
120 lines
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from django.db import connections
from django.db.models.query import sql
from django.contrib.gis.db.models.fields import GeometryField
from django.contrib.gis.db.models.sql import aggregates as gis_aggregates
from django.contrib.gis.db.models.sql.conversion import AreaField, DistanceField, GeomField
from django.contrib.gis.db.models.sql.where import GeoWhereNode
from django.contrib.gis.geometry.backend import Geometry
from django.contrib.gis.measure import Area, Distance
ALL_TERMS = dict([(x, None) for x in (
'bbcontains', 'bboverlaps', 'contained', 'contains',
'contains_properly', 'coveredby', 'covers', 'crosses', 'disjoint',
'distance_gt', 'distance_gte', 'distance_lt', 'distance_lte',
'dwithin', 'equals', 'exact',
'intersects', 'overlaps', 'relate', 'same_as', 'touches', 'within',
'left', 'right', 'overlaps_left', 'overlaps_right',
'overlaps_above', 'overlaps_below',
'strictly_above', 'strictly_below'
class GeoQuery(sql.Query):
A single spatial SQL query.
# Overridding the valid query terms.
query_terms = ALL_TERMS
aggregates_module = gis_aggregates
compiler = 'GeoSQLCompiler'
#### Methods overridden from the base Query class ####
def __init__(self, model, where=GeoWhereNode):
super(GeoQuery, self).__init__(model, where)
# The following attributes are customized for the GeoQuerySet.
# The GeoWhereNode and SpatialBackend classes contain backend-specific
# routines and functions.
self.custom_select = {}
self.transformed_srid = None
self.extra_select_fields = {}
def clone(self, *args, **kwargs):
obj = super(GeoQuery, self).clone(*args, **kwargs)
# Customized selection dictionary and transformed srid flag have
# to also be added to obj.
obj.custom_select = self.custom_select.copy()
obj.transformed_srid = self.transformed_srid
obj.extra_select_fields = self.extra_select_fields.copy()
return obj
def convert_values(self, value, field, connection):
Using the same routines that Oracle does we can convert our
extra selection objects into Geometry and Distance objects.
TODO: Make converted objects 'lazy' for less overhead.
# Running through Oracle's first.
value = super(GeoQuery, self).convert_values(value, field or GeomField(), connection)
if value is None:
# Output from spatial function is NULL (e.g., called
# function on a geometry field with NULL value).
elif isinstance(field, DistanceField):
# Using the field's distance attribute, can instantiate
# `Distance` with the right context.
value = Distance(**{field.distance_att : value})
elif isinstance(field, AreaField):
value = Area(**{field.area_att : value})
elif isinstance(field, (GeomField, GeometryField)) and value:
value = Geometry(value)
return value
def get_aggregation(self, using):
# Remove any aggregates marked for reduction from the subquery
# and move them to the outer AggregateQuery.
connection = connections[using]
for alias, aggregate in self.aggregate_select.items():
if isinstance(aggregate, gis_aggregates.GeoAggregate):
if not getattr(aggregate, 'is_extent', False) or
self.extra_select_fields[alias] = GeomField()
return super(GeoQuery, self).get_aggregation(using)
def resolve_aggregate(self, value, aggregate, connection):
Overridden from GeoQuery's normalize to handle the conversion of
GeoAggregate objects.
if isinstance(aggregate, self.aggregates_module.GeoAggregate):
if aggregate.is_extent:
if aggregate.is_extent == '3D':
return connection.ops.convert_extent3d(value)
return connection.ops.convert_extent(value)
return connection.ops.convert_geom(value, aggregate.source)
return super(GeoQuery, self).resolve_aggregate(value, aggregate, connection)
# Private API utilities, subject to change.
def _geo_field(self, field_name=None):
Returns the first Geometry field encountered; or specified via the
`field_name` keyword. The `field_name` may be a string specifying
the geometry field on this GeoQuery's model, or a lookup string
to a geometry field via a ForeignKey relation.
if field_name is None:
# Incrementing until the first geographic field is found.
for fld in self.model._meta.fields:
if isinstance(fld, GeometryField): return fld
return False
# Otherwise, check by the given field name -- which may be
# a lookup to a _related_ geographic field.
return GeoWhereNode._check_geo_field(self.model._meta, field_name)