
66 lines
4.6 KiB

package config
import ""
var (
dict = map[string]string{
"Login fail, check your username and password": "登录失败,请检查您的用户名和密码",
"Internal server error, try again later please": "系统内部错误,请稍后再试",
"Each user has at most two tokens": "每个用户至多创建两个密钥",
"No such token": "密钥不存在",
"Username is blank": "用户名不能为空",
"Username has invalid characters": "用户名含有非法字符",
"Nickname has invalid characters": "用户昵称含有非法字符",
"Phone invalid": "手机号格式有误",
"Email invalid": "邮箱格式有误",
"Incorrect old password": "旧密码错误",
"Username %s already exists": "用户名(%s)已存在",
"No such user": "用户不存在",
"UserGroup %s already exists": "用户组(%s)已存在",
"Group name has invalid characters": "分组名称含有非法字符",
"Group note has invalid characters": "分组备注含有非法字符",
"No such user group": "用户组不存在",
"Classpath path has invalid characters": "机器分组路径含有非法字符",
"Classpath note has invalid characters": "机器分组路径备注含有非法字符",
"There are still resources under the classpath": "机器分组路径下仍然挂有资源",
"There are still collect rules under the classpath": "机器分组路径下仍然存在采集策略",
"No such classpath": "机器分组路径不存在",
"Classpath %s already exists": "机器分组路径(%s)已存在",
"Preset classpath %s cannot delete": "内置机器分组(%s)不允许删除",
"No such mute config": "此屏蔽配置不存在",
"DashboardGroup name has invalid characters": "大盘分组名称含有非法字符",
"DashboardGroup name is blank": "大盘分组名称为空",
"DashboardGroup %s already exists": "大盘分组(%s)已存在",
"No such dashboard group": "大盘分组不存在",
"Dashboard name has invalid characters": "大盘名称含有非法字符",
"Dashboard %s already exists": "监控大盘(%s)已存在",
"ChartGroup name has invalid characters": "图表分组名称含有非法字符",
"No such dashboard": "监控大盘不存在",
"No such chart group": "图表分组不存在",
"No such chart": "图表不存在",
"There are still dashboards under the group": "分组下面仍然存在监控大盘,请先从组内移出",
"AlertRuleGroup name has invalid characters": "告警规则分组含有非法字符",
"AlertRuleGroup %s already exists": "告警规则分组(%s)已存在",
"There are still alert rules under the group": "分组下面仍然存在告警规则",
"AlertRule name has invalid characters": "告警规则含有非法字符",
"No such alert rule": "告警规则不存在",
"No such alert rule group": "告警规则分组不存在",
"No such alert event": "告警事件不存在",
"No such collect rule": "采集规则不存在",
"Decoded metric description empty": "导入的指标释义列表为空",
"User disabled": "用户已被禁用",
"Tags(%s) invalid": "标签(%s)格式不合法",
"Resource filter(Func:%s)'s param invalid": "资源过滤条件(函数:%s)参数不合法(为空或包含空格都不合法)",
"Tags filter(Func:%s)'s param invalid": "标签过滤条件(函数:%s)参数不合法(为空或包含空格都不合法)",
"Regexp: %s cannot be compiled": "正则表达式(%s)不合法,无法编译",
"AppendTags(%s) invalid": "附件标签(%s)格式不合法",
langDict = map[string]map[string]string{
"zh": dict,
func init() {