
1248 lines
38 KiB

// Copyright 2021, Roman Gershman. All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE for licensing terms.
#pragma once
#include <absl/base/internal/endian.h>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#if defined(__aarch64__)
#include "base/sse2neon.h"
#include <emmintrin.h>
namespace dfly {
namespace detail {
template <unsigned NUM_SLOTS> class SlotBitmap {
static_assert(NUM_SLOTS > 0 && NUM_SLOTS <= 28);
static constexpr unsigned kLen = NUM_SLOTS > 14 ? 2 : 1;
static constexpr unsigned kAllocMask = (1u << NUM_SLOTS) - 1;
static constexpr unsigned kBitmapLenMask = (1 << 4) - 1;
static constexpr bool SINGLE = NUM_SLOTS <= 14;
// probe - true means the entry is probing, i.e. not owning.
// probe=true GetProbe returns index of probing entries, i.e. hosted but not owned by this bucket.
// probe=false - mask of owning entries
uint32_t GetProbe(bool probe) const {
return ((val_[0].d >> 4) & kAllocMask) ^ ((!probe) * kAllocMask);
return (val_[1].d & kAllocMask) ^ ((!probe) * kAllocMask);
// GetBusy returns the busy mask.
uint32_t GetBusy() const {
return SINGLE ? val_[0].d >> 18 : val_[0].d;
bool IsFull() const {
return Size() == NUM_SLOTS;
unsigned Size() const {
return SINGLE ? (val_[0].d & kBitmapLenMask) : __builtin_popcount(val_[0].d);
// Precondition: Must have empty slot
// returns result in [0, NUM_SLOTS) range.
int FindEmptySlot() const {
uint32_t mask = ~(GetBusy());
// returns the index for first set bit (FindLSBSetNonZero). mask must be non-zero.
int slot = __builtin_ctz(mask);
assert(slot < int(NUM_SLOTS));
return slot;
// mask is NUM_SLOTS bits saying which slots needs to be freed (1 - should clear).
void ClearSlots(uint32_t mask);
void Clear() {
if (SINGLE) {
val_[0].d = 0;
} else {
val_[0].d = val_[1].d = 0;
void ClearSlot(unsigned index);
void SetSlot(unsigned index, bool probe);
// val_[0] is [14 bit- busy][14bit-probing, whether the key does not belong to this
// bucket][4bit-count]
// kLen == 2:
// val_[0] is 28 bit busy
// val_[1] is 28 bit probing
// count is implemented via popcount of val_[0].
struct Unaligned {
// Apparently with wrapping struct we can persuade compiler to declare an unaligned int.
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19915303/packed-qualifier-ignored
uint32_t d __attribute__((packed, aligned(1)));
Unaligned() : d(0) {
Unaligned val_[kLen];
}; // SlotBitmap
template <unsigned NUM_SLOTS, unsigned NUM_STASH_FPS> class BucketBase {
// We can not allow more than 4 stash fps because we hold stash positions in single byte
// stash_pos_ variable that uses 2 bits per stash bucket to point which bucket holds that fp.
// Hence we can point at most from 4 fps to 4 stash buckets.
// If any of those limits need to be raised we should increase stash_pos_ similarly to how we did
// with SlotBitmap.
static_assert(NUM_STASH_FPS <= 4, "Can only hold at most 4 fp slots");
static constexpr unsigned kStashFpLen = NUM_STASH_FPS;
static constexpr unsigned kStashPresentBit = 1 << 4;
using FpArray = std::array<uint8_t, NUM_SLOTS>;
using StashFpArray = std::array<uint8_t, NUM_STASH_FPS>;
using SlotId = uint8_t;
enum { kNanSlot = 255 };
bool IsFull() const {
return Size() == NUM_SLOTS;
unsigned Size() const {
return slotb_.Size();
// Returns -1 if no free slots found or smallest slot index
int FindEmptySlot() const {
if (IsFull()) {
return -1;
return slotb_.FindEmptySlot();
void Delete(SlotId sid) {
unsigned Find(uint8_t fp_hash, bool probe) const {
unsigned mask = CompareFP(fp_hash) & GetBusy();
return mask & GetProbe(probe);
uint8_t Fp(unsigned i) const {
assert(i < finger_arr_.size());
return finger_arr_[i];
void SetStashPtr(unsigned stash_pos, uint8_t meta_hash, BucketBase* next);
// returns 0 if stash was cleared from this bucket, 1 if it was cleared from next bucket.
unsigned UnsetStashPtr(uint8_t fp_hash, unsigned stash_pos, BucketBase* next);
// probe - true means the entry is probing, i.e. not owning.
// probe=true GetProbe returns index of probing entries, i.e. hosted but not owned by this bucket.
// probe=false - mask of owning entries
uint32_t GetProbe(bool probe) const {
return slotb_.GetProbe(probe);
// GetBusy returns the busy mask.
uint32_t GetBusy() const {
return slotb_.GetBusy();
// mask is saying which slots needs to be freed (1 - should clear).
void ClearSlots(uint32_t mask) {
void Clear() {
bool HasStash() const {
return stash_busy_ & kStashPresentBit;
void SetHash(unsigned slot_id, uint8_t meta_hash, bool probe);
bool HasStashOverflow() const {
return overflow_count_ > 0;
template <typename F>
std::pair<unsigned, SlotId> IterateStash(uint8_t fp, bool is_probe, F&& func) const;
// calls for each busy slot: cb(iterator, probe)
template <typename Cb> void ForEachSlot(Cb&& cb) const {
uint32_t mask = this->GetBusy();
uint32_t probe_mask = this->GetProbe(true);
for (unsigned j = 0; j < NUM_SLOTS; ++j) {
if (mask & 1) {
cb(j, probe_mask & 1);
mask >>= 1;
probe_mask >>= 1;
uint32_t CompareFP(uint8_t fp) const;
// Returns true if stash_pos was stored, false overwise
bool SetStash(uint8_t fp, unsigned stash_pos, bool probe);
bool ClearStash(uint8_t fp, unsigned stash_pos, bool probe);
SlotBitmap<NUM_SLOTS> slotb_; // allocation bitmap + pointer bitmap + counter
/*only use the first 14 bytes, can be accelerated by
SSE instruction,0-13 for finger, 14-17 for overflowed*/
FpArray finger_arr_;
StashFpArray stash_arr_;
uint8_t stash_busy_ = 0; // kStashFpLen+1 bits are used
uint8_t stash_pos_ = 0; // 4x2 bits for pointing to stash bucket.
// stash_probe_mask_ indicates whether the overflow fingerprint is for the neighbour (1)
// or for this bucket (0). kStashFpLen bits are used.
uint8_t stash_probe_mask_ = 0;
// number of overflowed items stored in stash buckets that do not have fp hashes.
uint8_t overflow_count_ = 0;
}; // BucketBase
static_assert(sizeof(BucketBase<12, 4>) == 24, "");
static_assert(alignof(BucketBase<14, 4>) == 1, "");
static_assert(alignof(BucketBase<12, 4>) == 1, "");
// Optional version support as part of DashTable.
// This works like this: each slot has 2 bytes for version and a bucket has another 6.
// therefore all slots in the bucket shared the same 6 high bytes of 8-byte version.
// In order to achieve this we store high6(max{version(entry)}) for every entry.
// Hence our version control may have false positives, i.e. signal that an entry has changed
// when in practice its neighbour incremented the high6 part of its bucket.
template <unsigned NUM_SLOTS, unsigned NUM_STASH_FPS>
class VersionedBB : public BucketBase<NUM_SLOTS, NUM_STASH_FPS> {
using Base = BucketBase<NUM_SLOTS, NUM_STASH_FPS>;
// invariant: slot.version = max(bucket.version, version)
// invariant: bucket.version = max(high6(all slots))
// In other words, if version is less than BaseVersion,
// then we set slot version to be BaseVersion - we never decrease the base version.
// If high6(version) is greater then we update the bucket version.
// We update the slots version accordingly.
void SetVersion(unsigned slot_id, uint64_t version);
uint64_t GetVersion(unsigned slot_id) const {
uint64_t c = BaseVersion();
c |= low_[slot_id];
return c;
// Returns 64 bit bucket version of 2 low bytes zeroed.
uint64_t BaseVersion() const {
// high_ is followed by low array.
// Hence little endian load from high_ ptr copies 2 bytes from low_ into 2 highest bytes of c.
uint64_t c = absl::little_endian::Load64(high_);
// Fix the version by getting rid of 2 garbage bytes.
return c << 16;
uint64_t MinVersion() const;
void Clear() {
memset(high_, 0, 6);
using Byte6 = uint8_t[6];
Byte6 high_ = {0};
std::array<uint16_t, NUM_SLOTS> low_ = {0};
static_assert(alignof(VersionedBB<14, 4>) == 2, "");
static_assert(sizeof(VersionedBB<12, 4>) == 12 * 4 + 6, "");
static_assert(sizeof(VersionedBB<14, 4>) <= 14 * 4 + 6, "");
// Segment - static-hashtable of size NUM_SLOTS*(BUCKET_CNT + STASH_BUCKET_NUM).
struct DefaultSegmentPolicy {
static constexpr unsigned NUM_SLOTS = 12;
static constexpr unsigned BUCKET_CNT = 64;
static constexpr unsigned STASH_BUCKET_NUM = 2;
static constexpr bool USE_VERSION = true;
template <typename _Key, typename _Value, typename Policy = DefaultSegmentPolicy> class Segment {
static constexpr unsigned BUCKET_CNT = Policy::BUCKET_CNT;
static constexpr unsigned STASH_BUCKET_NUM = Policy::STASH_BUCKET_NUM;
static constexpr unsigned NUM_SLOTS = Policy::NUM_SLOTS;
static constexpr bool USE_VERSION = Policy::USE_VERSION;
static_assert(BUCKET_CNT + STASH_BUCKET_NUM < 255);
static constexpr unsigned kFingerBits = 8;
using BucketType =
std::conditional_t<USE_VERSION, VersionedBB<NUM_SLOTS, 4>, BucketBase<NUM_SLOTS, 4>>;
struct Bucket : public BucketType {
using BucketType::kNanSlot;
using typename BucketType::SlotId;
_Key key[NUM_SLOTS];
_Value value[NUM_SLOTS];
template <typename U, typename V>
void Insert(uint8_t slot, U&& u, V&& v, uint8_t meta_hash, bool probe) {
assert(slot < NUM_SLOTS);
key[slot] = std::forward<U>(u);
value[slot] = std::forward<V>(v);
this->SetHash(slot, meta_hash, probe);
template <typename U, typename Pred>
SlotId FindByFp(uint8_t fp_hash, bool probe, U&& k, Pred&& pred) const {
unsigned mask = this->Find(fp_hash, probe);
if (!mask)
return kNanSlot;
unsigned delta = __builtin_ctz(mask);
mask >>= delta;
for (unsigned i = delta; i < NUM_SLOTS; ++i) {
if ((mask & 1) && pred(key[i], k)) {
return i;
mask >>= 1;
return kNanSlot;
}; // class Bucket
struct Iterator {
uint8_t index; // bucket index
uint8_t slot;
Iterator() : index(kNanBid), slot(BucketType::kNanSlot) {
Iterator(uint8_t bi, uint8_t sid) : index(bi), slot(sid) {
bool found() const {
return index != kNanBid;
struct Stats {
size_t neighbour_probes = 0;
size_t stash_probes = 0;
size_t stash_overflow_probes = 0;
/* number of normal buckets in one segment*/
static constexpr uint8_t kNumBuckets = BUCKET_CNT;
static constexpr uint8_t kTotalBuckets = kNumBuckets + STASH_BUCKET_NUM;
static constexpr size_t kFpMask = (1 << kFingerBits) - 1;
static constexpr size_t kNumSlots = NUM_SLOTS;
using Value_t = _Value;
using Key_t = _Key;
using Hash_t = uint64_t;
explicit Segment(size_t depth) : local_depth_(depth) {
// Returns (iterator, true) if insert succeeds,
// (iterator, false) for duplicate and (invalid-iterator, false) if it's full
template <typename K, typename V, typename Pred>
std::pair<Iterator, bool> Insert(K&& key, V&& value, Hash_t key_hash, Pred&& cmp_fun);
template <typename HashFn> void Split(HashFn&& hfunc, Segment* dest);
void Delete(const Iterator& it, Hash_t key_hash);
void Clear(); // clears the segment.
size_t SlowSize() const;
static constexpr size_t capacity() {
return kMaxSize;
size_t local_depth() const {
return local_depth_;
void set_local_depth(uint32_t depth) {
local_depth_ = depth;
template <bool B = Policy::USE_VERSION>
std::enable_if_t<B, uint64_t> GetVersion(uint8_t bid, uint8_t slot_id) {
return bucket_[bid].GetVersion(slot_id);
template <bool B = Policy::USE_VERSION> std::enable_if_t<B, uint64_t> MinVersion(uint8_t bid) {
return bucket_[bid].MinVersion();
template <bool B = Policy::USE_VERSION>
std::enable_if_t<B> SetVersion(uint8_t bid, uint8_t slot_id, uint64_t v) {
return bucket_[bid].SetVersion(slot_id, v);
// Traverses over Segment's bucket bid and calls cb(const Iterator& it) 0 or more times
// for each slot in the bucket. returns false if bucket is empty.
// Please note that `it` will not necessary point to bid due to probing and stash buckets
// containing items that should have been resided in bid.
template <typename Cb, typename HashFn>
bool TraverseLogicalBucket(uint8_t bid, HashFn&& hfun, Cb&& cb) const;
// Cb accepts (const Iterator&).
template <typename Cb> void TraverseAll(Cb&& cb) const;
// Used in test.
unsigned NumProbingBuckets() const {
unsigned res = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < kNumBuckets; ++i) {
res += (bucket_[i].GetProbe(true) != 0);
return res;
const BucketType& GetBucket(size_t i) const {
return bucket_[i];
Key_t& Key(unsigned bid, unsigned slot) {
return bucket_[bid].key[slot];
const Key_t& Key(unsigned id, unsigned slot) const {
return bucket_[id].key[slot];
Value_t& Value(unsigned bid, unsigned slot) {
return bucket_[bid].value[slot];
const Value_t& Value(unsigned bid, unsigned slot) const {
return bucket_[bid].value[slot];
// fill bucket ids that may be used probing for this key_hash.
// The order is: exact, neighbour buckets.
static void FillProbeArray(Hash_t key_hash, uint8_t dest[2]) {
dest[0] = BucketIndex(key_hash);
dest[1] = (dest[0] + 1) % kNumBuckets;
template <typename U, typename Pred> Iterator FindIt(U&& key, Hash_t key_hash, Pred&& cf) const;
// Returns valid iterator if succeeded or invalid if not (it's full).
// Requires: key should be not present in the segment.
template <typename U, typename V> Iterator InsertUniq(U&& key, V&& value, Hash_t key_hash);
// capture version change in case of insert.
// Returns ids of buckets that would be modified upon insertion of key_hash into the segment.
// Returns 0 if segment is full. Otherwise, returns number of touched bucket ids (1 or 2)
// if the insertion would happen. The ids are put into bid array that should have at least 2
// spaces.
unsigned CVCOnInsert(Hash_t key_hash, uint8_t bid[2]) const;
// Finds a valid entry going from specified indices up.
Iterator FindValidStartingFrom(unsigned bid, unsigned slot) const;
static constexpr uint8_t kNanBid = 0xFF;
using SlotId = typename BucketType::SlotId;
static_assert(sizeof(Iterator) == 2);
static unsigned BucketIndex(Hash_t hash) {
return (hash >> kFingerBits) % kNumBuckets;
// if own_items is true it means we try to move owned item to probing bucket.
// if own_items false it means we try to move non-owned item from probing bucket back to its host.
int MoveToOther(bool own_items, unsigned from, unsigned to);
// dry-run version of MoveToOther.
bool CheckIfMovesToOther(bool own_items, unsigned from, unsigned to) const;
/*both clear this bucket and its neighbor bucket*/
void RemoveStashReference(unsigned stash_pos, Hash_t key_hash);
// Returns slot id if insertion is succesful, -1 if no free slots are found.
template <typename U, typename V>
int TryInsertToBucket(unsigned bidx, U&& key, V&& value, uint8_t meta_hash, bool probe) {
auto& b = bucket_[bidx];
auto slot = b.FindEmptySlot();
assert(slot < int(kNumSlots));
if (slot < 0) {
return -1;
b.Insert(slot, std::forward<U>(key), std::forward<V>(value), meta_hash, probe);
return slot;
// returns true if succeeded.
bool TryMoveFromStash(unsigned stash_id, unsigned stash_slot_id, Hash_t key_hash);
Bucket bucket_[kTotalBuckets];
size_t local_depth_;
static constexpr size_t kBucketSz = sizeof(Bucket);
static constexpr size_t kMaxSize = kTotalBuckets * kNumSlots;
static constexpr double kTaxSize =
(double(sizeof(Segment)) / kMaxSize) - sizeof(Key_t) - sizeof(Value_t);
mutable Stats stats;
}; // Segment
class DashTableBase {
DashTableBase(const DashTableBase&) = delete;
DashTableBase& operator=(const DashTableBase&) = delete;
explicit DashTableBase(uint32_t gd)
: initial_depth_(gd), global_depth_(gd), unique_segments_(1 << gd) {
uint32_t unique_segments() const {
return unique_segments_;
uint32_t depth() const {
return global_depth_;
size_t size() const {
return size_;
uint32_t SegmentId(size_t hash) const {
if (global_depth_) {
return hash >> (64 - global_depth_);
return 0;
uint32_t initial_depth_;
uint32_t global_depth_;
uint32_t unique_segments_;
size_t size_ = 0;
}; // DashTableBase
template <typename _Key, typename _Value> class IteratorPair {
IteratorPair(_Key& k, _Value& v) : first(k), second(v) {
IteratorPair* operator->() {
return this;
const IteratorPair* operator->() const {
return this;
_Key& first;
_Value& second;
* Implementation section.
template <unsigned NUM_SLOTS> void SlotBitmap<NUM_SLOTS>::SetSlot(unsigned index, bool probe) {
if (SINGLE) {
assert(((val_[0].d >> (index + 18)) & 1) == 0);
val_[0].d |= (1 << (index + 18));
val_[0].d |= (unsigned(probe) << (index + 4));
assert((val_[0].d & kBitmapLenMask) < NUM_SLOTS);
assert(__builtin_popcount(val_[0].d >> 18) == (val_[0].d & kBitmapLenMask));
} else {
assert(((val_[0].d >> index) & 1) == 0);
val_[0].d |= (1u << index);
val_[1].d |= (unsigned(probe) << index);
template <unsigned NUM_SLOTS> void SlotBitmap<NUM_SLOTS>::ClearSlot(unsigned index) {
assert(Size() > 0);
if (SINGLE) {
uint32_t new_bitmap = val_[0].d & (~(1u << (index + 18))) & (~(1u << (index + 4)));
new_bitmap -= 1;
val_[0].d = new_bitmap;
} else {
uint32_t mask = 1u << index;
val_[0].d &= ~mask;
val_[1].d &= ~mask;
template <unsigned NUM_SLOTS> void SlotBitmap<NUM_SLOTS>::ClearSlots(uint32_t mask) {
if (SINGLE) {
uint32_t count = __builtin_popcount(mask);
assert(count <= (val_[0].d & 0xFF));
mask = (mask << 4) | (mask << 18);
val_[0].d &= ~mask;
val_[0].d -= count;
} else {
val_[0].d &= ~mask;
val_[1].d &= ~mask;
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template <unsigned NUM_SLOTS, unsigned NUM_OVR>
bool BucketBase<NUM_SLOTS, NUM_OVR>::ClearStash(uint8_t fp, unsigned stash_pos, bool probe) {
auto cb = [stash_pos, this](unsigned i, unsigned pos) -> SlotId {
if (pos == stash_pos) {
stash_busy_ &= (~(1u << i));
stash_probe_mask_ &= (~(1u << i));
stash_pos_ &= (~(3u << (i * 2)));
assert(0u == ((stash_pos_ >> (i * 2)) & 3));
return 0;
return kNanSlot;
auto res = IterateStash(fp, probe, std::move(cb));
return res.second != kNanSlot;
template <unsigned NUM_SLOTS, unsigned NUM_OVR>
void BucketBase<NUM_SLOTS, NUM_OVR>::SetHash(unsigned slot_id, uint8_t meta_hash, bool probe) {
assert(slot_id < finger_arr_.size());
finger_arr_[slot_id] = meta_hash;
slotb_.SetSlot(slot_id, probe);
template <unsigned NUM_SLOTS, unsigned NUM_OVR>
bool BucketBase<NUM_SLOTS, NUM_OVR>::SetStash(uint8_t fp, unsigned stash_pos, bool probe) {
// stash_busy_ is never 0xFFFFF so it's safe to run __builtin_ctz below.
unsigned free_slot = __builtin_ctz(~stash_busy_);
if (free_slot >= kStashFpLen)
return false;
stash_arr_[free_slot] = fp;
stash_busy_ |= (1u << free_slot); // set the overflow slot
// stash_probe_mask_ specifies which records relate to other bucket.
stash_probe_mask_ |= (unsigned(probe) << free_slot);
// 2 bits denote the bucket index.
free_slot *= 2;
stash_pos_ &= (~(3 << free_slot)); // clear (can be removed?)
stash_pos_ |= (stash_pos << free_slot); // and set
return true;
template <unsigned NUM_SLOTS, unsigned NUM_OVR>
void BucketBase<NUM_SLOTS, NUM_OVR>::SetStashPtr(unsigned stash_pos, uint8_t meta_hash,
BucketBase* next) {
assert(stash_pos < 4);
// we use only kStashFpLen fp slots for handling stash buckets,
// therefore if all those slots are used we try neighbor (probing bucket) as a fallback to point
// to stash buckets. otherwise we increment overflow count.
// if overflow is incremented we will need to check all the stash buckets when looking for a key,
// otherwise we can use overflow_index_ to find the the stash bucket efficiently.
if (!SetStash(meta_hash, stash_pos, false)) {
if (!next->SetStash(meta_hash, stash_pos, true)) {
stash_busy_ |= kStashPresentBit;
template <unsigned NUM_SLOTS, unsigned NUM_OVR>
unsigned BucketBase<NUM_SLOTS, NUM_OVR>::UnsetStashPtr(uint8_t fp_hash, unsigned stash_pos,
BucketBase* next) {
/*also needs to ensure that this meta_hash must belongs to other bucket*/
bool clear_success = ClearStash(fp_hash, stash_pos, false);
unsigned res = 0;
if (!clear_success) {
clear_success = next->ClearStash(fp_hash, stash_pos, true);
res += clear_success;
if (!clear_success) {
assert(overflow_count_ > 0);
// kStashPresentBit helps with summarizing all the stash states into a single binary flag.
// We need it because of the next, though if we make sure to move stash pointers upon split/delete
// towards the owner we should not reach the state where mask1 == 0 but mask2 &
// next->stash_probe_mask_ != 0.
unsigned mask1 = stash_busy_ & (kStashPresentBit - 1);
unsigned mask2 = next->stash_busy_ & (kStashPresentBit - 1);
if (((mask1 & (~stash_probe_mask_)) == 0) && (overflow_count_ == 0) &&
((mask2 & next->stash_probe_mask_) == 0)) {
stash_busy_ &= ~kStashPresentBit;
return res;
template <unsigned NUM_SLOTS, unsigned NUM_OVR>
uint32_t BucketBase<NUM_SLOTS, NUM_OVR>::CompareFP(uint8_t fp) const {
static_assert(FpArray{}.size() <= 16);
// Replicate 16 times fp to key_data.
const __m128i key_data = _mm_set1_epi8(fp);
// Loads 16 bytes of src into seg_data.
__m128i seg_data = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(finger_arr_.data()));
// compare 16-byte vectors seg_data and key_data, dst[i] := ( a[i] == b[i] ) ? 0xFF : 0.
__m128i rv_mask = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(seg_data, key_data);
// collapses 16 msb bits from each byte in rv_mask into mask.
int mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(rv_mask);
// Note: Last 2 operations can be combined in skylake with _mm_cmpeq_epi8_mask.
return mask;
template <unsigned NUM_SLOTS, unsigned NUM_OVR>
template <typename F>
auto BucketBase<NUM_SLOTS, NUM_OVR>::IterateStash(uint8_t fp, bool is_probe, F&& func) const
-> ::std::pair<unsigned, SlotId> {
unsigned om = is_probe ? stash_probe_mask_ : ~stash_probe_mask_;
unsigned ob = stash_busy_;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < kStashFpLen; ++i) {
if ((ob & 1) && (stash_arr_[i] == fp) && (om & 1)) {
unsigned pos = (stash_pos_ >> (i * 2)) & 3;
auto sid = func(i, pos);
if (sid != BucketBase::kNanSlot) {
return std::pair<unsigned, SlotId>(pos, sid);
ob >>= 1;
om >>= 1;
return std::pair<unsigned, SlotId>(0, BucketBase::kNanSlot);
template <unsigned NUM_SLOTS, unsigned NUM_STASH_FPS>
void VersionedBB<NUM_SLOTS, NUM_STASH_FPS>::SetVersion(unsigned slot_id, uint64_t version) {
uint64_t nbv = version >> 16; // possible new bucket version
uint64_t obv = BaseVersion() >> 16; // old bucket version
if (nbv < obv) {
// nbv is too low, instead we upgrade the slot to higher BaseVersion.
low_[slot_id] = 0; // we increase the slot version to bigger than "version".
} else {
if (nbv > obv) { // We bump up the high part for the whole bucket and set low parts to 0.
absl::little_endian::Store64(high_, nbv); // We put garbage into 2 bytes of low_.
low_.fill(0); // We do not mind because we reset low_ anyway.
low_[slot_id] = version & 0xFFFF; // In any case we set slot version to lowest 2 bytes.
template <unsigned NUM_SLOTS, unsigned NUM_STASH_FPS>
uint64_t VersionedBB<NUM_SLOTS, NUM_STASH_FPS>::MinVersion() const {
uint32_t mask = this->GetBusy();
if (mask == 0)
return 0;
// it's enough to compare low_ parts since base version is the same for all of them.
uint16_t res = 0xFFFF;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < NUM_SLOTS; ++j) {
if ((mask & 1) && low_[j] < res) {
res = low_[j];
mask >>= 1;
return BaseVersion() + res;
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// stash_pos is index of the stash bucket, it is in the range of [0, kNumStashBucket].
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Policy>
void Segment<Key, Value, Policy>::RemoveStashReference(unsigned stash_pos, Hash_t key_hash) {
unsigned y = BucketIndex(key_hash);
uint8_t fp_hash = key_hash & kFpMask;
auto* target = &bucket_[y];
auto* next = &bucket_[(y + 1) % kNumBuckets];
target->UnsetStashPtr(fp_hash, stash_pos, next);
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Policy>
bool Segment<Key, Value, Policy>::TryMoveFromStash(unsigned stash_id, unsigned stash_slot_id,
Hash_t key_hash) {
uint8_t bid = BucketIndex(key_hash);
uint8_t hash_fp = key_hash & kFpMask;
uint8_t stash_bid = kNumBuckets + stash_id;
auto& key = Key(stash_bid, stash_slot_id);
auto& value = Value(stash_bid, stash_slot_id);
int reg_slot = TryInsertToBucket(bid, std::forward<Key_t>(key), std::forward<Value_t>(value),
hash_fp, false);
if (reg_slot < 0) {
bid = (bid + 1) % kNumBuckets;
reg_slot = TryInsertToBucket(bid, std::forward<Key_t>(key), std::forward<Value_t>(value),
hash_fp, true);
if (reg_slot >= 0) {
if constexpr (USE_VERSION) {
// We maintain the invariant for the physical bucket by updating the version when
// the entries move between buckets.
bucket_[bid].SetVersion(reg_slot, bucket_[stash_bid].GetVersion(stash_slot_id));
RemoveStashReference(stash_id, key_hash);
return true;
return false;
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Policy>
template <typename U, typename V, typename Pred>
auto Segment<Key, Value, Policy>::Insert(U&& key, V&& value, Hash_t key_hash, Pred&& cmp_fun)
-> std::pair<Iterator, bool> {
Iterator it = FindIt(key, key_hash, std::forward<Pred>(cmp_fun));
if (it.found()) {
return std::make_pair(it, false); /* duplicate insert*/
it = InsertUniq(std::forward<U>(key), std::forward<V>(value), key_hash);
return std::make_pair(it, it.found());
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Policy>
template <typename U, typename Pred>
auto Segment<Key, Value, Policy>::FindIt(U&& key, Hash_t key_hash, Pred&& cf) const -> Iterator {
uint8_t bidx = BucketIndex(key_hash);
const Bucket& target = bucket_[bidx];
uint8_t fp_hash = key_hash & kFpMask;
SlotId sid = target.FindByFp(fp_hash, false, key, cf);
if (sid != BucketType::kNanSlot) {
return Iterator{bidx, sid};
uint8_t nid = (bidx + 1) % kNumBuckets;
const Bucket& probe = bucket_[nid];
sid = probe.FindByFp(fp_hash, true, key, cf);
if (sid != BucketType::kNanSlot) {
return Iterator{nid, sid};
if (!target.HasStash()) {
return Iterator{};
auto stash_cb = [&](unsigned overflow_index, unsigned pos) -> SlotId {
assert(pos < STASH_BUCKET_NUM);
pos += kNumBuckets;
const Bucket& bucket = bucket_[pos];
return bucket.FindByFp(fp_hash, false, key, cf);
if (target.HasStashOverflow()) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < STASH_BUCKET_NUM; ++i) {
auto sid = stash_cb(0, i);
if (sid != BucketType::kNanSlot) {
return Iterator{uint8_t(kNumBuckets + i), sid};
// We exit because we searched through all stash buckets anyway, no need to use overflow fps.
return Iterator{};
auto stash_res = target.IterateStash(fp_hash, false, stash_cb);
if (stash_res.second != BucketType::kNanSlot) {
return Iterator{uint8_t(kNumBuckets + stash_res.first), stash_res.second};
stash_res = probe.IterateStash(fp_hash, true, stash_cb);
if (stash_res.second != BucketType::kNanSlot) {
return Iterator{uint8_t(kNumBuckets + stash_res.first), stash_res.second};
return Iterator{};
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Policy>
template <typename Cb>
void Segment<Key, Value, Policy>::TraverseAll(Cb&& cb) const {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < kTotalBuckets; ++i) {
bucket_[i].ForEachSlot([&](SlotId slot, bool) { cb(Iterator{i, slot}); });
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Policy> void Segment<Key, Value, Policy>::Clear() {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < kTotalBuckets; ++i) {
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Policy>
void Segment<Key, Value, Policy>::Delete(const Iterator& it, Hash_t key_hash) {
auto& b = bucket_[it.index];
if (it.index >= kNumBuckets) {
RemoveStashReference(it.index - kNumBuckets, key_hash);
// Split items from the left segment to the right during the growth phase.
// right segment will have all the items with lsb at local_depth ==1 .
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Policy>
template <typename HFunc>
void Segment<Key, Value, Policy>::Split(HFunc&& hfn, Segment* dest_right) {
dest_right->local_depth_ = local_depth_;
// versioning does not work when entries move across buckets.
// we need to setup rules on how we do that
// do_versioning();
auto is_mine = [this](Hash_t hash) { return (hash >> (64 - local_depth_) & 1) == 0; };
for (unsigned i = 0; i < kNumBuckets; ++i) {
uint32_t invalid_mask = 0;
auto cb = [&](unsigned slot, bool probe) {
auto& key = Key(i, slot);
Hash_t hash = hfn(key);
// we extract local_depth bits from the left part of the hash. Since we extended local_depth,
// we added an additional bit to the right, therefore we need to look at lsb of the extract.
if (is_mine(hash))
return; // keep this key in the source
invalid_mask |= (1u << slot);
auto it = dest_right->InsertUniq(std::forward<Key_t>(key),
std::forward<Value_t>(Value(i, slot)), hash);
if constexpr (USE_VERSION) {
// Maintaining consistent versioning.
dest_right->bucket_[it.index].SetVersion(it.slot, bucket_[i].GetVersion(slot));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < STASH_BUCKET_NUM; ++i) {
uint32_t invalid_mask = 0;
unsigned bid = kNumBuckets + i;
Bucket& stash = bucket_[bid];
auto cb = [&](unsigned slot, bool probe) {
auto& key = Key(bid, slot);
Hash_t hash = hfn(key);
if (is_mine(hash)) {
// If the entry stays in the same segment we try to unload it back to the regular bucket.
bool res = TryMoveFromStash(i, slot, hash);
if (res) {
invalid_mask |= (1u << slot);
invalid_mask |= (1u << slot);
auto it = dest_right->InsertUniq(std::forward<Key_t>(Key(bid, slot)),
std::forward<Value_t>(Value(bid, slot)), hash);
if constexpr (USE_VERSION) {
// Update the version in the destination bucket.
dest_right->bucket_[it.index].SetVersion(it.slot, stash.GetVersion(slot));
// Remove stash reference pointing to stach bucket i.
RemoveStashReference(i, hash);
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Policy>
int Segment<Key, Value, Policy>::MoveToOther(bool own_items, unsigned from, unsigned to) {
auto& src = bucket_[from];
uint32_t mask = src.GetProbe(!own_items);
if (mask == 0) {
return -1;
int src_slot = __builtin_ctz(mask);
int dst_slot =
TryInsertToBucket(to, std::forward<Key_t>(src.key[src_slot]),
std::forward<Value_t>(src.value[src_slot]), src.Fp(src_slot), own_items);
if (dst_slot < 0)
return -1;
// We never decrease the version of the entry.
if constexpr (USE_VERSION) {
auto& dst = bucket_[to];
dst.SetVersion(dst_slot, src.GetVersion(src_slot));
return src_slot;
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Policy>
bool Segment<Key, Value, Policy>::CheckIfMovesToOther(bool own_items, unsigned from,
unsigned to) const {
const auto& src = bucket_[from];
uint32_t mask = src.GetProbe(!own_items);
if (mask == 0) {
return false;
const auto& dest = bucket_[to];
return dest.IsFull() ? false : true;
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Policy>
template <typename U, typename V>
auto Segment<Key, Value, Policy>::InsertUniq(U&& key, V&& value, Hash_t key_hash) -> Iterator {
const uint8_t y = BucketIndex(key_hash);
const uint8_t nid = (y + 1) % kNumBuckets;
Bucket& target = bucket_[y];
Bucket& neighbor = bucket_[nid];
Bucket* insert_first = &target;
uint8_t meta_hash = key_hash & kFpMask;
unsigned ts = target.Size(), ns = neighbor.Size();
bool probe = false;
if (ts > ns) {
insert_first = &neighbor;
probe = true;
int slot = insert_first->FindEmptySlot();
if (slot >= 0) {
insert_first->Insert(slot, std::forward<U>(key), std::forward<V>(value), meta_hash, probe);
return Iterator{uint8_t(insert_first - bucket_), uint8_t(slot)};
int displace_index = MoveToOther(true, nid, (nid + 1) % kNumBuckets);
if (displace_index >= 0) {
neighbor.Insert(displace_index, std::forward<U>(key), std::forward<V>(value), meta_hash, true);
return Iterator{nid, uint8_t(displace_index)};
unsigned prev_idx = (y == 0) ? kNumBuckets - 1 : y - 1;
displace_index = MoveToOther(false, y, prev_idx);
if (displace_index >= 0) {
target.Insert(displace_index, std::forward<U>(key), std::forward<V>(value), meta_hash, false);
return Iterator{y, uint8_t(displace_index)};
// we balance stash fill rate by starting from y % STASH_BUCKET_NUM.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < STASH_BUCKET_NUM; ++i) {
unsigned stash_pos = (y + i) % STASH_BUCKET_NUM;
int stash_slot = TryInsertToBucket(kNumBuckets + stash_pos, std::forward<U>(key),
std::forward<V>(value), meta_hash, false);
if (stash_slot >= 0) {
target.SetStashPtr(stash_pos, meta_hash, &neighbor);
return Iterator{uint8_t(kNumBuckets + stash_pos), uint8_t(stash_slot)};
return Iterator{};
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Policy>
unsigned Segment<Key, Value, Policy>::CVCOnInsert(Hash_t key_hash, uint8_t bid_res[2]) const {
const uint8_t bid = BucketIndex(key_hash);
const uint8_t nid = (bid + 1) % kNumBuckets;
const Bucket& target = bucket_[bid];
const Bucket& neighbor = bucket_[nid];
uint8_t first = target.Size() > neighbor.Size() ? nid : bid;
if (!bucket_[first].IsFull()) {
bid_res[0] = first;
return 1;
const uint8_t after_next = (nid + 1) % kNumBuckets;
if (CheckIfMovesToOther(true, nid, after_next)) {
bid_res[0] = nid;
bid_res[1] = after_next;
return 2;
const uint8_t prev_bid = (bid == 0) ? kNumBuckets - 1 : bid - 1;
if (CheckIfMovesToOther(false, bid, prev_bid)) {
bid_res[0] = bid;
bid_res[1] = prev_bid;
return 2;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < STASH_BUCKET_NUM; ++i) {
unsigned stash_bid = kNumBuckets + (bid + i) % STASH_BUCKET_NUM;
const Bucket& stash = bucket_[stash_bid];
if (!stash.IsFull()) {
bid_res[0] = stash_bid;
return 1;
return 0;
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Policy>
template <typename Cb, typename HashFn>
bool Segment<Key, Value, Policy>::TraverseLogicalBucket(uint8_t bid, HashFn&& hfun, Cb&& cb) const {
assert(bid < kNumBuckets);
const Bucket& b = bucket_[bid];
bool found = false;
if (b.GetProbe(false)) { // Check items that this bucket owns.
b.ForEachSlot([&](SlotId slot, bool probe) {
if (!probe) {
found = true;
cb(Iterator{bid, slot});
uint8_t nid = (bid + 1) % kNumBuckets;
const Bucket& next = bucket_[nid];
// check for probing entries in the next bucket, i.e. those that should reside in b.
if (next.GetProbe(true)) {
next.ForEachSlot([&](SlotId slot, bool probe) {
if (probe) {
found = true;
assert(BucketIndex(hfun(next.key[slot])) == bid);
cb(Iterator{nid, slot});
// Finally go over stash buckets and find those entries that belong to b.
if (b.HasStash()) {
// do not bother with overflow fps. Just go over all the stash buckets.
for (uint8_t j = kNumBuckets; j < kTotalBuckets; ++j) {
const auto& stashb = bucket_[j];
stashb.ForEachSlot([&](SlotId slot, bool probe) {
if (BucketIndex(hfun(stashb.key[slot])) == bid) {
found = true;
cb(Iterator{j, slot});
return found;
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Policy>
size_t Segment<Key, Value, Policy>::SlowSize() const {
size_t res = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < kTotalBuckets; ++i) {
res += bucket_[i].Size();
return res;
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Policy>
auto Segment<Key, Value, Policy>::FindValidStartingFrom(unsigned bid, unsigned slot) const
-> Iterator {
uint32_t mask = bucket_[bid].GetBusy();
mask >>= slot;
if (mask)
return Iterator(bid, slot + __builtin_ctz(mask));
while (bid < kTotalBuckets) {
uint32_t mask = bucket_[bid].GetBusy();
if (mask) {
return Iterator(bid, __builtin_ctz(mask));
return Iterator{};
} // namespace detail
} // namespace dfly