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// Copyright 2021, Beeri 15. All rights reserved.
// Author: Roman Gershman (romange@gmail.com)
#pragma once
#include <absl/container/flat_hash_map.h>
#include <absl/strings/ascii.h>
#include <absl/types/span.h>
#include <xxhash.h>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
namespace dfly {
using DbIndex = uint16_t;
using ShardId = uint16_t;
using MutableStrSpan = absl::Span<char>;
using CmdArgList = absl::Span<MutableStrSpan>;
using CmdArgVec = std::vector<MutableStrSpan>;
constexpr DbIndex kInvalidDbId = DbIndex(-1);
constexpr ShardId kInvalidSid = ShardId(-1);
struct ConnectionState {
enum Mask : uint32_t {
ASYNC_DISPATCH = 1, // whether a command is handled via async dispatch.
CONN_CLOSING = 2, // could be because of unrecoverable error or planned action.
uint32_t mask = 0; // A bitmask of Mask values.
bool IsClosing() const {
return mask & CONN_CLOSING;
bool IsRunViaDispatch() const {
return mask & ASYNC_DISPATCH;
template <typename View> inline ShardId Shard(const View& v, ShardId shard_num) {
XXH64_hash_t hash = XXH64(v.data(), v.size(), 120577);
return hash % shard_num;
using MainValue = std::string;
using MainTable = absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, MainValue>;
using MainIterator = MainTable::iterator;
class EngineShard;
inline std::string_view ArgS(CmdArgList args, size_t i) {
auto arg = args[i];
return std::string_view(arg.data(), arg.size());
inline void ToUpper(const MutableStrSpan* val) {
for (auto& c : *val) {
c = absl::ascii_toupper(c);
inline MutableStrSpan ToMSS(absl::Span<uint8_t> span) {
return MutableStrSpan{reinterpret_cast<char*>(span.data()), span.size()};
std::string WrongNumArgsError(std::string_view cmd);
} // namespace dfly
namespace std {
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, dfly::CmdArgList args);
} // namespace std