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Build DragonflyDB From Source

Running the server

Dragonfly runs on linux. We advice running it on linux version 5.11 or later but you can also run Dragonfly on older kernels as well.

WARNING: Building from source on older kernels WILL NOT WORK.

If your host machine does not have at least Linux verion 5.10 or later, we suggest you choose a Dockerized Quick Start.

Step 1

git clone --recursive https://github.com/dragonflydb/dragonfly && cd dragonfly

Step 2

# Install dependencies
sudo apt install ninja-build libunwind-dev libboost-fiber-dev libssl-dev \
     autoconf-archive libtool cmake g++

Step 3

# Configure the build
./helio/blaze.sh -release

# Build
cd build-opt && ninja dragonfly

Step 4

# Run
./dragonfly --alsologtostderr

Dragonfly DB will answer to both http and redis requests out of the box!

You can use redis-cli to connect to localhost:6379 or open a browser and visit http://localhost:6379

Step 5

Connect with a redis client

redis-cli> set hello world
OK> keys *
1) "hello"> get hello

Step 6

Continue being great and build your app with the power of DragonflyDB!