set names utf8; drop database if exists n9e; create database n9e; use n9e; CREATE TABLE `user` ( `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, `username` varchar(64) not null comment 'login name, cannot rename', `nickname` varchar(64) not null comment 'display name, chinese name', `password` varchar(128) not null, `phone` varchar(16) not null default '', `email` varchar(64) not null default '', `portrait` varchar(255) not null default '' comment 'portrait image url', `status` tinyint(1) not null default 0 comment '0: active, 1: disabled', `role` varchar(32) not null comment 'Admin | Standard | Guest', `contacts` varchar(1024) default '' comment 'json e.g. {wecom:xx, dingtalk_robot_token:yy}', `create_at` bigint not null default 0, `create_by` varchar(64) not null default '', `update_at` bigint not null default 0, `update_by` varchar(64) not null default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY (`username`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; CREATE TABLE `user_token` ( `user_id` bigint unsigned not null, `username` varchar(64) not null, `token` varchar(128) not null, KEY (`user_id`), KEY (`username`), UNIQUE KEY (`token`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; CREATE TABLE `user_group` ( `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, `name` varchar(128) not null default '', `note` varchar(255) not null default '', `create_at` bigint not null default 0, `create_by` varchar(64) not null default '', `update_at` bigint not null default 0, `update_by` varchar(64) not null default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY (`create_by`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; CREATE TABLE `user_group_member` ( `group_id` bigint unsigned not null, `user_id` bigint unsigned not null, KEY (`group_id`), KEY (`user_id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; CREATE TABLE `configs` ( `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, `ckey` varchar(255) not null, `cval` varchar(1024) not null default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY (`ckey`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; CREATE TABLE `role` ( `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, `name` varchar(128) not null default '', `note` varchar(255) not null default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY (`name`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; insert into `role`(name, note) values('Admin', 'Administrator role'); insert into `role`(name, note) values('Standard', 'Ordinary user role'); insert into `role`(name, note) values('Guest', 'Readonly user role'); CREATE TABLE `role_operation`( `role_name` varchar(128) not null, `operation` varchar(255) not null, KEY (`role_name`), KEY (`operation`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; -- Admin is special, who has no concrete operation but can do anything. insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'classpath_create'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'classpath_modify'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'classpath_delete'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'classpath_add_resource'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'classpath_del_resource'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'metric_description_create'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'metric_description_modify'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'metric_description_delete'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'mute_create'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'mute_delete'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'dashboard_create'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'dashboard_modify'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'dashboard_delete'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'alert_rule_group_create'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'alert_rule_group_modify'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'alert_rule_group_delete'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'alert_rule_create'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'alert_rule_modify'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'alert_rule_delete'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'alert_event_delete'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'collect_rule_create'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'collect_rule_modify'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'collect_rule_delete'); insert into `role_operation`(role_name, operation) values('Standard', 'resource_modify'); CREATE TABLE `instance` ( `service` varchar(128) not null, `endpoint` varchar(255) not null comment 'ip:port', `clock` datetime not null, KEY (`service`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; -- if mute_etime < now(), the two mute columns should be reset to 0 CREATE TABLE `resource` ( `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, `ident` varchar(255) not null, `alias` varchar(128) not null default '' comment 'auto detect, just for debug', `tags` varchar(512) not null default '' comment 'will append to event', `note` varchar(255) not null default '', `mute_btime` bigint not null default 0 comment 'mute begin time', `mute_etime` bigint not null default 0 comment 'mute end time', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY (`ident`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; CREATE TABLE `classpath` ( `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, `path` varchar(512) not null comment 'required. e.g.', `note` varchar(255) not null default '', `preset` tinyint(1) not null default 0 comment 'if preset, cannot delete and modify', `create_at` bigint not null default 0, `create_by` varchar(64) not null default '', `update_at` bigint not null default 0, `update_by` varchar(64) not null default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY (`path`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; -- new resource will bind classpath(id=1) automatically insert into classpath(id, path, note, preset, create_by, update_by, create_at, update_at) values(1, 'all', 'preset classpath, all resources belong to', 1, 'system', 'system', unix_timestamp(now()), unix_timestamp(now())); CREATE TABLE `classpath_resource` ( `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, `classpath_id` bigint unsigned not null, `res_ident` varchar(255) not null, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY (`classpath_id`), KEY (`res_ident`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; CREATE TABLE `classpath_favorite` ( `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, `classpath_id` bigint not null, `user_id` bigint not null, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY (`user_id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; CREATE TABLE `mute` ( `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, `metric` varchar(255) not null comment 'required', `res_filters` varchar(4096) not null default 'resource filters', `tag_filters` varchar(8192) not null default '', `cause` varchar(255) not null default '', `btime` bigint not null default 0 comment 'begin time', `etime` bigint not null default 0 comment 'end time', `create_at` bigint not null default 0, `create_by` varchar(64) not null default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY (`metric`), KEY (`create_by`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; CREATE TABLE `dashboard` ( `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) not null, `tags` varchar(255) not null, `configs` varchar(4096) comment 'dashboard variables', `create_at` bigint not null default 0, `create_by` varchar(64) not null default '', `update_at` bigint not null default 0, `update_by` varchar(64) not null default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY (`name`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; CREATE TABLE `dashboard_favorite` ( `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, `dashboard_id` bigint not null comment 'dashboard id', `user_id` bigint not null comment 'user id', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY (`user_id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; -- auto create the first subclass 'Default chart group' of dashboard CREATE TABLE `chart_group` ( `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, `dashboard_id` bigint unsigned not null, `name` varchar(255) not null, `weight` int not null default 0, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY (`dashboard_id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; CREATE TABLE `chart` ( `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, `group_id` bigint unsigned not null comment 'chart group id', `configs` varchar(8192), `weight` int not null default 0, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY (`group_id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; CREATE TABLE `chart_tmp` ( `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, `configs` varchar(8192), `create_at` bigint not null default 0, `create_by` varchar(64) not null default '', primary key (`id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; CREATE TABLE `collect_rule` ( `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, `classpath_id` bigint not null, `prefix_match` tinyint(1) not null default 0 comment '0: no 1: yes', `name` varchar(255) not null default '', `note` varchar(255) not null default '', `step` int not null, `type` varchar(64) not null comment 'e.g. port proc log plugin mysql', `data` text not null, `append_tags` varchar(255) not null default '' comment 'e.g. mod=n9e', `create_at` bigint not null default 0, `create_by` varchar(64) not null default '', `update_at` bigint not null default 0, `update_by` varchar(64) not null default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY (`classpath_id`, `type`), KEY (`name`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; CREATE TABLE `alert_rule_group` ( `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) not null, `user_group_ids` varchar(255) not null default '' comment 'readwrite user group ids', `create_at` bigint not null default 0, `create_by` varchar(64) not null default '', `update_at` bigint not null default 0, `update_by` varchar(64) not null default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY (`name`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; insert into alert_rule_group(name,create_at,create_by,update_at,update_by) values('Default Rule Group', unix_timestamp(now()), 'system', unix_timestamp(now()), 'system'); CREATE TABLE `alert_rule_group_favorite` ( `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, `group_id` bigint not null comment 'alert_rule group id', `user_id` bigint not null comment 'user id', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY (`user_id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; CREATE TABLE `alert_rule` ( `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, `group_id` bigint not null default 0 comment 'alert_rule group id', `name` varchar(255) not null, `note` varchar(255) not null, `type` tinyint(1) not null comment '0 n9e 1 promql', `status` tinyint(1) not null comment '0 enable 1 disable', `alert_duration` int not null comment 'unit:s', `expression` varchar(4096) not null comment 'rule expression', `enable_stime` char(5) not null default '00:00', `enable_etime` char(5) not null default '23:59', `enable_days_of_week` varchar(32) not null default '' comment 'split by space: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6', `recovery_notify` tinyint(1) not null comment 'whether notify when recovery', `priority` tinyint(1) not null, `notify_channels` varchar(255) not null default '' comment 'split by space: sms voice email dingtalk wecom', `notify_groups` varchar(255) not null default '' comment 'split by space: 233 43', `notify_users` varchar(255) not null default '' comment 'split by space: 2 5', `callbacks` varchar(255) not null default '' comment 'split by space:', `runbook_url` varchar(255), `append_tags` varchar(255) not null default '' comment 'split by space: service=n9e mod=api', `create_at` bigint not null default 0, `create_by` varchar(64) not null default '', `update_at` bigint not null default 0, `update_by` varchar(64) not null default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY (`group_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; CREATE TABLE `alert_event` ( `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, `hash_id` varchar(255) not null comment 'rule_id + point_pk', `rule_id` bigint unsigned not null, `rule_name` varchar(255) not null, `rule_note` varchar(512) not null default 'alert rule note', `res_classpaths` varchar(1024) not null default '' comment 'belong classpaths', `priority` tinyint(1) not null, `status` tinyint(1) not null, `is_prome_pull` tinyint(1) not null, `history_points` text comment 'metric, history points', `trigger_time` bigint not null, `notify_channels` varchar(255) not null default '', `notify_groups` varchar(255) not null default '', `notify_users` varchar(255) not null default '', `runbook_url` varchar(255), `readable_expression` varchar(1024) not null comment 'e.g. mem.bytes.used.percent(all,60s) > 0', `tags` varchar(1024) not null default 'merge data_tags rule_tags and res_tags', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY (`hash_id`), KEY (`rule_id`), KEY (`trigger_time`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; CREATE TABLE `metric_description` ( `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, `metric` varchar(255) not null default '', `description` varchar(255) not null default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY (`metric`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; insert into metric_description(metric, description) values('system_cpu_idle', '系统总体CPU空闲率(单位:%)'); insert into metric_description(metric, description) values('system_cpu_util', '系统总体CPU使用率(单位:%)');