This commit is contained in:
sw 2015-06-12 16:46:07 +08:00
parent 21a9a67bfc
commit 1810a3eb41
2 changed files with 0 additions and 61 deletions

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
<!-- fq --> <!-- modified by bai -->
<%= error_messages_for 'bid' %>
<p><%= l(:label_fork_form_new_description) %></p>
<!-- modified by bai -->
<p style="margin-left:-68px;padding-right: 20px;"><strong><%= l(:label_choose_course) %><span class="required"> *&nbsp;</span></strong><%= select_tag 'course', course_options_for_select(@courses) %></p>
<p><%= f.text_field :name, :required => true, :size => 60, :style => "width:490px;", :maxlength => Bid::NAME_LENGTH_LIMIT, :value => %></p>
<!-- end -->
<p style="margin-left:-10px;padding-right: 20px;">
<%= f.text_area :description, :rows => 8, :value => @bid.description, :class => 'wiki-edit', :style => "font-size:small;width:490px;margin-left:10px;", :maxlength => Bid::DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_LIMIT %></p>
<!-- <p><%#= select_tag 'bid_reward_type', "<option value = '0'>#{l(:label_choose_reward)}</option><option value = '1'>#{l(:label_money)}</option><option value = '3'>#{l(:label_bids_credit)}</option><option value = '2'>#{l(:label_reward_1)}</option>".html_safe,
:onChange => "show('bid_reward_type', 'bid_budget', '"+l(:label_bids_reward_what)+"','"+l(:label_bids_new_money)+"','"+l(:label_bids_new_credit)+"','"+l(:label_bids_new_content)+"')" %>
<%#= f.text_field :budget, :required => true, :size => 60, :style => "width:350px;", :placeholder => l(:label_bids_reward_what) %>
</p> -->
<p><%= f.text_field :deadline, :value => nil,:required => true, :size => 60, :style => "width:150px;" , :readonly => true %><%= calendar_for('bid_deadline')%>
<p><%#= :homework_type, homework_type_option %>
<p><%= :is_evaluation, is_evaluation_option %>
<fieldset><legend><%= l(:label_attachment_plural) %></legend>
<p><%= render :partial => 'attachments/form', :locals => {:container => @homework} %></p>

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
<!-- huang -->
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function show(id, id_t, label_reward, label_money, label_credit, label_content) {
var text = $('#' + id);
var text_t = $('#' + id_t);
if (text.val() == 0) {
text_t.attr("placeholder", label_reward);
if (text.val() == 1) {
text_t.attr("placeholder", label_money);
if (text.val() == 3) {
text_t.attr("placeholder", label_credit);
if (text.val() == 2) {
text_t.attr("placeholder", label_content);
return content;
<%= error_messages_for 'bid' %>
<p style="width:500px;"><%= l(:label_bids_form_contest_new_description) %></p>
<p><%= f.text_field :name, :required => true, :size => 60, :style => "width:490px;", :maxlength => Bid::NAME_LENGTH_LIMIT, :placeholder => "#{l(:label_contest_name)}" %></p>
<p style="margin-left:-10px;padding-right: 20px;"><%= f.text_area :description, :rows => 8, :class => 'wiki-edit', :style => "font-size:small;width:490px;margin-left:10px;", :maxlength => Bid::DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_LIMIT, :placeholder => "#{l(:label_contest_description)}" %></p>
<p style="margin-left:-10px;"><%= f.text_field :password, :size => 60, :style => "width:488px;margin-left: 10px;" %></p>
<%= f.text_field :budget, :required => true, :size => 60, :style => "width:350px;", :placeholder => l(:label_bids_reward_what) %>
<!-- 设置奖项设置的打开 关闭开关-->
<!-- <em class="info" style="margin-left:95px;"><%= l(:text_contest_reward) %></em> -->
<p><%= f.text_field :deadline, :required => true, :size => 60, :style => "width:150px;", :readonly => true, :placeholder => "#{l(:label_deadline)}" %><%= calendar_for('bid_deadline')%></p>