
126 lines
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// Copyright 2022, Roman Gershman. All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE for licensing terms.
#pragma once
#include <absl/types/span.h>
#include <boost/fiber/mutex.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <string_view>
typedef struct lua_State lua_State;
namespace dfly {
class ObjectExplorer {
virtual ~ObjectExplorer() {
virtual void OnBool(bool b) = 0;
virtual void OnString(std::string_view str) = 0;
virtual void OnDouble(double d) = 0;
virtual void OnInt(int64_t val) = 0;
virtual void OnArrayStart(unsigned len) = 0;
virtual void OnArrayEnd() = 0;
virtual void OnNil() = 0;
virtual void OnStatus(std::string_view str) = 0;
virtual void OnError(std::string_view str) = 0;
class Interpreter {
using MutableSlice = absl::Span<char>;
using MutSliceSpan = absl::Span<MutableSlice>;
using RedisFunc = std::function<void(MutSliceSpan, ObjectExplorer*)>;
Interpreter(const Interpreter&) = delete;
void operator=(const Interpreter&) = delete;
// Note: We leak the state for now.
// Production code should not access this method.
lua_State* lua() {
return lua_;
enum AddResult {
ADD_OK = 0,
// returns false if an error happenned, sets error string into result.
// otherwise, returns true and sets result to function id.
// function id is sha1 of the function body.
AddResult AddFunction(std::string_view body, std::string* result);
bool Exists(std::string_view sha) const;
enum RunResult {
RUN_OK = 0,
RUN_ERR = 2,
void SetGlobalArray(const char* name, MutSliceSpan args);
// Runs already added function sha returned by a successful call to AddFunction().
// Returns: true if the call succeeded, otherwise fills error and returns false.
// sha must be 40 char length.
RunResult RunFunction(std::string_view sha, std::string* err);
// Checks whether the result is safe to serialize.
// Should fit 2 conditions:
// 1. Be the only value on the stack.
// 2. Should have depth of no more than 128.
bool IsResultSafe() const;
void SerializeResult(ObjectExplorer* serializer);
void ResetStack();
// fp must point to buffer with at least 41 chars.
// fp[40] will be set to '\0'.
static void FuncSha1(std::string_view body, char* fp);
template <typename U> void SetRedisFunc(U&& u) {
redis_func_ = std::forward<U>(u);
// We have interpreter per thread, not per connection.
// Since we might preempt into different fibers when operating on interpreter
// we must lock it until we finish using it per request.
// Only RunFunction with companions require locking since other functions peform atomically
// without preemptions.
std::lock_guard<::boost::fibers::mutex> Lock() {
return std::lock_guard<::boost::fibers::mutex>{mu_};
// Returns true if function was successfully added,
// otherwise returns false and sets the error.
bool AddInternal(const char* f_id, std::string_view body, std::string* error);
bool IsTableSafe() const;
int RedisGenericCommand(bool raise_error);
static int RedisCallCommand(lua_State* lua);
static int RedisPCallCommand(lua_State* lua);
lua_State* lua_;
unsigned cmd_depth_ = 0;
RedisFunc redis_func_;
// We have interpreter per thread, not per connection.
// Since we might preempt into different fibers when operating on interpreter
// we must lock it until we finish using it per request.
::boost::fibers::mutex mu_;
} // namespace dfly