
639 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright 2021, Roman Gershman. All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE for licensing terms.
#include "core/dash.h"
#include <absl/container/flat_hash_map.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <functional>
#include <set>
#include "base/gtest.h"
#include "base/hash.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/zipf_gen.h"
extern "C" {
#include "redis/dict.h"
#include "redis/sds.h"
namespace dfly {
static uint64_t callbackHash(const void* key) {
return XXH64(&key, sizeof(key), 0);
static dictType IntDict = {callbackHash, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
static uint64_t dictSdsHash(const void* key) {
return dictGenHashFunction((unsigned char*)key, sdslen((char*)key));
static int dictSdsKeyCompare(dict* , const void* key1, const void* key2) {
int l1, l2;
l1 = sdslen((sds)key1);
l2 = sdslen((sds)key2);
if (l1 != l2)
return 0;
return memcmp(key1, key2, l1) == 0;
static dictType SdsDict = {
dictSdsHash, /* hash function */
NULL, /* key dup */
NULL, /* val dup */
dictSdsKeyCompare, /* key compare */
// dictSdsDestructor, /* key destructor */
NULL, /* val destructor */
using namespace std;
struct Buf24 {
char buf[20];
uint32_t index;
Buf24(uint32_t i = 0) : index(i) {
struct UInt64Policy : public BasicDashPolicy {
static uint64_t HashFn(uint64_t v) {
return XXH3_64bits(&v, sizeof(v));
using Segment = detail::Segment<uint64_t, Buf24>;
using Dash64 = DashTable<uint64_t, uint64_t, UInt64Policy>;
constexpr auto kSegTax = Segment::kTaxSize;
constexpr size_t kMaxSize = Segment::kMaxSize;
constexpr size_t kSegSize = sizeof(Segment);
constexpr size_t foo = Segment::kBucketSz;
class DashTest : public testing::Test {
DashTest() : segment_(1) {
bool Find(Segment::Key_t key, Segment::Value_t* val) const {
uint64_t hash = dt_.DoHash(key);
std::equal_to<Segment::Key_t> eq;
auto it = segment_.FindIt(key, hash, eq);
if (!it.found())
return false;
*val = segment_.Value(it.index, it.slot);
return true;
bool Find(Segment::Key_t key) const {
uint64_t hash = dt_.DoHash(key);
std::equal_to<Segment::Key_t> eq;
auto it = segment_.FindIt(key, hash, eq);
return it.found();
set<Segment::Key_t> FillSegment(unsigned bid);
Segment segment_;
Dash64 dt_;
set<Segment::Key_t> DashTest::FillSegment(unsigned bid) {
std::set<Segment::Key_t> keys;
std::equal_to<Segment::Key_t> eq;
for (Segment::Key_t key = 0; key < 1000000u; ++key) {
uint64_t hash = dt_.DoHash(key);
unsigned bi = (hash >> 8) % Segment::kNumBuckets;
if (bi != bid)
uint8_t fp = hash & 0xFF;
if (fp > 2) // limit fps considerably to find interesting cases.
auto [it, success] = segment_.Insert(key, 0, hash, eq);
if (!success) {
LOG(INFO) << "Stopped at " << key;
return keys;
TEST_F(DashTest, Hash) {
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
uint64_t hash = dt_.DoHash(i);
if (hash >> 63) {
VLOG(1) << "i " << i << ", Hash " << hash;
TEST_F(DashTest, SlotBitmap) {
detail::SlotBitmap<14> slot;
slot.SetSlot(1, true);
slot.SetSlot(5, false);
EXPECT_EQ(34, slot.GetBusy());
EXPECT_EQ(2, slot.GetProbe(true));
TEST_F(DashTest, Basic) {
Segment::Key_t key = 0;
Segment::Value_t val = 0;
uint64_t hash = dt_.DoHash(key);
std::equal_to<Segment::Key_t> eq;
EXPECT_TRUE(segment_.Insert(key, val, hash, eq).second);
auto [it, res] = segment_.Insert(key, val, hash, eq);
EXPECT_TRUE(!res && it.found());
EXPECT_TRUE(Find(key, &val));
EXPECT_EQ(0, val.index);
EXPECT_FALSE(Find(1, &val));
EXPECT_EQ(1, segment_.SlowSize());
unsigned has_called = 0;
auto cb = [&](const auto& it) { ++has_called; };
auto hfun = &UInt64Policy::HashFn;
auto cursor = segment_.TraverseLogicalBucket((hash >> 8) % Segment::kNumBuckets, hfun, cb);
ASSERT_EQ(1, has_called);
ASSERT_EQ(0, segment_.TraverseLogicalBucket(cursor, hfun, cb));
ASSERT_EQ(1, has_called);
TEST_F(DashTest, Segment) {
std::unique_ptr<Segment> seg(new Segment(1));
LOG(INFO) << "Segment size " << sizeof(Segment)
<< " malloc size: " << malloc_usable_size(seg.get());
set<Segment::Key_t> keys = FillSegment(0);
EXPECT_TRUE(segment_.GetBucket(0).IsFull() && segment_.GetBucket(1).IsFull());
for (size_t i = 2; i < Segment::kNumBuckets; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, segment_.GetBucket(i).Size());
EXPECT_EQ(4 * Segment::kNumSlots, keys.size());
EXPECT_EQ(4 * Segment::kNumSlots, segment_.SlowSize());
auto hfun = &UInt64Policy::HashFn;
unsigned has_called = 0;
auto cb = [&](const Segment::Iterator& it) {
ASSERT_EQ(1, keys.count(segment_.Key(it.index, it.slot)));
ASSERT_EQ(keys.size(), has_called);
std::array<uint64_t, Segment::kNumSlots * 2> arr;
uint64_t* next = arr.begin();
for (unsigned i = Segment::kNumBuckets; i < Segment::kNumBuckets + 2; ++i) {
const auto* k = &segment_.Key(i, 0);
next = std::copy(k, k + Segment::kNumSlots, next);
std::equal_to<Segment::Key_t> eq;
for (auto k : arr) {
auto hash = hfun(k);
auto it = segment_.FindIt(k, hash, eq);
segment_.Delete(it, hash);
EXPECT_EQ(2 * Segment::kNumSlots, segment_.SlowSize());
TEST_F(DashTest, SegmentFull) {
std::equal_to<Segment::Key_t> eq;
for (Segment::Key_t key = 8000; key < 15000u; ++key) {
uint64_t hash = dt_.DoHash(key);
bool res = segment_.Insert(key, 0, hash, eq).second;
if (!res) {
LOG(INFO) << "Stopped at " << key;
EXPECT_GT(segment_.SlowSize(), Segment::capacity() * 0.85);
LOG(INFO) << "Utilization " << double(segment_.SlowSize()) / Segment::capacity()
<< " num probing buckets: " << segment_.NumProbingBuckets();
LOG(INFO) << "NB: " << segment_.stats.neighbour_probes << " SP: " << segment_.stats.stash_probes
<< " SOP: " << segment_.stats.stash_overflow_probes;
segment_.stats.neighbour_probes = segment_.stats.stash_overflow_probes =
segment_.stats.stash_probes = 0;
for (Segment::Key_t key = 0; key < 10000u; ++key) {
LOG(INFO) << segment_.stats.neighbour_probes << " " << segment_.stats.stash_probes << " "
<< segment_.stats.stash_overflow_probes;
uint32_t busy = segment_.GetBucket(0).GetBusy();
uint32_t probe = segment_.GetBucket(0).GetProbe(true);
EXPECT_EQ((1 << 12) - 1, busy); // Size 12
EXPECT_EQ(539, probe); // verified by running since the test is determenistic.
unsigned keys[12] = {8045, 8085, 8217, 8330, 8337, 8381, 8432, 8506, 8587, 8605, 8612, 8725};
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(keys[i], segment_.Key(0, i));
TEST_F(DashTest, Split) {
set<Segment::Key_t> keys = FillSegment(0);
Segment::Value_t val;
Segment s2{2};
segment_.Split(&UInt64Policy::HashFn, &s2);
unsigned sum[2] = {0};
std::equal_to<Segment::Key_t> eq;
for (auto key : keys) {
auto it1 = segment_.FindIt(key, dt_.DoHash(key), eq);
auto it2 = s2.FindIt(key, dt_.DoHash(key), eq);
ASSERT_NE(it1.found(), it2.found()) << key;
sum[0] += it1.found();
sum[1] += it2.found();
ASSERT_EQ(segment_.SlowSize(), sum[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(s2.SlowSize(), sum[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(keys.size(), sum[0] + sum[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(4 * Segment::kNumSlots, keys.size());
TEST_F(DashTest, Insert2) {
uint64_t k = 1191;
ASSERT_EQ(2019837007031366716, UInt64Policy::HashFn(k));
Dash64 dt;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2000; ++i) {
dt.Insert(i, 0);
struct Item {
char buf[24];
constexpr size_t ItemAlign = alignof(Item);
struct MyBucket : public detail::BucketBase<16, 4> {
Item key[14];
constexpr size_t kMySz = sizeof(MyBucket);
constexpr size_t kBBSz = sizeof(detail::BucketBase<16, 4>);
TEST_F(DashTest, Custom) {
using ItemSegment = detail::Segment<Item, uint64_t>;
constexpr double kTax = ItemSegment::kTaxSize;
constexpr size_t kMaxSize = ItemSegment::kMaxSize;
constexpr size_t kSegSize = sizeof(ItemSegment);
constexpr size_t kBuckSz = ItemSegment::kBucketSz;
ItemSegment seg{2};
auto cb = [](auto v, auto u) { return v.buf[0] == u.buf[0] && v.buf[1] == u.buf[1]; };
auto it = seg.FindIt(Item{1, 1}, 42, cb);
TEST_F(DashTest, Reserve) {
unsigned bc = dt_.bucket_count();
for (unsigned i = 0; i <= bc * 2; ++i) {
ASSERT_GE((1 << dt_.depth()) * Dash64::kSegCapacity, i);
TEST_F(DashTest, Insert) {
constexpr size_t kNumItems = 10000;
double sum = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumItems; ++i) {
dt_.Insert(i, i);
double u = (dt_.size() * 100.0) / (dt_.unique_segments() * Segment::capacity());
sum += u;
VLOG(1) << "Num items " << dt_.size() << ", load factor " << u << ", size per entry "
<< double(dt_.mem_usage()) / dt_.size();
EXPECT_EQ(kNumItems, dt_.size());
LOG(INFO) << "Average load factor is " << sum / kNumItems;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumItems; ++i) {
Dash64::const_iterator it = dt_.Find(i);
ASSERT_TRUE(it != dt_.end());
ASSERT_EQ(it.value(), i);
ASSERT_LE(dt_.load_factor(), 1) << i;
for (size_t i = kNumItems; i < kNumItems * 10; ++i) {
Dash64::const_iterator it = dt_.Find(i);
ASSERT_TRUE(it == dt_.end());
EXPECT_EQ(kNumItems, dt_.size());
EXPECT_EQ(1, dt_.Erase(0));
EXPECT_EQ(0, dt_.Erase(0));
EXPECT_EQ(kNumItems - 1, dt_.size());
auto it = dt_.begin();
auto some_val = it->second;
TEST_F(DashTest, Traverse) {
constexpr auto kNumItems = 50;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumItems; ++i) {
dt_.Insert(i, i);
uint64_t cursor = 0;
vector<unsigned> nums;
auto tr_cb = [&](const Dash64::iterator& it) {
VLOG(1) << it.bucket_id() << " " << it.slot_id() << " " << it->first;
do {
cursor = dt_.Traverse(cursor, tr_cb);
} while (cursor != 0);
sort(nums.begin(), nums.end());
nums.resize(unique(nums.begin(), nums.end()) - nums.begin());
ASSERT_EQ(kNumItems, nums.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, nums[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(kNumItems - 1, nums.back());
TEST_F(DashTest, Bucket) {
constexpr auto kNumItems = 250;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumItems; ++i) {
dt_.Insert(i, 0);
std::vector<uint64_t> s;
auto it = dt_.begin();
auto bucket_it = Dash64::bucket_it(it);
dt_.TraverseBucket(it, [&](auto i) { s.push_back(i->first); });
unsigned num_items = 0;
while (!bucket_it.is_done()) {
ASSERT_TRUE(find(s.begin(), s.end(), bucket_it->first) != s.end());
EXPECT_EQ(s.size(), num_items);
TEST_F(DashTest, Eviction) {
Dash64::EvictionPolicy ev;
ev.max_capacity = 1500;
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < 5000; ++i) {
auto [it, res] = dt_.Insert(i, 0, ev);
if (!res)
ASSERT_LT(i, 5000);
EXPECT_LT(dt_.size(), ev.max_capacity);
LOG(INFO) << "size is " << dt_.size();
unsigned bucket_cnt = dt_.bucket_count();
Dash64::EvictionCb cb = [this](const Dash64::EvictionCandidates& cand) -> unsigned {
auto it = cand.iter[0];
unsigned res = 0;
for (; !it.is_done(); ++it) {
LOG(INFO) << "Deleting " << it->first;
return res;
ev.evict_cb = cb;
auto [it, res] = dt_.Insert(i, 0, ev);
EXPECT_EQ(bucket_cnt, dt_.bucket_count());
struct A {
int a = 0;
unsigned moved = 0;
A(int i = 0) : a(i) {
A(const A&) = delete;
A(A&& o) : a(o.a), moved(o.moved + 1) {
o.a = -1;
A& operator=(const A&) = delete;
A& operator=(A&& o) {
o.moved = o.moved + 1;
a = o.a;
o.a = -1;
return *this;
bool operator==(const A& o) const {
return o.a == a;
struct ADashPolicy : public BasicDashPolicy {
static uint64_t HashFn(const A& a) {
auto val = XXH3_64bits(&a.a, sizeof(a.a));
return val;
TEST_F(DashTest, Moveable) {
using DType = DashTable<A, A, ADashPolicy>;
DType table{1};
ASSERT_TRUE(table.Insert(A{1}, A{2}).second);
ASSERT_FALSE(table.Insert(A{1}, A{3}).second);
EXPECT_EQ(1, table.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, table.size());
struct SdsDashPolicy {
enum { kSlotNum = 12, kBucketNum = 64, kStashBucketNum = 2 };
static uint64_t HashFn(sds u) {
return XXH3_64bits(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(u), sdslen(u));
static uint64_t HashFn(std::string_view u) {
return XXH3_64bits(u.data(), u.size());
static void DestroyValue(uint64_t) {
static void DestroyKey(sds s) {
static bool Equal(sds u1, sds u2) {
return dictSdsKeyCompare(nullptr, u1, u2) == 0;
static bool Equal(sds u1, std::string_view u2) {
return u2 == std::string_view{u1, sdslen(u1)};
TEST_F(DashTest, Sds) {
DashTable<sds, uint64_t, SdsDashPolicy> dt;
sds foo = sdscatlen(sdsempty(), "foo", 3);
dt.Insert(foo, 0);
// dt.Insert(std::string_view{"bar"}, 1);
// Benchmarks
static void BM_Insert(benchmark::State& state) {
unsigned count = state.range(0);
size_t next = 0;
while (state.KeepRunning()) {
Dash64 dt;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
dt.Insert(next++, 0);
struct NoDestroySdsPolicy : public SdsDashPolicy {
static void DestroyKey(sds s) {
static void BM_StringInsert(benchmark::State& state) {
unsigned count = state.range(0);
std::vector<sds> strs(count);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
strs[i] = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(), "key__%x", 100 + i);
while (state.KeepRunning()) {
DashTable<sds, uint64_t, NoDestroySdsPolicy> dt;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
dt.Insert(strs[i], 0);
for (sds s : strs) {
static void BM_FindExisting(benchmark::State& state) {
unsigned count = state.range(0);
Dash64 dt;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
dt.Insert(i, 0);
size_t next = 0;
while (state.KeepRunning()) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
// dict memory usage is in [32*n + 8*n, 32*n + 16*n], or
// per entry usage is [40, 48].
static void BM_RedisDictFind(benchmark::State& state) {
unsigned count = state.range(0);
dict* d = dictCreate(&IntDict);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
size_t key = i;
dictAdd(d, (void*)key, nullptr);
size_t next = 0;
while (state.KeepRunning()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
size_t k = next++;
dictFind(d, (void*)k);
// dict memory usage is in [32*n + 8*n, 32*n + 16*n], or
// per entry usage is [40, 48].
static void BM_RedisDictInsert(benchmark::State& state) {
unsigned count = state.range(0);
size_t next = 0;
while (state.KeepRunning()) {
dict* d = dictCreate(&IntDict);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
dictAdd(d, (void*)next, nullptr);
static void BM_RedisStringInsert(benchmark::State& state) {
unsigned count = state.range(0);
std::vector<sds> strs(count);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
strs[i] = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(), "key__%x", 100 + i);
while (state.KeepRunning()) {
dict* d = dictCreate(&SdsDict);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
dictAdd(d, strs[i], nullptr);
for (sds s : strs) {
} // namespace dfly