652 lines
20 KiB
652 lines
20 KiB
// Copyright 2022, Roman Gershman. All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE for licensing terms.
#include "server/server_family.h"
#include <absl/cleanup/cleanup.h>
#include <absl/random/random.h> // for master_id_ generation.
#include <absl/strings/match.h>
#include <mimalloc-types.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <filesystem>
extern "C" {
#include "redis/redis_aux.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "io/proc_reader.h"
#include "server/command_registry.h"
#include "server/conn_context.h"
#include "server/debugcmd.h"
#include "server/engine_shard_set.h"
#include "server/error.h"
#include "server/main_service.h"
#include "server/rdb_save.h"
#include "server/replica.h"
#include "server/script_mgr.h"
#include "server/server_state.h"
#include "server/transaction.h"
#include "strings/human_readable.h"
#include "util/accept_server.h"
#include "util/uring/uring_file.h"
DEFINE_string(dir, "", "working directory");
DEFINE_string(dbfilename, "", "the filename to save/load the DB");
DEFINE_string(requirepass, "", "password for AUTH authentication");
extern "C" mi_stats_t _mi_stats_main;
namespace dfly {
using namespace std;
using namespace util;
namespace fibers = ::boost::fibers;
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
using facade::MCReplyBuilder;
using strings::HumanReadableNumBytes;
namespace {
using EngineFunc = void (ServerFamily::*)(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx);
inline CommandId::Handler HandlerFunc(ServerFamily* se, EngineFunc f) {
return [=](CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) { return (se->*f)(args, cntx); };
using CI = CommandId;
// Create a direc
error_code CreateDirs(fs::path dir_path) {
error_code ec;
fs::file_status dir_status = fs::status(dir_path, ec);
if (ec == errc::no_such_file_or_directory) {
fs::create_directories(dir_path, ec);
if (!ec)
dir_status = fs::status(dir_path, ec);
return ec;
} // namespace
atomic_uint64_t used_mem_peak(0);
atomic_uint64_t used_mem_current(0);
ServerFamily::ServerFamily(Service* service) : service_(*service), ess_(service->shard_set()) {
start_time_ = time(NULL);
last_save_.store(start_time_, memory_order_release);
script_mgr_.reset(new ScriptMgr(&service->shard_set()));
ServerFamily::~ServerFamily() {
void ServerFamily::Init(util::AcceptServer* acceptor) {
CHECK(acceptor_ == nullptr);
acceptor_ = acceptor;
pb_task_ = ess_.pool()->GetNextProactor();
auto cache_cb = [] {
uint64_t sum = 0;
const auto& stats = EngineShardSet::GetCachedStats();
for (const auto& s : stats)
sum += s.used_memory.load(memory_order_relaxed);
used_mem_current.store(sum, memory_order_relaxed);
// Single writer, so no races.
if (sum > used_mem_peak.load(memory_order_relaxed))
used_mem_peak.store(sum, memory_order_relaxed);
task_10ms_ = pb_task_->AwaitBrief([&] { return pb_task_->AddPeriodic(10, cache_cb); });
void ServerFamily::Shutdown() {
VLOG(1) << "ServerFamily::Shutdown";
pb_task_->Await([this] {
task_10ms_ = 0;
unique_lock lk(replica_of_mu_);
if (replica_) {
void ServerFamily::StatsMC(std::string_view section, facade::ConnectionContext* cntx) {
if (!section.empty()) {
return cntx->reply_builder()->SendError("");
string info;
#define ADD_LINE(name, val) absl::StrAppend(&info, "STAT " #name " ", val, "\r\n")
time_t now = time(NULL);
size_t uptime = now - start_time_;
struct rusage ru;
getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru);
auto dbl_time = [](const timeval& tv) -> double {
return tv.tv_sec + double(tv.tv_usec) / 1000000.0;
double utime = dbl_time(ru.ru_utime);
double systime = dbl_time(ru.ru_stime);
Metrics m = GetMetrics();
ADD_LINE(pid, getpid());
ADD_LINE(uptime, uptime);
ADD_LINE(time, now);
ADD_LINE(version, "1.6.12");
ADD_LINE(libevent, "iouring");
ADD_LINE(pointer_size, sizeof(void*));
ADD_LINE(rusage_user, utime);
ADD_LINE(rusage_system, systime);
ADD_LINE(max_connections, -1);
ADD_LINE(curr_connections, m.conn_stats.num_conns);
ADD_LINE(total_connections, -1);
ADD_LINE(rejected_connections, -1);
ADD_LINE(bytes_read, m.conn_stats.io_read_bytes);
ADD_LINE(bytes_written, m.conn_stats.io_write_bytes);
ADD_LINE(limit_maxbytes, -1);
absl::StrAppend(&info, "END\r\n");
MCReplyBuilder* builder = static_cast<MCReplyBuilder*>(cntx->reply_builder());
#undef ADD_LINE
void ServerFamily::DbSize(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
atomic_ulong num_keys{0};
[&](EngineShard* shard) {
auto db_size = shard->db_slice().DbSize(cntx->conn_state.db_index);
num_keys.fetch_add(db_size, memory_order_relaxed);
[](ShardId) { return true; });
return (*cntx)->SendLong(num_keys.load(memory_order_relaxed));
void ServerFamily::FlushDb(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
Transaction* transaction = cntx->transaction;
transaction->Schedule(); // TODO: to convert to ScheduleSingleHop ?
[](Transaction* t, EngineShard* shard) {
return OpStatus::OK;
void ServerFamily::FlushAll(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
if (args.size() > 1) {
Transaction* transaction = cntx->transaction;
[](Transaction* t, EngineShard* shard) {
return OpStatus::OK;
void ServerFamily::Auth(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
if (args.size() > 3) {
return (*cntx)->SendError(kSyntaxErr);
if (args.size() == 3) {
return (*cntx)->SendError("ACL is not supported yet");
if (!cntx->req_auth) {
return (*cntx)->SendError(
"AUTH <password> called without any password configured for the "
"default user. Are you sure your configuration is correct?");
string_view pass = ArgS(args, 1);
if (pass == FLAGS_requirepass) {
cntx->authenticated = true;
} else {
void ServerFamily::Config(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
string_view sub_cmd = ArgS(args, 1);
if (sub_cmd == "SET") {
return (*cntx)->SendOk();
} else if (sub_cmd == "GET" && args.size() == 3) {
string_view param = ArgS(args, 2);
string_view res[2] = {param, "tbd"};
return (*cntx)->SendStringArr(res);
} else {
string err = absl::StrCat("Unknown subcommand or wrong number of arguments for '", sub_cmd,
"'. Try CONFIG HELP.");
return (*cntx)->SendError(err, kSyntaxErr);
void ServerFamily::Debug(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
DebugCmd dbg_cmd{&ess_, cntx};
return dbg_cmd.Run(args);
void ServerFamily::Save(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
static unsigned fl_index = 1;
auto [current, switched] = global_state_.Next(GlobalState::SAVING);
if (!switched) {
string error = absl::StrCat(GlobalState::Name(current), " - can not save database");
return (*cntx)->SendError(error);
absl::Cleanup rev_state = [this] { global_state_.Clear(); };
fs::path dir_path(FLAGS_dir);
error_code ec;
if (!dir_path.empty()) {
ec = CreateDirs(dir_path);
if (ec)
return (*cntx)->SendError(absl::StrCat("create dir ", ec.message()));
string filename = FLAGS_dbfilename.empty() ? "dump_save.rdb" : FLAGS_dbfilename;
fs::path path = dir_path;
path.concat(absl::StrCat("_", fl_index++));
VLOG(1) << "Saving to " << path;
auto res = uring::OpenWrite(path.generic_string());
if (!res) {
auto& pool = service_.proactor_pool();
pool.Await([](auto*) { ServerState::tlocal()->set_gstate(GlobalState::SAVING); });
unique_ptr<::io::WriteFile> wf(*res);
auto start = absl::Now();
RdbSaver saver{&ess_, wf.get()};
ec = saver.SaveHeader();
if (!ec) {
auto cb = [&saver](Transaction* t, EngineShard* shard) {
return OpStatus::OK;
// perform snapshot serialization, block the current fiber until it completes.
ec = saver.SaveBody();
if (ec) {
pool.Await([](auto*) { ServerState::tlocal()->set_gstate(GlobalState::IDLE); });
CHECK_EQ(GlobalState::SAVING, global_state_.Clear());
absl::Duration dur = absl::Now() - start;
double seconds = double(absl::ToInt64Milliseconds(dur)) / 1000;
LOG(INFO) << "Saving " << path << " finished after "
<< strings::HumanReadableElapsedTime(seconds);
auto close_ec = wf->Close();
if (!ec)
ec = close_ec;
if (ec) {
} else {
last_save_.store(time(NULL), memory_order_release);
Metrics ServerFamily::GetMetrics() const {
Metrics result;
fibers::mutex mu;
auto cb = [&](ProactorBase* pb) {
EngineShard* shard = EngineShard::tlocal();
ServerState* ss = ServerState::tlocal();
lock_guard<fibers::mutex> lk(mu);
result.conn_stats += ss->connection_stats;
result.qps += uint64_t(ss->MovingSum6());
if (shard) {
auto db_stats = shard->db_slice().GetStats();
result.db += db_stats.db;
result.events += db_stats.events;
result.heap_used_bytes += shard->UsedMemory();
result.qps /= 6;
return result;
void ServerFamily::Info(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
if (args.size() > 2) {
return (*cntx)->SendError(kSyntaxErr);
string_view section;
if (args.size() == 2) {
section = ArgS(args, 1);
string info;
const char kInfo1[] =
R"(# Server
auto should_enter = [&](string_view name, bool hidden = false) {
bool res = (!hidden && section.empty()) || section == "ALL" || section == name;
if (res && !info.empty())
return res;
if (should_enter("SERVER")) {
absl::StrAppend(&info, kInfo1, FLAGS_port, "\n");
size_t uptime = time(NULL) - start_time_;
absl::StrAppend(&info, "uptime_in_seconds:", uptime, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "uptime_in_days:", uptime / (3600 * 24), "\n");
Metrics m = GetMetrics();
auto sdata_res = io::ReadStatusInfo();
if (should_enter("CLIENTS")) {
absl::StrAppend(&info, "# Clients\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "connected_clients:", m.conn_stats.num_conns, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "client_read_buf_capacity:", m.conn_stats.read_buf_capacity, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "blocked_clients:", 0, "\n");
if (should_enter("MEMORY")) {
absl::StrAppend(&info, "# Memory\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "used_memory:", m.heap_used_bytes, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "used_memory_human:", HumanReadableNumBytes(m.heap_used_bytes), "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "comitted_memory:", _mi_stats_main.committed.current, "\n");
if (sdata_res.has_value()) {
absl::StrAppend(&info, "used_memory_rss:", sdata_res->vm_rss, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "used_memory_rss_human:", HumanReadableNumBytes(sdata_res->vm_rss),
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error fetching /proc/self/status stats";
absl::StrAppend(&info, "used_memory_peak:", used_mem_peak.load(memory_order_relaxed), "\n");
// Blob - all these cases where the key/objects are represented by a single blob allocated on
// heap. For example, strings or intsets. members of lists, sets, zsets etc
// are not accounted for to avoid complex computations. In some cases, when number of members
// is known we approximate their allocations by taking 16 bytes per member.
absl::StrAppend(&info, "blob_used_memory:", m.db.obj_memory_usage, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "table_used_memory:", m.db.table_mem_usage, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "num_buckets:", m.db.bucket_count, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "num_entries:", m.db.key_count, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "inline_keys:", m.db.inline_keys, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "small_string_bytes:", m.db.small_string_bytes, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "listpack_blobs:", m.db.listpack_blob_cnt, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "listpack_bytes:", m.db.listpack_bytes, "\n");
if (should_enter("STATS")) {
absl::StrAppend(&info, "# Stats\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "instantaneous_ops_per_sec:", m.qps, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "total_commands_processed:", m.conn_stats.command_cnt, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "total_pipelined_commands:", m.conn_stats.pipelined_cmd_cnt, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "total_net_input_bytes:", m.conn_stats.io_read_bytes, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "total_net_output_bytes:", m.conn_stats.io_write_bytes, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "instantaneous_input_kbps:", -1, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "instantaneous_output_kbps:", -1, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "rejected_connections:", -1, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "expired_keys:", m.events.expired_keys, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "gc_keys:", m.events.garbage_collected, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "keyspace_hits:", -1, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "keyspace_misses:", -1, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "total_reads_processed:", m.conn_stats.io_read_cnt, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "total_writes_processed:", m.conn_stats.io_write_cnt, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "async_writes_count:", m.conn_stats.async_writes_cnt, "\n");
if (should_enter("REPLICATION")) {
absl::StrAppend(&info, "# Replication\n");
ServerState& etl = *ServerState::tlocal();
if (etl.is_master) {
absl::StrAppend(&info, "role:master\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "connected_slaves:", m.conn_stats.num_replicas, "\n");
} else {
absl::StrAppend(&info, "role:slave\n");
// it's safe to access replica_ because replica_ is created before etl.is_master set to
// false and cleared after etl.is_master is set to true. And since the code here that checks
// for is_master and copies shared_ptr is atomic, it1 should be correct.
auto replica_ptr = replica_;
Replica::Info rinfo = replica_ptr->GetInfo();
absl::StrAppend(&info, "master_host:", rinfo.host, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "master_port:", rinfo.port, "\n");
const char* link = rinfo.master_link_established ? "up" : "down";
absl::StrAppend(&info, "master_link_status:", link, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "master_last_io_seconds_ago:", rinfo.master_last_io_sec, "\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "master_sync_in_progress:", rinfo.sync_in_progress, "\n");
if (should_enter("COMMANDSTATS", true)) {
absl::StrAppend(&info, "# Commandstats\n");
auto unknown_cmd = service_.UknownCmdMap();
for (const auto& k_v : unknown_cmd) {
absl::StrAppend(&info, "unknown_", k_v.first, ":", k_v.second, "\n");
for (const auto& k_v : m.conn_stats.cmd_count) {
absl::StrAppend(&info, "cmd_", k_v.first, ":", k_v.second, "\n");
if (should_enter("ERRORSTATS", true)) {
absl::StrAppend(&info, "# Errorstats\n");
for (const auto& k_v : m.conn_stats.err_count) {
absl::StrAppend(&info, k_v.first, ":", k_v.second, "\n");
if (should_enter("KEYSPACE")) {
absl::StrAppend(&info, "# Keyspace\n");
absl::StrAppend(&info, "db0:keys=xxx,expires=yyy,avg_ttl=zzz\n"); // TODO
void ServerFamily::ReplicaOf(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
std::string_view host = ArgS(args, 1);
std::string_view port_s = ArgS(args, 2);
auto& pool = service_.proactor_pool();
if (absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(host, "no") && absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(port_s, "one")) {
// use this lock as critical section to prevent concurrent replicaof commands running.
unique_lock lk(replica_of_mu_);
// Switch to primary mode.
if (!ServerState::tlocal()->is_master) {
auto repl_ptr = replica_;
[&](util::ProactorBase* pb) { ServerState::tlocal()->is_master = true; });
return (*cntx)->SendOk();
uint32_t port;
if (!absl::SimpleAtoi(port_s, &port) || port < 1 || port > 65535) {
auto new_replica = make_shared<Replica>(string(host), port, &service_);
unique_lock lk(replica_of_mu_);
if (replica_) {
replica_->Stop(); // NOTE: consider introducing update API flow.
// Flushing all the data after we marked this instance as replica.
Transaction* transaction = cntx->transaction;
auto cb = [](Transaction* t, EngineShard* shard) {
return OpStatus::OK;
transaction->Execute(std::move(cb), true);
// Replica sends response in either case. No need to send response in this function.
// It's a bit confusing but simpler.
if (!replica_->Run(cntx)) {
bool is_master = !replica_;
[&](util::ProactorBase* pb) { ServerState::tlocal()->is_master = is_master; });
void ServerFamily::Role(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
void ServerFamily::Script(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
script_mgr_->Run(std::move(args), cntx);
void ServerFamily::Sync(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
SyncGeneric("", 0, cntx);
void ServerFamily::Psync(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
SyncGeneric("?", 0, cntx); // full sync, ignore the request.
void ServerFamily::LastSave(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
void ServerFamily::_Shutdown(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
void ServerFamily::SyncGeneric(std::string_view repl_master_id, uint64_t offs,
ConnectionContext* cntx) {
if (cntx->async_dispatch) {
// SYNC is a special command that should not be sent in batch with other commands.
// It should be the last command since afterwards the server just dumps the replication data.
(*cntx)->SendError("Can not sync in pipeline mode");
cntx->replica_conn = true;
ServerState::tl_connection_stats()->num_replicas += 1;
// TBD.
#define HFUNC(x) SetHandler(HandlerFunc(this, &ServerFamily::x))
void ServerFamily::Register(CommandRegistry* registry) {
constexpr auto kReplicaOpts = CO::ADMIN | CO::GLOBAL_TRANS;
*registry << CI{"AUTH", CO::NOSCRIPT | CO::FAST | CO::LOADING, -2, 0, 0, 0}.HFUNC(Auth)
<< CI{"BGSAVE", CO::ADMIN | CO::GLOBAL_TRANS, 1, 0, 0, 0}.HFUNC(Save)
<< CI{"CONFIG", CO::ADMIN, -2, 0, 0, 0}.HFUNC(Config)
<< CI{"DBSIZE", CO::READONLY | CO::FAST | CO::LOADING, 1, 0, 0, 0}.HFUNC(DbSize)
<< CI{"DEBUG", CO::RANDOM | CO::ADMIN | CO::LOADING, -2, 0, 0, 0}.HFUNC(Debug)
<< CI{"FLUSHDB", CO::WRITE | CO::GLOBAL_TRANS, 1, 0, 0, 0}.HFUNC(FlushDb)
<< CI{"FLUSHALL", CO::WRITE | CO::GLOBAL_TRANS, -1, 0, 0, 0}.HFUNC(FlushAll)
<< CI{"INFO", CO::LOADING, -1, 0, 0, 0}.HFUNC(Info)
<< CI{"LASTSAVE", CO::LOADING | CO::RANDOM | CO::FAST, 1, 0, 0, 0}.HFUNC(LastSave)
<< CI{"SAVE", CO::ADMIN | CO::GLOBAL_TRANS, 1, 0, 0, 0}.HFUNC(Save)
<< CI{"SHUTDOWN", CO::ADMIN | CO::NOSCRIPT | CO::LOADING, 1, 0, 0, 0}.HFUNC(_Shutdown)
<< CI{"SLAVEOF", kReplicaOpts, 3, 0, 0, 0}.HFUNC(ReplicaOf)
<< CI{"REPLICAOF", kReplicaOpts, 3, 0, 0, 0}.HFUNC(ReplicaOf)
<< CI{"ROLE", CO::LOADING | CO::FAST | CO::NOSCRIPT, 1, 0, 0, 0}.HFUNC(Role)
<< CI{"SYNC", CO::ADMIN | CO::GLOBAL_TRANS, 1, 0, 0, 0}.HFUNC(Sync)
<< CI{"PSYNC", CO::ADMIN | CO::GLOBAL_TRANS, 3, 0, 0, 0}.HFUNC(Psync)
<< CI{"SCRIPT", CO::NOSCRIPT, -2, 0, 0, 0}.HFUNC(Script);
} // namespace dfly