539 lines
14 KiB
539 lines
14 KiB
// Copyright 2017 Xiaomi, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package judge
import (
var (
bufferPool = sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} { return new(bytes.Buffer) }}
EVENT_ALERT = "alert"
EVENT_RECOVER = "recovery"
func Send(points []*vos.MetricPoint) {
for i := range points {
alertRules := getMatchAlertRules(points[i])
rulesCount := len(alertRules)
if rulesCount == 0 {
// 这个监控数据没有关联任何告警策略,省事了不用处理
logger.Debugf("[point_match_alertRules][point:%+v][alertRuleNum:%+v]", points[i], rulesCount)
// 不同的告警规则,alert_duration字段大小不同,找到最大的,按照最大的值来缓存历史数据
var maxAliveDuration = 0
for j := range alertRules {
if maxAliveDuration < alertRules[j].AlertDuration {
maxAliveDuration = alertRules[j].AlertDuration
if len(points[i].PK) < 2 {
logger.Debugf("[point:%+v] len(pk)<2", points[i])
ll := PointCaches[points[i].PK[0:2]].PutPoint(points[i], int64(maxAliveDuration))
for j := range alertRules {
go ToJudge(ll, alertRules[j], points[i])
func getMatchAlertRules(point *vos.MetricPoint) []*models.AlertRule {
alertRules := cache.AlertRulesByMetric.GetBy(point.Metric)
matchRules := make([]*models.AlertRule, 0, len(alertRules))
for i := range alertRules {
if alertRules[i].Type == models.PULL {
if matchAlertRule(point, alertRules[i]) {
matchRules = append(matchRules, alertRules[i])
return matchRules
func matchAlertRule(item *vos.MetricPoint, alertRule *models.AlertRule) bool {
//TODO 过滤方式待优化
for _, filter := range alertRule.PushExpr.ResFilters {
if !valueMatch(item.Ident, filter.Func, filter.Params) {
return false
for _, filter := range alertRule.PushExpr.TagFilters {
value, exists := item.TagsMap[filter.Key]
if !exists {
return false
if !valueMatch(value, filter.Func, filter.Params) {
return false
return true
func valueMatch(value, f string, params []string) bool {
switch f {
case "InClasspath":
for i := range params {
if cache.ResClasspath.Exists(value, params[i]) {
return true
return false
case "NotInClasspath":
for i := range params {
if cache.ResClasspath.Exists(value, params[i]) {
return false
return true
case "InClasspathPrefix":
classpaths := cache.ResClasspath.GetValues(value)
for _, classpath := range classpaths {
for i := range params {
if strings.HasPrefix(classpath, params[i]) {
return true
return false
case "NotInClasspathPrefix":
classpaths := cache.ResClasspath.GetValues(value)
for _, classpath := range classpaths {
for i := range params {
if strings.HasPrefix(classpath, params[i]) {
return false
return true
case "InList":
for i := range params {
if value == params[i] {
return true
return false
case "NotInList":
for i := range params {
if value == params[i] {
return false
return true
case "InResourceList":
for i := range params {
if value == params[i] {
return true
return false
case "NotInResourceList":
for i := range params {
if value == params[i] {
return false
return true
case "HasPrefixString":
for i := range params {
if strings.HasPrefix(value, params[i]) {
return true
return false
case "NoPrefixString":
for i := range params {
if strings.HasPrefix(value, params[i]) {
return false
return true
case "HasSuffixString":
for i := range params {
if strings.HasSuffix(value, params[i]) {
return true
return false
case "NoSuffixString":
for i := range params {
if strings.HasSuffix(value, params[i]) {
return false
return true
case "ContainsString":
for i := range params {
if strings.Contains(value, params[i]) {
return true
return false
case "NotContainsString":
for i := range params {
if strings.Contains(value, params[i]) {
return false
return true
case "MatchRegexp":
for i := range params {
r, _ := regexp.Compile(params[i])
if r.MatchString(value) {
return true
return false
case "NotMatchRegexp":
for i := range params {
r, _ := regexp.Compile(params[i])
if r.MatchString(value) {
return false
return true
return false
func ToJudge(linkedList *SafeLinkedList, stra *models.AlertRule, val *vos.MetricPoint) {
logger.Debugf("[ToJudge.start][stra:%+v][val:%+v]", stra, val)
now := val.Time
hps := linkedList.HistoryPoints(now - int64(stra.AlertDuration))
if len(hps) == 0 {
historyArr := []vos.HistoryPoints{}
statusArr := []bool{}
eventInfo := ""
value := ""
if len(stra.PushExpr.Exps) == 1 {
for _, expr := range stra.PushExpr.Exps {
history, info, lastValue, status := Judge(stra, expr, hps, val, now)
statusArr = append(statusArr, status)
if value == "" {
value = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", expr.Metric, lastValue)
} else {
value += fmt.Sprintf("; %s: %s", expr.Metric, lastValue)
historyArr = append(historyArr, history)
eventInfo += info
} else { //多个条件
for _, expr := range stra.PushExpr.Exps {
respData, err := GetData(stra, expr, val, now)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("stra:%+v get query data err:%v", stra, err)
if len(respData) <= 0 {
logger.Errorf("stra:%+v get query data respData:%v err", stra, respData)
history, info, lastValue, status := Judge(stra, expr, respData, val, now)
statusArr = append(statusArr, status)
if value == "" {
value = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", expr.Metric, lastValue)
} else {
value += fmt.Sprintf("; %s: %s", expr.Metric, lastValue)
historyArr = append(historyArr, history)
if eventInfo == "" {
eventInfo = info
} else {
if stra.PushExpr.TogetherOrAny == 0 {
eventInfo += fmt.Sprintf(" & %s", info)
} else if stra.PushExpr.TogetherOrAny == 1 {
eventInfo += fmt.Sprintf(" || %s", info)
bs, err := json.Marshal(historyArr)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Marshal history:%+v err:%v", historyArr, err)
event := &models.AlertEvent{
RuleId: stra.Id,
RuleName: stra.Name,
RuleNote: stra.Note,
HashId: str.MD5(fmt.Sprintf("%d_%s", stra.Id, val.PK)),
ResIdent: val.Ident,
Priority: stra.Priority,
HistoryPoints: bs,
TriggerTime: now,
Values: value,
NotifyChannels: stra.NotifyChannels,
NotifyGroups: stra.NotifyGroups,
NotifyUsers: stra.NotifyUsers,
RunbookUrl: stra.RunbookUrl,
ReadableExpression: eventInfo,
TagMap: val.TagsMap,
logger.Debugf("[ToJudge.event.create][type=push][stra:%+v][val:%+v][event:%+v]", stra, val, event)
sendEventIfNeed(statusArr, event, stra)
func Judge(stra *models.AlertRule, exp models.Exp, historyData []*vos.HPoint, firstItem *vos.MetricPoint, now int64) (history vos.HistoryPoints, info string, lastValue string, status bool) {
var leftValue vos.JsonFloat
if exp.Func == "stddev" {
info = fmt.Sprintf(" %s (%s,%ds) %v", exp.Metric, exp.Func, stra.AlertDuration, exp.Params)
} else if exp.Func == "happen" {
info = fmt.Sprintf(" %s (%s,%ds) %v %s %v", exp.Metric, exp.Func, stra.AlertDuration, exp.Params, exp.Optr, exp.Threshold)
} else {
info = fmt.Sprintf(" %s(%s,%ds) %s %v", exp.Metric, exp.Func, stra.AlertDuration, exp.Optr, exp.Threshold)
leftValue, status = judgeItemWithStrategy(stra, historyData, exp, firstItem, now)
lastValue = "null"
if !math.IsNaN(float64(leftValue)) {
lastValue = strconv.FormatFloat(float64(leftValue), 'f', -1, 64)
history = vos.HistoryPoints{
Metric: exp.Metric,
Tags: firstItem.TagsMap,
Points: historyData,
func judgeItemWithStrategy(stra *models.AlertRule, historyData []*vos.HPoint, exp models.Exp, firstItem *vos.MetricPoint, now int64) (leftValue vos.JsonFloat, isTriggered bool) {
straFunc := exp.Func
var straParam []interface{}
straParam = append(straParam, stra.AlertDuration)
switch straFunc {
case "happen", "stddev":
if len(exp.Params) < 1 {
logger.Errorf("stra:%d exp:%+v stra param is null", stra.Id, exp)
straParam = append(straParam, exp.Params[0])
case "c_avg", "c_avg_abs", "c_avg_rate", "c_avg_rate_abs":
if len(exp.Params) < 1 {
logger.Errorf("stra:%d exp:%+v stra param is null", stra.Id, exp)
hisD, err := GetData(stra, exp, firstItem, now-int64(exp.Params[0]))
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("stra:%v %+v get compare data err:%v", stra.Id, exp, err)
if len(hisD) != 1 {
logger.Errorf("stra:%d %+v get compare data err, respItems:%v", stra.Id, exp, hisD)
var sum float64
for _, i := range hisD {
sum += float64(i.Value)
straParam = append(straParam, sum/float64(len(hisD)))
fn, err := ParseFuncFromString(straFunc, straParam, exp.Optr, exp.Threshold)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("stra:%d %+v parse func fail: %v", stra.Id, exp, err)
return fn.Compute(historyData)
func GetData(stra *models.AlertRule, exp models.Exp, firstItem *vos.MetricPoint, now int64) ([]*vos.HPoint, error) {
var respData []*vos.HPoint
var err error
start := now - int64(stra.AlertDuration) - 2
// 这里的参数肯定只有一个
queryParam, err := NewQueryRequest(firstItem.Ident, exp.Metric, firstItem.TagsMap, start, now)
if err != nil {
return respData, err
respData = Query(queryParam)
logger.Debugf("[exp:%+v][queryParam:%+v][respData:%+v]\n", exp, queryParam, respData)
return respData, err
// 虽然最近的数据确实产生了事件(产生事件很频繁),但是未必一定要发送,只有告警/恢复状态发生变化的时候才需发送
func sendEventIfNeed(status []bool, event *models.AlertEvent, stra *models.AlertRule) {
isTriggered := true
if stra.Type == 0 {
// 只判断push型的
switch stra.PushExpr.TogetherOrAny {
case 0:
// 全部触发
for _, s := range status {
isTriggered = isTriggered && s
case 1:
// 任意一个触发
isTriggered = false
for _, s := range status {
if s == true {
isTriggered = true
now := time.Now().Unix()
lastEvent, exists := LastEvents.Get(event.HashId)
switch event.IsPromePull {
case 0:
// push型的 && 与条件型的
if exists && lastEvent.IsPromePull == 1 {
// 之前内存中的事件是pull型的,先清空内存中的事件
if isTriggered {
// 新告警或者上次是恢复事件,都需要立即发送
if !exists || lastEvent.IsRecov() {
} else {
// 上次是告警事件,现在恢复了,自然需要通知
if exists && lastEvent.IsAlert() {
case 1:
// pull型的,产生的事件一定是触发了阈值的,即这个case里不存在recovery的场景,recovery的场景用resolve_timeout的cron来处理
if exists && lastEvent.IsPromePull == 0 {
// 之前内存中的事件是push型的,先清空内存中的事件
// 1. 第一次来,并且AlertDuration=0,直接发送
// 2. 触发累计到AlertDuration时长后触发一条
if !exists {
// 这是个新事件,之前未曾产生过的
if stra.AlertDuration == 0 {
// 代表prometheus rule for 配置为0,直接发送
event.LastSend = true
} else {
// 只有一条事件,显然无法满足for AlertDuration的时间,放到内存里等待
LastEvents.Set(event.HashId, event)
// 内存里有事件,虽然AlertDuration是0但是上次没有发过(可能是中间调整过AlertDuration,比如从某个大于0的值调整为0)
if stra.AlertDuration == 0 && !lastEvent.LastSend {
event.LastSend = true
// 内存里有事件,AlertDuration也是大于0的,需要判断Prometheus里的for的逻辑
if now-lastEvent.TriggerTime < int64(stra.AlertDuration) {
// 距离上次告警的时间小于告警统计周期,即不满足for的条件,不产生告警通知
// 满足for的条件了,应产生事件,但是未必一定要发送,上次没发送或者上次是恢复这次才发送,即保证只发一条
if !lastEvent.LastSend || lastEvent.IsRecov() {
event.LastSend = true
func SendEvent(event *models.AlertEvent) {
// update last event
LastEvents.Set(event.HashId, event)
ok := EventQueue.PushFront(event)
if !ok {
logger.Errorf("push event:%v err", event)
logger.Debugf("[SendEvent.event.success][type:%+v][event:%+v]", event.IsPromePull, event)