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package models
import (
const PUSH = 0
const PULL = 1
type AlertRule struct {
Id int64 `json:"id"`
GroupId int64 `json:"group_id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Type int `json:"type"` // 0: nightingale, 1: prometheus
Expression json.RawMessage `json:"expression"`
Status int `json:"status"` // 0: active, 1: disabled
AppendTags string `json:"append_tags"`
EnableStime string `json:"enable_stime"`
EnableEtime string `json:"enable_etime"`
EnableDaysOfWeek string `json:"enable_days_of_week"`
RecoveryNotify int `json:"recovery_notify"`
Priority int `json:"priority"`
NotifyChannels string `json:"notify_channels"`
NotifyGroups string `json:"notify_groups"`
NotifyUsers string `json:"notify_users"`
Callbacks string `json:"callbacks"`
RunbookUrl string `json:"runbook_url"`
Note string `json:"note"`
CreateAt int64 `json:"create_at"`
CreateBy string `json:"create_by"`
UpdateAt int64 `json:"update_at"`
UpdateBy string `json:"update_by"`
AlertDuration int `json:"alert_duration"` // 告警统计周期PULL模型会当做P8S的for时间
PushExpr PushExpression `xorm:"-" json:"-"`
PullExpr PullExpression `xorm:"-" json:"-"`
FirstMetric string `xorm:"-" json:"-"` // Exps里可能有多个metric只取第一个给后续制作map使用
type PushExpression struct {
TagFilters []TagFilter `json:"tags_filters"`
ResFilters []ResFilter `json:"res_filters"`
Exps []Exp `json:"trigger_conditions"`
TogetherOrAny int `json:"together_or_any"` // 所有触发还是触发一条即可,=0所有 =1一条
type PullExpression struct {
PromQl string `json:"promql"` // promql 最终表达式
EvaluationInterval int `json:"evaluation_interval"` // promql pull 计算周期
type ResFilter struct {
Func string `json:"func"`
// * InClasspath -> 可以内存里做个大maphost->classpath然后看host对应的classpath中是否有某一个满足InClasspath的条件
// * NotInClasspath
// * InClasspathPrefix -> 可以内存里做个大maphost->classpath然后看host对应的classpath中是否有某一个满足InClasspathPrefix的条件
// * NotInClasspathPrefix
// * InResourceList
// * NotInResourceList
// * HasPrefixString
// * NoPrefixString
// * HasSuffixString
// * NoSuffixString
// * ContainsString
// * NotContainsString
// * MatchRegexp
// * NotMatchRegexp
Params []string `json:"params"`
type TagFilter struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Func string `json:"func"`
// * InList
// * NotInList
// * HasPrefixString
// * NoPrefixString
// * HasSuffixString
// * NoSuffixString
// * ContainsString
// * NotContainsString
// * MatchRegexp
// * NotMatchRegexp
Params []string `json:"params"`
type Exp struct {
Optr string `json:"optr"` //>,<,=,!=
Func string `json:"func"` //all,max,min
Metric string `json:"metric"` //metric
Params []int `json:"params"` //连续n秒
Threshold float64 `json:"threshold"` //阈值
func (ar *AlertRule) Decode() error {
if ar.Type == PUSH {
err := json.Unmarshal(ar.Expression, &ar.PushExpr)
if err != nil {
logger.Warningf("decode alert rule(%d): unmarshal push expression(%s) error: %v", ar.Id, string(ar.Expression), err)
return err
if len(ar.PushExpr.Exps) < 1 {
logger.Warningf("decode alert rule(%d): exps size is zero", ar.Id)
return err
ar.FirstMetric = ar.PushExpr.Exps[0].Metric
} else {
err := json.Unmarshal(ar.Expression, &ar.PullExpr)
if err != nil {
logger.Warningf("decode alert rule(%d): unmarshal pull expression(%s) error: %v", ar.Id, string(ar.Expression), err)
return err
return nil
func (ar *AlertRule) TableName() string {
return "alert_rule"
func (ar *AlertRule) Validate() error {
if str.Dangerous(ar.Name) {
return _e("AlertRule name has invalid characters")
if err := ar.Decode(); err != nil {
return _e("AlertRule expression is invalid")
if ar.Type == PUSH {
if ar.AlertDuration <= 0 {
ar.AlertDuration = 60
for _, filter := range ar.PushExpr.ResFilters {
// 参数不能是空的,即不能一个参数都没有
if len(filter.Params) == 0 {
return _e("Resource filter(Func:%s)'s param invalid", filter.Func)
// 对于每个参数而言,不能包含空格,不能是空
for i := range filter.Params {
if strings.ContainsAny(filter.Params[i], " \r\n\t") {
return _e("Resource filter(Func:%s)'s param invalid", filter.Func)
if filter.Params[i] == "" {
return _e("Resource filter(Func:%s)'s param invalid", filter.Func)
if strings.Contains(filter.Func, "Regexp") {
for i := range filter.Params {
_, err := regexp.Compile(filter.Params[i])
if err != nil {
return _e("Regexp: %s cannot be compiled", filter.Params[i])
for _, filter := range ar.PushExpr.TagFilters {
// 参数不能是空的,即不能一个参数都没有
if len(filter.Params) == 0 {
return _e("Tags filter(Func:%s)'s param invalid", filter.Func)
// 对于每个参数而言,不能包含空格,不能是空
for i := range filter.Params {
if strings.ContainsAny(filter.Params[i], " \r\n\t") {
return _e("Tags filter(Func:%s)'s param invalid", filter.Func)
if filter.Params[i] == "" {
return _e("Tags filter(Func:%s)'s param invalid", filter.Func)
if strings.Contains(filter.Func, "Regexp") {
for i := range filter.Params {
_, err := regexp.Compile(filter.Params[i])
if err != nil {
return _e("Regexp: %s cannot be compiled", filter.Params[i])
if ar.Type == PULL {
if ar.AlertDuration <= 0 {
ar.AlertDuration = 60
if ar.PullExpr.PromQl == "" {
return _e("promql empty")
_, err := parser.ParseExpr(ar.PullExpr.PromQl)
if err != nil {
return _e("promql parse error:%s", err.Error())
if ar.PullExpr.EvaluationInterval <= 0 {
ar.PullExpr.EvaluationInterval = 15
ar.AppendTags = strings.TrimSpace(ar.AppendTags)
arr := strings.Fields(ar.AppendTags)
for i := 0; i < len(arr); i++ {
// 如果有appendtags那就要校验一下格式了
if len(strings.Split(arr[i], "=")) != 2 {
return _e("AppendTags(%s) invalid", arr[i])
// notifyGroups notifyUsers check
gids := strings.Fields(ar.NotifyGroups)
for i := 0; i < len(gids); i++ {
if _, err := strconv.ParseInt(gids[i], 10, 64); err != nil {
// 这个如果真的非法了肯定是恶意流量不用i18n
return fmt.Errorf("NotifyGroups(%s) invalid", ar.NotifyGroups)
uids := strings.Fields(ar.NotifyUsers)
for i := 0; i < len(uids); i++ {
if _, err := strconv.ParseInt(uids[i], 10, 64); err != nil {
// 这个如果真的非法了肯定是恶意流量不用i18n
return fmt.Errorf("NotifyUsers(%s) invalid", ar.NotifyUsers)
return nil
func AlertRuleCount(where string, args ...interface{}) (num int64, err error) {
num, err = DB.Where(where, args...).Count(new(AlertRule))
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("mysql.error: count alert_rule fail: %v", err)
return num, internalServerError
return num, nil
func (ar *AlertRule) Add() error {
if err := ar.Validate(); err != nil {
return err
now := time.Now().Unix()
ar.CreateAt = now
ar.UpdateAt = now
return DBInsertOne(ar)
func (ar *AlertRule) Update(cols ...string) error {
if err := ar.Validate(); err != nil {
return err
_, err := DB.Where("id=?", ar.Id).Cols(cols...).Update(ar)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("mysql.error: update alert_rule(id=%d) fail: %v", ar.Id, err)
return internalServerError
return nil
func AlertRuleUpdateStatus(ids []int64, status int) error {
_, err := DB.Exec("UPDATE alert_rule SET status=? WHERE id in ("+str.IdsString(ids)+")", status)
return err
func AlertRuleTotal(query string) (num int64, err error) {
if query != "" {
q := "%" + query + "%"
num, err = DB.Where("name like ?", q).Count(new(AlertRule))
} else {
num, err = DB.Count(new(AlertRule))
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("mysql.error: count alert_rule fail: %v", err)
return 0, internalServerError
return num, nil
func AlertRuleGets(query string, limit, offset int) ([]AlertRule, error) {
session := DB.Limit(limit, offset).OrderBy("name")
if query != "" {
q := "%" + query + "%"
session = session.Where("name like ?", q)
var objs []AlertRule
err := session.Find(&objs)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("mysql.error: query alert_rule fail: %v", err)
return objs, internalServerError
return objs, nil
func AlertRulesOfGroup(groupId int64) ([]AlertRule, error) {
var objs []AlertRule
err := DB.Where("group_id=?", groupId).OrderBy("name").Find(&objs)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("mysql.error: query alert_rule of group(id=%d) fail: %v", groupId, err)
return objs, internalServerError
if len(objs) == 0 {
return []AlertRule{}, nil
return objs, nil
func AlertRuleGet(where string, args ...interface{}) (*AlertRule, error) {
var obj AlertRule
has, err := DB.Where(where, args...).Get(&obj)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("mysql.error: query alert_rule(%s)%+v fail: %s", where, args, err)
return nil, internalServerError
if !has {
return nil, nil
return &obj, nil
func (ar *AlertRule) Del() error {
_, err := DB.Where("id=?", ar.Id).Delete(new(AlertRule))
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("mysql.error: delete alert_rule fail: %v", err)
return internalServerError
return nil
func AlertRulesDel(ids []int64) error {
if len(ids) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("param ids is empty")
_, err := DB.Exec("DELETE FROM alert_rule where id in (" + str.IdsString(ids) + ")")
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("mysql.error: delete alert_rule(%v) fail: %v", ids, err)
return internalServerError
return nil
func AlertRuleUpdateGroup(alertRuleIds []int64, groupId int64) error {
if len(alertRuleIds) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("param alertRuleIds is empty")
_, err := DB.Exec("UPDATE alert_rule SET group_id = ? where id in ("+str.IdsString(alertRuleIds)+")", groupId)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("mysql.error: update alert_rule(group_id=%d) fail: %v", groupId, err)
return internalServerError
return nil
func AllAlertRules() ([]*AlertRule, error) {
var objs []*AlertRule
err := DB.Find(&objs)
return objs, err
type AlertRuleStatistic struct {
Count int64 `json:"count"`
MaxUpdateAt int64 `json:"max_update_at"`
func GetAlertRuleStatistic() (AlertRuleStatistic, error) {
var obj AlertRuleStatistic
_, err := DB.SQL("select count(1) as count, max(update_at) as max_update_at from alert_rule").Get(&obj)
return obj, err