
This commit is contained in:
huang 2015-10-22 16:44:35 +08:00
parent bd793a00fe
commit 13a1579395
3 changed files with 17 additions and 54 deletions

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
<% if @entry && @entry.kind == 'file' %>
<p class="mt13 mb13">
<%= link_to_if action_name != 'changes', l(:label_history), {:action => 'changes', :id => @project, :repository_id => @repository.identifier_param, :path => to_path_param(@path), :rev => @rev } %>
<%# if @repository.supports_cat? %>
<%#= link_to_if action_name != 'entry', l(:button_view), {:action => 'entry', :id => @project, :repository_id => @repository.identifier_param, :path => to_path_param(@path), :rev => @rev } %> |
<%# end %>
<%= link_to_if action_name != 'changes', l(:label_history), {:action => 'changes', :id => @project, :repository_id => @repository.identifier_param, :path => to_path_param(@path), :rev => @rev } %> |
<% if @repository.supports_cat? %>
<%= link_to_if action_name != 'entry', l(:button_view), {:action => 'entry', :id => @project, :repository_id => @repository.identifier_param, :path => to_path_param(@path), :rev => @rev } %> |
<% end %>
<% if @repository.supports_annotate? %>
<%= link_to_if action_name != 'annotate', l(:button_annotate), {:action => 'annotate', :id => @project, :repository_id => @repository.identifier_param, :path => to_path_param(@path), :rev => @rev } %> |
<% end %>

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
<%= call_hook(:view_repositories_show_contextual, { :repository => @repository, :project => @project }) %>
<div style="padding-left: 8px; padding-top: 10px;">
<div class="contextual">
<%= render :partial => 'navigation' %>
<h3><%= render :partial => 'breadcrumbs', :locals => { :path => @path, :kind => 'file', :revision => @rev } %></h3>
<h3><%= @path %></h3>
<%= render :partial => 'link_to_functions' %>
@ -13,3 +13,5 @@
<% content_for :header_tags do %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "scm" %>
<% end %>

View File

@ -26,45 +26,6 @@
<%= render_properties(@properties) %>
<!-- 代码修订 -->
<% if authorize_for('repositories', 'revisions') %>
<%# if @changesets && !@changesets.empty? %>
<%= l(:label_latest_revision_plural) %>
<%= render :partial => 'revisions',
:locals => {:project => @project, :path => @path,
:revisions => @changesets, :entry => nil} %>
<%# end %>
<p style="padding-top: 10px;">
<% has_branches = (!@repository.branches.nil? && @repository.branches.length > 0)
sep = '' %>
<% if @repository.supports_all_revisions? && @path.blank? %>
<%= link_to l(:label_view_all_revisions), {:action => 'revisions', :id => @project,
:repository_id => @repository.identifier_param},
:class => "orange_u_btn" %>
<% sep = '|' %>
<% end %>
<% if @repository.supports_directory_revisions? && (has_branches || !@path.blank? || !@rev.blank?) %>
<%= sep %>
<%= link_to l(:label_view_revisions),
{:action => 'changes',
:path => to_path_param(@path),
:id => @project,
:repository_id => @repository.identifier_param,
:rev => @rev},
:class => "orange_u_btn" %>
<% end %>
<% if @repository.supports_all_revisions? %>
<% content_for :header_tags do %>
<%= auto_discovery_link_tag(
:atom, params.merge(
{:format => 'atom', :action => 'revisions',
:id => @project, :page => nil, :key => User.current.rss_key})) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<!-- added by bai -->
<p class="fb mt10"><a href="http://<%=Setting.host_name %>/forums/1/memos/1232" class=" c_blue ">点击查看如何提交代码</a></p>