
1323 lines
57 KiB

import datetime
from collections import Counter
from unittest import mock
from django.forms import (
BaseForm, CharField, DateField, FileField, Form, IntegerField,
SplitDateTimeField, ValidationError, formsets,
from django.forms.formsets import BaseFormSet, formset_factory
from django.forms.utils import ErrorList
from django.test import SimpleTestCase
class Choice(Form):
choice = CharField()
votes = IntegerField()
ChoiceFormSet = formset_factory(Choice)
class FavoriteDrinkForm(Form):
name = CharField()
class BaseFavoriteDrinksFormSet(BaseFormSet):
def clean(self):
seen_drinks = []
for drink in self.cleaned_data:
if drink['name'] in seen_drinks:
raise ValidationError('You may only specify a drink once.')
# A FormSet that takes a list of favorite drinks and raises an error if
# there are any duplicates.
FavoriteDrinksFormSet = formset_factory(FavoriteDrinkForm, formset=BaseFavoriteDrinksFormSet, extra=3)
class CustomKwargForm(Form):
def __init__(self, *args, custom_kwarg, **kwargs):
self.custom_kwarg = custom_kwarg
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class FormsFormsetTestCase(SimpleTestCase):
def make_choiceformset(
self, formset_data=None, formset_class=ChoiceFormSet,
total_forms=None, initial_forms=0, max_num_forms=0, min_num_forms=0, **kwargs):
Make a ChoiceFormset from the given formset_data.
The data should be given as a list of (choice, votes) tuples.
kwargs.setdefault('prefix', 'choices')
kwargs.setdefault('auto_id', False)
if formset_data is None:
return formset_class(**kwargs)
if total_forms is None:
total_forms = len(formset_data)
def prefixed(*args):
args = (kwargs['prefix'],) + args
return '-'.join(args)
data = {
prefixed('TOTAL_FORMS'): str(total_forms),
prefixed('INITIAL_FORMS'): str(initial_forms),
prefixed('MAX_NUM_FORMS'): str(max_num_forms),
prefixed('MIN_NUM_FORMS'): str(min_num_forms),
for i, (choice, votes) in enumerate(formset_data):
data[prefixed(str(i), 'choice')] = choice
data[prefixed(str(i), 'votes')] = votes
return formset_class(data, **kwargs)
def test_basic_formset(self):
A FormSet constructor takes the same arguments as Form. Create a
FormSet for adding data. By default, it displays 1 blank form.
formset = self.make_choiceformset()
"""<input type="hidden" name="choices-TOTAL_FORMS" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="choices-INITIAL_FORMS" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS" value="1000" />
<tr><th>Choice:</th><td><input type="text" name="choices-0-choice" /></td></tr>
<tr><th>Votes:</th><td><input type="number" name="choices-0-votes" /></td></tr>"""
# FormSet are treated similarly to Forms. FormSet has an is_valid()
# method, and a cleaned_data or errors attribute depending on whether
# all the forms passed validation. However, unlike a Form, cleaned_data
# and errors will be a list of dicts rather than a single dict.
formset = self.make_choiceformset([('Calexico', '100')])
self.assertEqual([form.cleaned_data for form in formset.forms], [{'votes': 100, 'choice': 'Calexico'}])
# If a FormSet wasn't passed any data, is_valid() and has_changed()
# return False.
formset = self.make_choiceformset()
def test_form_kwargs_formset(self):
Custom kwargs set on the formset instance are passed to the
underlying forms.
FormSet = formset_factory(CustomKwargForm, extra=2)
formset = FormSet(form_kwargs={'custom_kwarg': 1})
for form in formset:
self.assertTrue(hasattr(form, 'custom_kwarg'))
self.assertEqual(form.custom_kwarg, 1)
def test_form_kwargs_formset_dynamic(self):
"""Form kwargs can be passed dynamically in a formset."""
class DynamicBaseFormSet(BaseFormSet):
def get_form_kwargs(self, index):
return {'custom_kwarg': index}
DynamicFormSet = formset_factory(CustomKwargForm, formset=DynamicBaseFormSet, extra=2)
formset = DynamicFormSet(form_kwargs={'custom_kwarg': 'ignored'})
for i, form in enumerate(formset):
self.assertTrue(hasattr(form, 'custom_kwarg'))
self.assertEqual(form.custom_kwarg, i)
def test_form_kwargs_empty_form(self):
FormSet = formset_factory(CustomKwargForm)
formset = FormSet(form_kwargs={'custom_kwarg': 1})
self.assertTrue(hasattr(formset.empty_form, 'custom_kwarg'))
self.assertEqual(formset.empty_form.custom_kwarg, 1)
def test_formset_validation(self):
# FormSet instances can also have an error attribute if validation failed for
# any of the forms.
formset = self.make_choiceformset([('Calexico', '')])
self.assertEqual(formset.errors, [{'votes': ['This field is required.']}])
def test_formset_validation_count(self):
A formset's ManagementForm is validated once per FormSet.is_valid()
call and each form of the formset is cleaned once.
def make_method_counter(func):
"""Add a counter to func for the number of times it's called."""
counter = Counter()
counter.call_count = 0
def mocked_func(*args, **kwargs):
counter.call_count += 1
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return mocked_func, counter
mocked_is_valid, is_valid_counter = make_method_counter(formsets.ManagementForm.is_valid)
mocked_full_clean, full_clean_counter = make_method_counter(BaseForm.full_clean)
formset = self.make_choiceformset([('Calexico', '100'), ('Any1', '42'), ('Any2', '101')])
with mock.patch('django.forms.formsets.ManagementForm.is_valid', mocked_is_valid), \
mock.patch('django.forms.forms.BaseForm.full_clean', mocked_full_clean):
self.assertEqual(is_valid_counter.call_count, 1)
self.assertEqual(full_clean_counter.call_count, 4)
def test_formset_has_changed(self):
FormSet.has_changed() is True if any data is passed to its forms, even
if the formset didn't validate.
blank_formset = self.make_choiceformset([('', '')])
# invalid formset
invalid_formset = self.make_choiceformset([('Calexico', '')])
# valid formset
valid_formset = self.make_choiceformset([('Calexico', '100')])
def test_formset_initial_data(self):
A FormSet can be prefilled with existing data by providing a list of
dicts to the `initial` argument. By default, an extra blank form is
initial = [{'choice': 'Calexico', 'votes': 100}]
formset = self.make_choiceformset(initial=initial)
form_output = []
for form in formset.forms:
"""<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-0-choice" value="Calexico" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-0-votes" value="100" /></li>
<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-1-choice" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-1-votes" /></li>"""
def test_blank_form_unfilled(self):
"""A form that's displayed as blank may be submitted as blank."""
formset = self.make_choiceformset([('Calexico', '100'), ('', '')], initial_forms=1)
self.assertEqual([form.cleaned_data for form in formset.forms], [{'votes': 100, 'choice': 'Calexico'}, {}])
def test_second_form_partially_filled(self):
If at least one field is filled out on a blank form, it will be
formset = self.make_choiceformset([('Calexico', '100'), ('The Decemberists', '')], initial_forms=1)
self.assertEqual(formset.errors, [{}, {'votes': ['This field is required.']}])
def test_delete_prefilled_data(self):
Deleting prefilled data is an error. Removing data from form fields
isn't the proper way to delete it.
formset = self.make_choiceformset([('', ''), ('', '')], initial_forms=1)
[{'votes': ['This field is required.'], 'choice': ['This field is required.']}, {}]
def test_displaying_more_than_one_blank_form(self):
More than 1 empty form can be displayed using formset_factory's
`extra` argument.
ChoiceFormSet = formset_factory(Choice, extra=3)
formset = ChoiceFormSet(auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
form_output = []
for form in formset.forms:
"""<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-0-choice" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-0-votes" /></li>
<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-1-choice" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-1-votes" /></li>
<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-2-choice" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-2-votes" /></li>"""
# Since every form was displayed as blank, they are also accepted as
# blank. This may seem a little strange, but min_num is used to require
# a minimum number of forms to be completed.
data = {
'choices-TOTAL_FORMS': '3', # the number of forms rendered
'choices-INITIAL_FORMS': '0', # the number of forms with initial data
'choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0', # min number of forms
'choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '0', # max number of forms
'choices-0-choice': '',
'choices-0-votes': '',
'choices-1-choice': '',
'choices-1-votes': '',
'choices-2-choice': '',
'choices-2-votes': '',
formset = ChoiceFormSet(data, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
self.assertEqual([form.cleaned_data for form in formset.forms], [{}, {}, {}])
def test_min_num_displaying_more_than_one_blank_form(self):
More than 1 empty form can also be displayed using formset_factory's
min_num argument. It will (essentially) increment the extra argument.
ChoiceFormSet = formset_factory(Choice, extra=1, min_num=1)
formset = ChoiceFormSet(auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
form_output = []
for form in formset.forms:
# Min_num forms are required; extra forms can be empty.
"""<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-0-choice" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-0-votes" /></li>
<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-1-choice" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-1-votes" /></li>"""
def test_min_num_displaying_more_than_one_blank_form_with_zero_extra(self):
"""More than 1 empty form can be displayed using min_num."""
ChoiceFormSet = formset_factory(Choice, extra=0, min_num=3)
formset = ChoiceFormSet(auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
form_output = []
for form in formset.forms:
"""<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-0-choice" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-0-votes" /></li>
<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-1-choice" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-1-votes" /></li>
<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-2-choice" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-2-votes" /></li>"""
def test_single_form_completed(self):
"""Just one form may be completed."""
data = {
'choices-TOTAL_FORMS': '3', # the number of forms rendered
'choices-INITIAL_FORMS': '0', # the number of forms with initial data
'choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0', # min number of forms
'choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '0', # max number of forms
'choices-0-choice': 'Calexico',
'choices-0-votes': '100',
'choices-1-choice': '',
'choices-1-votes': '',
'choices-2-choice': '',
'choices-2-votes': '',
ChoiceFormSet = formset_factory(Choice, extra=3)
formset = ChoiceFormSet(data, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
self.assertEqual([form.cleaned_data for form in formset.forms], [{'votes': 100, 'choice': 'Calexico'}, {}, {}])
def test_formset_validate_max_flag(self):
If validate_max is set and max_num is less than TOTAL_FORMS in the
data, a ValidationError is raised. MAX_NUM_FORMS in the data is
irrelevant here (it's output as a hint for the client but its value
in the returned data is not checked).
data = {
'choices-TOTAL_FORMS': '2', # the number of forms rendered
'choices-INITIAL_FORMS': '0', # the number of forms with initial data
'choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0', # min number of forms
'choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '2', # max number of forms - should be ignored
'choices-0-choice': 'Zero',
'choices-0-votes': '0',
'choices-1-choice': 'One',
'choices-1-votes': '1',
ChoiceFormSet = formset_factory(Choice, extra=1, max_num=1, validate_max=True)
formset = ChoiceFormSet(data, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
self.assertEqual(formset.non_form_errors(), ['Please submit 1 or fewer forms.'])
def test_formset_validate_min_flag(self):
If validate_min is set and min_num is more than TOTAL_FORMS in the
data, a ValidationError is raised. MIN_NUM_FORMS in the data is
irrelevant here (it's output as a hint for the client but its value
in the returned data is not checked).
data = {
'choices-TOTAL_FORMS': '2', # the number of forms rendered
'choices-INITIAL_FORMS': '0', # the number of forms with initial data
'choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0', # min number of forms
'choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '0', # max number of forms - should be ignored
'choices-0-choice': 'Zero',
'choices-0-votes': '0',
'choices-1-choice': 'One',
'choices-1-votes': '1',
ChoiceFormSet = formset_factory(Choice, extra=1, min_num=3, validate_min=True)
formset = ChoiceFormSet(data, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
self.assertEqual(formset.non_form_errors(), ['Please submit 3 or more forms.'])
def test_formset_validate_min_unchanged_forms(self):
min_num validation doesn't consider unchanged forms with initial data
as "empty".
initial = [
{'choice': 'Zero', 'votes': 0},
{'choice': 'One', 'votes': 0},
data = {
'choices-TOTAL_FORMS': '2',
'choices-INITIAL_FORMS': '2',
'choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0',
'choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '2',
'choices-0-choice': 'Zero',
'choices-0-votes': '0',
'choices-1-choice': 'One',
'choices-1-votes': '1', # changed from initial
ChoiceFormSet = formset_factory(Choice, min_num=2, validate_min=True)
formset = ChoiceFormSet(data, auto_id=False, prefix='choices', initial=initial)
def test_formset_validate_min_excludes_empty_forms(self):
data = {
'choices-TOTAL_FORMS': '2',
'choices-INITIAL_FORMS': '0',
ChoiceFormSet = formset_factory(Choice, extra=2, min_num=1, validate_min=True, can_delete=True)
formset = ChoiceFormSet(data, prefix='choices')
self.assertEqual(formset.non_form_errors(), ['Please submit 1 or more forms.'])
def test_second_form_partially_filled_2(self):
"""A partially completed form is invalid."""
data = {
'choices-TOTAL_FORMS': '3', # the number of forms rendered
'choices-INITIAL_FORMS': '0', # the number of forms with initial data
'choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0', # min number of forms
'choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '0', # max number of forms
'choices-0-choice': 'Calexico',
'choices-0-votes': '100',
'choices-1-choice': 'The Decemberists',
'choices-1-votes': '', # missing value
'choices-2-choice': '',
'choices-2-votes': '',
ChoiceFormSet = formset_factory(Choice, extra=3)
formset = ChoiceFormSet(data, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
self.assertEqual(formset.errors, [{}, {'votes': ['This field is required.']}, {}])
def test_more_initial_data(self):
The extra argument works when the formset is pre-filled with initial
initial = [{'choice': 'Calexico', 'votes': 100}]
ChoiceFormSet = formset_factory(Choice, extra=3)
formset = ChoiceFormSet(initial=initial, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
form_output = []
for form in formset.forms:
"""<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-0-choice" value="Calexico" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-0-votes" value="100" /></li>
<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-1-choice" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-1-votes" /></li>
<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-2-choice" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-2-votes" /></li>
<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-3-choice" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-3-votes" /></li>"""
# Retrieving an empty form works. Tt shows up in the form list.
"""<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-__prefix__-choice" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-__prefix__-votes" /></li>"""
def test_formset_with_deletion(self):
formset_factory's can_delete argument adds a boolean "delete" field to
each form. When that boolean field is True, the form will be in
ChoiceFormSet = formset_factory(Choice, can_delete=True)
initial = [{'choice': 'Calexico', 'votes': 100}, {'choice': 'Fergie', 'votes': 900}]
formset = ChoiceFormSet(initial=initial, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
form_output = []
for form in formset.forms:
"""<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-0-choice" value="Calexico" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-0-votes" value="100" /></li>
<li>Delete: <input type="checkbox" name="choices-0-DELETE" /></li>
<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-1-choice" value="Fergie" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-1-votes" value="900" /></li>
<li>Delete: <input type="checkbox" name="choices-1-DELETE" /></li>
<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-2-choice" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-2-votes" /></li>
<li>Delete: <input type="checkbox" name="choices-2-DELETE" /></li>"""
# To delete something, set that form's special delete field to 'on'.
# Let's go ahead and delete Fergie.
data = {
'choices-TOTAL_FORMS': '3', # the number of forms rendered
'choices-INITIAL_FORMS': '2', # the number of forms with initial data
'choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0', # min number of forms
'choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '0', # max number of forms
'choices-0-choice': 'Calexico',
'choices-0-votes': '100',
'choices-0-DELETE': '',
'choices-1-choice': 'Fergie',
'choices-1-votes': '900',
'choices-1-DELETE': 'on',
'choices-2-choice': '',
'choices-2-votes': '',
'choices-2-DELETE': '',
formset = ChoiceFormSet(data, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
[form.cleaned_data for form in formset.forms],
{'votes': 100, 'DELETE': False, 'choice': 'Calexico'},
{'votes': 900, 'DELETE': True, 'choice': 'Fergie'},
[form.cleaned_data for form in formset.deleted_forms],
[{'votes': 900, 'DELETE': True, 'choice': 'Fergie'}]
def test_formset_with_deletion_remove_deletion_flag(self):
If a form is filled with something and can_delete is also checked, that
form's errors shouldn't make the entire formset invalid since it's
going to be deleted.
class CheckForm(Form):
field = IntegerField(min_value=100)
data = {
'check-TOTAL_FORMS': '3', # the number of forms rendered
'check-INITIAL_FORMS': '2', # the number of forms with initial data
'choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0', # min number of forms
'check-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '0', # max number of forms
'check-0-field': '200',
'check-0-DELETE': '',
'check-1-field': '50',
'check-1-DELETE': 'on',
'check-2-field': '',
'check-2-DELETE': '',
CheckFormSet = formset_factory(CheckForm, can_delete=True)
formset = CheckFormSet(data, prefix='check')
# If the deletion flag is removed, validation is enabled.
data['check-1-DELETE'] = ''
formset = CheckFormSet(data, prefix='check')
def test_formset_with_deletion_invalid_deleted_form(self):
deleted_forms works on a valid formset even if a deleted form would
have been invalid.
class Person(Form):
name = CharField()
PeopleForm = formset_factory(form=Person, can_delete=True)
p = PeopleForm({
'form-0-name': '',
'form-0-DELETE': 'on', # no name!
'form-TOTAL_FORMS': 1,
'form-INITIAL_FORMS': 1,
'form-MIN_NUM_FORMS': 0,
'form-MAX_NUM_FORMS': 1},
self.assertEqual(p._errors, [])
self.assertEqual(len(p.deleted_forms), 1)
def test_formsets_with_ordering(self):
formset_factory's can_order argument adds an integer field to each
form. When form validation succeeds, [form.cleaned_data for form in formset.forms]
will have the data in the correct order specified by the ordering
fields. If a number is duplicated in the set of ordering fields, for
instance form 0 and form 3 are both marked as 1, then the form index
used as a secondary ordering criteria. In order to put something at the
front of the list, you'd need to set its order to 0.
ChoiceFormSet = formset_factory(Choice, can_order=True)
initial = [{'choice': 'Calexico', 'votes': 100}, {'choice': 'Fergie', 'votes': 900}]
formset = ChoiceFormSet(initial=initial, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
form_output = []
for form in formset.forms:
"""<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-0-choice" value="Calexico" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-0-votes" value="100" /></li>
<li>Order: <input type="number" name="choices-0-ORDER" value="1" /></li>
<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-1-choice" value="Fergie" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-1-votes" value="900" /></li>
<li>Order: <input type="number" name="choices-1-ORDER" value="2" /></li>
<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-2-choice" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-2-votes" /></li>
<li>Order: <input type="number" name="choices-2-ORDER" /></li>"""
data = {
'choices-TOTAL_FORMS': '3', # the number of forms rendered
'choices-INITIAL_FORMS': '2', # the number of forms with initial data
'choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0', # min number of forms
'choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '0', # max number of forms
'choices-0-choice': 'Calexico',
'choices-0-votes': '100',
'choices-0-ORDER': '1',
'choices-1-choice': 'Fergie',
'choices-1-votes': '900',
'choices-1-ORDER': '2',
'choices-2-choice': 'The Decemberists',
'choices-2-votes': '500',
'choices-2-ORDER': '0',
formset = ChoiceFormSet(data, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
form_output = []
for form in formset.ordered_forms:
self.assertEqual(form_output, [
{'votes': 500, 'ORDER': 0, 'choice': 'The Decemberists'},
{'votes': 100, 'ORDER': 1, 'choice': 'Calexico'},
{'votes': 900, 'ORDER': 2, 'choice': 'Fergie'},
def test_empty_ordered_fields(self):
Ordering fields are allowed to be left blank. If they are left blank,
they'll be sorted below everything else.
data = {
'choices-TOTAL_FORMS': '4', # the number of forms rendered
'choices-INITIAL_FORMS': '3', # the number of forms with initial data
'choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0', # min number of forms
'choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '0', # max number of forms
'choices-0-choice': 'Calexico',
'choices-0-votes': '100',
'choices-0-ORDER': '1',
'choices-1-choice': 'Fergie',
'choices-1-votes': '900',
'choices-1-ORDER': '2',
'choices-2-choice': 'The Decemberists',
'choices-2-votes': '500',
'choices-2-ORDER': '',
'choices-3-choice': 'Basia Bulat',
'choices-3-votes': '50',
'choices-3-ORDER': '',
ChoiceFormSet = formset_factory(Choice, can_order=True)
formset = ChoiceFormSet(data, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
form_output = []
for form in formset.ordered_forms:
self.assertEqual(form_output, [
{'votes': 100, 'ORDER': 1, 'choice': 'Calexico'},
{'votes': 900, 'ORDER': 2, 'choice': 'Fergie'},
{'votes': 500, 'ORDER': None, 'choice': 'The Decemberists'},
{'votes': 50, 'ORDER': None, 'choice': 'Basia Bulat'},
def test_ordering_blank_fieldsets(self):
"""Ordering works with blank fieldsets."""
data = {
'choices-TOTAL_FORMS': '3', # the number of forms rendered
'choices-INITIAL_FORMS': '0', # the number of forms with initial data
'choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0', # min number of forms
'choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '0', # max number of forms
ChoiceFormSet = formset_factory(Choice, can_order=True)
formset = ChoiceFormSet(data, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
form_output = []
for form in formset.ordered_forms:
self.assertEqual(form_output, [])
def test_formset_with_ordering_and_deletion(self):
"""FormSets with ordering + deletion."""
ChoiceFormSet = formset_factory(Choice, can_order=True, can_delete=True)
initial = [
{'choice': 'Calexico', 'votes': 100},
{'choice': 'Fergie', 'votes': 900},
{'choice': 'The Decemberists', 'votes': 500},
formset = ChoiceFormSet(initial=initial, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
form_output = []
for form in formset.forms:
"""<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-0-choice" value="Calexico" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-0-votes" value="100" /></li>
<li>Order: <input type="number" name="choices-0-ORDER" value="1" /></li>
<li>Delete: <input type="checkbox" name="choices-0-DELETE" /></li>
<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-1-choice" value="Fergie" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-1-votes" value="900" /></li>
<li>Order: <input type="number" name="choices-1-ORDER" value="2" /></li>
<li>Delete: <input type="checkbox" name="choices-1-DELETE" /></li>
<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-2-choice" value="The Decemberists" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-2-votes" value="500" /></li>
<li>Order: <input type="number" name="choices-2-ORDER" value="3" /></li>
<li>Delete: <input type="checkbox" name="choices-2-DELETE" /></li>
<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-3-choice" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-3-votes" /></li>
<li>Order: <input type="number" name="choices-3-ORDER" /></li>
<li>Delete: <input type="checkbox" name="choices-3-DELETE" /></li>"""
# Let's delete Fergie, and put The Decemberists ahead of Calexico.
data = {
'choices-TOTAL_FORMS': '4', # the number of forms rendered
'choices-INITIAL_FORMS': '3', # the number of forms with initial data
'choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0', # min number of forms
'choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '0', # max number of forms
'choices-0-choice': 'Calexico',
'choices-0-votes': '100',
'choices-0-ORDER': '1',
'choices-0-DELETE': '',
'choices-1-choice': 'Fergie',
'choices-1-votes': '900',
'choices-1-ORDER': '2',
'choices-1-DELETE': 'on',
'choices-2-choice': 'The Decemberists',
'choices-2-votes': '500',
'choices-2-ORDER': '0',
'choices-2-DELETE': '',
'choices-3-choice': '',
'choices-3-votes': '',
'choices-3-ORDER': '',
'choices-3-DELETE': '',
formset = ChoiceFormSet(data, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
form_output = []
for form in formset.ordered_forms:
self.assertEqual(form_output, [
{'votes': 500, 'DELETE': False, 'ORDER': 0, 'choice': 'The Decemberists'},
{'votes': 100, 'DELETE': False, 'ORDER': 1, 'choice': 'Calexico'},
[form.cleaned_data for form in formset.deleted_forms],
[{'votes': 900, 'DELETE': True, 'ORDER': 2, 'choice': 'Fergie'}]
def test_invalid_deleted_form_with_ordering(self):
Can get ordered_forms from a valid formset even if a deleted form
would have been invalid.
class Person(Form):
name = CharField()
PeopleForm = formset_factory(form=Person, can_delete=True, can_order=True)
p = PeopleForm({
'form-0-name': '',
'form-0-DELETE': 'on', # no name!
'form-TOTAL_FORMS': 1,
'form-INITIAL_FORMS': 1,
'form-MIN_NUM_FORMS': 0,
'form-MAX_NUM_FORMS': 1
self.assertEqual(p.ordered_forms, [])
def test_clean_hook(self):
FormSets have a clean() hook for doing extra validation that isn't tied
to any form. It follows the same pattern as the clean() hook on Forms.
# Start out with a some duplicate data.
data = {
'drinks-TOTAL_FORMS': '2', # the number of forms rendered
'drinks-INITIAL_FORMS': '0', # the number of forms with initial data
'drinks-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0', # min number of forms
'drinks-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '0', # max number of forms
'drinks-0-name': 'Gin and Tonic',
'drinks-1-name': 'Gin and Tonic',
formset = FavoriteDrinksFormSet(data, prefix='drinks')
# Any errors raised by formset.clean() are available via the
# formset.non_form_errors() method.
for error in formset.non_form_errors():
self.assertEqual(str(error), 'You may only specify a drink once.')
# The valid case still works.
data = {
'drinks-TOTAL_FORMS': '2', # the number of forms rendered
'drinks-INITIAL_FORMS': '0', # the number of forms with initial data
'drinks-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0', # min number of forms
'drinks-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '0', # max number of forms
'drinks-0-name': 'Gin and Tonic',
'drinks-1-name': 'Bloody Mary',
formset = FavoriteDrinksFormSet(data, prefix='drinks')
self.assertEqual(formset.non_form_errors(), [])
def test_limiting_max_forms(self):
"""Limiting the maximum number of forms with max_num."""
# When not passed, max_num will take a high default value, leaving the
# number of forms only controlled by the value of the extra parameter.
LimitedFavoriteDrinkFormSet = formset_factory(FavoriteDrinkForm, extra=3)
formset = LimitedFavoriteDrinkFormSet()
form_output = []
for form in formset.forms:
"""<tr><th><label for="id_form-0-name">Name:</label></th>
<td><input type="text" name="form-0-name" id="id_form-0-name" /></td></tr>
<tr><th><label for="id_form-1-name">Name:</label></th>
<td><input type="text" name="form-1-name" id="id_form-1-name" /></td></tr>
<tr><th><label for="id_form-2-name">Name:</label></th>
<td><input type="text" name="form-2-name" id="id_form-2-name" /></td></tr>"""
# If max_num is 0 then no form is rendered at all.
LimitedFavoriteDrinkFormSet = formset_factory(FavoriteDrinkForm, extra=3, max_num=0)
formset = LimitedFavoriteDrinkFormSet()
form_output = []
for form in formset.forms:
self.assertEqual('\n'.join(form_output), "")
def test_limited_max_forms_two(self):
LimitedFavoriteDrinkFormSet = formset_factory(FavoriteDrinkForm, extra=5, max_num=2)
formset = LimitedFavoriteDrinkFormSet()
form_output = []
for form in formset.forms:
"""<tr><th><label for="id_form-0-name">Name:</label></th><td>
<input type="text" name="form-0-name" id="id_form-0-name" /></td></tr>
<tr><th><label for="id_form-1-name">Name:</label></th>
<td><input type="text" name="form-1-name" id="id_form-1-name" /></td></tr>"""
def test_limiting_extra_lest_than_max_num(self):
"""max_num has no effect when extra is less than max_num."""
LimitedFavoriteDrinkFormSet = formset_factory(FavoriteDrinkForm, extra=1, max_num=2)
formset = LimitedFavoriteDrinkFormSet()
form_output = []
for form in formset.forms:
"""<tr><th><label for="id_form-0-name">Name:</label></th>
<td><input type="text" name="form-0-name" id="id_form-0-name" /></td></tr>"""
def test_max_num_with_initial_data(self):
"""max_num with initial data."""
# When not passed, max_num will take a high default value, leaving the
# number of forms only controlled by the value of the initial and extra
# parameters.
initial = [
{'name': 'Fernet and Coke'},
LimitedFavoriteDrinkFormSet = formset_factory(FavoriteDrinkForm, extra=1)
formset = LimitedFavoriteDrinkFormSet(initial=initial)
form_output = []
for form in formset.forms:
"""<tr><th><label for="id_form-0-name">Name:</label></th>
<td><input type="text" name="form-0-name" value="Fernet and Coke" id="id_form-0-name" /></td></tr>
<tr><th><label for="id_form-1-name">Name:</label></th>
<td><input type="text" name="form-1-name" id="id_form-1-name" /></td></tr>"""
def test_max_num_zero(self):
If max_num is 0 then no form is rendered at all, regardless of extra,
unless initial data is present.
LimitedFavoriteDrinkFormSet = formset_factory(FavoriteDrinkForm, extra=1, max_num=0)
formset = LimitedFavoriteDrinkFormSet()
form_output = []
for form in formset.forms:
self.assertEqual('\n'.join(form_output), "")
def test_max_num_zero_with_initial(self):
# initial trumps max_num
initial = [
{'name': 'Fernet and Coke'},
{'name': 'Bloody Mary'},
LimitedFavoriteDrinkFormSet = formset_factory(FavoriteDrinkForm, extra=1, max_num=0)
formset = LimitedFavoriteDrinkFormSet(initial=initial)
form_output = []
for form in formset.forms:
"""<tr><th><label for="id_form-0-name">Name:</label></th>
<td><input id="id_form-0-name" name="form-0-name" type="text" value="Fernet and Coke" /></td></tr>
<tr><th><label for="id_form-1-name">Name:</label></th>
<td><input id="id_form-1-name" name="form-1-name" type="text" value="Bloody Mary" /></td></tr>"""
def test_more_initial_than_max_num(self):
More initial forms than max_num results in all initial forms being
displayed (but no extra forms).
initial = [
{'name': 'Gin Tonic'},
{'name': 'Bloody Mary'},
{'name': 'Jack and Coke'},
LimitedFavoriteDrinkFormSet = formset_factory(FavoriteDrinkForm, extra=1, max_num=2)
formset = LimitedFavoriteDrinkFormSet(initial=initial)
form_output = []
for form in formset.forms:
"""<tr><th><label for="id_form-0-name">Name:</label></th>
<td><input id="id_form-0-name" name="form-0-name" type="text" value="Gin Tonic" /></td></tr>
<tr><th><label for="id_form-1-name">Name:</label></th>
<td><input id="id_form-1-name" name="form-1-name" type="text" value="Bloody Mary" /></td></tr>
<tr><th><label for="id_form-2-name">Name:</label></th>
<td><input id="id_form-2-name" name="form-2-name" type="text" value="Jack and Coke" /></td></tr>"""
def test_more_initial_form_result_in_one(self):
One form from initial and extra=3 with max_num=2 results in the one
initial form and one extra.
initial = [
{'name': 'Gin Tonic'},
LimitedFavoriteDrinkFormSet = formset_factory(FavoriteDrinkForm, extra=3, max_num=2)
formset = LimitedFavoriteDrinkFormSet(initial=initial)
form_output = []
for form in formset.forms:
"""<tr><th><label for="id_form-0-name">Name:</label></th>
<td><input type="text" name="form-0-name" value="Gin Tonic" id="id_form-0-name" /></td></tr>
<tr><th><label for="id_form-1-name">Name:</label></th>
<td><input type="text" name="form-1-name" id="id_form-1-name" /></td></tr>"""
def test_management_form_prefix(self):
"""The management form has the correct prefix."""
formset = FavoriteDrinksFormSet()
self.assertEqual(formset.management_form.prefix, 'form')
data = {
'form-TOTAL_FORMS': '2',
'form-INITIAL_FORMS': '0',
'form-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0',
'form-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '0',
formset = FavoriteDrinksFormSet(data=data)
self.assertEqual(formset.management_form.prefix, 'form')
formset = FavoriteDrinksFormSet(initial={})
self.assertEqual(formset.management_form.prefix, 'form')
def test_non_form_errors(self):
data = {
'drinks-TOTAL_FORMS': '2', # the number of forms rendered
'drinks-INITIAL_FORMS': '0', # the number of forms with initial data
'drinks-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0', # min number of forms
'drinks-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '0', # max number of forms
'drinks-0-name': 'Gin and Tonic',
'drinks-1-name': 'Gin and Tonic',
formset = FavoriteDrinksFormSet(data, prefix='drinks')
self.assertEqual(formset.non_form_errors(), ['You may only specify a drink once.'])
def test_formset_iteration(self):
"""Formset instances are iterable."""
ChoiceFormset = formset_factory(Choice, extra=3)
formset = ChoiceFormset()
# An iterated formset yields formset.forms.
forms = list(formset)
self.assertEqual(forms, formset.forms)
self.assertEqual(len(formset), len(forms))
# A formset may be indexed to retrieve its forms.
self.assertEqual(formset[0], forms[0])
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
# Formsets can override the default iteration order
class BaseReverseFormSet(BaseFormSet):
def __iter__(self):
return reversed(self.forms)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return super().__getitem__(len(self) - idx - 1)
ReverseChoiceFormset = formset_factory(Choice, BaseReverseFormSet, extra=3)
reverse_formset = ReverseChoiceFormset()
# __iter__() modifies the rendering order.
# Compare forms from "reverse" formset with forms from original formset
self.assertEqual(str(reverse_formset[0]), str(forms[-1]))
self.assertEqual(str(reverse_formset[1]), str(forms[-2]))
self.assertEqual(len(reverse_formset), len(forms))
def test_formset_nonzero(self):
"""A formsets without any forms evaluates as True."""
ChoiceFormset = formset_factory(Choice, extra=0)
formset = ChoiceFormset()
self.assertEqual(len(formset.forms), 0)
def test_formset_splitdatetimefield(self):
Formset works with SplitDateTimeField(
class SplitDateTimeForm(Form):
when = SplitDateTimeField(
SplitDateTimeFormSet = formset_factory(SplitDateTimeForm)
data = {
'form-TOTAL_FORMS': '1',
'form-INITIAL_FORMS': '0',
'form-0-when_0': '1904-06-16',
'form-0-when_1': '15:51:33',
formset = SplitDateTimeFormSet(data)
def test_formset_error_class(self):
"""Formset's forms use the formset's error_class."""
class CustomErrorList(ErrorList):
formset = FavoriteDrinksFormSet(error_class=CustomErrorList)
self.assertEqual(formset.forms[0].error_class, CustomErrorList)
def test_formset_calls_forms_is_valid(self):
"""Formsets call is_valid() on each form."""
class AnotherChoice(Choice):
def is_valid(self):
self.is_valid_called = True
return super().is_valid()
AnotherChoiceFormSet = formset_factory(AnotherChoice)
data = {
'choices-TOTAL_FORMS': '1', # number of forms rendered
'choices-INITIAL_FORMS': '0', # number of forms with initial data
'choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0', # min number of forms
'choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '0', # max number of forms
'choices-0-choice': 'Calexico',
'choices-0-votes': '100',
formset = AnotherChoiceFormSet(data, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
self.assertTrue(all(form.is_valid_called for form in formset.forms))
def test_hard_limit_on_instantiated_forms(self):
"""A formset has a hard limit on the number of forms instantiated."""
# reduce the default limit of 1000 temporarily for testing
formsets.DEFAULT_MAX_NUM = 2
ChoiceFormSet = formset_factory(Choice, max_num=1)
# someone fiddles with the mgmt form data...
formset = ChoiceFormSet(
'choices-TOTAL_FORMS': '4',
'choices-INITIAL_FORMS': '0',
'choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0', # min number of forms
'choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '4',
'choices-0-choice': 'Zero',
'choices-0-votes': '0',
'choices-1-choice': 'One',
'choices-1-votes': '1',
'choices-2-choice': 'Two',
'choices-2-votes': '2',
'choices-3-choice': 'Three',
'choices-3-votes': '3',
# But we still only instantiate 3 forms
self.assertEqual(len(formset.forms), 3)
# and the formset isn't valid
def test_increase_hard_limit(self):
"""Can increase the built-in forms limit via a higher max_num."""
# reduce the default limit of 1000 temporarily for testing
formsets.DEFAULT_MAX_NUM = 3
# for this form, we want a limit of 4
ChoiceFormSet = formset_factory(Choice, max_num=4)
formset = ChoiceFormSet(
'choices-TOTAL_FORMS': '4',
'choices-INITIAL_FORMS': '0',
'choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0', # min number of forms
'choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '4',
'choices-0-choice': 'Zero',
'choices-0-votes': '0',
'choices-1-choice': 'One',
'choices-1-votes': '1',
'choices-2-choice': 'Two',
'choices-2-votes': '2',
'choices-3-choice': 'Three',
'choices-3-votes': '3',
# Four forms are instantiated and no exception is raised
self.assertEqual(len(formset.forms), 4)
def test_non_form_errors_run_full_clean(self):
If non_form_errors() is called without calling is_valid() first,
it should ensure that full_clean() is called.
class BaseCustomFormSet(BaseFormSet):
def clean(self):
raise ValidationError("This is a non-form error")
ChoiceFormSet = formset_factory(Choice, formset=BaseCustomFormSet)
formset = ChoiceFormSet(data, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
self.assertIsInstance(formset.non_form_errors(), ErrorList)
self.assertEqual(list(formset.non_form_errors()), ['This is a non-form error'])
def test_validate_max_ignores_forms_marked_for_deletion(self):
class CheckForm(Form):
field = IntegerField()
data = {
'check-TOTAL_FORMS': '2',
'check-INITIAL_FORMS': '0',
'check-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '1',
'check-0-field': '200',
'check-0-DELETE': '',
'check-1-field': '50',
'check-1-DELETE': 'on',
CheckFormSet = formset_factory(CheckForm, max_num=1, validate_max=True, can_delete=True)
formset = CheckFormSet(data, prefix='check')
def test_formset_total_error_count(self):
"""A valid formset should have 0 total errors."""
data = [ # formset_data, expected error count
([('Calexico', '100')], 0),
([('Calexico', '')], 1),
([('', 'invalid')], 2),
([('Calexico', '100'), ('Calexico', '')], 1),
([('Calexico', ''), ('Calexico', '')], 2),
for formset_data, expected_error_count in data:
formset = self.make_choiceformset(formset_data)
self.assertEqual(formset.total_error_count(), expected_error_count)
def test_formset_total_error_count_with_non_form_errors(self):
data = {
'choices-TOTAL_FORMS': '2', # the number of forms rendered
'choices-INITIAL_FORMS': '0', # the number of forms with initial data
'choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '2', # max number of forms - should be ignored
'choices-0-choice': 'Zero',
'choices-0-votes': '0',
'choices-1-choice': 'One',
'choices-1-votes': '1',
ChoiceFormSet = formset_factory(Choice, extra=1, max_num=1, validate_max=True)
formset = ChoiceFormSet(data, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
self.assertEqual(formset.total_error_count(), 1)
data['choices-1-votes'] = ''
formset = ChoiceFormSet(data, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
self.assertEqual(formset.total_error_count(), 2)
def test_html_safe(self):
formset = self.make_choiceformset()
self.assertTrue(hasattr(formset, '__html__'))
self.assertEqual(str(formset), formset.__html__())
data = {
'choices-TOTAL_FORMS': '1', # the number of forms rendered
'choices-INITIAL_FORMS': '0', # the number of forms with initial data
'choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0', # min number of forms
'choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '0', # max number of forms
'choices-0-choice': 'Calexico',
'choices-0-votes': '100',
class FormsetAsFooTests(SimpleTestCase):
def test_as_table(self):
formset = ChoiceFormSet(data, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
"""<input type="hidden" name="choices-TOTAL_FORMS" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="choices-INITIAL_FORMS" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS" value="0" />
<tr><th>Choice:</th><td><input type="text" name="choices-0-choice" value="Calexico" /></td></tr>
<tr><th>Votes:</th><td><input type="number" name="choices-0-votes" value="100" /></td></tr>"""
def test_as_p(self):
formset = ChoiceFormSet(data, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
"""<input type="hidden" name="choices-TOTAL_FORMS" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="choices-INITIAL_FORMS" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS" value="0" />
<p>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-0-choice" value="Calexico" /></p>
<p>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-0-votes" value="100" /></p>"""
def test_as_ul(self):
formset = ChoiceFormSet(data, auto_id=False, prefix='choices')
"""<input type="hidden" name="choices-TOTAL_FORMS" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="choices-INITIAL_FORMS" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="choices-MIN_NUM_FORMS" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="choices-MAX_NUM_FORMS" value="0" />
<li>Choice: <input type="text" name="choices-0-choice" value="Calexico" /></li>
<li>Votes: <input type="number" name="choices-0-votes" value="100" /></li>"""
class ArticleForm(Form):
title = CharField()
pub_date = DateField()
ArticleFormSet = formset_factory(ArticleForm)
class TestIsBoundBehavior(SimpleTestCase):
def test_no_data_raises_validation_error(self):
msg = 'ManagementForm data is missing or has been tampered with'
with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValidationError, msg):
def test_with_management_data_attrs_work_fine(self):
data = {
'form-TOTAL_FORMS': '1',
'form-INITIAL_FORMS': '0',
formset = ArticleFormSet(data)
self.assertEqual(0, formset.initial_form_count())
self.assertEqual(1, formset.total_form_count())
self.assertEqual([{}], formset.cleaned_data)
def test_form_errors_are_caught_by_formset(self):
data = {
'form-TOTAL_FORMS': '2',
'form-INITIAL_FORMS': '0',
'form-0-title': 'Test',
'form-0-pub_date': '1904-06-16',
'form-1-title': 'Test',
'form-1-pub_date': '', # <-- this date is missing but required
formset = ArticleFormSet(data)
self.assertEqual([{}, {'pub_date': ['This field is required.']}], formset.errors)
def test_empty_forms_are_unbound(self):
data = {
'form-TOTAL_FORMS': '1',
'form-INITIAL_FORMS': '0',
'form-0-title': 'Test',
'form-0-pub_date': '1904-06-16',
unbound_formset = ArticleFormSet()
bound_formset = ArticleFormSet(data)
empty_forms = [
# Empty forms should be unbound
# The empty forms should be equal.
self.assertHTMLEqual(empty_forms[0].as_p(), empty_forms[1].as_p())
class TestEmptyFormSet(SimpleTestCase):
def test_empty_formset_is_valid(self):
"""An empty formset still calls clean()"""
class EmptyFsetWontValidate(BaseFormSet):
def clean(self):
raise ValidationError('Clean method called')
EmptyFsetWontValidateFormset = formset_factory(FavoriteDrinkForm, extra=0, formset=EmptyFsetWontValidate)
formset = EmptyFsetWontValidateFormset(
data={'form-INITIAL_FORMS': '0', 'form-TOTAL_FORMS': '0'},
formset2 = EmptyFsetWontValidateFormset(
data={'form-INITIAL_FORMS': '0', 'form-TOTAL_FORMS': '1', 'form-0-name': 'bah'},
def test_empty_formset_media(self):
"""Media is available on empty formset."""
class MediaForm(Form):
class Media:
js = ('some-file.js',)
self.assertIn('some-file.js', str(formset_factory(MediaForm, extra=0)().media))
def test_empty_formset_is_multipart(self):
"""is_multipart() works with an empty formset."""
class FileForm(Form):
file = FileField()
self.assertTrue(formset_factory(FileForm, extra=0)().is_multipart())