
353 lines
12 KiB

package lightstep
import (
"time" // N.B.(jmacd): Do not use in this package.
// Default Option values.
const (
DefaultCollectorPath = "/_rpc/v1/reports/binary"
DefaultPlainPort = 80
DefaultSecurePort = 443
DefaultGRPCCollectorHost = ""
DefaultMaxReportingPeriod = 2500 * time.Millisecond
DefaultMinReportingPeriod = 500 * time.Millisecond
DefaultMaxSpans = 1000
DefaultReportTimeout = 30 * time.Second
DefaultReconnectPeriod = 5 * time.Minute
DefaultMaxLogKeyLen = 256
DefaultMaxLogValueLen = 1024
DefaultMaxLogsPerSpan = 500
DefaultGRPCMaxCallSendMsgSizeBytes = math.MaxInt32
// Tag and Tracer Attribute keys.
const (
ParentSpanGUIDKey = "parent_span_guid" // ParentSpanGUIDKey is the tag key used to record the relationship between child and parent spans.
ComponentNameKey = "lightstep.component_name"
GUIDKey = "lightstep.guid" // <- runtime guid, not span guid
HostnameKey = "lightstep.hostname"
CommandLineKey = "lightstep.command_line"
TracerPlatformKey = "lightstep.tracer_platform"
TracerPlatformValue = "go"
TracerPlatformVersionKey = "lightstep.tracer_platform_version"
TracerVersionKey = "lightstep.tracer_version" // Note: TracerVersionValue is generated from ./VERSION
const (
secureScheme = "https"
plaintextScheme = "http"
// Validation Errors
var (
errInvalidGUIDKey = fmt.Errorf("Options invalid: setting the %v tag is no longer supported", GUIDKey)
// A SpanRecorder handles all of the `RawSpan` data generated via an
// associated `Tracer` instance.
type SpanRecorder interface {
// Endpoint describes a collector or web API host/port and whether or
// not to use plaintext communication.
type Endpoint struct {
Scheme string `yaml:"scheme" json:"scheme" usage:"scheme to use for the endpoint, defaults to appropriate one if no custom one is required"`
Host string `yaml:"host" json:"host" usage:"host on which the endpoint is running"`
Port int `yaml:"port" json:"port" usage:"port on which the endpoint is listening"`
Plaintext bool `yaml:"plaintext" json:"plaintext" usage:"whether or not to encrypt data send to the endpoint"`
CustomCACertFile string `yaml:"custom_ca_cert_file" json:"custom_ca_cert_file" usage:"path to a custom CA cert file, defaults to system defined certs if omitted"`
// HostPort use SocketAddress instead.
func (e Endpoint) HostPort() string {
return e.SocketAddress()
// SocketAddress returns an address suitable for dialing grpc connections
func (e Endpoint) SocketAddress() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", e.Host, e.Port)
// URL returns an address suitable for dialing thrift connections
func (e Endpoint) URL() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", e.urlWithoutPath(), DefaultCollectorPath)
// urlWithoutPath returns an address suitable for grpc connections if a custom scheme is provided
func (e Endpoint) urlWithoutPath() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", e.scheme(), e.SocketAddress())
func (e Endpoint) scheme() string {
if len(e.Scheme) > 0 {
return e.Scheme
if e.Plaintext {
return plaintextScheme
return secureScheme
// Options control how the LightStep Tracer behaves.
type Options struct {
// AccessToken is the unique API key for your LightStep project. It is
// available on your account page at
AccessToken string `yaml:"access_token" usage:"access token for reporting to LightStep"`
// Collector is the host, port, and plaintext option to use
// for the collector.
Collector Endpoint `yaml:"collector"`
// Tags are arbitrary key-value pairs that apply to all spans generated by
// this Tracer.
Tags opentracing.Tags
// LightStep is the host, port, and plaintext option to use
// for the LightStep web API.
LightStepAPI Endpoint `yaml:"lightstep_api"`
// MaxBufferedSpans is the maximum number of spans that will be buffered
// before sending them to a collector.
MaxBufferedSpans int `yaml:"max_buffered_spans"`
// MaxLogKeyLen is the maximum allowable size (in characters) of an
// OpenTracing logging key. Longer keys are truncated.
MaxLogKeyLen int `yaml:"max_log_key_len"`
// MaxLogValueLen is the maximum allowable size (in characters) of an
// OpenTracing logging value. Longer values are truncated. Only applies to
// variable-length value types (strings, interface{}, etc).
MaxLogValueLen int `yaml:"max_log_value_len"`
// MaxLogsPerSpan limits the number of logs in a single span.
MaxLogsPerSpan int `yaml:"max_logs_per_span"`
// GRPCMaxCallSendMsgSizeBytes limits the size in bytes of grpc messages
// sent by a client.
GRPCMaxCallSendMsgSizeBytes int `yaml:"grpc_max_call_send_msg_size_bytes"`
// ReportingPeriod is the maximum duration of time between sending spans
// to a collector. If zero, the default will be used.
ReportingPeriod time.Duration `yaml:"reporting_period"`
// MinReportingPeriod is the minimum duration of time between sending spans
// to a collector. If zero, the default will be used. It is strongly
// recommended to use the default.
MinReportingPeriod time.Duration `yaml:"min_reporting_period"`
ReportTimeout time.Duration `yaml:"report_timeout"`
// DropSpanLogs turns log events on all Spans into no-ops.
DropSpanLogs bool `yaml:"drop_span_logs"`
// DEPRECATED: The LightStep library prints the first error to stdout by default.
// See the documentation on the SetGlobalEventHandler function for guidance on
// how to integrate tracer diagnostics with your application's logging and
// metrics systems.
Verbose bool `yaml:"verbose"`
// Force the use of a specific transport protocol. If multiple are set to true,
// the following order is used to select for the first option: http, grpc.
// If none are set to true, HTTP is defaulted to.
UseHttp bool `yaml:"use_http"`
UseGRPC bool `yaml:"usegrpc"`
// Propagators allow inject/extract to use custom propagators for different formats. This
// package includes a `B3Propagator` that supports B3 headers on text maps and http headers.
// Defaults:
// opentracing.HTTPHeaders: LightStepPropagator
// opentracing.TextMap: LightStepPropagator,
// opentracing.Binary: LightStepPropagator
Propagators map[opentracing.BuiltinFormat]Propagator `yaml:"-"`
// CustomCollector allows customizing the Protobuf transport.
// This is an advanced feature that avoids reconnect logic.
CustomCollector Collector `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
ReconnectPeriod time.Duration `yaml:"reconnect_period"`
// DialOptions allows customizing the grpc dial options passed to the grpc.Dial(...) call.
// This is an advanced feature added to allow for a custom balancer or middleware.
// It can be safely ignored if you have no custom dialing requirements.
// If UseGRPC is not set, these dial options are ignored.
DialOptions []grpc.DialOption `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
// A hook for receiving finished span events
Recorder SpanRecorder `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
// For testing purposes only
ConnFactory ConnectorFactory `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
// Enable LightStep Meta Event Logging
MetaEventReportingEnabled bool `yaml:"meta_event_reporting_enabled" json:"meta_event_reporting_enabled"`
// Initialize validates options, and sets default values for unset options.
// This is called automatically when creating a new Tracer.
func (opts *Options) Initialize() error {
err := opts.Validate()
if err != nil {
return err
// Note: opts is a copy of the user's data, ok to modify.
if opts.MaxBufferedSpans == 0 {
opts.MaxBufferedSpans = DefaultMaxSpans
if opts.MaxLogKeyLen == 0 {
opts.MaxLogKeyLen = DefaultMaxLogKeyLen
if opts.MaxLogValueLen == 0 {
opts.MaxLogValueLen = DefaultMaxLogValueLen
if opts.MaxLogsPerSpan == 0 {
opts.MaxLogsPerSpan = DefaultMaxLogsPerSpan
if opts.GRPCMaxCallSendMsgSizeBytes == 0 {
opts.GRPCMaxCallSendMsgSizeBytes = DefaultGRPCMaxCallSendMsgSizeBytes
if opts.ReportingPeriod == 0 {
opts.ReportingPeriod = DefaultMaxReportingPeriod
if opts.MinReportingPeriod == 0 {
opts.MinReportingPeriod = DefaultMinReportingPeriod
if opts.ReportTimeout == 0 {
opts.ReportTimeout = DefaultReportTimeout
if opts.ReconnectPeriod == 0 {
opts.ReconnectPeriod = DefaultReconnectPeriod
if opts.Tags == nil {
opts.Tags = map[string]interface{}{}
// Set some default attributes if not found in options
if _, found := opts.Tags[ComponentNameKey]; !found {
opts.Tags[ComponentNameKey] = path.Base(os.Args[0])
if _, found := opts.Tags[HostnameKey]; !found {
hostname, _ := os.Hostname()
opts.Tags[HostnameKey] = hostname
if _, found := opts.Tags[CommandLineKey]; !found {
opts.Tags[CommandLineKey] = strings.Join(os.Args, " ")
opts.ReconnectPeriod = time.Duration(float64(opts.ReconnectPeriod) * (1 + 0.2*rand.Float64()))
if opts.Collector.Host == "" {
opts.Collector.Host = DefaultGRPCCollectorHost
if opts.Collector.Port <= 0 {
if opts.Collector.Plaintext {
opts.Collector.Port = DefaultPlainPort
} else {
opts.Collector.Port = DefaultSecurePort
return nil
// Validate checks that all required fields are set, and no options are incorrectly
// configured.
func (opts *Options) Validate() error {
if _, found := opts.Tags[GUIDKey]; found {
return errInvalidGUIDKey
if len(opts.Collector.CustomCACertFile) != 0 {
if _, err := os.Stat(opts.Collector.CustomCACertFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
return nil
// SetSpanID is a opentracing.StartSpanOption that sets an
// explicit SpanID. It must be used in conjunction with
// SetTraceID or the result is undefined.
type SetSpanID uint64
// Apply satisfies the StartSpanOption interface.
func (sid SetSpanID) Apply(sso *opentracing.StartSpanOptions) {}
func (sid SetSpanID) applyLS(sso *startSpanOptions) {
sso.SetSpanID = uint64(sid)
// SetTraceID is an opentracing.StartSpanOption that sets an
// explicit TraceID. It must be used in order to set an
// explicit SpanID or ParentSpanID. If a ChildOf or
// FollowsFrom span relation is also set in the start options,
// it will override this value.
type SetTraceID uint64
// Apply satisfies the StartSpanOption interface.
func (sid SetTraceID) Apply(sso *opentracing.StartSpanOptions) {}
func (sid SetTraceID) applyLS(sso *startSpanOptions) {
sso.SetTraceID = uint64(sid)
// SetParentSpanID is an opentracing.StartSpanOption that sets
// an explicit parent SpanID. It must be used in conjunction
// with SetTraceID or the result is undefined. If the value
// is zero, it will be disregarded. If a ChildOf or
// FollowsFrom span relation is also set in the start options,
// it will override this value.
type SetParentSpanID uint64
// Apply satisfies the StartSpanOption interface.
func (sid SetParentSpanID) Apply(sso *opentracing.StartSpanOptions) {}
func (sid SetParentSpanID) applyLS(sso *startSpanOptions) {
sso.SetParentSpanID = uint64(sid)
// lightStepStartSpanOption is used to identify lightstep-specific Span options.
type lightStepStartSpanOption interface {
type startSpanOptions struct {
Options opentracing.StartSpanOptions
// Options to explicitly set span_id, trace_id,
// parent_span_id, expected to be used when exporting spans
// from another system into LightStep via opentracing APIs.
SetSpanID uint64
SetParentSpanID uint64
SetTraceID uint64
func newStartSpanOptions(sso []opentracing.StartSpanOption) startSpanOptions {
opts := startSpanOptions{}
for _, o := range sso {
switch o := o.(type) {
case lightStepStartSpanOption:
return opts