413 lines
12 KiB
413 lines
12 KiB
// Copyright 2021, Roman Gershman. All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE for licensing terms.
#include "server/string_family.h"
extern "C" {
#include "redis/object.h"
#include <absl/container/inlined_vector.h>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "server/command_registry.h"
#include "server/conn_context.h"
#include "server/engine_shard_set.h"
#include "server/error.h"
#include "server/transaction.h"
#include "util/varz.h"
namespace dfly {
namespace {
using namespace std;
using CI = CommandId;
DEFINE_VARZ(VarzQps, set_qps);
DEFINE_VARZ(VarzQps, get_qps);
} // namespace
SetCmd::SetCmd(DbSlice* db_slice) : db_slice_(db_slice) {
SetCmd::~SetCmd() {
OpResult<void> SetCmd::Set(const SetParams& params, std::string_view key, std::string_view value) {
DCHECK_LT(params.db_index, db_slice_->db_array_size());
VLOG(2) << "Set (" << db_slice_->shard_id() << ") ";
auto [it, expire_it] = db_slice_->FindExt(params.db_index, key);
uint64_t at_ms = params.expire_after_ms ? params.expire_after_ms + db_slice_->Now() : 0;
if (IsValid(it)) { // existing
if (params.how == SET_IF_NOTEXIST)
return OpStatus::SKIPPED;
if (params.prev_val) {
if (it->second.ObjType() != OBJ_STRING)
return OpStatus::WRONG_TYPE;
string val;
return SetExisting(params.db_index, value, at_ms, it, expire_it);
if (params.how == SET_IF_EXISTS)
return OpStatus::SKIPPED;
db_slice_->AddNew(params.db_index, key, MainValue{value}, at_ms);
return OpStatus::OK;
OpResult<void> SetCmd::SetExisting(DbIndex db_ind, std::string_view value, uint64_t expire_at_ms,
MainIterator dest, ExpireIterator exp_it) {
if (IsValid(exp_it) && expire_at_ms) {
exp_it->second = expire_at_ms;
} else {
db_slice_->Expire(db_ind, dest, expire_at_ms);
return OpStatus::OK;
void StringFamily::Set(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
std::string_view key = ArgS(args, 1);
std::string_view value = ArgS(args, 2);
VLOG(2) << "Set " << key << " " << value;
SetCmd::SetParams sparams{cntx->db_index()};
int64_t int_arg;
for (size_t i = 3; i < args.size(); ++i) {
std::string_view cur_arg = ArgS(args, i);
if (cur_arg == "EX" || cur_arg == "PX") {
bool is_ms = (cur_arg == "PX");
if (i == args.size()) {
std::string_view ex = ArgS(args, i);
if (!absl::SimpleAtoi(ex, &int_arg)) {
return cntx->SendError(kInvalidIntErr);
if (int_arg <= 0 || (!is_ms && int_arg >= 500000000)) {
return cntx->SendError("invalid expire time in set");
if (!is_ms) {
int_arg *= 1000;
sparams.expire_after_ms = int_arg;
} else if (cur_arg == "NX") {
sparams.how = SetCmd::SET_IF_NOTEXIST;
} else if (cur_arg == "XX") {
sparams.how = SetCmd::SET_IF_EXISTS;
} else if (cur_arg == "KEEPTTL") {
sparams.keep_expire = true;
} else {
return cntx->SendError(kSyntaxErr);
auto cb = [&](Transaction* t, EngineShard* shard) {
SetCmd sg(&shard->db_slice());
auto status = sg.Set(sparams, key, value).status();
return status;
OpResult<void> result = cntx->transaction->ScheduleSingleHop(std::move(cb));
if (result == OpStatus::OK) {
return cntx->SendStored();
CHECK_EQ(result, OpStatus::SKIPPED); // in case of NX option
return cntx->SendNull();
void StringFamily::Get(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
std::string_view key = ArgS(args, 1);
auto cb = [&](Transaction* t, EngineShard* shard) -> OpResult<string> {
OpResult<MainIterator> it_res = shard->db_slice().Find(cntx->db_index(), key, OBJ_STRING);
if (!it_res.ok())
return it_res.status();
string val;
return val;
DVLOG(1) << "Before Get::ScheduleSingleHopT " << key;
Transaction* trans = cntx->transaction;
OpResult<string> result = trans->ScheduleSingleHopT(std::move(cb));
if (result) {
DVLOG(1) << "GET " << trans->DebugId() << ": " << key << " " << result.value();
cntx->SendGetReply(key, 0, result.value());
} else {
switch (result.status()) {
case OpStatus::WRONG_TYPE:
DVLOG(1) << "GET " << key << " nil";
void StringFamily::GetSet(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
std::string_view key = ArgS(args, 1);
std::string_view value = ArgS(args, 2);
std::optional<string> prev_val;
SetCmd::SetParams sparams{cntx->db_index()};
sparams.prev_val = &prev_val;
ShardId sid = Shard(key, cntx->shard_set->size());
OpResult<void> result = cntx->shard_set->Await(sid, [&] {
EngineShard* es = EngineShard::tlocal();
SetCmd cmd(&es->db_slice());
return cmd.Set(sparams, key, value);
if (!result) {
if (prev_val) {
cntx->SendGetReply(key, 0, *prev_val);
return cntx->SendNull();
void StringFamily::Incr(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
std::string_view key = ArgS(args, 1);
return IncrByGeneric(key, 1, cntx);
void StringFamily::IncrBy(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
DCHECK_EQ(3u, args.size());
std::string_view key = ArgS(args, 1);
std::string_view sval = ArgS(args, 2);
int64_t val;
if (!absl::SimpleAtoi(sval, &val)) {
return cntx->SendError(kInvalidIntErr);
return IncrByGeneric(key, val, cntx);
void StringFamily::Decr(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
std::string_view key = ArgS(args, 1);
return IncrByGeneric(key, -1, cntx);
void StringFamily::DecrBy(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
std::string_view key = ArgS(args, 1);
std::string_view sval = ArgS(args, 2);
int64_t val;
if (!absl::SimpleAtoi(sval, &val)) {
return cntx->SendError(kInvalidIntErr);
return IncrByGeneric(key, -val, cntx);
void StringFamily::IncrByGeneric(std::string_view key, int64_t val, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
auto cb = [&](Transaction* t, EngineShard* shard) {
OpResult<int64_t> res = OpIncrBy(OpArgs{shard, t->db_index()}, key, val);
return res;
OpResult<int64_t> result = cntx->transaction->ScheduleSingleHopT(std::move(cb));
DVLOG(2) << "IncrByGeneric " << key << "/" << result.value();
switch (result.status()) {
case OpStatus::OK:
return cntx->SendLong(result.value());
case OpStatus::INVALID_VALUE:
return cntx->SendError(kInvalidIntErr);
case OpStatus::OUT_OF_RANGE:
return cntx->SendError("increment or decrement would overflow");
void StringFamily::MGet(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
DCHECK_GT(args.size(), 1U);
Transaction* transaction = cntx->transaction;
unsigned shard_count = transaction->shard_set()->size();
std::vector<MGetResponse> mget_resp(shard_count);
auto cb = [&](Transaction* t, EngineShard* shard) {
ShardId sid = shard->shard_id();
mget_resp[sid] = OpMGet(t, shard);
return OpStatus::OK;
// MGet requires locking as well. For example, if coordinator A applied W(x) and then W(y)
// it necessarily means that whoever observed y, must observe x.
// Without locking, mget x y could read stale x but latest y.
OpStatus result = transaction->ScheduleSingleHop(std::move(cb));
CHECK_EQ(OpStatus::OK, result);
// reorder the responses back according to the order of their corresponding keys.
vector<std::optional<std::string_view>> res(args.size() - 1);
for (ShardId sid = 0; sid < shard_count; ++sid) {
if (!transaction->IsActive(sid))
auto& values = mget_resp[sid];
ArgSlice slice = transaction->ShardArgsInShard(sid);
DCHECK_EQ(slice.size(), values.size());
for (size_t j = 0; j < slice.size(); ++j) {
uint32_t indx = transaction->ReverseArgIndex(sid, j);
res[indx] = values[j];
return cntx->SendMGetResponse(res.data(), res.size());
void StringFamily::MSet(CmdArgList args, ConnectionContext* cntx) {
Transaction* transaction = cntx->transaction;
if (VLOG_IS_ON(2)) {
string str;
for (size_t i = 1; i < args.size(); ++i) {
absl::StrAppend(&str, " ", ArgS(args, i));
LOG(INFO) << "MSET/" << transaction->unique_shard_cnt() << str;
OpStatus status = transaction->ScheduleSingleHop(&OpMSet);
CHECK_EQ(OpStatus::OK, status);
DVLOG(2) << "MSet run " << transaction->DebugId();
return cntx->SendOk();
auto StringFamily::OpMGet(const Transaction* t, EngineShard* shard) -> MGetResponse {
auto args = t->ShardArgsInShard(shard->shard_id());
MGetResponse response(args.size());
auto& db_slice = shard->db_slice();
for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {
OpResult<MainIterator> it_res = db_slice.Find(t->db_index(), args[i], OBJ_STRING);
if (it_res.ok()) {
return response;
OpStatus StringFamily::OpMSet(const Transaction* t, EngineShard* es) {
ArgSlice largs = t->ShardArgsInShard(es->shard_id());
CHECK(!largs.empty() && largs.size() % 2 == 0);
SetCmd::SetParams params{t->db_index()};
SetCmd sg(&es->db_slice());
for (size_t i = 0; i < largs.size(); i += 2) {
DVLOG(1) << "MSet " << largs[i] << ":" << largs[i + 1];
auto res = sg.Set(params, largs[i], largs[i + 1]);
CHECK(res.ok()) << res << " " << largs[i]; // TODO - handle OOM etc.
return OpStatus::OK;
OpResult<int64_t> StringFamily::OpIncrBy(const OpArgs& op_args, std::string_view key,
int64_t incr) {
auto& db_slice = op_args.shard->db_slice();
auto [it, expire_it] = db_slice.FindExt(op_args.db_ind, key);
if (!IsValid(it)) {
CompactObj cobj;
db_slice.AddNew(op_args.db_ind, key, std::move(cobj), 0);
return incr;
if (it->second.ObjType() != OBJ_STRING) {
return OpStatus::WRONG_TYPE;
auto opt_prev = it->second.TryGetInt();
if (!opt_prev) {
return OpStatus::INVALID_VALUE;
long long prev = *opt_prev;
if ((incr < 0 && prev < 0 && incr < (LLONG_MIN - prev)) ||
(incr > 0 && prev > 0 && incr > (LLONG_MAX - prev))) {
return OpStatus::OUT_OF_RANGE;
int64_t new_val = prev + incr;
return new_val;
void StringFamily::Init(util::ProactorPool* pp) {
void StringFamily::Shutdown() {
#define HFUNC(x) SetHandler(&StringFamily::x)
void StringFamily::Register(CommandRegistry* registry) {
*registry << CI{"SET", CO::WRITE | CO::DENYOOM, -3, 1, 1, 1}.HFUNC(Set)
<< CI{"INCR", CO::WRITE | CO::DENYOOM | CO::FAST, 2, 1, 1, 1}.HFUNC(Incr)
<< CI{"DECR", CO::WRITE | CO::DENYOOM | CO::FAST, 2, 1, 1, 1}.HFUNC(Decr)
<< CI{"INCRBY", CO::WRITE | CO::DENYOOM | CO::FAST, 3, 1, 1, 1}.HFUNC(IncrBy)
<< CI{"DECRBY", CO::WRITE | CO::DENYOOM | CO::FAST, 3, 1, 1, 1}.HFUNC(DecrBy)
<< CI{"GET", CO::READONLY | CO::FAST, 2, 1, 1, 1}.HFUNC(Get)
<< CI{"GETSET", CO::WRITE | CO::DENYOOM | CO::FAST, 3, 1, 1, 1}.HFUNC(GetSet)
<< CI{"MGET", CO::READONLY | CO::FAST, -2, 1, -1, 1}.HFUNC(MGet)
<< CI{"MSET", CO::WRITE | CO::DENYOOM, -3, 1, -1, 2}.HFUNC(MSet);
} // namespace dfly