187 lines
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187 lines
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Helper functions for creating Form classes from Django models
and database field objects.
from django.utils.translation import gettext
from util import ValidationError
from forms import BaseForm, DeclarativeFieldsMetaclass, SortedDictFromList
from fields import Field, ChoiceField
from widgets import Select, SelectMultiple, MultipleHiddenInput
__all__ = ('save_instance', 'form_for_model', 'form_for_instance', 'form_for_fields',
'ModelChoiceField', 'ModelMultipleChoiceField')
def model_save(self, commit=True):
Creates and returns model instance according to self.clean_data.
This method is created for any form_for_model Form.
if self.errors:
raise ValueError("The %s could not be created because the data didn't validate." % self._model._meta.object_name)
return save_instance(self, self._model(), commit)
def save_instance(form, instance, commit=True):
Saves bound Form ``form``'s clean_data into model instance ``instance``.
Assumes ``form`` has a field for every non-AutoField database field in
``instance``. If commit=True, then the changes to ``instance`` will be
saved to the database. Returns ``instance``.
from django.db import models
opts = instance.__class__._meta
if form.errors:
raise ValueError("The %s could not be changed because the data didn't validate." % opts.object_name)
clean_data = form.clean_data
for f in opts.fields:
if not f.editable or isinstance(f, models.AutoField):
setattr(instance, f.name, clean_data[f.name])
if commit:
for f in opts.many_to_many:
setattr(instance, f.attname, clean_data[f.name])
# GOTCHA: If many-to-many data is given and commit=False, the many-to-many
# data will be lost. This happens because a many-to-many options cannot be
# set on an object until after it's saved. Maybe we should raise an
# exception in that case.
return instance
def make_instance_save(instance):
"Returns the save() method for a form_for_instance Form."
def save(self, commit=True):
return save_instance(self, instance, commit)
return save
def form_for_model(model, form=BaseForm, formfield_callback=lambda f: f.formfield()):
Returns a Form class for the given Django model class.
Provide ``form`` if you want to use a custom BaseForm subclass.
Provide ``formfield_callback`` if you want to define different logic for
determining the formfield for a given database field. It's a callable that
takes a database Field instance and returns a form Field instance.
opts = model._meta
field_list = []
for f in opts.fields + opts.many_to_many:
if not f.editable:
formfield = formfield_callback(f)
if formfield:
field_list.append((f.name, formfield))
fields = SortedDictFromList(field_list)
return type(opts.object_name + 'Form', (form,), {'base_fields': fields, '_model': model, 'save': model_save})
def form_for_instance(instance, form=BaseForm, formfield_callback=lambda f, **kwargs: f.formfield(**kwargs)):
Returns a Form class for the given Django model instance.
Provide ``form`` if you want to use a custom BaseForm subclass.
Provide ``formfield_callback`` if you want to define different logic for
determining the formfield for a given database field. It's a callable that
takes a database Field instance, plus **kwargs, and returns a form Field
instance with the given kwargs (i.e. 'initial').
model = instance.__class__
opts = model._meta
field_list = []
for f in opts.fields + opts.many_to_many:
if not f.editable:
current_value = f.value_from_object(instance)
formfield = formfield_callback(f, initial=current_value)
if formfield:
field_list.append((f.name, formfield))
fields = SortedDictFromList(field_list)
return type(opts.object_name + 'InstanceForm', (form,),
{'base_fields': fields, '_model': model, 'save': make_instance_save(instance)})
def form_for_fields(field_list):
"Returns a Form class for the given list of Django database field instances."
fields = SortedDictFromList([(f.name, f.formfield()) for f in field_list if f.editable])
return type('FormForFields', (BaseForm,), {'base_fields': fields})
class QuerySetIterator(object):
def __init__(self, queryset, empty_label, cache_choices):
self.queryset, self.empty_label, self.cache_choices = queryset, empty_label, cache_choices
def __iter__(self):
if self.empty_label is not None:
yield (u"", self.empty_label)
for obj in self.queryset:
yield (obj._get_pk_val(), str(obj))
# Clear the QuerySet cache if required.
if not self.cache_choices:
self.queryset._result_cache = None
class ModelChoiceField(ChoiceField):
"A ChoiceField whose choices are a model QuerySet."
# This class is a subclass of ChoiceField for purity, but it doesn't
# actually use any of ChoiceField's implementation.
def __init__(self, queryset, empty_label=u"---------", cache_choices=False,
required=True, widget=Select, label=None, initial=None, help_text=None):
self.queryset = queryset
self.empty_label = empty_label
self.cache_choices = cache_choices
# Call Field instead of ChoiceField __init__() because we don't need
# ChoiceField.__init__().
Field.__init__(self, required, widget, label, initial, help_text)
self.widget.choices = self.choices
def _get_choices(self):
# If self._choices is set, then somebody must have manually set
# the property self.choices. In this case, just return self._choices.
if hasattr(self, '_choices'):
return self._choices
# Otherwise, execute the QuerySet in self.queryset to determine the
# choices dynamically.
return QuerySetIterator(self.queryset, self.empty_label, self.cache_choices)
def _set_choices(self, value):
# This method is copied from ChoiceField._set_choices(). It's necessary
# because property() doesn't allow a subclass to overwrite only
# _get_choices without implementing _set_choices.
self._choices = self.widget.choices = list(value)
choices = property(_get_choices, _set_choices)
def clean(self, value):
Field.clean(self, value)
if value in ('', None):
return None
value = self.queryset.model._default_manager.get(pk=value)
except self.queryset.model.DoesNotExist:
raise ValidationError(gettext(u'Select a valid choice. That choice is not one of the available choices.'))
return value
class ModelMultipleChoiceField(ModelChoiceField):
"A MultipleChoiceField whose choices are a model QuerySet."
hidden_widget = MultipleHiddenInput
def __init__(self, queryset, cache_choices=False, required=True,
widget=SelectMultiple, label=None, initial=None, help_text=None):
super(ModelMultipleChoiceField, self).__init__(queryset, None, cache_choices,
required, widget, label, initial, help_text)
def clean(self, value):
if self.required and not value:
raise ValidationError(gettext(u'This field is required.'))
elif not self.required and not value:
return []
if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
raise ValidationError(gettext(u'Enter a list of values.'))
final_values = []
for val in value:
obj = self.queryset.model._default_manager.get(pk=val)
except self.queryset.model.DoesNotExist:
raise ValidationError(gettext(u'Select a valid choice. %s is not one of the available choices.') % val)
return final_values