
145 lines
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// Copyright 2021, Roman Gershman. All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE for licensing terms.
#include "server/debugcmd.h"
#include <absl/strings/str_cat.h>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "server/engine_shard_set.h"
#include "server/error.h"
#include "server/string_family.h"
namespace dfly {
using namespace boost;
using namespace std;
struct PopulateBatch {
DbIndex dbid;
uint64_t index[32];
uint64_t sz = 0;
PopulateBatch(DbIndex id) : dbid(id) {
void DoPopulateBatch(std::string_view prefix, size_t val_size,
const SetCmd::SetParams& params, const PopulateBatch& ps) {
SetCmd sg(&EngineShard::tlocal()->db_slice());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < ps.sz; ++i) {
string key = absl::StrCat(prefix, ":", ps.index[i]);
string val = absl::StrCat("value:", ps.index[i]);
if (val.size() < val_size) {
val.resize(val_size, 'x');
sg.Set(params, key, val);
DebugCmd::DebugCmd(EngineShardSet* ess, ConnectionContext* cntx) : ess_(ess), cntx_(cntx) {
void DebugCmd::Run(CmdArgList args) {
std::string_view subcmd = ArgS(args, 1);
if (subcmd == "HELP") {
std::string_view help_arr[] = {
"DEBUG <subcommand> [<arg> [value] [opt] ...]. Subcommands are:",
"POPULATE <count> [<prefix>] [<size>]",
" Create <count> string keys named key:<num>. If <prefix> is specified then",
" it is used instead of the 'key' prefix.",
" Prints this help.",
return cntx_->SendSimpleStrArr(help_arr, ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(help_arr));
VLOG(1) << "subcmd " << subcmd;
if (subcmd == "POPULATE") {
return Populate(args);
string reply = absl::StrCat("Unknown subcommand or wrong number of arguments for '", subcmd,
"'. Try DEBUG HELP.");
return cntx_->SendError(reply);
void DebugCmd::Populate(CmdArgList args) {
if (args.size() < 3 || args.size() > 5) {
return cntx_->SendError(
"Unknown subcommand or wrong number of arguments for 'populate'. Try DEBUG HELP.");
uint64_t total_count = 0;
if (!absl::SimpleAtoi(ArgS(args, 2), &total_count))
return cntx_->SendError(kUintErr);
std::string_view prefix{"key"};
if (args.size() > 3) {
prefix = ArgS(args, 3);
uint32_t val_size = 0;
if (args.size() > 4) {
std::string_view str = ArgS(args, 4);
if (!absl::SimpleAtoi(str, &val_size))
return cntx_->SendError(kUintErr);
size_t runners_count = ess_->pool()->size();
vector<pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>> ranges(runners_count - 1);
uint64_t batch_size = total_count / runners_count;
size_t from = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ranges.size(); ++i) {
ranges[i].first = from;
ranges[i].second = batch_size;
from += batch_size;
ranges.emplace_back(from, total_count - from);
auto distribute_cb = [this, val_size, prefix](uint64_t from, uint64_t len) {
string key = absl::StrCat(prefix, ":");
size_t prefsize = key.size();
DbIndex db_indx = 0; // TODO
std::vector<PopulateBatch> ps(ess_->size(), PopulateBatch{db_indx});
SetCmd::SetParams params{db_indx};
for (uint64_t i = from; i < from + len; ++i) {
absl::StrAppend(&key, i);
ShardId sid = Shard(key, ess_->size());
auto& pops = ps[sid];
pops.index[pops.sz++] = i;
if (pops.sz == 32) {
ess_->Add(sid, [=, p = pops] {
DoPopulateBatch(prefix, val_size, params, p);
if (i % 100 == 0) {
// we capture pops by value so we can override it here.
pops.sz = 0;
[&](EngineShard* shard) {
DoPopulateBatch(prefix, val_size, params, ps[shard->shard_id()]);
vector<fibers::fiber> fb_arr(ranges.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < ranges.size(); ++i) {
fb_arr[i] = ess_->pool()->at(i)->LaunchFiber(distribute_cb, ranges[i].first, ranges[i].second);
for (auto& fb : fb_arr)
} // namespace dfly