348 lines
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348 lines
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// Copyright 2021, Roman Gershman. All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE for licensing terms.
#pragma once
#include <absl/container/flat_hash_map.h>
#include <absl/container/flat_hash_set.h>
#include <absl/container/inlined_vector.h>
#include <string_view>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include "core/intent_lock.h"
#include "core/op_status.h"
#include "core/tx_queue.h"
#include "server/common_types.h"
#include "server/table.h"
#include "util/fibers/fibers_ext.h"
namespace dfly {
class DbSlice;
class EngineShardSet;
class EngineShard;
class Transaction {
Transaction(const Transaction&);
void operator=(const Transaction&) = delete;
// Transactions are reference counted.
friend void intrusive_ptr_add_ref(Transaction* trans) noexcept {
trans->use_count_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
friend void intrusive_ptr_release(Transaction* trans) noexcept {
if (1 == trans->use_count_.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_release)) {
delete trans;
using RunnableType = std::function<OpStatus(Transaction* t, EngineShard*)>;
using time_point = ::std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point;
enum LocalMask : uint16_t {
ARMED = 1, // Transaction was armed with the callback
SUSPENDED_Q = 0x10, // added by the coordination flow (via WaitBlocked()).
AWAKED_Q = 0x20, // awaked by condition (lpush etc)
EXPIRED_Q = 0x40, // timed-out and should be garbage collected from the blocking queue.
Transaction(const CommandId* cid, EngineShardSet* ess);
void InitByArgs(DbIndex index, CmdArgList args);
void SetExecCmd(const CommandId* cid);
std::string DebugId() const;
// Runs in engine thread
ArgSlice ShardArgsInShard(ShardId sid) const;
// Maps the index in ShardKeys(shard_id) slice back to the index in the original array passed to
// InitByArgs.
// Runs in the coordinator thread.
size_t ReverseArgIndex(ShardId shard_id, size_t arg_index) const;
//! Returns true if the transaction spans this shard_id.
//! Runs from the coordinator thread.
bool IsActive(ShardId shard_id) const {
return unique_shard_cnt_ == 1 ? unique_shard_id_ == shard_id
: shard_data_[shard_id].arg_count > 0;
//! Returns true if the transaction is armed for execution on this sid (used to avoid
//! duplicate runs). Supports local transactions under multi as well.
//! Can be used in contexts that wait for an event to happen.
bool IsArmedInShard(ShardId sid) const {
// For multi transactions shard_data_ spans all shards.
if (sid >= shard_data_.size())
sid = 0;
// We use acquire so that no reordering will move before this load.
return run_count_.load(std::memory_order_acquire) > 0 && shard_data_[sid].local_mask & ARMED;
// Called from engine set shard threads.
uint16_t GetLocalMask(ShardId sid) const {
return shard_data_[SidToId(sid)].local_mask;
// Schedules a transaction. Usually used for multi-hop transactions like Rename or BLPOP.
// For single hop, use ScheduleSingleHop instead.
void Schedule() {
// if conclude is true, removes the transaction from the pending queue.
void Execute(RunnableType cb, bool conclude);
// for multi-key scenarios cb should return Status::Ok since otherwise the return value
// will be ill-defined.
OpStatus ScheduleSingleHop(RunnableType cb);
// Fits only for single key scenarios because it writes into shared variable res from
// potentially multiple threads.
template <typename F> auto ScheduleSingleHopT(F&& f) -> decltype(f(this, nullptr)) {
decltype(f(this, nullptr)) res;
ScheduleSingleHop([&res, f = std::forward<F>(f)](Transaction* t, EngineShard* shard) {
res = f(t, shard);
return res.status();
return res;
void UnlockMulti();
TxId txid() const {
return txid_;
// TODO: for multi trans_options_ changes with every operation.
// Does it mean we lock every key differently during the same transaction?
IntentLock::Mode Mode() const;
const char* Name() const;
DbIndex db_index() const {
return db_index_; // TODO: support multiple db indexes.
uint32_t unique_shard_cnt() const {
return unique_shard_cnt_;
TxId notify_txid() const {
return notify_txid_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
bool IsMulti() const {
return bool(multi_);
bool IsGlobal() const;
bool IsOOO() const {
return coordinator_state_ & COORD_OOO;
EngineShardSet* shard_set() {
return ess_;
// Registers transaction into watched queue and blocks until a) either notification is received.
// or b) tp is reached. If tp is time_point::max() then waits indefinitely.
// Expects that the transaction had been scheduled before, and uses Execute(.., true) to register.
// Returns false if timeout ocurred, true if was notified by one of the keys.
bool WaitOnWatch(const time_point& tp);
void UnregisterWatch();
// Returns true if transaction is awaked, false if it's timed-out and can be removed from the
// blocking queue. NotifySuspended may be called from (multiple) shard threads and
// with each call potentially improving the minimal wake_txid at which
// this transaction has been awaked.
bool NotifySuspended(TxId committed_ts, ShardId sid);
void BreakOnClose();
// Called by EngineShard when performing Execute over the tx queue.
// Returns true if transaction should be kept in the queue.
bool RunInShard(EngineShard* shard);
void RunNoop(EngineShard* shard);
//! Returns locking arguments needed for DbSlice to Acquire/Release transactional locks.
//! Runs in the shard thread.
KeyLockArgs GetLockArgs(ShardId sid) const;
// TODO: iterators do not survive between hops.
// It could happen that FindFirst returns a result but then a different transaction
// grows the table and invalidates find_res. We should return a key, unfortunately,
// and not the iterator.
struct FindFirstResult {
MainIterator find_res;
ShardId sid = kInvalidSid;
OpResult<FindFirstResult> FindFirst();
unsigned SidToId(ShardId sid) const {
return sid < shard_data_.size() ? sid : 0;
void ScheduleInternal();
void ExpireBlocking();
void ExecuteAsync();
// Optimized version of RunInShard for single shard uncontended cases.
void RunQuickie(EngineShard* shard);
//! Returns true if transaction run out-of-order during the scheduling phase.
bool ScheduleUniqueShard(EngineShard* shard);
/// Returns pair(schedule_success, lock_granted)
/// schedule_success is true if transaction was scheduled on db_slice.
/// lock_granted is true if lock was granted for all the keys on this shard.
/// Runs in the shard thread.
std::pair<bool, bool> ScheduleInShard(EngineShard* shard);
// Returns true if operation was cancelled for this shard. Runs in the shard thread.
bool CancelInShard(EngineShard* shard);
// Shard callbacks used within Execute calls
OpStatus AddToWatchedShardCb(EngineShard* shard);
bool RemoveFromWatchedShardCb(EngineShard* shard);
void WaitForShardCallbacks() {
run_ec_.await([this] { return 0 == run_count_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); });
// store operations below can not be ordered above the fence
seqlock_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Returns the previous value of run count.
uint32_t DecreaseRunCnt();
uint32_t use_count() const {
return use_count_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
struct FindFirstProcessor;
struct PerShardData {
uint32_t arg_start = 0; // Indices into args_ array.
uint16_t arg_count = 0;
// Accessed only within the engine-shard thread.
// Bitmask of LocalState enums.
uint16_t local_mask{0};
// Needed to rollback invalid schedulings or remove OOO transactions from
// tx queue.
uint32_t pq_pos = TxQueue::kEnd;
PerShardData(PerShardData&&) noexcept {
PerShardData() = default;
enum { kPerShardSize = sizeof(PerShardData) };
struct LockCnt {
unsigned cnt[2] = {0, 0};
struct Multi {
absl::flat_hash_map<std::string_view, LockCnt> locks;
util::fibers_ext::EventCount blocking_ec_; // used to wake blocking transactions.
util::fibers_ext::EventCount run_ec_;
// shard_data spans all the shards in ess_.
// I wish we could use a dense array of size [0..uniq_shards] but since
// multiple threads access this array to synchronize between themselves using
// PerShardData.state, it can be tricky. The complication comes from multi_ transactions where
// scheduled transaction is accessed between operations as well.
absl::InlinedVector<PerShardData, 4> shard_data_; // length = shard_count
//! Stores arguments of the transaction (i.e. keys + values) partitioned by shards.
absl::InlinedVector<std::string_view, 4> args_;
// Reverse argument mapping. Allows to reconstruct responses according to the original order of
// keys.
std::vector<uint32_t> reverse_index_;
RunnableType cb_;
std::unique_ptr<Multi> multi_; // Initialized when the transaction is multi/exec.
const CommandId* cid_;
EngineShardSet* ess_;
TxId txid_{0};
std::atomic<TxId> notify_txid_{kuint64max};
std::atomic_uint32_t use_count_{0}, run_count_{0}, seqlock_{0};
// unique_shard_cnt_ and unique_shard_id_ is accessed only by coordinator thread.
uint32_t unique_shard_cnt_{0}; // number of unique shards span by args_
uint32_t trans_options_ = 0;
ShardId unique_shard_id_{kInvalidSid};
DbIndex db_index_ = 0;
// Used for single-hop transactions with unique_shards_ == 1, hence no data-race.
OpStatus local_result_ = OpStatus::OK;
enum CoordinatorState : uint8_t {
// We are running the last execution step in multi-hop operation.
COORD_OOO = 0x20,
// Transaction coordinator state, written and read by coordinator thread.
// Can be read by shard threads as long as we respect ordering rules, i.e. when
// they read this variable the coordinator thread is stalled and can not cause data races.
// If COORDINATOR_XXX has been set, it means we passed or crossed stage XXX.
uint8_t coordinator_state_ = 0;
struct PerShardCache {
std::vector<std::string_view> args;
std::vector<uint32_t> original_index;
void Clear() {
struct TLTmpSpace {
std::vector<PerShardCache> shard_cache;
absl::flat_hash_set<std::string_view> uniq_keys;
static thread_local TLTmpSpace tmp_space;
inline uint16_t trans_id(const Transaction* ptr) {
return intptr_t(ptr) & 0xFFFF;
} // namespace dfly