migration)
for key, migration in normal.items():
for parent in migration.dependencies:
graph.add_dependency(key, parent)
return graph
class BadMigrationError(Exception):
Raised when there's a bad migration (unreadable/bad format/etc.)
class AmbiguityError(Exception):
Raised when more than one migration matches a name prefix