
215 lines
5.9 KiB

// Copyright 2021, Roman Gershman. All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE for licensing terms.
#include "server/list_family.h"
#include <absl/strings/match.h>
#include "base/gtest.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "server/command_registry.h"
#include "server/conn_context.h"
#include "server/engine_shard_set.h"
#include "server/string_family.h"
#include "server/test_utils.h"
#include "server/transaction.h"
#include "util/uring/uring_pool.h"
using namespace testing;
using namespace std;
using namespace util;
namespace this_fiber = ::boost::this_fiber;
namespace fibers = ::boost::fibers;
namespace dfly {
class ListFamilyTest : public BaseFamilyTest {
ListFamilyTest() {
num_threads_ = 4;
const char kKey1[] = "x";
const char kKey2[] = "b";
const char kKey3[] = "c";
TEST_F(ListFamilyTest, Basic) {
auto resp = Run({"lpush", kKey1, "1"});
EXPECT_THAT(resp[0], IntArg(1));
resp = Run({"lpush", kKey2, "2"});
ASSERT_THAT(resp[0], IntArg(1));
resp = Run({"llen", kKey1});
ASSERT_THAT(resp[0], IntArg(1));
TEST_F(ListFamilyTest, Expire) {
auto resp = Run({"lpush", kKey1, "1"});
EXPECT_THAT(resp[0], IntArg(1));
constexpr uint64_t kNow = 232279092000;
resp = Run({"expire", kKey1, "1"});
EXPECT_THAT(resp[0], IntArg(1));
UpdateTime(kNow + 1000);
resp = Run({"lpush", kKey1, "1"});
EXPECT_THAT(resp[0], IntArg(1));
TEST_F(ListFamilyTest, BLPopUnblocking) {
auto resp = Run({"lpush", kKey1, "1"});
EXPECT_THAT(resp[0], IntArg(1));
resp = Run({"lpush", kKey2, "2"});
ASSERT_THAT(resp, ElementsAre(IntArg(1)));
resp = Run({"blpop", kKey1, kKey2}); // missing "0" delimiter.
ASSERT_THAT(resp[0], ErrArg("timeout is not a float"));
resp = Run({"blpop", kKey1, kKey2, "0"});
ASSERT_EQ(2, GetDebugInfo().shards_count);
EXPECT_THAT(resp, ElementsAre(kKey1, "1"));
resp = Run({"blpop", kKey1, kKey2, "0"});
EXPECT_THAT(resp, ElementsAre(kKey2, "2"));
Run({"set", "z", "1"});
resp = Run({"blpop", "z", "0"});
ASSERT_THAT(resp[0], ErrArg("WRONGTYPE "));
ASSERT_FALSE(IsLocked(0, "x"));
ASSERT_FALSE(IsLocked(0, "y"));
ASSERT_FALSE(IsLocked(0, "z"));
TEST_F(ListFamilyTest, BLPopBlocking) {
RespVec resp0, resp1;
// Run the fiber at creation.
auto fb0 = pp_->at(0)->LaunchFiber(fibers::launch::dispatch, [&] {
resp0 = Run({"blpop", "x", "0"});
LOG(INFO) << "pop0";
auto fb1 = pp_->at(1)->LaunchFiber([&] {
resp1 = Run({"blpop", "x", "0"});
LOG(INFO) << "pop1";
pp_->at(1)->Await([&] { Run({"lpush", "x", "2", "1"}); });
// fb0 should start first and be the first transaction blocked. Therefore, it should pop '1'.
// sometimes order is switched, need to think how to fix it.
int64_t epoch0 = GetDebugInfo("IO0").clock;
int64_t epoch1 = GetDebugInfo("IO1").clock;
ASSERT_LT(epoch0, epoch1);
EXPECT_THAT(resp0, ElementsAre("x", "1"));
ASSERT_FALSE(IsLocked(0, "x"));
TEST_F(ListFamilyTest, BLPopMultiple) {
RespVec resp0, resp1;
resp0 = Run({"blpop", kKey1, kKey2, "0.01"}); // timeout
EXPECT_THAT(resp0, ElementsAre(ArgType(RespExpr::NIL_ARRAY)));
ASSERT_EQ(2, GetDebugInfo().shards_count);
ASSERT_FALSE(IsLocked(0, kKey1));
ASSERT_FALSE(IsLocked(0, kKey2));
auto fb1 = pp_->at(0)->LaunchFiber(fibers::launch::dispatch, [&] {
resp0 = Run({"blpop", kKey1, kKey2, "0"});
pp_->at(1)->Await([&] { Run({"lpush", kKey1, "1", "2", "3"}); });
EXPECT_THAT(resp0, ElementsAre(StrArg(kKey1), StrArg("3")));
ASSERT_FALSE(IsLocked(0, kKey1));
ASSERT_FALSE(IsLocked(0, kKey2));
ess_->RunBriefInParallel([](EngineShard* es) { ASSERT_FALSE(es->HasAwakedTransaction()); });
TEST_F(ListFamilyTest, BLPopTimeout) {
RespVec resp = Run({"blpop", kKey1, kKey2, kKey3, "0.01"});
EXPECT_THAT(resp[0], ArgType(RespExpr::NIL_ARRAY));
EXPECT_EQ(3, GetDebugInfo().shards_count);
ASSERT_FALSE(service_->IsLocked(0, kKey1));
// Under Multi
resp = Run({"multi"});
ASSERT_THAT(resp, RespEq("OK"));
Run({"blpop", kKey1, "0"});
resp = Run({"exec"});
EXPECT_THAT(resp, ElementsAre(ArgType(RespExpr::NIL_ARRAY)));
ASSERT_FALSE(service_->IsLocked(0, kKey1));
TEST_F(ListFamilyTest, BLPopSerialize) {
RespVec blpop_resp;
auto pop_fb = pp_->at(0)->LaunchFiber(fibers::launch::dispatch, [&] {
blpop_resp = Run({"blpop", kKey1, kKey2, kKey3, "0"});
do {
} while (!IsLocked(0, kKey1));
LOG(INFO) << "Starting multi";
TxClock cl1, cl2;
unsigned key1_len1 = 0, key1_len2 = 0;
auto p1_fb = pp_->at(1)->LaunchFiber([&] {
auto resp = Run({"multi"}); // We use multi to assign ts to lpush.
ASSERT_THAT(resp, RespEq("OK"));
Run({"lpush", kKey1, "A"});
resp = Run({"exec"});
// Either this lpush has run first or the one below.
// In any case it must be that between 2 invocations of lpush (wrapped in multi)
// blpop will be triggerred and it will empty the list again. Hence, in any case
// lpush kKey1 here and below should return 1.
EXPECT_THAT(resp, ElementsAre(IntArg(1)));
key1_len1 = get<int64_t>(resp[0].u);
cl1 = GetDebugInfo("IO1").clock;
LOG(INFO) << "push1 ts: " << cl1;
auto p2_fb = pp_->at(2)->LaunchFiber([&] {
auto resp = Run({"multi"}); // We use multi to assign ts to lpush.
ASSERT_THAT(resp, RespEq("OK"));
Run({"lpush", kKey1, "B"});
Run({"lpush", kKey2, "C"});
resp = Run({"exec"});
EXPECT_THAT(resp, ElementsAre(IntArg(1), IntArg(1)));
key1_len2 = get<int64_t>(resp[0].u);
cl2 = GetDebugInfo("IO2").clock;
LOG(INFO) << "push2 ts: " << cl2;
EXPECT_THAT(blpop_resp, ElementsAre(StrArg(kKey1), ArgType(RespExpr::STRING)));
if (cl2 < cl1) {
EXPECT_EQ(blpop_resp[1], "B");
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(blpop_resp[1], "A");
} // namespace dfly