2013-08-08 22:19:15 +08:00
<!--add by huang-->
2014-06-17 15:16:17 +08:00
<h3><%= l(:label_x_user_fans, :count => User.current.watcher_users(User.current.id).count) %></h3>
2013-08-08 22:19:15 +08:00
<div class="inf_user_image">
2014-06-17 15:16:17 +08:00
<% for user in @user.watcher_users %>
<ul class="list_watch">
<table width="660px" border="0" align="center">
<td colspan="2" valign="top" width="50"><%= link_to image_tag(url_to_avatar(user), :class => "avatar"),
:title => "#{user.name}" %></td>
<table width="580px" border="0">
<tr> <!-- modified by bai -->
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<strong><%= content_tag "div", link_to(user.name, user_path(user)), :class => "project_avatar_name" %></strong>
<!-- added by bai 区分了个人列表里的项目与课程 -->
<td colspan="2" width="580px"><p class="font_description">
<% unless user.memberships.empty? %>
<% cond = Project.visible_condition(User.current) + " AND projects.project_type <> 1" %>
<% memberships = user.memberships.all(:conditions => cond) %>
<%= l(:label_x_contribute_to, :count => memberships.count) %>
<% for member in memberships %>
<%= link_to_project(member.project) %><%= (user.memberships.last == member) ? '' : ',' %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<p class="font_description">
<% unless user.memberships.empty? %>
<% cond = Project.visible_condition(User.current) + " AND projects.project_type = 1" %>
<% memberships = user.memberships.all(:conditions => cond) %>
<%= l(:label_x_course_contribute_to, :count => memberships.count) %>
<% for member in memberships %>
<%= link_to_project(member.project) %><%= (user.memberships.last == member) ? '' : ',' %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<!-- end -->
<td width="200" align="right" class="font_lighter"><%= l(:label_user_joinin) %><%= format_date(user.created_on) %>
<% end %>
2013-08-08 22:19:15 +08:00