
This commit is contained in:
Tim 2016-05-20 15:15:42 +08:00
parent b0fba934ae
commit 13f83719c1
17 changed files with 851 additions and 465 deletions

View File

@ -22,60 +22,6 @@
<div class="cl"></div>
<div class="fl">
<%= render :partial => "student_table"%>
<%= render :partial => "student_table" %>
<div class="cl"></div>
<% @exercise_users_list.each do |exercise|%>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(".student_work_<%= exercise.id%>").mouseenter(function(){
$("#work_click_<%= exercise.id%>").show();
$("#work_click_<%= exercise.id%>").hide();
<% if Time.parse(h(@exercise.end_time)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") <= Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") %>
$("#show_student_result_div_<%= exercise.id%>").on('click',function() {
window.location.href = '<%=show_student_result_exercise_path(@exercise,:user_id => exercise.user_id) %>';
<% else %>
$("#show_student_result_div_<%= exercise.id%>").attr("title","截止日期未到,暂不能查看学生答题结果");
$("#student_name_<%= exercise.id%>").attr("title","截止日期未到,暂不能查看学生答题结果");
$("#student_id_<%= exercise.id%>").attr("title","截止日期未到,暂不能查看学生答题结果");
$("#student_class_<%= exercise.id%>").attr("title","截止日期未到,暂不能查看学生答题结果");
<% end %>
/*function show_result(id) {
window.location.href = '<%#=show_student_result_exercise_path(@exercise,:user_id => exercise.user.id) %>';
<ul class="hworkListRow" id="student_work_<%= exercise.id%>">
<li class="ml5 mr5" style="width:28px; text-align:center;">1</li>
<li class="hworkPortrait mt15 mr10">
<%= link_to(image_tag(url_to_avatar(exercise.user),:width =>"40",:height => "40",:style => "display:block;"),user_activities_path(exercise.user)) %>
<li class="hworkStName" title="姓名" id="student_name_<%= exercise.id%>" style="cursor:pointer;">
<%=exercise.user.show_name %>
</li><li class="hworkStID pl15 pr10" title="学号" id="student_id_<%= exercise.id%>" style="cursor:pointer;">
<%= exercise.user.user_extensions.nil? ? "--" : exercise.user.user_extensions.student_id%>
<li class="hworkStID" title="班级" id="student_class_<%= exercise.id%>" style="cursor:pointer;">
<li class="hworkList130 ml200 c_grey student_work_<%= exercise.id%>">
<% if exercise.created_at%>
<%= Time.parse(format_time(exercise.created_at)).strftime("%m-%d %H:%M")%>&nbsp;
<% if @exercise.end_time <= exercise.created_at %>
<span class="c_red">[未答]</span>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<li class="hworkList50 <%= score_color exercise.score%> student_final_scor_info">
<%= exercise.score.nil? ? "--" : format("%.1f",exercise.score)%>
<li class="hworkTip" style="display: none" id="work_click_<%= exercise.id%>"><em></em><span></span><font class="fontGrey2">点击查看详情</font></li>
<div class="cl"></div>
<% end%>
<div class="cl"></div>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
<div class="fl" style="padding-bottom:10px; width:720px;">
<span class="c_dark f14 fb fl mr30">
<font class="f12 c_red">
(<%= @exercise_count%>人已交)
<% if !@is_teacher && @exercise_users_list.empty?%>
<span class="f12 c_red">您尚未提交</span>
<% elsif !@is_teacher && !@exercise_users_list.empty?%>
<span class="f12 c_red">您已提交</span>
<% end %>
<%#if @is_teacher || @exercise.exercise_status == 3%>
<!--<div class="hworkSearchBox">
<input type="text" id="course_student_name" value="<%#= @name%>" placeholder="姓名、学号、邮箱" class="hworkSearchInput" onkeypress="SearchByName('<%#= student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id)%>',event);"/>
<a class="hworkSearchIcon" id="search_in_student_work" onclick="SearchByName_1('<%#= student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id)%>');" href="javascript:void(0)"></a>
<%#= select_tag(:student_work_in_group,options_for_select(course_group_list(@course),@group), {:class => "classSplit"}) unless course_group_list(@course).empty? %>
<%# end%>
<span class="fr c_grey"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="linkGrey2" id="homework_info_show" style="display: none">[ 显示测验信息 ]</a> </span>
<div class="cl"></div>
<div class="fl">
<%= render :partial => "student_table"%>
<div class="cl"></div>
<% @exercise_users_list.each do |exercise|%>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(".student_work_<%= exercise.id%>").mouseenter(function(){
$("#work_click_<%= exercise.id%>").show();
$("#work_click_<%= exercise.id%>").hide();
<% if Time.parse(h(@exercise.end_time)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") <= Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") %>
$("#show_student_result_div_<%= exercise.id%>").on('click',function() {
window.location.href = '<%=show_student_result_exercise_path(@exercise,:user_id => exercise.user_id) %>';
<% else %>
$("#show_student_result_div_<%= exercise.id%>").attr("title","截止日期未到,暂不能查看学生答题结果");
$("#student_name_<%= exercise.id%>").attr("title","截止日期未到,暂不能查看学生答题结果");
$("#student_id_<%= exercise.id%>").attr("title","截止日期未到,暂不能查看学生答题结果");
$("#student_class_<%= exercise.id%>").attr("title","截止日期未到,暂不能查看学生答题结果");
<% end %>
/*function show_result(id) {
window.location.href = '<%#=show_student_result_exercise_path(@exercise,:user_id => exercise.user.id) %>';
<ul class="hworkListRow" id="student_work_<%= exercise.id%>">
<li class="ml5 mr5" style="width:28px; text-align:center;">1</li>
<li class="hworkPortrait mt15 mr10">
<%= link_to(image_tag(url_to_avatar(exercise.user),:width =>"40",:height => "40",:style => "display:block;"),user_activities_path(exercise.user)) %>
<li class="hworkStName" title="姓名" id="student_name_<%= exercise.id%>" style="cursor:pointer;">
<%=exercise.user.show_name %>
</li><li class="hworkStID pl15 pr10" title="学号" id="student_id_<%= exercise.id%>" style="cursor:pointer;">
<%= exercise.user.user_extensions.nil? ? "--" : exercise.user.user_extensions.student_id%>
<li class="hworkStID" title="班级" id="student_class_<%= exercise.id%>" style="cursor:pointer;">
<li class="hworkList130 ml200 c_grey student_work_<%= exercise.id%>">
<% if exercise.created_at%>
<%= Time.parse(format_time(exercise.created_at)).strftime("%m-%d %H:%M")%>&nbsp;
<% if @exercise.end_time <= exercise.created_at %>
<span class="c_red">[未答]</span>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<li class="hworkList50 <%= score_color exercise.score%> student_final_scor_info">
<%= exercise.score.nil? ? "--" : format("%.1f",exercise.score)%>
<li class="hworkTip" style="display: none" id="work_click_<%= exercise.id%>"><em></em><span></span><font class="fontGrey2">点击查看详情</font></li>
<div class="cl"></div>
<% end%>

View File

@ -1,23 +1,71 @@
<ul class="hworkUl">
<li class="hworkList340 hworkH30 width530">
<span class="c_dark f14 fb fl mr5">序号</span>
<span class="c_dark f14 fb fl mr55">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
<span class="c_dark f14 fb fl mr60">姓名</span>
<span class="c_dark f14 fb fl mr60">学号</span>
<span class="c_dark f14 fb fl">班级</span>
<table class="hwork-table-wrap">
<tr class="b_grey hworkH30" style="border-bottom:1px solid #eaeaea;">
<th class="hworkList340 width530" colspan="6">
<span class="c_dark f14 fb fl mr5">序号</span>
<span class="c_dark f14 fb fl mr55">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
<span class="c_dark f14 fb fl mr60">姓名</span>
<span class="c_dark f14 fb fl mr60">学号</span>
<span class="c_dark f14 fb fl">班级</span>
<th class="hworkList130">
<%= link_to "时间",'',:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml50" ,:remote => true%>
<th class="hworkList50">
<%= link_to "成绩",'',:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml10",:remote => true%>
<li class="hworkList130 hworkH30">
<%= link_to "时间",'',:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml50" ,:remote => true%>
<%# if @show_all && @order == "created_at"%>
<%#= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "created_at", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10",:remote => true%>
<%# end%>
<% @exercise_users_list.each do |exercise|%>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(".student_work_<%= exercise.id%>").mouseenter(function(){
$("#work_click_<%= exercise.id%>").show();
$("#work_click_<%= exercise.id%>").hide();
<% if Time.parse(h(@exercise.end_time)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") <= Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") %>
$("#show_student_result_div_<%= exercise.id%>").on('click',function() {
window.location.href = '<%=show_student_result_exercise_path(@exercise,:user_id => exercise.user_id) %>';
<% else %>
$("#show_student_result_div_<%= exercise.id%>").attr("title","截止日期未到,暂不能查看学生答题结果");
$("#student_name_<%= exercise.id%>").attr("title","截止日期未到,暂不能查看学生答题结果");
$("#student_id_<%= exercise.id%>").attr("title","截止日期未到,暂不能查看学生答题结果");
$("#student_class_<%= exercise.id%>").attr("title","截止日期未到,暂不能查看学生答题结果");
<% end %>
/*function show_result(id) {
window.location.href = '<%#=show_student_result_exercise_path(@exercise,:user_id => exercise.user.id) %>';
<li class="hworkList50 hworkH30">
<%= link_to "成绩",'',:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml10",:remote => true%>
<%# if @show_all && @order == "score"%>
<%#= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10",:remote => true%>
<%# end%>
<tr class="hworkListRow" id="student_work_<%= exercise.id%>">
<td class="pl5 pr5" style="width:28px; text-align:center;">1</td>
<td class="hworkPortrait pr10 float-none">
<%= link_to(image_tag(url_to_avatar(exercise.user),:width =>"40",:height => "40",:style => "display:block;", :class => "mt15"),user_activities_path(exercise.user)) %>
<td class="hworkStName" title="姓名" id="student_name_<%= exercise.id%>" style="cursor:pointer;">
<%=exercise.user.show_name %>
<td class="hworkStID pl15 pr10 float-none" title="学号" id="student_id_<%= exercise.id%>" style="cursor:pointer;">
<%= exercise.user.user_extensions.nil? ? "--" : exercise.user.user_extensions.student_id%>
<td class="hworkStID float-none" title="班级" id="student_class_<%= exercise.id%>" style="cursor:pointer;">
<td width="200">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="hworkList130 c_grey student_work_<%= exercise.id%>">
<% if exercise.created_at%>
<%= Time.parse(format_time(exercise.created_at)).strftime("%m-%d %H:%M")%>&nbsp;
<% if @exercise.end_time <= exercise.created_at %>
<span class="c_red">[未答]</span>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<td class="hworkList50 <%= score_color exercise.score%> student_final_scor_info">
<%= exercise.score.nil? ? "--" : format("%.1f",exercise.score)%>
<td class="hworkTip" style="display: none" id="work_click_<%= exercise.id%>"><em></em><span></span><font class="fontGrey2">点击查看详情</font></td>
<% end%>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<ul class="hworkUl">
<li class="hworkList340 hworkH30 width530">
<span class="c_dark f14 fb fl mr5">序号</span>
<span class="c_dark f14 fb fl mr55">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
<span class="c_dark f14 fb fl mr60">姓名</span>
<span class="c_dark f14 fb fl mr60">学号</span>
<span class="c_dark f14 fb fl">班级</span>
<li class="hworkList130 hworkH30">
<%= link_to "时间",'',:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml50" ,:remote => true%>
<%# if @show_all && @order == "created_at"%>
<%#= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "created_at", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10",:remote => true%>
<%# end%>
<li class="hworkList50 hworkH30">
<%= link_to "成绩",'',:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml10",:remote => true%>
<%# if @show_all && @order == "score"%>
<%#= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10",:remote => true%>
<%# end%>

View File

@ -1,27 +1,39 @@
<ul class="hworkUl">
<li class="hworkList30 hworkH30 ml5 mr5"><span class="c_dark f14 fb fl">序号</span></li>
<li class="hworkList50 hworkH30">&nbsp;</li>
<li class="hworkList260 hworkH30">
<span class="f14 fb fl">作品名称</span>
<table class="hwork-table-wrap">
<tr class="b_grey hworkH30" style="border-bottom:1px solid #eaeaea;">
<th class="hworkList30 hworkH30 pl5 pr5">序号</th>
<th class="hworkList50">&nbsp;</th>
<th class="hworkList260" style="text-align:left;">作品名称</th>
<% if @homework.homework_type != 3 %>
<li class="hworkList80 hworkH30"><span class="HomeworkStuTitle f14 fb fl">姓名</span></li>
<li class="hworkList80 hworkH30"><span class="HomeworkStuTitle f14 fb fl">学号</span></li>
<th class="hworkList80">
<span class="HomeworkStuTitle f14 fb fl">姓名</span>
<th class="hworkList80">
<span class="HomeworkStuTitle f14 fb fl">学号</span>
<% elsif @homework.homework_type == 3 && @homework.homework_detail_group.base_on_project == 1 %>
<li class="hworkList160 hworkH30"><span class="HomeworkStuTitle f14 fb fl">关联项目</span></li>
<th class="hworkList160">
<span class="HomeworkStuTitle f14 fb fl">关联项目</span>
<% end %>
<li class="hworkList130 hworkH30 fb ml10">
<% if @homework.homework_type == 2%>
<li class="hworkList50 hworkH30 fb">
<th class="hworkList130 pl10">
<% if @homework.homework_type == 2%>
<th class="hworkList50">
<% end%>
<th class="hworkList50 pr10 pl10">
<% @stundet_works.each_with_index do |student_work, i|%>
<%= render :partial => "evaluation_work", :locals => {:student_work => student_work, :index => i}%>
<td colspan="12">
<div id="about_hwork_<%= student_work.id%>">
<% end%>
<li class="hworkList50 hworkH30 fb mr10 ml10">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
<ul class="hworkUl">
<li class="hworkList30 hworkH30 ml5 mr5"><span class="c_dark f14 fb fl">序号</span></li>
<li class="hworkList50 hworkH30">&nbsp;</li>
<li class="hworkList260 hworkH30">
<span class="f14 fb fl">作品名称</span>
<% if @homework.homework_type != 3 %>
<li class="hworkList80 hworkH30"><span class="HomeworkStuTitle f14 fb fl">姓名</span></li>
<li class="hworkList80 hworkH30"><span class="HomeworkStuTitle f14 fb fl">学号</span></li>
<% elsif @homework.homework_type == 3 && @homework.homework_detail_group.base_on_project == 1 %>
<li class="hworkList160 hworkH30"><span class="HomeworkStuTitle f14 fb fl">关联项目</span></li>
<% end %>
<li class="hworkList130 hworkH30 fb ml10">
<% if @homework.homework_type == 2%>
<li class="hworkList50 hworkH30 fb">
<% end%>
<li class="hworkList50 hworkH30 fb mr10 ml10">

View File

@ -1,73 +1,74 @@
<ul class="hworkUl">
<li class="hworkList30 hworkH30 ml5 mr5"><span class="c_dark f14 fb fl">序号</span></li>
<li class="hworkList50">&nbsp;</li>
<li class="<%= @homework.homework_type == 2 ? 'hworkList80 mr10' : 'hworkList130 mr10'%> hworkH30">
<span class="c_dark f14 fb fl <%#= @homework.homework_type == 2 ? 'mr90 ml50' : 'mr150 ml50'%>">作品名称</span>
<table class="hwork-table-wrap">
<tr class="b_grey hworkH30" style="border-bottom:1px solid #eaeaea;">
<th class="hworkList30 hworkH30 pl5 pr5">序号</th>
<th class="hworkList50">&nbsp;</th>
<th class="<%= @homework.homework_type == 2 ? 'hworkList80 pr10' : 'hworkList130 pr10'%>" style="text-align:left;">作品名称</th>
<% if @homework.homework_type != 3 %>
<!--<span class="c_dark f14 fb fl mr50">姓名</span>-->
<li class="<%=@homework.anonymous_comment == 1 ? 'hworkList100' : 'hworkList60'%> hworkH30 mr10">
<%= link_to "姓名",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "lastname", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl #{@homework.anonymous_comment == 1 ? 'ml35' : 'ml18'}" ,:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "lastname"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "lastname", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10" ,:remote => true%>
<% end%>
<li class="<%=@homework.anonymous_comment == 1 ? 'hworkList90' : 'hworkList80'%> hworkH30 mr10">
<!--<span class="c_dark f14 fb fl">学号</span>-->
<%= link_to "学号",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "student_id", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml30" ,:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "student_id"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "student_id", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10" ,:remote => true%>
<% end%>
<th class="<%=@homework.anonymous_comment == 1 ? 'hworkList100' : 'hworkList60'%> pr10">
<%= link_to "姓名",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "lastname", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl #{@homework.anonymous_comment == 1 ? 'ml35' : 'ml18'}" ,:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "lastname"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "lastname", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10" ,:remote => true%>
<% end%>
<th class="<%=@homework.anonymous_comment == 1 ? 'hworkList90' : 'hworkList80'%> pr10">
<%= link_to "学号",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "student_id", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml30" ,:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "student_id"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "student_id", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10" ,:remote => true%>
<% end%>
<% elsif @homework.homework_type == 3 && @homework.homework_detail_group.base_on_project == 1 %>
<li class="hworkList160 hworkH30">
<span class="c_dark f14 fb">关联项目</span>
<th class="hworkList160">
<span class="c_dark f14 fb">关联项目</span>
<% end %>
<li class="hworkList130 hworkH30">
<%= link_to "时间",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "created_at", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml50" ,:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "created_at"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "created_at", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10",:remote => true%>
<th class="hworkList130">
<%= link_to "时间",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "created_at", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml50" ,:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "created_at"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "created_at", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10",:remote => true%>
<% end%>
<th class="hworkList50">
<%= link_to "教师",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "teacher_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml10" ,:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "teacher_score"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "teacher_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10" ,:remote => true%>
<% end%>
<th class="hworkList50">
<%= link_to "教辅",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "teaching_asistant_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml10",:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "teaching_asistant_score"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "teaching_asistant_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10",:remote => true%>
<% end%>
<% if @homework.homework_type == 2%>
<th class="hworkList50">
<%= link_to "系统",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "system_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml10",:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "system_score"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "system_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10",:remote => true%>
<% end%>
<% end%>
<li class="hworkList50 hworkH30" >
<%= link_to "教师",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "teacher_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml10" ,:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "teacher_score"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "teacher_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10" ,:remote => true%>
<% end%>
<li class="hworkList50 hworkH30">
<%= link_to "教辅",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "teaching_asistant_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml10",:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "teaching_asistant_score"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "teaching_asistant_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10",:remote => true%>
<% end%>
<% if @homework.homework_type == 2%>
<li class="hworkList50 hworkH30">
<%= link_to "系统",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "system_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml10",:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "system_score"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "system_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10",:remote => true%>
<% end%>
<% if @homework.anonymous_comment == 0%>
<th class="hworkList50">
<%= link_to "匿评",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "student_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml10",:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "student_score"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "student_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10",:remote => true%>
<% end%>
<% end %>
<th class="hworkList50">
<%= link_to "成绩",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml10",:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "score"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10",:remote => true%>
<% end%>
<% @stundet_works.each_with_index do |student_work, i|%>
<%= render :partial => "evaluation_un_work", :locals => {:student_work => student_work, :index => i}%>
<td colspan="12">
<div id="about_hwork_<%= student_work.id%>">
<% end%>
<% if @homework.anonymous_comment == 0%>
<li class="hworkList50 hworkH30">
<%= link_to "匿评",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "student_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml10",:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "student_score"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "student_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10",:remote => true%>
<% end%>
<% end %>
<li class="hworkList50 hworkH30">
<%= link_to "成绩",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml10",:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "score"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10",:remote => true%>
<% end%>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
<ul class="hworkUl">
<li class="hworkList30 hworkH30 ml5 mr5"><span class="c_dark f14 fb fl">序号</span></li>
<li class="hworkList50">&nbsp;</li>
<li class="<%= @homework.homework_type == 2 ? 'hworkList80 mr10' : 'hworkList130 mr10'%> hworkH30">
<span class="c_dark f14 fb fl <%#= @homework.homework_type == 2 ? 'mr90 ml50' : 'mr150 ml50'%>">作品名称</span>
<% if @homework.homework_type != 3 %>
<!--<span class="c_dark f14 fb fl mr50">姓名</span>-->
<li class="<%=@homework.anonymous_comment == 1 ? 'hworkList100' : 'hworkList60'%> hworkH30 mr10">
<%= link_to "姓名",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "lastname", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl #{@homework.anonymous_comment == 1 ? 'ml35' : 'ml18'}" ,:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "lastname"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "lastname", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10" ,:remote => true%>
<% end%>
<li class="<%=@homework.anonymous_comment == 1 ? 'hworkList90' : 'hworkList80'%> hworkH30 mr10">
<!--<span class="c_dark f14 fb fl">学号</span>-->
<%= link_to "学号",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "student_id", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml30" ,:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "student_id"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "student_id", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10" ,:remote => true%>
<% end%>
<% elsif @homework.homework_type == 3 && @homework.homework_detail_group.base_on_project == 1 %>
<li class="hworkList160 hworkH30">
<span class="c_dark f14 fb">关联项目</span>
<% end %>
<li class="hworkList130 hworkH30">
<%= link_to "时间",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "created_at", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml50" ,:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "created_at"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "created_at", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10",:remote => true%>
<% end%>
<li class="hworkList50 hworkH30" >
<%= link_to "教师",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "teacher_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml10" ,:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "teacher_score"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "teacher_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10" ,:remote => true%>
<% end%>
<li class="hworkList50 hworkH30">
<%= link_to "教辅",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "teaching_asistant_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml10",:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "teaching_asistant_score"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "teaching_asistant_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10",:remote => true%>
<% end%>
<% if @homework.homework_type == 2%>
<li class="hworkList50 hworkH30">
<%= link_to "系统",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "system_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml10",:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "system_score"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "system_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10",:remote => true%>
<% end%>
<% end%>
<% if @homework.anonymous_comment == 0%>
<li class="hworkList50 hworkH30">
<%= link_to "匿评",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "student_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml10",:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "student_score"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "student_score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10",:remote => true%>
<% end%>
<% end %>
<li class="hworkList50 hworkH30">
<%= link_to "成绩",@show_all ? student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) : "javascript:void(0)",:class => "c_dark f14 fb fl ml10",:remote => true%>
<% if @show_all && @order == "score"%>
<%= link_to "", student_work_index_path(:homework => @homework.id,:order => "score", :sort => @score, :name => @name, :group => @group) ,:class => "#{@score == 'desc' ? 'st_up' : 'st_down'} mt10",:remote => true%>
<% end%>

View File

@ -1,60 +1,58 @@
<!-- 匿评作品列表,显示某一个作品的信息 -->
<a name="<%= student_work.id%>"></a>
<ul class="hworkListRow" id="student_work_<%= student_work.id%>">
<li class="hworkList30 ml5 mr5" id="work_num_<%=student_work.id %>"><%=index + 1 %></li>
<li class="hworkPortrait mt15 mr10">
<tr class="hworkListRow" id="student_work_<%= student_work.id%>">
<td class="hworkList30 pl5 pr5" id="work_num_<%=student_work.id %>"><%=index + 1 %></td>
<td class="hworkPortrait pr10 float-none">
<%= link_to(image_tag(url_to_avatar(student_work.user),:width =>"40",:height => "40",:style => "display:block;"),user_activities_path(student_work.user)) %>
<div class="student_work_<%= student_work.id%>">
<li class="hworkName mt12 pr10 <%= @homework.homework_type == 2 ? '' : 'width130'%>" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');">
<td class="hworkName float-none pr10 student_work_<%= student_work.id%> <%= @homework.homework_type == 2 ? '' : 'width130'%>" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');">
<% student_work_name = student_work.name.nil? || student_work.name.empty? ? student_work.user.show_name + '的作品' : student_work.name%>
<%= link_to student_work_name,"javascript:void(0)" ,:title => student_work_name, :class => "linkGrey f14 StudentName break_word #{@homework.homework_type == 2 ? '' : 'width165'}"%>
<% if @homework.homework_type != 3 %>
<li class="<%=@homework.anonymous_comment == 1 ? 'hworkStName100' : 'hworkStName'%> pr10" title="<%= student_work.user.show_name%>" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor:pointer;">
<td class="<%=@homework.anonymous_comment == 1 ? 'hworkStName100' : 'hworkStName'%> pr10 student_work_<%= student_work.id%>" title="<%= student_work.user.show_name%>" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor:pointer;">
<%= student_work.user.show_name%>
<li class="<%=@homework.anonymous_comment == 1 ? 'hworkStID90' : 'hworkStID'%> pr10" title="<%= student_work.user.user_extensions.nil? ? "--" : student_work.user.user_extensions.student_id%>" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor:pointer;">
<%= student_work.user.user_extensions.nil? ? "--" : student_work.user.user_extensions.student_id%>
<td class="<%=@homework.anonymous_comment == 1 ? 'hworkStID90' : 'hworkStID'%> pr10 float-none student_work_<%= student_work.id%>" title="<%= student_work.user.user_extensions.nil? ? "--" : student_work.user.user_extensions.student_id%>" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor:pointer;">
<span style="width:90px; float:left;" class="hidden"><%= student_work.user.user_extensions.nil? ? "--" : student_work.user.user_extensions.student_id%></span>
<% elsif @homework.homework_type == 3 && @homework.homework_detail_group.base_on_project == 1 %>
<% if student_work.project.is_public || User.current.member_of?(student_work.project) || User.current.admin? %>
<li class="hworkPrName" title="项目名称">
<td class="hworkPrName student_work_<%= student_work.id%>" title="项目名称">
<%= link_to( student_work.project.name, project_path(student_work.project.id))%>
<% else %>
<li class="hworkPrName" title="该项目是私有的">
<td class="hworkPrName student_work_<%= student_work.id%>" title="该项目是私有的">
<%= student_work.project.name %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<li class="hworkList130 c_grey student_work_<%= student_work.id%>" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor: pointer;">
<td class="hworkList130 c_grey student_work_<%= student_work.id%>" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor: pointer;">
<% if student_work.created_at && @homework.end_time%>
<%= Time.parse(format_time(student_work.created_at)).strftime("%m-%d %H:%M")%>&nbsp;
<% if Time.parse(@homework.end_time.to_s).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") < Time.parse(format_time(student_work.created_at)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") %>
<span class="c_red">[迟交]</span>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<li class="hworkList50 <%= score_color student_work.teacher_score%>">
<td class="hworkList50 <%= score_color student_work.teacher_score%>">
<%= student_work.teacher_score.nil? ? "--" : format("%.1f",student_work.teacher_score)%>
<li class="hworkList50 <%= score_color student_work.teaching_asistant_score%>">
<td class="hworkList50 <%= score_color student_work.teaching_asistant_score%>">
<%= student_work.teaching_asistant_score.nil? ? "--" : format("%.1f",student_work.teaching_asistant_score)%>
<% if @homework.homework_type == 2%>
<!-- 系统评分 -->
<li class="hworkList50 <%= score_color student_work.system_score%>">
<td class="hworkList50 <%= score_color student_work.system_score%>">
<%= student_work.system_score.nil? ? "--" : format("%.1f",student_work.system_score)%>
<% end%>
<% if @homework.anonymous_comment == 0%>
<li class="hworkList50 <%= score_color student_work.student_score%> student_score_info">
<td class="hworkList50 <%= score_color student_work.student_score%> student_score_info">
<% if student_work.student_score.nil? %>
<span title="该作品未被匿评">未参与</span>
<% else %>
@ -71,7 +69,7 @@
<span class="c_red">&nbsp;<%= format("%.1f",student_work.student_score)%>&nbsp;</span>分。
<% end%>
<% end %>
<!-- 成绩 -->
<% if student_work.homework_common && student_work.homework_common.teacher_priority == 1 && student_work.teacher_score %>
@ -79,7 +77,7 @@
<% else %>
<% score = student_work.respond_to?("score") ? student_work.score : (student_work.final_score || 0) - student_work.absence_penalty - student_work.late_penalty%>
<% end %>
<li class="hworkList50 <%= score_color score%> student_final_scor_info">
<td class="hworkList50 <%= score_color score%> student_final_scor_info">
<%= score.nil? ? "--" : format("%.1f",score<0 ? 0 : score)%>
<% unless score.nil?%>
<div class="infoNi none width180">
@ -97,9 +95,9 @@
<span class="c_red">&nbsp;<%= format("%.1f",score<0 ? 0 : score)%>&nbsp;</span>分。
<% end%>
<li class="hworkTip" style="display: none" id="work_click_<%= student_work.id%>"><em></em><span></span><font class="fontGrey2">点击查看详情</font></li>
<td class="hworkTip" style="display: none" id="work_click_<%= student_work.id%>"><em></em><span></span><font class="fontGrey2">点击查看详情</font></td>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(".student_work_<%= student_work.id%>").mouseenter(function(){
if($("#about_hwork_<%= student_work.id%>").html().trim() == "") {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
<a name="<%= student_work.id%>"></a>
<ul class="hworkListRow" id="student_work_<%= student_work.id%>">
<li class="hworkList30 ml5 mr5" id="work_num_<%=student_work.id %>"><%=index + 1 %></li>
<li class="hworkPortrait mt15 mr10">
<%= link_to(image_tag(url_to_avatar(student_work.user),:width =>"40",:height => "40",:style => "display:block;"),user_activities_path(student_work.user)) %>
<div class="student_work_<%= student_work.id%>">
<li class="hworkName mt12 pr10 <%= @homework.homework_type == 2 ? '' : 'width130'%>" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');">
<% student_work_name = student_work.name.nil? || student_work.name.empty? ? student_work.user.show_name + '的作品' : student_work.name%>
<%= link_to student_work_name,"javascript:void(0)" ,:title => student_work_name, :class => "linkGrey f14 StudentName break_word #{@homework.homework_type == 2 ? '' : 'width165'}"%>
<% if @homework.homework_type != 3 %>
<li class="<%=@homework.anonymous_comment == 1 ? 'hworkStName100' : 'hworkStName'%> pr10" title="<%= student_work.user.show_name%>" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor:pointer;">
<%= student_work.user.show_name%>
<li class="<%=@homework.anonymous_comment == 1 ? 'hworkStID90' : 'hworkStID'%> pr10" title="<%= student_work.user.user_extensions.nil? ? "--" : student_work.user.user_extensions.student_id%>" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor:pointer;">
<%= student_work.user.user_extensions.nil? ? "--" : student_work.user.user_extensions.student_id%>
<% elsif @homework.homework_type == 3 && @homework.homework_detail_group.base_on_project == 1 %>
<% if student_work.project.is_public || User.current.member_of?(student_work.project) || User.current.admin? %>
<li class="hworkPrName" title="项目名称">
<%= link_to( student_work.project.name, project_path(student_work.project.id))%>
<% else %>
<li class="hworkPrName" title="该项目是私有的">
<%= student_work.project.name %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<li class="hworkList130 c_grey student_work_<%= student_work.id%>" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor: pointer;">
<% if student_work.created_at && @homework.end_time%>
<%= Time.parse(format_time(student_work.created_at)).strftime("%m-%d %H:%M")%>&nbsp;
<% if Time.parse(@homework.end_time.to_s).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") < Time.parse(format_time(student_work.created_at)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") %>
<span class="c_red">[迟交]</span>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<li class="hworkList50 <%= score_color student_work.teacher_score%>">
<%= student_work.teacher_score.nil? ? "--" : format("%.1f",student_work.teacher_score)%>
<li class="hworkList50 <%= score_color student_work.teaching_asistant_score%>">
<%= student_work.teaching_asistant_score.nil? ? "--" : format("%.1f",student_work.teaching_asistant_score)%>
<% if @homework.homework_type == 2%>
<!-- 系统评分 -->
<li class="hworkList50 <%= score_color student_work.system_score%>">
<%= student_work.system_score.nil? ? "--" : format("%.1f",student_work.system_score)%>
<% end%>
<% if @homework.anonymous_comment == 0%>
<li class="hworkList50 <%= score_color student_work.student_score%> student_score_info">
<% if student_work.student_score.nil? %>
<span title="该作品未被匿评">未参与</span>
<% else %>
<%=format("%.1f",student_work.student_score) %>
<% end %>
<% unless student_work.student_score.nil?%>
<span class="linkBlue">
(<%= student_work.student_works_scores.where(:reviewer_role => 3).group_by(&:user_id).count%>)
<div class="infoNi none">
<span class="c_red">&nbsp;<%= student_work.student_works_scores.where(:reviewer_role => 3).group_by(&:user_id).count%>&nbsp;</span>
<span class="c_red">&nbsp;<%= format("%.1f",student_work.student_score)%>&nbsp;</span>分。
<% end%>
<% end %>
<!-- 成绩 -->
<% if student_work.homework_common && student_work.homework_common.teacher_priority == 1 && student_work.teacher_score %>
<% score = student_work.respond_to?("score") ? student_work.score : student_work.teacher_score %>
<% else %>
<% score = student_work.respond_to?("score") ? student_work.score : (student_work.final_score || 0) - student_work.absence_penalty - student_work.late_penalty%>
<% end %>
<li class="hworkList50 <%= score_color score%> student_final_scor_info">
<%= score.nil? ? "--" : format("%.1f",score<0 ? 0 : score)%>
<% unless score.nil?%>
<div class="infoNi none width180">
<span class="c_red">&nbsp;<%= student_work.final_score%>&nbsp;</span>分。
<span class="c_red">&nbsp;
<%= student_work.homework_common && student_work.homework_common.teacher_priority == 1 && student_work.teacher_score ? 0 : student_work.late_penalty %>
<span class="c_red">&nbsp;
<%= student_work.homework_common && student_work.homework_common.teacher_priority == 1 && student_work.teacher_score ? 0 : student_work.absence_penalty%>
<span class="c_red">&nbsp;<%= format("%.1f",score<0 ? 0 : score)%>&nbsp;</span>分。
<% end%>
<li class="hworkTip" style="display: none" id="work_click_<%= student_work.id%>"><em></em><span></span><font class="fontGrey2">点击查看详情</font></li>

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<!-- 匿评作品列表,显示某一个作品的信息 -->
<ul class="hworkListRow" id="student_work_<%= student_work.id%>">
<tr class="hworkListRow" id="student_work_<%= student_work.id%>">
<% if @homework.homework_type != 3 %>
<% is_my_work = student_work.user == User.current%>
<% else %>
@ -8,81 +8,78 @@
<% end %>
<% if is_my_work%>
<li class="hworkList30 ml5 mr5" id="work_num_<%=student_work.id %>"><%=index + 1 %></li>
<li class="hworkPortrait mt15 mr10">
<td class="hworkList30 pl5 pr5" id="work_num_<%=student_work.id %>"><%=index + 1 %></td>
<td class="hworkPortrait pr10 float-none">
<%= image_tag(url_to_avatar(student_work.user),width:"40", height: "40", style: "display:block;") %>
<li class="hworkName mt12 pr10 w250 student_work_<%= student_work.id%>">
<td class="hworkName pr10 w250 float-none student_work_<%= student_work.id%>">
<% student_work_name = student_work.name.nil? || student_work.name.empty? ? student_work.user.show_name + '的作品' : student_work.name%>
<%= link_to student_work_name, student_work_path(student_work),:remote => true,:title => student_work_name, :class => "linkGrey f14 StudentName break_word w250"%>
<div class="student_work_<%= student_work.id%>">
<% if @homework.homework_type != 3 %>
<li class="hworkStName w80" title="<%= student_work.user.show_name%>" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor: pointer;">
<td class="hworkStName float-none w80 student_work_<%= student_work.id%>" title="<%= student_work.user.show_name%>" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor: pointer;">
<%= student_work.user.show_name%>
<li class="hworkStID" title="<%= student_work.user.user_extensions.nil? ? "--" : student_work.user.user_extensions.student_id%>" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor: pointer;">
<td class="hworkStID float-none student_work_<%= student_work.id%>" title="<%= student_work.user.user_extensions.nil? ? "--" : student_work.user.user_extensions.student_id%>" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor: pointer;">
<%= student_work.user.user_extensions.nil? ? "--" : student_work.user.user_extensions.student_id%>
<% elsif @homework.homework_type == 3 && @homework.homework_detail_group.base_on_project == 1 %>
<% if student_work.project.is_public || User.current.member_of?(student_work.project) || User.current.admin? %>
<li class="hworkPrName mr10 mt12" title="项目名称">
<% if student_work.project.is_public || User.current.member_of?(student_work.project) || User.current.admin? %>
<td class="hworkPrName float-none mr10 student_work_<%= student_work.id%>" title="项目名称">
<%= link_to( student_work.project.name, project_path(student_work.project.id))%>
<% else %>
<li class="hworkPrName mr10 mt12" title="该项目是私有的">
<% else %>
<td class="hworkPrName float-none mr10 student_work_<%= student_work.id%>" title="该项目是私有的">
<%= student_work.project.name %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% else%>
<li class="hworkList30 ml5 mr5" id="work_num_<%=student_work.id %>"><%=index + 1 %></li>
<li class="hworkPortrait mt15 mr10">
<td class="hworkList30 pl5 pr5" id="work_num_<%=student_work.id %>"><%=index + 1 %></td>
<td class="hworkPortrait float-none pr10">
<%= image_tag(url_to_avatar(""),width:"40", height: "40", style: "display:block;") %>
<li class="hworkName mt12 pr10 w250 student_work_<%= student_work.id%>">
<td class="hworkName float-none pr10 w250 student_work_<%= student_work.id%>">
<%= link_to "匿名的作品", student_work_path(student_work),:remote => true,:title => student_work_name, :class => "linkGrey f14 StudentName break_word w250"%>
<% if @homework.homework_type != 3 %>
<li class="hworkStName w80" title="姓名" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor: pointer;">
<% if @homework.homework_type != 3 %>
<td class="hworkStName float-none w80" title="姓名" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor: pointer;">
<li class="hworkStID" title="学号">
<td class="hworkStID float-none" title="学号">
<% elsif @homework.homework_type == 3 && @homework.homework_detail_group.base_on_project == 1 %>
<li class="hworkPrName mr10" title="项目名称" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor: pointer;">
<% elsif @homework.homework_type == 3 && @homework.homework_detail_group.base_on_project == 1 %>
<td class="hworkPrName mr10 float-none" title="项目名称" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor: pointer;">
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end%>
<li class="hworkList130 pl10 c_grey student_work_<%= student_work.id%>" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor: pointer;">
<td class="hworkList130 pl10 c_grey student_work_<%= student_work.id%>" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor: pointer;">
<%= Time.parse(format_time(student_work.created_at)).strftime("%m-%d %H:%M")%>&nbsp;
<% if Time.parse(@homework.end_time.to_s).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") < Time.parse(format_time(student_work.created_at)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") %>
<span class="c_red">[迟交]</span>
<% end %>
<!-- 成绩 -->
<% if @homework.homework_type == 2%>
<!-- 系统评分 -->
<li class="hworkList50 <%= score_color student_work.system_score%>">
<td class="hworkList50 <%= score_color student_work.system_score%>">
<%= student_work.system_score.nil? ? "--" : format("%.1f",student_work.system_score)%>
<% end%>
<% my_score = student_work_score(student_work,User.current) %>
<li class="hworkList50 <%= my_score.nil? ? 'c_grey' : score_color(my_score.score)%> mr10 ml10">
<td class="hworkList50 <%= my_score.nil? ? 'c_grey' : score_color(my_score.score)%> mr10 ml10">
<%= my_score.nil? ? "--" : format("%.1f",my_score.score)%>
<li class="hworkTip" style="display: none" id="work_click_<%= student_work.id%>"><em></em><span></span><font class="fontGrey2">点击查看详情</font></li>
<td class="hworkTip" style="display: none" id="work_click_<%= student_work.id%>"><em></em><span></span><font class="fontGrey2">点击查看详情</font></td>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(".student_work_<%= student_work.id%>").mouseenter(function(){
$("#work_click_<%= student_work.id%>").show();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
<ul class="hworkListRow" id="student_work_<%= student_work.id%>">
<% if @homework.homework_type != 3 %>
<% is_my_work = student_work.user == User.current%>
<% else %>
<% pro = @homework.student_work_projects.where(:user_id => User.current.id).first %>
<% is_my_work = pro && pro.student_work_id == student_work.id%>
<% end %>
<% if is_my_work%>
<li class="hworkList30 ml5 mr5" id="work_num_<%=student_work.id %>"><%=index + 1 %></li>
<li class="hworkPortrait mt15 mr10">
<%= image_tag(url_to_avatar(student_work.user),width:"40", height: "40", style: "display:block;") %>
<li class="hworkName mt12 pr10 w250 student_work_<%= student_work.id%>">
<% student_work_name = student_work.name.nil? || student_work.name.empty? ? student_work.user.show_name + '的作品' : student_work.name%>
<%= link_to student_work_name, student_work_path(student_work),:remote => true,:title => student_work_name, :class => "linkGrey f14 StudentName break_word w250"%>
<div class="student_work_<%= student_work.id%>">
<% if @homework.homework_type != 3 %>
<li class="hworkStName w80" title="<%= student_work.user.show_name%>" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor: pointer;">
<%= student_work.user.show_name%>
<li class="hworkStID" title="<%= student_work.user.user_extensions.nil? ? "--" : student_work.user.user_extensions.student_id%>" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor: pointer;">
<%= student_work.user.user_extensions.nil? ? "--" : student_work.user.user_extensions.student_id%>
<% elsif @homework.homework_type == 3 && @homework.homework_detail_group.base_on_project == 1 %>
<% if student_work.project.is_public || User.current.member_of?(student_work.project) || User.current.admin? %>
<li class="hworkPrName mr10 mt12" title="项目名称">
<%= link_to( student_work.project.name, project_path(student_work.project.id))%>
<% else %>
<li class="hworkPrName mr10 mt12" title="该项目是私有的">
<%= student_work.project.name %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% else%>
<li class="hworkList30 ml5 mr5" id="work_num_<%=student_work.id %>"><%=index + 1 %></li>
<li class="hworkPortrait mt15 mr10">
<%= image_tag(url_to_avatar(""),width:"40", height: "40", style: "display:block;") %>
<li class="hworkName mt12 pr10 w250 student_work_<%= student_work.id%>">
<%= link_to "匿名的作品", student_work_path(student_work),:remote => true,:title => student_work_name, :class => "linkGrey f14 StudentName break_word w250"%>
<% if @homework.homework_type != 3 %>
<li class="hworkStName w80" title="姓名" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor: pointer;">
<li class="hworkStID" title="学号">
<% elsif @homework.homework_type == 3 && @homework.homework_detail_group.base_on_project == 1 %>
<li class="hworkPrName mr10" title="项目名称" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor: pointer;">
<% end %>
<% end%>
<li class="hworkList130 pl10 c_grey student_work_<%= student_work.id%>" onclick="show_student_work('<%= student_work_path(student_work)%>');" style="cursor: pointer;">
<%= Time.parse(format_time(student_work.created_at)).strftime("%m-%d %H:%M")%>&nbsp;
<% if Time.parse(@homework.end_time.to_s).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") < Time.parse(format_time(student_work.created_at)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") %>
<span class="c_red">[迟交]</span>
<% end %>
<!-- 成绩 -->
<% if @homework.homework_type == 2%>
<!-- 系统评分 -->
<li class="hworkList50 <%= score_color student_work.system_score%>">
<%= student_work.system_score.nil? ? "--" : format("%.1f",student_work.system_score)%>
<% end%>
<% my_score = student_work_score(student_work,User.current) %>
<li class="hworkList50 <%= my_score.nil? ? 'c_grey' : score_color(my_score.score)%> mr10 ml10">
<%= my_score.nil? ? "--" : format("%.1f",my_score.score)%>
<li class="hworkTip" style="display: none" id="work_click_<%= student_work.id%>"><em></em><span></span><font class="fontGrey2">点击查看详情</font></li>

View File

@ -1,123 +1,122 @@
<div class="show_hwork_arrow"></div>
<div class="showHwork">
<li class="fl" >
<span class="tit_fb">上交时间:</span>
<%=format_time work.created_at %>
<% if work.user == User.current && Time.parse(@homework.end_time.to_s).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") >= Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") %>
<!-- 我的作业 && 匿评作业 && 未开启匿评,显示编辑和删除按钮 -->
<li class="fr" >
<%= link_to("", student_work_path(work),:method => 'delete', :confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure), :class => "pic_del") %>
<div class="show_hwork_arrow"></div>
<div class="showHwork">
<li class="fl" >
<span class="tit_fb">上交时间:</span>
<%=format_time work.created_at %>
<li class="fr" >
<%= link_to "",new_student_work_path(:homework => @homework.id),:class => "pic_edit"%>
<% end%>
<% if @homework.homework_detail_manual.comment_status == 3 && work.user != User.current%>
<!-- 匿评结束阶段,显示点赞按钮 -->
<li class="fr" id="student_work_praise_<%= work.id%>">
<%= render :partial => 'student_work_praise',:locals => {:work => work} %>
<% end%>
<div class="cl"></div>
<li >
<span class="tit_fb ">编程代码:</span>
<div class="showHworkP break_word"><pre id="work-src_<%= work.id%>" style="display: none;"><%= work.description if work.description%></pre><div class="fontGrey2 font_cus" id="work-code_<%= work.id%>">
<div class="cl"></div>
<% if work.user == User.current && Time.parse(@homework.end_time.to_s).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") >= Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") %>
<!-- 我的作业 && 匿评作业 && 未开启匿评,显示编辑和删除按钮 -->
<li class="fr" >
<%= link_to("", student_work_path(work),:method => 'delete', :confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure), :class => "pic_del") %>
<li class="fr" >
<%= link_to "",new_student_work_path(:homework => @homework.id),:class => "pic_edit"%>
<% end%>
<% if @homework.homework_detail_manual.comment_status == 3 && work.user != User.current%>
<!-- 匿评结束阶段,显示点赞按钮 -->
<li class="fr" id="student_work_praise_<%= work.id%>">
<%= render :partial => 'student_work_praise',:locals => {:work => work} %>
<% end%>
<div class="cl"></div>
<li class="mt10 fl">
<span class="tit_fb ">
<div class="show_hwork_p break_word">
<% work.student_work_tests.each_with_index do |test, index| %>
<div class="ProResultTop">
<p class="c_blue fl">
第<%= work.student_work_tests.count - index%>次测试
<span class="fr c_grey">
<%= test.created_at.to_s(:db) %>
<div class="cl"></div>
<li >
<span class="tit_fb ">编程代码:</span>
<div class="showHworkP break_word"><pre id="work-src_<%= work.id%>" style="display: none;"><%= work.description if work.description%></pre><div class="fontGrey2 font_cus" id="work-code_<%= work.id%>">
<% if test.status.to_i == -2 %>
<div class="ProResultCon ">
<%= test.results.first %>
<% else %>
<div class="ProResultTable " >
<ul class="ProResultUl " >
<% test.results.reverse.each_with_index do |x, i| %>
<% unless x.nil? %>
<li >
<span class="w60 T_C">测试<%=test.results.size-i%></span>
<% if x["status"].to_i != 0 %>
<% if x["status"].to_i == 2 %>
<span class="w60 c_red">超时!</span>
<% else %>
<span class="w60 c_red">测试错误!</span>
<% end %>
<span class="w60">您的输出:</span>
<span class="width120"><pre style="white-space: pre-wrap; margin-right: 15px;"><%=x["result"].force_encoding("UTF-8")%> </pre></span>
<span class="w60">正确输出:</span>
<span class="width120"><pre style="white-space: pre-wrap; margin-right: 15px;"><%=x["output"].force_encoding("UTF-8")%></pre></span>
<span class="w50">耗时:</span>
<span class="w80"><pre><%=x["time_used"]==0?1:x["time_used"]%>毫秒</pre></span>
<div class="cl"></div>
<% else %>
<span class="w60 c_green">测试正确!</span>
<span style="width:360px;">&nbsp;</span>
<span class="w50">耗时:</span>
<span class="w80"><pre><%=x["time_used"]==0?1:x["time_used"]%>毫秒</pre></span>
<div class="cl"></div>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<li >
<% if @is_teacher || (@homework.homework_detail_manual.comment_status == 2 && work.user != User.current )%>
<!-- 老师 || 开启匿评状态 && 不是当前用户自己的作品 -->
<div id="add_student_score_<%= work.id%>" class="mt10 evaluation">
<%= render :partial => 'add_score',:locals => {:work => work,:score => score}%>
<% end%>
<div class="cl"></div>
<li class="mt10 fl">
<span class="tit_fb ">
<div class="show_hwork_p break_word">
<% work.student_work_tests.each_with_index do |test, index| %>
<div class="ProResultTop">
<p class="c_blue fl">
第<%= work.student_work_tests.count - index%>次测试
<span class="fr c_grey">
<%= test.created_at.to_s(:db) %>
<div class="cl"></div>
<% if test.status.to_i == -2 %>
<div class="ProResultCon ">
<%= test.results.first %>
<% else %>
<div class="ProResultTable " >
<ul class="ProResultUl " >
<% test.results.reverse.each_with_index do |x, i| %>
<% unless x.nil? %>
<li >
<span class="w60 T_C">测试<%=test.results.size-i%></span>
<% if x["status"].to_i != 0 %>
<% if x["status"].to_i == 2 %>
<span class="w60 c_red">超时!</span>
<% else %>
<span class="w60 c_red">测试错误!</span>
<% end %>
<span class="w60">您的输出:</span>
<span class="width120"><pre style="white-space: pre-wrap; margin-right: 15px;"><%=x["result"].force_encoding("UTF-8")%> </pre></span>
<span class="w60">正确输出:</span>
<span class="width120"><pre style="white-space: pre-wrap; margin-right: 15px;"><%=x["output"].force_encoding("UTF-8")%></pre></span>
<span class="w50">耗时:</span>
<span class="w80"><pre><%=x["time_used"]==0?1:x["time_used"]%>毫秒</pre></span>
<div class="cl"></div>
<% else %>
<span class="w60 c_green">测试正确!</span>
<span style="width:360px;">&nbsp;</span>
<span class="w50">耗时:</span>
<span class="w80"><pre><%=x["time_used"]==0?1:x["time_used"]%>毫秒</pre></span>
<div class="cl"></div>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<li >
<% if @is_teacher || (@homework.homework_detail_manual.comment_status == 2 && work.user != User.current )%>
<!-- 老师 || 开启匿评状态 && 不是当前用户自己的作品 -->
<div id="add_student_score_<%= work.id%>" class="mt10 evaluation">
<%= render :partial => 'add_score',:locals => {:work => work,:score => score}%>
<% end%>
<div class="cl"></div>
<div id="revise_attachment">
<%= render :partial => 'student_work/revise_attachment', :locals => {:work => work} %>
<div class="cl"></div>
<div id="revise_attachment">
<%= render :partial => 'student_work/revise_attachment', :locals => {:work => work} %>
<div class="cl"></div>
<div class="ping_box fl" id="score_list_<%= work.id%>" style="<%= work.student_works_scores.empty? ? 'padding:0px;' : ''%>">
<%student_work_scores.each do |student_score|%>
<div id="work_score_<%= student_score.id%>">
<%= render :partial => 'student_work_score',:locals => {:score => student_score,:is_last => student_score == student_work_scores.last}%>
<% end%>
<div class="cl"></div>
<!---ping_box end--->
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="linkBlue mt5 mb5" style="margin-left:auto; margin-right: auto; display:block; width: 24px;" onclick="$('#about_hwork_<%= work.id%>').html('');">收起</a>
<div class="cl"></div>
<div class="ping_box fl" id="score_list_<%= work.id%>" style="<%= work.student_works_scores.empty? ? 'padding:0px;' : ''%>">
<%student_work_scores.each do |student_score|%>
<div id="work_score_<%= student_score.id%>">
<%= render :partial => 'student_work_score',:locals => {:score => student_score,:is_last => student_score == student_work_scores.last}%>
<% end%>
<div class="cl"></div>
<!---ping_box end--->
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="linkBlue mt5 mb5" style="margin-left:auto; margin-right: auto; display:block; width: 24px;" onclick="$('#about_hwork_<%= work.id%>').html('');">收起</a>
<div class="cl"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
<% if defined?(is_focus) && is_focus.to_i == 1 %>

View File

@ -1,109 +1,109 @@
<div class="show_hwork_arrow"></div>
<div class="showHwork">
<% is_teacher = User.current.allowed_to?(:as_teacher, @homework.course) || User.current.admin? %>
<% if @homework.homework_type != 3 %>
<% is_my_work = work.user == User.current%>
<% else %>
<% pro = @homework.student_work_projects.where(:user_id => User.current.id).first %>
<% is_my_work = pro && pro.student_work_id == work.id%>
<% end %>
<li class="fl" >
<span class="tit_fb">上交时间:</span>
<%=format_time work.created_at %>
<div class="show_hwork_arrow"></div>
<div class="showHwork">
<% is_teacher = User.current.allowed_to?(:as_teacher, @homework.course) || User.current.admin? %>
<% if @homework.homework_type != 3 %>
<% is_my_work = work.user == User.current%>
<% else %>
<% pro = @homework.student_work_projects.where(:user_id => User.current.id).first %>
<% is_my_work = pro && pro.student_work_id == work.id%>
<% end %>
<li class="fl" >
<span class="tit_fb">上交时间:</span>
<%=format_time work.created_at %>
<% if work.user == User.current && Time.parse(@homework.end_time.to_s).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") >= Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") %>
<!-- 我的作业 && 匿评作业 && 未开启匿评,显示编辑和删除按钮 -->
<li class="fr" >
<%= link_to("", student_work_path(work),:method => 'delete', :confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure), :class => "pic_del",:title=>"删除") %>
<li class="fr mr5" >
<%= link_to "",edit_student_work_path(work),:class => "pic_edit",:title => "修改"%>
<% end%>
<% if @homework.homework_detail_manual.comment_status == 3 && !is_my_work %>
<!-- 匿评结束阶段,显示点赞按钮 -->
<li class="fr" id="student_work_praise_<%= work.id%>">
<%= render :partial => 'student_work_praise',:locals => {:work => work} %>
<% end%>
<% if work.user == User.current && Time.parse(@homework.end_time.to_s).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") >= Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") %>
<!-- 我的作业 && 匿评作业 && 未开启匿评,显示编辑和删除按钮 -->
<li class="fr" >
<%= link_to("", student_work_path(work),:method => 'delete', :confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure), :class => "pic_del",:title=>"删除") %>
<li class="fr mr5" >
<%= link_to "",edit_student_work_path(work),:class => "pic_edit",:title => "修改"%>
<% end%>
<% if @homework.homework_detail_manual.comment_status == 3 && !is_my_work %>
<!-- 匿评结束阶段,显示点赞按钮 -->
<li class="fr" id="student_work_praise_<%= work.id%>">
<%= render :partial => 'student_work_praise',:locals => {:work => work} %>
<% end%>
<div class="cl"></div>
<!--<li ><span class="tit_fb"> 参与人员:</span>程梦雯&nbsp;&nbsp;王强</li>-->
<% if @homework.homework_type == 3 && work.student_work_projects && (@homework.homework_detail_manual.comment_status != 2 || is_my_work || is_teacher ) %>
<div class="cl"></div>
<span class="tit_fb"> 参与人员:</span>
<%= link_to(work.user.show_name+"(组长)", user_path(work.user.id), :class => "linkBlue" )%>
<% members = work.student_work_projects.where("is_leader = 0") %>
<% members.each do |member| if !members.empty? %>
、<%=link_to((User.find member.user_id).show_name, user_path(member.user.id), :class => "linkBlue" ) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if @homework.homework_detail_group.base_on_project == 1 %>
<span class="tit_fb"> 关联项目:</span>
<% if work.project.is_public || User.current.member_of?(work.project) || User.current.admin? %>
<%= link_to( work.project.name, project_path(work.project.id), :class => "linkBlue" )%>
<% else %>
<span title ="该项目是私有的"><%=work.project.name %></span>
<% end %>
<%#= link_to( work.project.name, project_path(work.project.id), :class => "linkBlue" )%>
<span class="ml5">(综合评分:<font class="c_red"><%=work.project.project_score.score.to_i %></font>)</span>
<% end %>
<% end%>
<li >
<span class="tit_fb ">内容:</span>
<div class="showHworkP break_word upload_img" id="student_work_img_<%=work.id %>">
<%= work.description.html_safe if work.description%>
<div class="cl"></div>
<li >
<span class="tit_fb"> 附件:</span>
<% com_attachments = work.attachments.where("attachtype IS NULL OR attachtype <> 7") %>
<% if com_attachments.empty?%>
<span style="color: #999999">尚未提交附件</span>
<% else%>
<div class="fl" style="width: 90%;">
<%= render :partial => 'work_attachments_status', :locals => {:attachments => com_attachments, :status => @homework.homework_detail_manual.comment_status} %>
<% end%>
<div class="cl"></div>
<li >
<% if @is_teacher || (@homework.homework_detail_manual.comment_status == 2 && !is_my_work)%>
<!-- 老师 || 开启匿评状态 && 不是当前用户自己的作品 -->
<div id="add_student_score_<%= work.id%>" class="mt10 evaluation">
<%= render :partial => 'add_score',:locals => {:work => work,:score => score}%>
<% end%>
<div class="cl"></div>
<div id="revise_attachment">
<%= render :partial => 'student_work/revise_attachment', :locals => {:work => work} %>
<div class="cl"></div>
<!--<li ><span class="tit_fb"> 参与人员:</span>程梦雯&nbsp;&nbsp;王强</li>-->
<% if @homework.homework_type == 3 && work.student_work_projects && (@homework.homework_detail_manual.comment_status != 2 || is_my_work || is_teacher ) %>
<div class="cl"></div>
<span class="tit_fb"> 参与人员:</span>
<%= link_to(work.user.show_name+"(组长)", user_path(work.user.id), :class => "linkBlue" )%>
<% members = work.student_work_projects.where("is_leader = 0") %>
<% members.each do |member| if !members.empty? %>
、<%=link_to((User.find member.user_id).show_name, user_path(member.user.id), :class => "linkBlue" ) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if @homework.homework_detail_group.base_on_project == 1 %>
<span class="tit_fb"> 关联项目:</span>
<% if work.project.is_public || User.current.member_of?(work.project) || User.current.admin? %>
<%= link_to( work.project.name, project_path(work.project.id), :class => "linkBlue" )%>
<% else %>
<span title ="该项目是私有的"><%=work.project.name %></span>
<% end %>
<%#= link_to( work.project.name, project_path(work.project.id), :class => "linkBlue" )%>
<span class="ml5">(综合评分:<font class="c_red"><%=work.project.project_score.score.to_i %></font>)</span>
<% end %>
<% end%>
<li >
<span class="tit_fb ">内容:</span>
<div class="showHworkP break_word upload_img" id="student_work_img_<%=work.id %>">
<%= work.description.html_safe if work.description%>
<div class="cl"></div>
<li >
<span class="tit_fb"> 附件:</span>
<% com_attachments = work.attachments.where("attachtype IS NULL OR attachtype <> 7") %>
<% if com_attachments.empty?%>
<span style="color: #999999">尚未提交附件</span>
<% else%>
<div class="fl" style="width: 90%;">
<%= render :partial => 'work_attachments_status', :locals => {:attachments => com_attachments, :status => @homework.homework_detail_manual.comment_status} %>
<div class="ping_box fl" id="score_list_<%= work.id%>" style="<%= work.student_works_scores.empty? ? 'padding:0px;' : ''%>">
<%student_work_scores.each do |student_score|%>
<div id="work_score_<%= student_score.id%>">
<%= render :partial => 'student_work_score',:locals => {:score => student_score,:is_last => student_score == student_work_scores.last}%>
<% end%>
<div class="cl"></div>
<li >
<% if @is_teacher || (@homework.homework_detail_manual.comment_status == 2 && !is_my_work)%>
<!-- 老师 || 开启匿评状态 && 不是当前用户自己的作品 -->
<div id="add_student_score_<%= work.id%>" class="mt10 evaluation">
<%= render :partial => 'add_score',:locals => {:work => work,:score => score}%>
<% end%>
<div class="cl"></div>
<div id="revise_attachment">
<%= render :partial => 'student_work/revise_attachment', :locals => {:work => work} %>
<div class="cl"></div>
<!---ping_box end--->
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="linkBlue mt5 mb5" style="margin-left:auto; margin-right: auto; display:block; width: 24px;" onclick="$('#about_hwork_<%= work.id%>').html('');">收起</a>
<div class="cl"></div>
<div class="cl"></div>
<div class="ping_box fl" id="score_list_<%= work.id%>" style="<%= work.student_works_scores.empty? ? 'padding:0px;' : ''%>">
<%student_work_scores.each do |student_score|%>
<div id="work_score_<%= student_score.id%>">
<%= render :partial => 'student_work_score',:locals => {:score => student_score,:is_last => student_score == student_work_scores.last}%>
<% end%>
<div class="cl"></div>
<!---ping_box end--->
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="linkBlue mt5 mb5" style="margin-left:auto; margin-right: auto; display:block; width: 24px;" onclick="$('#about_hwork_<%= work.id%>').html('');">收起</a>
<div class="cl"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
showNormalImage('student_work_img_<%=work.id %>');

View File

@ -37,17 +37,6 @@
<div class="cl"></div>
<% @stundet_works.each_with_index do |student_work, i|%>
<% if @is_evaluation%>
<%= render :partial => "evaluation_work", :locals => {:student_work => student_work, :index => i}%>
<% else%>
<%= render :partial => "evaluation_un_work", :locals => {:student_work => student_work, :index => i}%>
<% end%>
<div class="cl"></div>
<div id="about_hwork_<%= student_work.id%>">
<div class="cl"></div>
<% end%>
<script type="text/javascript">
<% if !@is_evaluation && (!@is_teacher || params[:show_work_id].present?) || @message_student_work_id %>

View File

@ -101,6 +101,10 @@ a.hworkSearchIcon:hover {background:url(../images/nav_icon.png) -49px -1px no-re
.mt16{margin-top: 16px;}
.pr10{padding-right: 10px;}
.hwork-table-wrap {width:720px; border-collapse:collapse; vertical-align:middle;}
.hwork-table-wrap th {font-size:14px; color:#2d2d2d;}
.mt-2 {margin-top:-2px;}
.homeworkInfo {background:#F6F6F6; padding:10px; margin-bottom:10px;}

View File

@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ h4{ font-size:14px; color:#3b3b3b;}
.f_l{ float:left;}
.f_r{ float:right;}
.float-none {float:none !important;}
.break_word{ word-break:break-all; word-wrap: break-word;}
@ -136,6 +137,8 @@ h4{ font-size:14px; color:#3b3b3b;}
.pl10 {padding-left:10px;}
.pl15{ padding-left:15px;}
.pl5{ padding-left:5px;}
.pr5 {padding-right:5px;}
.pr10 {padding-right:10px;}
.pt5{ padding-top:5px;}
.pt10{ padding-top:10px;}
.pb5{ padding-bottom: 5px;}