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Caching framework.
This module defines set of cache backends that all conform to a simple API.
In a nutshell, a cache is a set of values -- which can be any object that
may be pickled -- identified by string keys. For the complete API, see
the abstract Cache object, below.
Client code should not access a cache backend directly; instead
it should use the get_cache() function. This function will look at
settings.CACHE_BACKEND and use that to create and load a cache object.
The CACHE_BACKEND setting is a quasi-URI; examples are:
memcached:// A memcached backend; the server is running
on localhost port 11211.
pgsql://tablename/ A pgsql backend (the pgsql backend uses
the same database/username as the rest of
the CMS, so only a table name is needed.)
file:///var/tmp/django.cache/ A file-based cache at /var/tmp/django.cache
simple:/// A simple single-process memory cache; you
probably don't want to use this except for
testing. Note that this cache backend is
NOT threadsafe!
All caches may take arguments; these are given in query-string style. Valid
arguments are:
Default timeout, in seconds, to use for the cache. Defaults
to 5 minutes (300 seconds).
For the simple, file, and database backends, the maximum number of
entries allowed in the cache before it is cleaned. Defaults to
The percentage of entries that are culled when max_entries is reached.
The actual percentage is 1/cull_percentage, so set cull_percentage=3 to
cull 1/3 of the entries when max_entries is reached.
A value of 0 for cull_percentage means that the entire cache will be
dumped when max_entries is reached. This makes culling *much* faster
at the expense of more cache misses.
For example:
Invalid arguments are silently ignored, as are invalid values of known
So far, only the memcached and simple backend have been implemented; backends
using postgres, and file-system storage are planned.
# Exceptions #
class InvalidCacheBackendError(Exception):
# Abstract base implementation #
class _Cache:
def __init__(self, params):
timeout = params.get('timeout', 300)
timeout = int(timeout)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
timeout = 300
self.default_timeout = timeout
def get(self, key, default=None):
Fetch a given key from the cache. If the key does not exist, return
default, which itself defaults to None.
raise NotImplementedError
def set(self, key, value, timeout=None):
Set a value in the cache. If timeout is given, that timeout will be
used for the key; otherwise the default cache timeout will be used.
raise NotImplementedError
def delete(self, key):
Delete a key from the cache, failing silently.
raise NotImplementedError
def get_many(self, keys):
Fetch a bunch of keys from the cache. For certain backends (memcached,
pgsql) this can be *much* faster when fetching multiple values.
Returns a dict mapping each key in keys to its value. If the given
key is missing, it will be missing from the response dict.
d = {}
for k in keys:
val = self.get(k)
if val is not None:
d[k] = val
return d
def has_key(self, key):
Returns True if the key is in the cache and has not expired.
return self.get(key) is not None
# memcached cache backend #
import memcache
except ImportError:
_MemcachedCache = None
class _MemcachedCache(_Cache):
"""Memcached cache backend."""
def __init__(self, server, params):
_Cache.__init__(self, params)
self._cache = memcache.Client([server])
def get(self, key, default=None):
val = self._cache.get(key)
if val is None:
return default
return val
def set(self, key, value, timeout=0):
self._cache.set(key, value, timeout)
def delete(self, key):
def get_many(self, keys):
return self._cache.get_multi(keys)
# Single-process in-memory cache #
import time
class _SimpleCache(_Cache):
"""Simple single-process in-memory cache"""
def __init__(self, host, params):
_Cache.__init__(self, params)
self._cache = {}
self._expire_info = {}
max_entries = params.get('max_entries', 300)
self._max_entries = int(max_entries)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
self._max_entries = 300
cull_frequency = params.get('cull_frequency', 3)
self._cull_frequency = int(cull_frequency)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
self._cull_frequency = 3
def get(self, key, default=None):
now = time.time()
exp = self._expire_info.get(key, now)
if exp is not None and exp < now:
del self._cache[key]
del self._expire_info[key]
return default
return self._cache.get(key, default)
def set(self, key, value, timeout=None):
if len(self._cache) >= self._max_entries:
if timeout is None:
timeout = self.default_timeout
self._cache[key] = value
self._expire_info[key] = time.time() + timeout
def delete(self, key):
del self._cache[key]
except KeyError:
del self._expire_info[key]
except KeyError:
def has_key(self, key):
return self._cache.has_key(key)
def _cull(self):
if self._cull_frequency == 0:
doomed = [k for (i, k) in enumerate(self._cache) if i % self._cull_frequency == 0]
for k in doomed:
# Read settings and load a cache backend #
from cgi import parse_qsl
'memcached' : _MemcachedCache,
'simple' : _SimpleCache,
def get_cache(backend_uri):
if backend_uri.find(':') == -1:
raise InvalidCacheBackendError("Backend URI must start with scheme://")
scheme, rest = backend_uri.split(':', 1)
if not rest.startswith('//'):
raise InvalidCacheBackendError("Backend URI must start with scheme://")
if scheme not in _BACKENDS.keys():
raise InvalidCacheBackendError("%r is not a valid cache backend" % scheme)
host = rest[2:]
qpos = rest.find('?')
if qpos != -1:
params = dict(parse_qsl(rest[qpos+1:]))
host = rest[:qpos]
params = {}
if host.endswith('/'):
host = host[:-1]
return _BACKENDS[scheme](host, params)
from django.conf.settings import CACHE_BACKEND
cache = get_cache(CACHE_BACKEND)