feat: add write_relabel action before n9e remote writing to multi tsdb (#1098)
* add write relabel config * change parse relabel Regex field time when config loaded
This commit is contained in:
@ -190,6 +190,12 @@ KeepAlive = 30000
MaxConnsPerHost = 0
MaxIdleConns = 100
MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 100
Action = "replace"
SourceLabels = ["__address__"]
Regex = "([^:]+)(?::\\d+)?"
Replacement = "$1:80"
TargetLabel = "__address__"
# [[Writers]]
# Url = ""
@ -33,54 +33,12 @@ require (
require (
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@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
package models
import (
const (
Replace Action = "replace"
Keep Action = "keep"
Drop Action = "drop"
HashMod Action = "hashmod"
LabelMap Action = "labelmap"
LabelDrop Action = "labeldrop"
LabelKeep Action = "labelkeep"
Lowercase Action = "lowercase"
Uppercase Action = "uppercase"
type Action string
type Regexp struct {
type RelabelConfig struct {
SourceLabels model.LabelNames
Separator string
Regex interface{}
Modulus uint64
TargetLabel string
Replacement string
Action Action
func Process(labels []*prompb.Label, cfgs ...*RelabelConfig) []*prompb.Label {
for _, cfg := range cfgs {
labels = relabel(labels, cfg)
if labels == nil {
return nil
return labels
func getValue(ls []*prompb.Label, name model.LabelName) string {
for _, l := range ls {
if l.Name == string(name) {
return l.Value
return ""
type LabelBuilder struct {
LabelSet map[string]string
func newBuilder(ls []*prompb.Label) *LabelBuilder {
lset := make(map[string]string, len(ls))
for _, l := range ls {
lset[l.Name] = l.Value
return &LabelBuilder{LabelSet: lset}
func (l *LabelBuilder) set(k, v string) *LabelBuilder {
if v == "" {
return l.del(k)
l.LabelSet[k] = v
return l
func (l *LabelBuilder) del(ns ...string) *LabelBuilder {
for _, n := range ns {
delete(l.LabelSet, n)
return l
func (l *LabelBuilder) labels() []*prompb.Label {
ls := make([]*prompb.Label, 0, len(l.LabelSet))
if len(l.LabelSet) == 0 {
return ls
for k, v := range l.LabelSet {
ls = append(ls, &prompb.Label{
Name: k,
Value: v,
sort.Slice(ls, func(i, j int) bool {
return ls[i].Name > ls[j].Name
return ls
func relabel(lset []*prompb.Label, cfg *RelabelConfig) []*prompb.Label {
values := make([]string, 0, len(cfg.SourceLabels))
for _, ln := range cfg.SourceLabels {
values = append(values, getValue(lset, ln))
regx := cfg.Regex.(Regexp)
val := strings.Join(values, cfg.Separator)
lb := newBuilder(lset)
switch cfg.Action {
case Drop:
if regx.MatchString(val) {
return nil
case Keep:
if !regx.MatchString(val) {
return nil
case Replace:
indexes := regx.FindStringSubmatchIndex(val)
if indexes == nil {
target := model.LabelName(regx.ExpandString([]byte{}, cfg.TargetLabel, val, indexes))
if !target.IsValid() {
res := regx.ExpandString([]byte{}, cfg.Replacement, val, indexes)
if len(res) == 0 {
lb.set(string(target), string(res))
case Lowercase:
lb.set(cfg.TargetLabel, strings.ToLower(val))
case Uppercase:
lb.set(cfg.TargetLabel, strings.ToUpper(val))
case HashMod:
mod := sum64(md5.Sum([]byte(val))) % cfg.Modulus
lb.set(cfg.TargetLabel, fmt.Sprintf("%d", mod))
case LabelMap:
for _, l := range lset {
if regx.MatchString(l.Name) {
res := regx.ReplaceAllString(l.Name, cfg.Replacement)
lb.set(res, l.Value)
case LabelDrop:
for _, l := range lset {
if regx.MatchString(l.Name) {
case LabelKeep:
for _, l := range lset {
if !regx.MatchString(l.Name) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("relabel: unknown relabel action type %q", cfg.Action))
return lb.labels()
func sum64(hash [md5.Size]byte) uint64 {
var s uint64
for i, b := range hash {
shift := uint64((md5.Size - i - 1) * 8)
s |= uint64(b) << shift
return s
func NewRegexp(s string) (Regexp, error) {
regex, err := regexp.Compile("^(?:" + s + ")$")
return Regexp{Regexp: regex}, err
func MustNewRegexp(s string) Regexp {
re, err := NewRegexp(s)
if err != nil {
return re
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import (
@ -143,6 +144,33 @@ func MustLoad(fpaths ...string) {
C.WriterOpt.QueueCount = 100
for _, write := range C.Writers {
for _, relabel := range write.WriteRelabels {
regex, ok := relabel.Regex.(string)
if !ok {
log.Println("Regex field must be a string")
if regex == "" {
regex = "(.*)"
relabel.Regex = models.MustNewRegexp(regex)
if relabel.Separator == "" {
relabel.Separator = ";"
if relabel.Action == "" {
relabel.Action = "replace"
if relabel.Replacement == "" {
relabel.Replacement = "$1"
fmt.Println("heartbeat.ip:", C.Heartbeat.IP)
fmt.Printf("heartbeat.interval: %dms\n", C.Heartbeat.Interval)
@ -206,6 +234,8 @@ type WriterOptions struct {
MaxIdleConnsPerHost int
Headers []string
WriteRelabels []*models.RelabelConfig
type WriterGlobalOpt struct {
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
@ -24,11 +25,28 @@ type WriterType struct {
Client api.Client
func (w WriterType) writeRelabel(items []*prompb.TimeSeries) []*prompb.TimeSeries {
ritems := make([]*prompb.TimeSeries, 0, len(items))
for _, item := range items {
lbls := models.Process(item.Labels, w.Opts.WriteRelabels...)
if len(lbls) == 0 {
ritems = append(ritems, item)
return ritems
func (w WriterType) Write(index int, items []*prompb.TimeSeries, headers ...map[string]string) {
if len(items) == 0 {
items = w.writeRelabel(items)
if len(items) == 0 {
start := time.Now()
defer func() {
promstat.ForwardDuration.WithLabelValues(config.C.ClusterName, fmt.Sprint(index)).Observe(time.Since(start).Seconds())
Reference in New Issue