330 lines
7.6 KiB
330 lines
7.6 KiB
package stalecucumber
import "reflect"
import "fmt"
import "errors"
import "strings"
import "math/big"
const PICKLE_TAG = "pickle"
type UnpackingError struct {
Source interface{}
Destination reflect.Value
Err error
This type is returned when a call to From() fails.
Setting "AllowMissingFields" and "AllowMismatchedFields"
on the result of "UnpackInto" controls if this error is
returned or not.
func (ue UnpackingError) Error() string {
var dv string
var dt string
k := ue.Destination.Kind()
switch k {
case reflect.Ptr:
dt = fmt.Sprintf("%s", ue.Destination.Type().Elem())
if !ue.Destination.IsNil() {
dv = fmt.Sprintf("%v", ue.Destination.Elem().Interface())
} else {
dv = "nil"
case reflect.Invalid:
dv = "invalid"
dt = dv
dv = fmt.Sprintf("%v", ue.Destination.Interface())
dt = fmt.Sprintf("%s", ue.Destination.Type())
return fmt.Sprintf("Error unpacking %v(%T) into %s(%s):%v",
var ErrNilPointer = errors.New("Destination cannot be a nil pointer")
var ErrNotPointer = errors.New("Destination must be a pointer type")
var ErrTargetTypeNotPointer = errors.New("Target type must be a pointer to unpack this value")
var ErrTargetTypeOverflow = errors.New("Value overflows target type")
var ErrTargetTypeMismatch = errors.New("Target type does not match source type")
type unpacker struct {
dest reflect.Value
AllowMissingFields bool
AllowMismatchedFields bool
func UnpackInto(dest interface{}) unpacker {
return unpacker{dest: reflect.ValueOf(dest),
AllowMissingFields: true,
AllowMismatchedFields: false}
func (u unpacker) From(srcI interface{}, err error) error {
//Check if an error occurred
if err != nil {
return err
return u.from(srcI)
func (u unpacker) from(srcI interface{}) error {
//Get the value of the destination
v := u.dest
//The destination must always be a pointer
if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return UnpackingError{Source: srcI,
Destination: u.dest,
Err: ErrNotPointer}
//The destination can never be nil
if v.IsNil() {
return UnpackingError{Source: srcI,
Destination: u.dest,
Err: ErrNilPointer}
//Indirect the destination. This gets the actual
//value pointed at
vIndirect := v
for vIndirect.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if vIndirect.IsNil() {
vIndirect = vIndirect.Elem()
//Check the input against known types
switch s := srcI.(type) {
return UnpackingError{Source: srcI,
Destination: u.dest,
Err: errors.New("Unknown source type")}
case PickleNone:
vElem := v.Elem()
for vElem.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
next := vElem.Elem()
if next.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
vElem = next
if vElem.CanSet() {
return nil
return UnpackingError{Source: srcI,
Destination: u.dest,
Err: ErrTargetTypeNotPointer}
case int64:
switch vIndirect.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int64, reflect.Int32:
if vIndirect.OverflowInt(s) {
return UnpackingError{Source: srcI,
Destination: u.dest,
Err: ErrTargetTypeOverflow}
return nil
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
if s < 0 || vIndirect.OverflowUint(uint64(s)) {
return UnpackingError{Source: srcI,
Destination: u.dest,
Err: ErrTargetTypeOverflow}
return nil
dstBig, ok := vIndirect.Addr().Interface().(*big.Int)
if ok {
return nil
case string:
switch vIndirect.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
return nil
case bool:
switch vIndirect.Kind() {
case reflect.Bool:
return nil
case float64:
switch vIndirect.Kind() {
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
return nil
case *big.Int:
dstBig, ok := vIndirect.Addr().Interface().(*big.Int)
if ok {
return nil
if vi, err := Int(srcI, nil); err == nil {
return unpacker{dest: v,
AllowMismatchedFields: u.AllowMismatchedFields,
AllowMissingFields: u.AllowMissingFields}.From(vi, nil)
case []interface{}:
//Check that the destination is a slice
if vIndirect.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return UnpackingError{Source: s,
Destination: u.dest,
Err: fmt.Errorf("Cannot unpack slice into destination")}
//Check for exact type match
if vIndirect.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Interface {
return nil
//Build the value using reflection
var replacement reflect.Value
if vIndirect.IsNil() || vIndirect.Len() < len(s) {
replacement = reflect.MakeSlice(vIndirect.Type(),
len(s), len(s))
} else {
replacement = vIndirect.Slice(0, len(s))
for i, srcV := range s {
dstV := replacement.Index(i)
//Recurse to set the value
err := unpacker{dest: dstV.Addr(),
AllowMissingFields: u.AllowMissingFields,
AllowMismatchedFields: u.AllowMismatchedFields}.
From(srcV, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
case map[interface{}]interface{}:
//Check to see if the field is exactly
//of the type
if vIndirect.Kind() == reflect.Map {
dstT := vIndirect.Type()
if dstT.Key().Kind() == reflect.Interface &&
dstT.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Interface {
return nil
var src map[string]interface{}
var err error
src, err = DictString(srcI, err)
if err != nil {
return UnpackingError{Source: srcI,
Destination: u.dest,
Err: fmt.Errorf("Cannot unpack source into struct")}
if vIndirect.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return UnpackingError{Source: src,
Destination: u.dest,
Err: fmt.Errorf("Cannot unpack into %v", v.Kind().String())}
var fieldByTag map[string]int
vIndirectType := reflect.TypeOf(vIndirect.Interface())
numFields := vIndirectType.NumField()
for i := 0; i != numFields; i++ {
fv := vIndirectType.Field(i)
tag := fv.Tag.Get(PICKLE_TAG)
if len(tag) != 0 {
if fieldByTag == nil {
fieldByTag = make(map[string]int)
fieldByTag[tag] = i
for k, kv := range src {
var fv reflect.Value
if fieldIndex, ok := fieldByTag[k]; ok {
fv = vIndirect.Field(fieldIndex)
} else {
//Try the name verbatim. This catches
//embedded fields as well
fv = vIndirect.FieldByName(k)
if !fv.IsValid() {
//Capitalize the first character. Structs
//do not export fields with a lower case
//first character
capk := strings.ToUpper(k[0:1]) + k[1:]
fv = vIndirect.FieldByName(capk)
if !fv.IsValid() || !fv.CanSet() {
if !u.AllowMissingFields {
return UnpackingError{Source: src,
Destination: u.dest,
Err: fmt.Errorf("Cannot find field for key %q", k)}
err := unpacker{dest: fv.Addr(),
AllowMismatchedFields: u.AllowMismatchedFields,
AllowMissingFields: u.AllowMissingFields}.from(kv)
if err != nil {
if u.AllowMismatchedFields {
if unpackingError, ok := err.(UnpackingError); ok {
switch unpackingError.Err {
case ErrTargetTypeOverflow,
return err
return nil
return UnpackingError{Source: srcI,
Destination: u.dest,
Err: ErrTargetTypeMismatch}