
40 lines
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import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
import pickle
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.hashcompat import md5_constructor
from django.forms import BooleanField
def security_hash(request, form, *args):
Calculates a security hash for the given Form instance.
This creates a list of the form field names/values in a deterministic
order, pickles the result with the SECRET_KEY setting, then takes an md5
hash of that.
# Ensure that the hash does not change when a BooleanField's bound
# data is a string `False' or a boolean False.
# Rather than re-coding this special behaviour here, we
# create a dummy BooleanField and call its clean method to get a
# boolean True or False verdict that is consistent with
# BooleanField.clean()
dummy_bool = BooleanField(required=False)
def _cleaned_data(bf):
if isinstance(bf.field, BooleanField):
return dummy_bool.clean(
data = [(, _cleaned_data(bf) or '') for bf in form]
# Use HIGHEST_PROTOCOL because it's the most efficient. It requires
# Python 2.3, but Django requires 2.3 anyway, so that's OK.
pickled = pickle.dumps(data, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
return md5_constructor(pickled).hexdigest()