
269 lines
5.9 KiB

# debug, release
RunMode = "release"
# # custom i18n dict config
# I18N = "./etc/i18n.json"
# # custom i18n request header key
# I18NHeaderKey = "X-Language"
# metrics descriptions
MetricsYamlFile = "./etc/metrics.yaml"
BuiltinAlertsDir = "./etc/alerts"
BuiltinDashboardsDir = "./etc/dashboards"
# config | api
ClustersFrom = "config"
# using when ClustersFrom = "api"
ClustersFromAPIs = []
Label = "邮箱"
# do not change Key
Key = "email"
Label = "钉钉机器人"
# do not change Key
Key = "dingtalk"
Label = "企微机器人"
# do not change Key
Key = "wecom"
Label = "飞书机器人"
# do not change Key
Key = "feishu"
Label = "mm bot"
# do not change Key
Key = "mm"
Label = "Wecom Robot Token"
# do not change Key
Key = "wecom_robot_token"
Label = "Dingtalk Robot Token"
# do not change Key
Key = "dingtalk_robot_token"
Label = "Feishu Robot Token"
# do not change Key
Key = "feishu_robot_token"
Label = "MatterMost Webhook URL"
# do not change Key
Key = "mm_webhook_url"
# log write dir
Dir = "logs"
Level = "DEBUG"
# stdout, stderr, file
Output = "stdout"
# # rotate by time
# KeepHours: 4
# # rotate by size
# RotateNum = 3
# # unit: MB
# RotateSize = 256
# http listening address
Host = ""
# http listening port
Port = 18000
# https cert file path
CertFile = ""
# https key file path
KeyFile = ""
# whether print access log
PrintAccessLog = true
# whether enable pprof
PProf = false
# http graceful shutdown timeout, unit: s
ShutdownTimeout = 30
# max content length: 64M
MaxContentLength = 67108864
# http server read timeout, unit: s
ReadTimeout = 20
# http server write timeout, unit: s
WriteTimeout = 40
# http server idle timeout, unit: s
IdleTimeout = 120
# signing key
SigningKey = "5b94a0fd640fe2765af826acfe42d151"
# unit: min
AccessExpired = 1500
# unit: min
RefreshExpired = 10080
RedisKeyPrefix = "/jwt/"
# if proxy auth enabled, jwt auth is disabled
Enable = false
# username key in http proxy header
HeaderUserNameKey = "X-User-Name"
DefaultRoles = ["Standard"]
user001 = "ccc26da7b9aba533cbb263a36c07dcc5"
PromQuerier = false
AlertDetail = false
Enable = false
Host = ""
Port = 389
BaseDn = "dc=example,dc=org"
# AD:
BindUser = "cn=manager,dc=example,dc=org"
BindPass = "*******"
# openldap format e.g. (&(uid=%s))
# AD format e.g. (&(sAMAccountName=%s))
AuthFilter = "(&(uid=%s))"
CoverAttributes = true
TLS = false
StartTLS = true
# ldap user default roles
DefaultRoles = ["Standard"]
Nickname = "cn"
Phone = "mobile"
Email = "mail"
Enable = false
DiaplayName = "OIDC登录"
RedirectURL = ""
SsoAddr = ""
ClientId = ""
ClientSecret = ""
CoverAttributes = true
DefaultRoles = ["Standard"]
Nickname = "nickname"
Phone = "phone_number"
Email = "email"
Enable = false
DiaplayName = "CAS登录"
SsoAddr = ""
RedirectURL = ""
CoverAttributes = false
# cas user default roles
DefaultRoles = ["Standard"]
Nickname = "nickname"
Phone = "phone_number"
Email = "email"
Enable = false
DisplayName = "OAuth2登录"
RedirectURL = ""
SsoAddr = ""
TokenAddr = ""
UserInfoAddr = ""
ClientId = ""
ClientSecret = ""
CoverAttributes = true
DefaultRoles = ["Standard"]
UserinfoIsArray = false
UserinfoPrefix = "data"
Scopes = ["profile", "email", "phone"]
# Username must be defined
Username = "username"
Nickname = "nickname"
Phone = "phone_number"
Email = "email"
# example
# # nested : UserinfoIsArray=false, UserinfoPrefix="data"
# # {"data":{"username":"123456","nickname":"姓名"},"code":0,"message":"ok"}
# # nested and array : UserinfoIsArray=true, UserinfoPrefix="data"
# # {"data":[{"username":"123456","nickname":"姓名"}],"code":0,"message":"ok"}
# # flat : UserinfoIsArray=false, UserinfoPrefix=""
# # {"username":"123456","nickname":"姓名"}
# # flat and array : UserinfoIsArray=true, UserinfoPrefix=""
# # [{"username":"123456","nickname":"姓名"}]
# address, ip:port or ip1:port,ip2:port for cluster and sentinel(SentinelAddrs)
Address = ""
# Username = ""
# Password = ""
# DB = 0
# UseTLS = false
# TLSMinVersion = "1.2"
# standalone cluster sentinel
RedisType = "standalone"
# Mastername for sentinel type
# MasterName = "mymaster"
# enable debug mode or not
Debug = false
# mysql postgres
DBType = "mysql"
# unit: s
MaxLifetime = 7200
# max open connections
MaxOpenConns = 150
# max idle connections
MaxIdleConns = 50
# table prefix
TablePrefix = ""
# enable auto migrate or not
# EnableAutoMigrate = false
# Prometheus cluster name
Name = "Default"
# Prometheus APIs base url
Prom = ""
# Basic auth username
BasicAuthUser = ""
# Basic auth password
BasicAuthPass = ""
# timeout settings, unit: ms
Timeout = 30000
DialTimeout = 3000
MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 100
Headers = ["X-From", "n9e"]
Address = ""
# basic auth
BasicAuthUser = "ibex"
BasicAuthPass = "ibex"
# unit: ms
Timeout = 3000
TargetUp = '''max(max_over_time(target_up{ident=~"(%s)"}[%dm])) by (ident)'''
LoadPerCore = '''max(max_over_time(system_load_norm_1{ident=~"(%s)"}[%dm])) by (ident)'''
MemUtil = '''100-max(max_over_time(mem_available_percent{ident=~"(%s)"}[%dm])) by (ident)'''
DiskUtil = '''max(max_over_time(disk_used_percent{ident=~"(%s)", path="/"}[%dm])) by (ident)'''