
This commit is contained in:
sw 2015-05-08 14:23:57 +08:00
parent a24e4d345d
commit 34dbde442d
1 changed files with 53 additions and 157 deletions

View File

@ -1,26 +1,28 @@
<div id="add-message" class="add_frame" style="display:none;">
<% if User.current.logged? %>
<%= link_to h(@board.name), course_board_path(@course, @board) %>
<%= l(:label_message_new) %>
<div class="add_frame_header" >
<%= l(:label_message_new) %>
<%= form_for @message, :url => new_board_message_path(@board), :html => {:multipart => false, :id => 'message-form'} do |f| %>
<%= render :partial => 'messages/form_course', :locals => {:f => f} %>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="submitCoursesBoard();"class="ButtonColor m3p10"><%= l(:button_submit)%></a>
<%= link_to l(:button_cancel), "javascript:void(0)", :onclick => '$("#add-message").hide(); return false;' ,:class => 'ButtonColor m3p10' %>
<% end %>
<div id="preview" class="wiki"></div>
<% end %>
<!--display the board--> <!--display the board-->
<div class="project_r_h"> <div class="project_r_h">
<h2 class="project_h2 fl"> <h2 class="project_h2"><%= l(:label_board_plural) %></h2>
<% if User.current.language == "zh"%>
<%= h @board.name %>
<% else %>
<%= l(:project_module_boards) %>
<% end %>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="green_btn fr newtalk " onclick="show_newtalk();"><%= l(:label_message_new) %></a>
<div class="cl"></div>
</div> </div>
<!-- 发布新帖部分 -->
<div class="cl"></div>
<div class=" talklist_box" >
<div class="talk_new ml15 mb10" id="about_newtalk" style="display:<%= !@flag.nil? && @flag=='true' ? 'block' : 'none' %>;" >
<%= render :partial => 'course_new' %>
</div><!--talknew end-->
<% if !User.current.logged?%> <% if !User.current.logged?%>
<div style="font-size: 14px;margin:20px;"> <div style="font-size: 14px;margin:20px;">
@ -29,150 +31,44 @@
<hr/> <hr/>
</div> </div>
<% end %> <% end %>
<p class="c_dark mb5">讨论区共有<span class="c_orange"><%= @topic_count %></span>个帖子</p> <div class="talk_top ml15">
<% if @topics.any? %> <p class="fl">
<% @topics.each do |topic| %> <%= l(:label_totle) %>
<div class="talkmain_box" style="border:none; margin-bottom:0; border-bottom: 1px dashed #d9d9d9;"> <span><%= @topic_count %></span>
<%= link_to image_tag(url_to_avatar(topic.author), :width=>"42",:height=>"42"), user_path(topic.author),:class =>'talkmain_pic fl' %> <%= l(:label_course_momes_count) %>
<div class="talkmain_txt fl mt5">
<% author = topic.author.to_s + "" %>
<%= link_to author, user_path(topic.author), :class =>"talkmain_name fl " %>
<p class="talkmain_tit fl fb">&nbsp;&nbsp;<%= h(topic.subject) %></p>
<% if topic.editable_by?(User.current) %>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="show_newtalk1('#about_newtalk<%= topic.id%>');" style="color: #426e9a;float: left;
margin-left: 20px;"><%= l(:button_edit) %></a>
<% end %>
<% if topic.sticky? %>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="talk_up fr c_red" style="margin-right: 10px;"><%= l(:label_board_sticky)%></a>
<% end %>
<%= link_to(
{:controller =>'messages',:action => 'destroy', :id => topic.id, :board_id => topic.board_id, :is_board=>'true'},
:method => :post,
:data => {:confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure)},
:class => 'talk_edit fr',
:style => ' margin-right: 10px;'
) if topic.destroyable_by?(User.current) %>
<div id="contentmessage<%=topic.id %>" class="project_board_content">
<%= topic.content %>
<label id="expend_more_information<%= topic.id%>" onclick="show_more_reply('#contentmessage<%=topic.id %>','#expend_more_information<%= topic.id%>','#arrow<%=topic.id%>');" value="show_more">[展开]</label>
<span class="g-arr-down">
<img id="arrow<%=topic.id%>" src="/images/jiantou.jpg" width="12" height="6" />
</p> </p>
<%= l(:label_activity_time)%>&nbsp;&nbsp;<%= format_time topic.created_on %> <%= link_to l(:label_message_new),
:class => 'problem_new_btn fl c_dorange' if User.current.logged? %>
<div class="cl"></div>
<% if @topics.any? %>
<% @topics.each do |topic| %>
<div class="problem_main">
<%= link_to image_tag(url_to_avatar(topic.author), :width=>"32",:height=>"32"), user_path(topic.author),:class => 'problem_pic talk_pic fl' %>
<div class="talk_txt fl">
<%= link_to h(topic.subject), board_message_path(@board, topic),title: topic.subject.to_s,:class => "problem_tit fl fb c_dblue" %>
<% if topic.sticky? %>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="talk_up fr c_red">置顶</a>
<% end %>
<p>由<%= link_to topic.author,user_path(topic.author),:class => "problem_name" %>添加于<%= format_time(topic.created_on) %></p>
</div> </div>
<%= toggle_link l(:button_reply), "reply" + topic.id.to_s, :focus => 'message_content',:class => ' c_dblue fr' %> <%=link_to (l(:label_reply) + topic.replies_count.to_s), board_message_path(@board, topic),:class => "talk_btn fr c_white" %>
<div class="cl"></div> <div class="cl"></div>
</div><!--讨论主类容 end--> </div><!--讨论主类容 end-->
<div class="talk_new ml15 mb10" id="about_newtalk<%=topic.id%>" style="display:<%= !@flag.nil? && @flag=='true' ? 'block' : 'none' %>;">
<%= render :partial => 'edit',locals: {:topic => topic} %>
<div class="talkWrapBox">
<% reply = Message.new(:subject => "RE: #{@message.subject}")%>
<% if !topic.locked? && authorize_for('messages', 'reply') %>
<em class="talkWrapArrow"></em>
<div class="cl"></div>
<div class="talkConIpt ml15 mb10" style="display: none" id="reply<%= topic.id %>">
<%= form_for reply, :as => :reply, :url => {:controller=>'messages',:action => 'reply', :id => topic.id, :board_id => topic.board_id, :is_board => 'true'}, :html => {:multipart => true, :id => 'message_form' + topic.id.to_s} do |f| %>
<%= render :partial => 'form_project', :locals => {:f => f, :replying => true} %>
<a href="#" onclick="$('#message_form<%= topic.id%>').submit();" class="talk_btn fr c_white" style=""><%= l(:label_memo_create)%></a>
<% end %>
<div class="cl"></div>
<% end %>
<% replies_all = topic.children.
includes(:author, :attachments, {:board => :project}).
reorder("#{Message.table_name}.created_on DESC").offset(2).
all %>
<% replies_show = topic.children.
includes(:author, :attachments, {:board => :project}).
reorder("#{Message.table_name}.created_on DESC").limit(2).
all %>
<% unless replies_show.empty? %>
<% reply_count = 0 %>
<div class="talkWrapMsg">
<% replies_show.each do |message| %>
<%= link_to image_tag(url_to_avatar(message.author), :width => '34',:height => '34'), user_path(message.author), :class =>'Msg_pic' %>
<div class="Msg_txt">
<%= link_to_user_header message.author,false,:class => 'fl c_orange ' %>
<p class="fl"><%= textAreailizable message,:content,:attachments => message.attachments %></p>
<span class=" c_grey fl"><%= format_time(message.created_on) %></span>
<%= link_to(
{:controller => 'messages', :action => 'destroy', :id => message.id, :board_id => message.board_id, :is_board => 'true'},
:method => :post,
:data => {:confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure)},
:title => l(:button_delete),
:class => ' c_dblue fr'
) if message.course_destroyable_by?(User.current) %>
<div class="cl"></div>
<% end %>
<div class="talkWrapMsg" id="talkWrapMsg<%= topic.id %>" style="display: none">
<% replies_all.each do |message| %>
<%= link_to image_tag(url_to_avatar(message.author), :width => '34',:height => '34'), user_path(message.author), :class =>'Msg_pic' %>
<div class="Msg_txt">
<%= link_to_user_header message.author,false,:class => 'fl c_orange ' %>
<p class="fl"><%= textAreailizable message,:content,:attachments => message.attachments %></p>
<span class=" c_grey fl"><%= format_time(message.created_on) %></span>
<%= link_to(
{:controller => 'messages', :action => 'destroy', :id => message.id, :board_id => message.board_id, :is_board => 'true'},
:method => :post,
:data => {:confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure)},
:title => l(:button_delete),
:class => ' c_dblue fr'
) if message.course_destroyable_by?(User.current) %>
<div class="cl"></div>
<% end %>
<%if replies_all.first %>
<div class="talkWrapMsg"><a class=" ml258" id="showgithelp<%= topic.id%>" value="show_help" onclick ="showhelpAndScrollToMessage('talkWrapMsg<%= topic.id %>','#showgithelp<%= topic.id%>','<%=topic.replies_count%>'); " class="c_dblue lh23">展开回复(<%= topic.replies_count.to_s%>)</a></div>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<p class="nodata"><%= l(:label_no_data) %></p>
<% end %> <% end %>
<% else %>
<p class="nodata">
<%= l(:label_no_data) %>
<% end %>
<ul class="wlist"> <ul class="wlist">
<%= pagination_links_full @obj_pages, @obj_count, :per_page_links => false, :remote => false, :flag => true%> <%= pagination_links_full @obj_pages, @obj_count, :per_page_links => false, :remote => false, :flag => true%>
</ul> </ul>
<%# other_formats_links do |f| %> <%# other_formats_links do |f| %>
<%#= f.link_to 'Atom', :url => {:key => User.current.rss_key} %> <%#= f.link_to 'Atom', :url => {:key => User.current.rss_key} %>
<%# end %> <%# end %>
<% html_title @board.name %> <% html_title @board.name %>