- <%= link_to image_tag(url_to_avatar(activity.author), :width => "50", :height => "50"), user_path(activity.author_id,:host=>Setting.host_user), :alt => "用户头像" %>
- <% if activity.author.id == User.current.id || User.current.admin? %>
- -
- -
- <%= link_to(
- l(:button_edit),
- {:controller => 'blog_comments',:action => 'edit',:user_id=>activity.author_id,:blog_id=>activity.blog_id, :id => activity.id},
- :class => 'postOptionLink'
- ) if User.current.admin? || User.current.id == activity.author.id %>
- -
- <%= link_to(
- l(:button_delete),
- {:controller => 'blog_comments',:action => 'destroy',:user_id=>activity.author_id,:blog_id=>activity.blog_id, :id => activity.id},
- :method => :delete,
- :data => {:confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure)},
- :class => 'postOptionLink'
- ) if User.current.admin? || User.current.id == activity.author.id %>
- -
- <% if activity.id == activity.blog.homepage_id %>
- <%= link_to(
- l(:button_cancel_homepage),
- {:controller => 'blogs',:action => 'cancel_homepage',:user_id=>activity.author_id,:id=>activity.blog_id, :article_id => activity.id},
- :method => :post,
- :class => 'postOptionLink'
- ) if User.current && User.current.id == activity.blog.author_id %>
- <% else %>
- <%= link_to(
- l(:button_set_homepage),
- {:controller => 'blogs',:action => 'set_homepage',:user_id=>activity.author_id,:id=>activity.blog_id, :article_id => activity.id},
- :method => :post,
- :class => 'postOptionLink'
- ) if User.current && User.current.id == activity.blog.author_id %>
- <% end %>
- <%end%>
- <% if activity.try(:author).try(:realname) == ' ' %>
- <%= link_to activity.try(:author), user_path(activity.author_id,:host=>Setting.host_user), :class => "newsBlue mr15" %>
- <% else %>
- <%= link_to activity.try(:author).try(:realname), user_path(activity.author_id,:host=>Setting.host_user), :class => "newsBlue mr15" %>
- <% end %>
- TO
- <%= link_to activity.blog.name+" | 博客", user_blogs_path(:user_id=>activity.author_id,:host=>Setting.host_user), :class => "newsBlue ml15 mr5"%>
- <% if activity.blog.homepage_id and activity.id == activity.blog.homepage_id %>
- 已设为首页
- <% end %>
- <% if activity.parent_id.nil? %>
- <%= link_to activity.title.to_s.html_safe, user_blog_blog_comment_path(:user_id=>activity.author_id, :blog_id=>activity.blog.id,:id=>activity), :class=> "postGrey" %>
- <% else %>
- <%= link_to activity.title.subject.to_s.html_safe, user_blog_blog_comment_path(:user_id=>activity.author_id, :blog_id=>activity.blog.id,:id=>activity), :class=> "postGrey"%>
- <% end %>
- <% if activity.sticky == 1%>
- <% end%>
- <% if activity.locked%>
- <% end%>
- 发帖时间:<%= format_time(activity.created_on) %>
- 更新时间:<%= format_time(activity.updated_on) %>
- <% if activity.parent_id.nil? %>
- <% content= activity.content%>
- <% else %>
- <% content= activity.parent.content%>
- <% end %>
- <%=render :partial =>"users/intro_content", :locals=>{:user_activity_id =>user_activity_id, :content=>content} %>
- <%= render :partial=>"attachments/activity_attach", :locals=>{:activity => activity} %>
- <% count=0 %>
- <% if activity.parent %>
- <% count=activity.parent.children.count%>
- <% else %>
- <% count=activity.children.count%>
- <% end %>
- <%= count>0 ? "(#{count})" : "" %>▪
- <% if activity.author == User.current %>
- 赞<%= get_praise_num(activity) > 0 ? "(#{get_praise_num(activity)})" : "" %>
- <% else %>
- <%=render :partial=> "praise_tread/praise", :locals => {:activity=>activity, :user_activity_id=>user_activity_id,:type=>"activity"}%>
- <% end %>
- <%if count > 3 %>
- <% end %>
- <% activity= activity.parent ? activity.parent : activity%>
- <% replies_all_i = 0 %>
- <% if count > 0 %>
- <% activity.children.reorder("created_on desc").each do |reply|%>
- <% replies_all_i=replies_all_i+1 %>
- -
- <%= link_to image_tag(url_to_avatar(reply.author), :width => "33", :height => "33"), user_path(reply.author_id,:host=>Setting.host_user), :alt => "用户头像" %>
- <% if reply.try(:author).try(:realname) == ' ' %>
- <%= link_to reply.try(:author), user_path(reply.author_id,:host=>Setting.host_user), :class => "newsBlue mr10 f14" %>
- <% else %>
- <%= link_to reply.try(:author).try(:realname), user_path(reply.author_id,:host=>Setting.host_user), :class => "newsBlue mr10 f14" %>
- <% end %>
- <%= format_time(reply.created_on) %>
- <% if reply.author == User.current %>
- 赞<%= get_praise_num(reply) > 0 ? "(#{get_praise_num(reply)})" : "" %>
- <% else %>
- <%=render :partial=> "praise_tread/praise", :locals => {:activity=>reply, :user_activity_id=>reply.id,:type=>"reply"}%>
- <% end %>
- <%= reply.content.html_safe %>
+ <% topics.each do |activity| %>
+ -
+ <% if activity.parent_id.nil? %>
+ <%= link_to activity.title.to_s.html_safe, user_blog_blog_comment_path(:user_id=>activity.author_id, :blog_id=>activity.blog.id,:id=>activity), :class=> "c_red ml10" %>
+ <% else %>
+ <%= link_to activity.title.subject.to_s.html_safe, user_blog_blog_comment_path(:user_id=>activity.author_id, :blog_id=>activity.blog.id,:id=>activity), :class=> "c_red ml10"%>
<% end %>
- <% end %>
- <% if !activity.locked? %>
<%= link_to image_tag(url_to_avatar(User.current), :width => "33", :height => "33"), user_path(activity.author_id), :alt => "用户头像" %>
- <%= form_for('new_form',:url => {:controller=>'blog_comments',:action => 'reply', :id => activity.id, :blog_id => activity.blog.id, :user_id => activity.author_id},:method => "post",:remote=>true) do |f|%>
- <% end%>
+ <% if activity.blog.homepage_id and activity.id == activity.blog.homepage_id %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% count=0 %>
+ <% if activity.parent %>
+ <% count=activity.parent.children.count%>
+ <% else %>
+ <% count=activity.children.count%>
+ <% end %>
+ 发帖时间:<%= format_time(activity.created_on) %>
+ 更新时间:<%= format_time(activity.updated_on) %>
+ <%= count>0 ? "(#{count})" : "" %>
+ 回复
+ |
+ <%= get_praise_num(activity) > 0 ? "(#{get_praise_num(activity)})" : "" %>
+ 赞
<% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/blogs/_article_list.html.erb b/app/views/blogs/_article_list.html.erb
index f3fd1aa61..af9fc1c0f 100644
--- a/app/views/blogs/_article_list.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/blogs/_article_list.html.erb
@@ -51,44 +51,9 @@
<% end %>
<% if topics%>
- <% topics.each do |topic| %>
- <% if topic %>
- <%= render :partial => 'blogs/article', :locals => {:activity => topic, :user_activity_id => topic.id} %>
- <% end %>
- <% end %>
- <%# if topics.count == 10 %>
- <%# end %>
+ <%= render :partial => 'blogs/article', :locals => {:topics => topics} %>
<% end%>