Merge branch 'szzh' into develop

This commit is contained in:
huang 2015-12-21 14:49:51 +08:00
commit 26c5c88757
2 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ class IssuesController < ApplicationController
respond_to do |format|
format.html {
flash[:notice] = l(:label_successful_create)
#flash[:notice] = l(:label_successful_create)
#flash[:notice] = l(:notice_issue_successful_create, :id => view_context.link_to("#{@issue.subject}", issue_path(@issue), :title => @issue.subject))
#flash[:notice] = l(:notice_issue_successful_create, :id => view_context.link_to("##{}", issue_path(@issue), :title => @issue.subject))
if params[:continue]

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<label class="label"><span class="c_red f12">*</span>&nbsp;类型&nbsp;&nbsp;:&nbsp;</label>
<%= :tracker_id, @issue.project.trackers.collect { |t| [,] },
{:required => true, :no_label => true},
:onchange => "updateIssueFrom('#{escape_javascript project_issue_form_path(@project, :id => @issue, :format => 'js')}')",
#:onchange => "updateIssueFrom('#{escape_javascript project_issue_form_path(@project, :id => @issue, :format => 'js')}')",
:class => "w90" %>
<% end %>
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
<%= f.label_for_field :description, :required => @issue.required_attribute?('description'), :no_label => true, :class => "label" %>
<%#= link_to_function image_tag('edit.png'), '$(this).hide(); $("#issue_description_and_toolbar").show()' unless @issue.new_record? %>
<%#= content_tag 'span', :id => "issue_description_and_toolbar" do %>
<%= f.kindeditor :description,:editor_id => "issue_desc_editor", :width=>'87%', :resizeType => 0, :no_label => true,at_id:, at_type: @project.class.to_s %>
<%= f.kindeditor :description,:editor_id => "issue_desc_editor", :width=>'85%', :resizeType => 0, :no_label => true,at_id:, at_type: @project.class.to_s %>
<%# end %>
<%#= wikitoolbar_for 'issue_description' %>
<% end %>