
150 lines
7.3 KiB

import re, unittest
from urlparse import urlparse
from django.db import transaction
from django.core import management, mail
from django.db.models import get_apps
from django.test import _doctest as doctest
from django.test.client import Client
normalize_long_ints = lambda s: re.sub(r'(?<![\w])(\d+)L(?![\w])', '\\1', s)
class OutputChecker(doctest.OutputChecker):
def check_output(self, want, got, optionflags):
ok = doctest.OutputChecker.check_output(self, want, got, optionflags)
# Doctest does an exact string comparison of output, which means long
# integers aren't equal to normal integers ("22L" vs. "22"). The
# following code normalizes long integers so that they equal normal
# integers.
if not ok:
return normalize_long_ints(want) == normalize_long_ints(got)
return ok
class DocTestRunner(doctest.DocTestRunner):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
doctest.DocTestRunner.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.optionflags = doctest.ELLIPSIS
def report_unexpected_exception(self, out, test, example, exc_info):
# Rollback, in case of database errors. Otherwise they'd have
# side effects on other tests.
from django.db import transaction
class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def _pre_setup(self):
"""Perform any pre-test setup. This includes:
* If the Test Case class has a 'fixtures' member, clearing the
database and installing the named fixtures at the start of each test.
* Clearing the mail test outbox.
management.flush(verbosity=0, interactive=False)
if hasattr(self, 'fixtures'):
management.load_data(self.fixtures, verbosity=0)
mail.outbox = []
def __call__(self, result=None):
Wrapper around default __call__ method to perform common Django test
set up. This means that user-defined Test Cases aren't required to
include a call to super().setUp().
self.client = Client()
super(TestCase, self).__call__(result)
def assertRedirects(self, response, expected_path, status_code=302, target_status_code=200):
"""Assert that a response redirected to a specific URL, and that the
redirect URL can be loaded.
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status_code,
"Response didn't redirect as expected: Reponse code was %d (expected %d)" %
(response.status_code, status_code))
scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse(response['Location'])
self.assertEqual(path, expected_path,
"Response redirected to '%s', expected '%s'" % (path, expected_path))
redirect_response = self.client.get(path)
self.assertEqual(redirect_response.status_code, target_status_code,
"Couldn't retrieve redirection page '%s': response code was %d (expected %d)" %
(path, redirect_response.status_code, target_status_code))
def assertContains(self, response, text, count=1, status_code=200):
"""Assert that a response indicates that a page was retreived successfully,
(i.e., the HTTP status code was as expected), and that ``text`` occurs ``count``
times in the content of the response.
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status_code,
"Couldn't retrieve page: Response code was %d (expected %d)'" %
(response.status_code, status_code))
real_count = response.content.count(text)
self.assertEqual(real_count, count,
"Found %d instances of '%s' in response (expected %d)" % (real_count, text, count))
def assertFormError(self, response, form, field, errors):
"Assert that a form used to render the response has a specific field error"
if not response.context:'Response did not use any contexts to render the response')
# If there is a single context, put it into a list to simplify processing
if not isinstance(response.context, list):
contexts = [response.context]
contexts = response.context
# If a single error string is provided, make it a list to simplify processing
if not isinstance(errors, list):
errors = [errors]
# Search all contexts for the error.
found_form = False
for i,context in enumerate(contexts):
if form in context:
found_form = True
for err in errors:
if field:
if field in context[form].errors:
self.failUnless(err in context[form].errors[field],
"The field '%s' on form '%s' in context %d does not contain the error '%s' (actual errors: %s)" %
(field, form, i, err, list(context[form].errors[field])))
elif field in context[form].fields:"The field '%s' on form '%s' in context %d contains no errors" %
(field, form, i))
else:"The form '%s' in context %d does not contain the field '%s'" % (form, i, field))
self.failUnless(err in context[form].non_field_errors(),
"The form '%s' in context %d does not contain the non-field error '%s' (actual errors: %s)" %
(form, i, err, list(context[form].non_field_errors())))
if not found_form:"The form '%s' was not used to render the response" % form)
def assertTemplateUsed(self, response, template_name):
"Assert that the template with the provided name was used in rendering the response"
if isinstance(response.template, list):
template_names = [ for t in response.template]
self.failUnless(template_name in template_names,
"Template '%s' was not one of the templates used to render the response. Templates used: %s" %
(template_name, template_names))
elif response.template:
"Template '%s' was not used to render the response. Actual template was '%s'" %
else:'No templates used to render the response')
def assertTemplateNotUsed(self, response, template_name):
"Assert that the template with the provided name was NOT used in rendering the response"
if isinstance(response.template, list):
self.failIf(template_name in [ for t in response.template],
"Template '%s' was used unexpectedly in rendering the response" % template_name)
elif response.template:
"Template '%s' was used unexpectedly in rendering the response" % template_name)