OrgDocumentComment.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM org_document_comments where organization_id = #{org_id} and org_subfield_id = #{field_id} and parent_id is null order by updated_at desc limit 8;")
# OrgDocumentComment.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM org_document_comments where organization_id = #{org_id} and parent_id is not null order by updated_at desc limit 1;")
OrgDocumentComment.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM org_document_comments where organization_id = #{org_id} and parent_id in (#{ids}) order by updated_at desc limit 1;")
Attachment.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM `attachments` where container_id =#{field_id} and container_type = 'OrgSubfield' and is_public =1 order by created_on limit 6;")
# Attachment.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM `attachments` where container_id =#{field_id} and container_type = 'OrgSubfield' and is_public =1 order by created_on limit 6;")