
This commit is contained in:
huang 2015-06-16 15:36:03 +08:00
parent e1b059b3d2
commit 41fb1255a9
3 changed files with 24 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
<%= link_to h(@added_to), @added_to_url %><br />
<ul><% @attachments.each do |attachment | %>
<li><%=h attachment.filename %></li>
<% end %></ul>
<% @attachments.each do |attachment | %>
<%= link_to attachment.author, user_activities_url(attachment.author),
:style => "color:#1B55A7; float:left;display:block; margin-right:5px; overflow:hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow:ellipsis;"%>
<span class="wmail_txt" style="float:left; margin-right:5px;color:#ACAEB1;"><%= l(:label_project_mail_upload) %></span>
<%= link_to truncate(attachment.filename,length: 30,omission: '...'), project_files_url(attachment.project),
:style => "color:#1B55A7;float:left; font-weight:normal;margin-right:5px; display:block;overflow:hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow:ellipsis;"
<% end %>

View File

@ -1,4 +1,14 @@
<%= @added_to %><% @attachments.each do |attachment | %>
- <%= attachment.filename %><% end %>
- <%= attachment.author %> <%= l(:label_project_mail_upload) %> <%=h attachment.filename %><% end %>
<%= @added_to_url %>
<%= link_to h(@added_to), @added_to_url %>
<% @attachments.each do |attachment | %>
<%= link_to attachment.author, user_activities_url(attachment.author) %>
<%= l(:label_project_mail_upload) %>
<%= link_to truncate(attachment.filename,length: 30,omission: '...'), project_files_url(attachment.project) %>
<% end %>