Merge branch 'cs_optimize_txz' into develop
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@ -3,38 +3,49 @@
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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
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@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
<% courses.each do |course|%>
<li class="pr">
<span class="user_icons_class"></span>
<% is_teacher = User.current.logged? && (User.current.admin? || User.current.allowed_to?(:as_teacher,course)) %>
<p href="javascript:void(0);" id="show_course_<%= %>" class="course_list_menu pr" >
<% title = "<span class='course-name'>#{course.syllabus.title}</span>".html_safe %>
<%= link_to title, syllabus_path(course.syllabus_id), :target => '_blank', :class => 'hidden', :style => "max-width:91px; display:inline-block;"%>
<font class="fb c_grey" style="height:39px; line-height:39px; vertical-align:top;">·</font>
<% classes = "<span class='course-name'>#{}</span>".html_safe %>
<%= link_to classes, course_path(,:host=>Setting.host_course), :target => '_blank', :class => 'hidden', :style => "max-width:91px; display:inline-block;"%>
<span class="sub-menu-title c_dark">
课程名称:<%= course.syllabus.title %><br />
班级名称:<%='('+current_time_and_term(course)+')' %><br />
班级属性:<%= course.is_public? ? '公开' : '私有' %>
<p href="javascript:void(0);" id="show_course_<%= %>" class="course_list_menu" >
<%= link_to course.syllabus.title +, course_path(,:host=>Setting.host_course), :target => '_blank', :class => 'hidden', :style => 'display:block;'%>
<div class="sub-menu-title c_dark">
<div>课程:<%= link_to course.syllabus.title, syllabus_path(course.syllabus_id), :target => '_blank' %></div>
<div>班级:<%= link_to, course_path(,:host=>Setting.host_course), :target => '_blank' %></div>
<%#= link_to"("+current_time_and_term_short(course)+")", course_path(,:host=>Setting.host_course),
:id => "show_course_#{}", :class => 'course_list_menu hidden', :target => '_blank', :title => (course.is_public? ? "公开班级:":"私有班级:")"("+current_time_and_term(course)+")"%>
<% count = ShieldActivity.where("container_type='User' and container_id=#{} and shield_type='Course' and shield_id=#{}").count %>
@ -113,25 +110,26 @@
var courseWidth = $(this).children().eq(0).children().width();
var classWidth = $(this).children().eq(2).children().width();
var newClassWidth = 182 - courseWidth;
var newCourseWidth = 182 - classWidth;
console.log(courseWidth, classWidth);
if(courseWidth < 91 && classWidth > 91){
$(this).children().eq(2).css("max-width",newClassWidth + "px");
if(classWidth < 91 && courseWidth > 91){
$(this).children().eq(0).css("max-width",newCourseWidth + "px");
var boxWidth = $(this).width();
var leftAttr = boxWidth + 30
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
<ul class="users_accordion mb10">
<li id="user_01" class="user_icons_course">
<%= link_to '班级',{:controller => "users", :action => "user_courselist", :id =>}, :id => "user_course_list" %>
<font class="show-all-sub"><%= link_to '全部',{:controller => "users", :action => "user_courselist", :id =>}, :class => "linkGrey2" %></font>
<font class="show-all-sub"><%= link_to '全部',{:controller => "users", :action => "user_courselist", :id =>}, :style => "color:#aaa;" %></font>
<% courses = @user.favorite_courses.visible.where("is_delete =?", 0).select("courses.*,(SELECT MAX(updated_at) FROM `course_activities` WHERE course_activities.course_id = AS a").order("a desc").limit(10) %>
<div class="<%= courses.empty? ? 'none' : ''%>" id="homepage_left_course_list">
<%=render :partial => 'layouts/homepage_left_course_list', :locals => {:courses => courses} %>
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
<ul class="users_accordion mb10">
<li id="user_06" class="user_icons_project">
<%= link_to '项目',{:controller => "users", :action => "user_projectlist", :id =>}, :id => 'user_project_list'%>
<font class="show-all-sub"><%= link_to '全部',{:controller => "users", :action => "user_projectlist", :id =>}, :class => 'linkGrey2'%></font>
<font class="show-all-sub"><%= link_to '全部',{:controller => "users", :action => "user_projectlist", :id =>}, :style => "color:#aaa;" %></font>
<% projects ="projects.*, (SELECT MAX(updated_at) FROM `forge_activities` WHERE forge_activities.project_id = AS a").order("a desc").limit(10)%>
<div class="<%= projects.empty? ? 'none' : ''%>" id="homepage_left_project_list">
<%=render :partial => 'layouts/homepage_left_project_list', :locals => {:projects => projects} %>
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<% end %>
<% if User.current.member_of?(@project) %>
<%= link_to "+"+l(:label_release_issue), new_project_issue_path(@project) , :class => "subnav_green" %>
<%= link_to "", new_project_issue_path(@project) , :class => "publish-icon fr mr10 mt2", :title => "发布问题" %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
<a class="subnav_num">(<%= @project.project_score.board_num %>)</a>
<% end %>
<% if User.current.member_of?(@project) %>
<%= link_to "+"+l(:project_module_boards_post), project_boards_path(@project, :flag => true), :layout => 'base_projects', :class => "subnav_green ml105" %>
<%= link_to "", project_boards_path(@project, :flag => true), :layout => 'base_projects', :class => "publish-icon fr mr10 mt2", :title => "发布新帖" %>
<% end %>
<% end%>
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
<% end %>
<% if User.current.member_of?(@project) %>
<%#= link_to "+"+l(:label_upload_source), project_files_path(@project,:flag => true), :class => "subnav_green ml95" %>
<a class="subnav_green m195" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="project_files_upload();">+上传资源</a>
<a class="publish-icon fr mr10 mt2" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="project_files_upload();" title="上传资源"></a>
<% end %>
<% end %>
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
<%= link_to "Pull Requests", project_pull_requests_path(@project), :class => "f14 c_blue02" %>
<%= link_to "(#{pull_request_count(@project)})", project_pull_requests_path(@project), :class => "subnav_num c_orange",:id=>'project_files_count_nav' %>
<% if User.current.member_of?(@project) %>
<%= link_to "+新建请求", new_project_pull_request_path(:project_id =>, :class => "subnav_green" %>
<%= link_to "", new_project_pull_request_path(:project_id =>, :class => "publish-icon fr mr10 mt2", :title => "新建请求" %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
@ -20,13 +20,13 @@
<span class="mr15 fl">类别:<%=homework.homework_type_ch %></span>
<span class="fl">作品:</span>
<span class="sy_corange hw_w20 fl "><%=homework.student_works.has_committed.count %></span>
<span class="sy_corange hw_w30 fl "><%=homework.student_works.has_committed.count %></span>
<span class="fl">/</span>
<span class="sy_cgrey hw_w20 fl mr15"><%= homework.homework_type == 3 ? '--' : homework.course.student.count %></span>
<span class="sy_cgrey hw_w30 fl mr15"><%= homework.homework_type == 3 ? '--' : homework.course.student.count %></span>
<span class="fl">待评阅:</span>
<span class="sy_corange hw_w20 fl"><%= homework.student_works.has_committed.where("teacher_score is null and teaching_asistant_score is null").count %></span>
<span class="sy_corange hw_w30 fl"><%= homework.student_works.has_committed.where("teacher_score is null and teaching_asistant_score is null").count %></span>
<span class="fl">/</span>
<span class="sy_cgrey hw_w20 fl mr15"><%=homework.student_works.has_committed.count %></span>
<span class="sy_cgrey hw_w30 fl mr15"><%=homework.student_works.has_committed.count %></span>
<span class="mr15 fl">发布时间:
<% if homework.publish_time %>
<%= format_date(homework.publish_time) %>
Binary file not shown.
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Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.4 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.4 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.0 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.1 KiB |
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