
103 lines
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from django.db.models.sql.aggregates import *
from django.contrib.gis.db.models.fields import GeometryField
from django.contrib.gis.db.models.sql.conversion import GeomField
from django.contrib.gis.db.backend import SpatialBackend
# Default SQL template for spatial aggregates.
geo_template = '%(function)s(%(field)s)'
# Default conversion functions for aggregates; will be overridden if implemented
# for the spatial backend.
def convert_extent(box):
raise NotImplementedError('Aggregate extent not implemented for this spatial backend.')
def convert_geom(wkt, geo_field):
raise NotImplementedError('Aggregate method not implemented for this spatial backend.')
if SpatialBackend.postgis:
def convert_extent(box):
# Box text will be something like "BOX(-90.0 30.0, -85.0 40.0)";
# parsing out and returning as a 4-tuple.
ll, ur = box[4:-1].split(',')
xmin, ymin = map(float, ll.split())
xmax, ymax = map(float, ur.split())
return (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
def convert_geom(hex, geo_field):
if hex: return SpatialBackend.Geometry(hex)
else: return None
# Oracle spatial aggregates need a tolerance.
geo_template = '%(function)s(SDOAGGRTYPE(%(field)s,%(tolerance)s))'
def convert_extent(clob):
if clob:
# Oracle returns a polygon for the extent, we construct
# the 4-tuple from the coordinates in the polygon.
poly = SpatialBackend.Geometry(
shell =
ll, ur = shell[0], shell[2]
xmin, ymin = ll
xmax, ymax = ur
return (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
return None
def convert_geom(clob, geo_field):
if clob:
return SpatialBackend.Geometry(, geo_field.srid)
return None
elif SpatialBackend.spatialite:
# SpatiaLite returns WKT.
def convert_geom(wkt, geo_field):
if wkt:
return SpatialBackend.Geometry(wkt, geo_field.srid)
return None
class GeoAggregate(Aggregate):
# Overriding the SQL template with the geographic one.
sql_template = geo_template
# Conversion class, if necessary.
conversion_class = None
# Flags for indicating the type of the aggregate.
is_extent = False
def __init__(self, col, source=None, is_summary=False, **extra):
super(GeoAggregate, self).__init__(col, source, is_summary, **extra)
if not self.is_extent and
self.extra.setdefault('tolerance', 0.05)
# Can't use geographic aggregates on non-geometry fields.
if not isinstance(self.source, GeometryField):
raise ValueError('Geospatial aggregates only allowed on geometry fields.')
# Making sure the SQL function is available for this spatial backend.
if not self.sql_function:
raise NotImplementedError('This aggregate functionality not implemented for your spatial backend.')
class Collect(GeoAggregate):
conversion_class = GeomField
sql_function = SpatialBackend.collect
class Extent(GeoAggregate):
is_extent = True
sql_function = SpatialBackend.extent
# Have to change Extent's attributes here for Oracle.
Extent.conversion_class = GeomField
Extent.sql_template = '%(function)s(%(field)s)'
class MakeLine(GeoAggregate):
conversion_class = GeomField
sql_function = SpatialBackend.make_line
class Union(GeoAggregate):
conversion_class = GeomField
sql_function = SpatialBackend.unionagg