diff --git a/ReadMe.txt b/ReadMe.txt
index c373119fb..35e56515d 100644
--- a/ReadMe.txt
+++ b/ReadMe.txt
@@ -62,4 +62,4 @@ kw: 首页, 定制, forge, course, contest, 排序
如果运行迁移文件有报错与‘sort_type’相关 先运行 bundle exec rake db:migrate:down version=20140716021202 bundle exec rake db:migrate:up version=20140716021202
1.运行 bundle exec rake db:migrate:down version=20140719080032
-2.运行 bundle exec rake db:migrate:up version=20140719080032
\ No newline at end of file
+2.运行 bundle exec rake db:migrate:up version=20140719080032
diff --git a/app/controllers/admin_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admin_controller.rb
index 781d07d58..a76a78dcb 100644
--- a/app/controllers/admin_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/admin_controller.rb
@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ class AdminController < ApplicationController
elsif request.post?
@first_page = FirstPage.where("page_type = 'project'").first
@first_page.web_title = params[:web_title]
- @first_page.description = params[:description]
- @first_page.title = params[:title]
+ @first_page.description = params[:first_page][:description]
+ #@first_page.title = params[:title]
@first_page.sort_type = params[:sort_type]
if @first_page.save
respond_to do |format|
diff --git a/app/controllers/application_controller.rb b/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
index e6efca1e8..110974b77 100644
--- a/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
@@ -482,14 +482,19 @@ class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# Renders an error response
def render_error(arg)
arg = {:message => arg} unless arg.is_a?(Hash)
@message = arg[:message]
+ @lay = arg[:layout]
@message = l(@message) if @message.is_a?(Symbol)
@status = arg[:status] || 500
respond_to do |format|
format.html {
- render :template => 'common/error', :layout => use_layout, :status => @status
+ if @lay
+ render :template => 'common/error', :layout => @lay,:status => @status
+ else
+ render :template => 'common/error', :layout => use_layout, :status => @status
+ end
format.any { head @status }
diff --git a/app/controllers/attachments_controller.rb b/app/controllers/attachments_controller.rb
index 6c22d8de2..a0da2d025 100644
--- a/app/controllers/attachments_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/attachments_controller.rb
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ private
raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound if params[:filename] && params[:filename] != @attachment.filename
if @attachment.container_type == 'Course'
@course = @attachment.course
- elsif @attachment.container.course
+ elsif @attachment.container.has_attribute?(:course) && @attachment.container.course
@course = @attachment.container.course
unless @attachment.container_type == 'Bid' || @attachment.container_type == 'HomeworkAttach' || @attachment.container_type == 'Memo' || @attachment.container_type == 'Softapplication'
diff --git a/app/controllers/forums_controller.rb b/app/controllers/forums_controller.rb
index 9c41f91d6..d3de11177 100644
--- a/app/controllers/forums_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/forums_controller.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# added by fq
class ForumsController < ApplicationController
+ layout "users_base"
# GET /forums
# GET /forums.json
before_filter :find_forum_if_available
@@ -143,9 +145,10 @@ class ForumsController < ApplicationController
respond_to do |format|
if @forum.update_attributes(params[:forum])
- format.html { redirect_to @forum, notice: 'Forum was successfully updated.' }
+ format.html { redirect_to @forum, notice: l(:label_forum_update_succ) }
format.json { head :no_content }
+ flash.now[:error] = "#{l :label_forum_update_fail}: #{@forum.errors.full_messages[0]}"
format.html { render action: "edit" }
format.json { render json: @forum.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
diff --git a/app/controllers/welcome_controller.rb b/app/controllers/welcome_controller.rb
index 516b88310..7109a5460 100644
--- a/app/controllers/welcome_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/welcome_controller.rb
@@ -24,24 +24,19 @@ class WelcomeController < ApplicationController
def index
@first_page = FirstPage.where("page_type = 'project'").first
- @hot_projects = find_miracle_project(10, 3)
- @hot_projects_ids = []
- @hot_projects.each do |p|
- @hot_projects_ids << p
- end
- @projects_all = Project.active.visible.
- joins("LEFT JOIN #{ProjectStatus.table_name} ON #{Project.table_name}.id = #{ProjectStatus.table_name}.project_id").
- where("#{Project.table_name}.project_type = ? and #{Project.table_name}.id in (?)", Project::ProjectType_project,@hot_projects_ids)
if @first_page.nil? || @first_page.sort_type.nil?
- @projects = @projects_all.order("grade desc")
+ @projects = find_miracle_project(10, 3,"grade desc")
case @first_page.sort_type
when 0
- @projects = @projects_all.order("created_on desc")
+ @projects = find_miracle_project(10, 3,"created_on desc")
+ #@projects = @projects_all.order("created_on desc")
when 1
- @projects = @projects_all.order("grade desc")
+ @projects = find_miracle_project(10, 3,"grade desc")
+ #@projects = @projects_all.order("grade desc")
when 2
- @projects = @projects_all.order("watchers_count desc")
+ @projects = find_miracle_project(10, 3,"watchers_count desc")
+ #@projects = @projects_all.order("watchers_count desc")
#when '3'
diff --git a/app/controllers/words_controller.rb b/app/controllers/words_controller.rb
index a4f53c100..110f81537 100644
--- a/app/controllers/words_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/words_controller.rb
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ class WordsController < ApplicationController
elsif ( referer.match(/homework_attach/) || referer.match(/homework_attach/) ) #new added
obj = HomeworkAttach.find_by_id(obj_id)
- raise 'create reply obj unknow type.'
+ raise "create reply obj unknow type.#{referer}"
@@ -240,8 +240,8 @@ class WordsController < ApplicationController
elsif obj.kind_of? HomeworkAttach
obj.add_jour(nil, nil, obj.id, options) #new added
- raise 'create reply obj unknow type.'
+ raise "create reply obj unknow type.#{obj.class}"
#######end of message
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/controllers/zipdown_controller.rb b/app/controllers/zipdown_controller.rb
index 9e1676474..a5506be93 100644
--- a/app/controllers/zipdown_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/zipdown_controller.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
class ZipdownController < ApplicationController
before_filter :find_project_by_bid_id, :only => [:assort]
@@ -43,16 +44,17 @@ class ZipdownController < ApplicationController
zipfile = zip_homework_by_user homework
send_file zipfile, :filename => homework.name+".zip", :type => detect_content_type(zipfile) if(zipfile)
- render file: 'zipdown/no_file_dowmload.js.erb'
+ render_403 :message => :no_file_dowmload ,:layout => "course_base"
- render_403 :message =>:notice_file_not_found
+ render_403 :message =>:notice_file_not_found ,:layout => "course_base"
- render_403 :message => :notice_not_authorized
+ render_403 :message => :notice_not_authorized ,:layout => "course_base"
rescue => e
- render file: 'zipdown/file_not_fond.js.erb'
+ render file: 'public/file_not_found.html'
diff --git a/app/helpers/user_score_helper.rb b/app/helpers/user_score_helper.rb
index ede00b694..720919369 100644
--- a/app/helpers/user_score_helper.rb
+++ b/app/helpers/user_score_helper.rb
@@ -338,14 +338,44 @@ module UserScoreHelper
- def get_option_number(user,type)
- option_number = OptionNumber.where("user_id = '#{user.id}' and score_type = '#{type}'");
- if option_number.nil?
- option_number = OptionNumber.new
- option_number.user_id = user.id
- option_number.score_type =type
+ def get_option_number(user,type,project_id=nil)
+ if project_id.nil?
+ option_number = OptionNumber.where("user_id = '#{user.id}' and score_type = '#{type}'");
+ else
+ option_number = OptionNumber.where("user_id = '#{user.id}' and score_type = '#{type}' and project_id = '#{project_id}'");
+ end
+ result = nil
+ if option_number.nil? || option_number.count == 0
+ result = OptionNumber.new
+ result.user_id = user.id
+ result.memo = 0
+ result.messages_for_issues = 0
+ result.issues_status = 0
+ result.replay_for_message = 0
+ result.replay_for_memo = 0
+ result.follow = 0
+ result.tread = 0
+ result.praise_by_one = 0
+ result.praise_by_two = 0
+ result.praise_by_three = 0
+ result.tread_by_one = 0
+ result.tread_by_two = 0
+ result.tread_by_three = 0
+ result.changeset = 0
+ result.document = 0
+ result.attachment = 0
+ result.issue_done_ratio = 0
+ result.post_issue = 0
+ result.total_score = 0
+ result.score_type =type
+ unless project_id.nil?
+ result.project_id = project_id
+ end
+ else
+ result = option_number.first
- option_number
+ result
@@ -374,7 +404,7 @@ module UserScoreHelper
def update_memo_number(user,type)
option_number = get_option_number(user,type)
- option_number.memo = Message.includes(:author).where("parent_id IS NULL and author_id = '#{user.id}'").all.count
+ option_number.memo = Message.includes(:author).where("parent_id IS NULL and author_id = '#{user.id}'").all.count + Memo.includes(:author).where("parent_id IS NULL and author_id = '#{user.id}'").all.count
@@ -401,7 +431,7 @@ module UserScoreHelper
def update_replay_for_memo(user,type)
option_number = get_option_number(user,type)
- option_number.replay_for_memo = Message.includes(:author).where("parent_id IS NOT NULL and author_id = #{user.id}").count
+ option_number.replay_for_memo = Message.includes(:author).where("parent_id IS NOT NULL and author_id = #{user.id}").all.count + Memo.includes(:author).where("parent_id IS NOT NULL and author_id = #{user.id}").all.count
@@ -412,5 +442,97 @@ module UserScoreHelper
- #更新踩别人帖子的数量
+ #更新帖子踩各项数量
+ def update_tread(user,type)
+ option_number = get_option_number(user,type)
+ option_number.tread = PraiseTread.where("praise_tread_object_type = 'Memo' || praise_tread_object_type = 'Message' and praise_or_tread = 0 and user_id = '#{user.id}'").all.count
+ pts = PraiseTread.where("praise_tread_object_type = 'Memo' || praise_tread_object_type = 'Message' and praise_or_tread = 0").all
+ result = []
+ result1 = []
+ result2 = []
+ pts.each do |pt|
+ obj = PraiseTread.find_object_by_type_and_id(pt.praise_tread_object_type, pt.praise_tread_object_id)
+ if obj.nil?
+ next
+ end
+ target_user = obj.author
+ level = UserLevels.get_level(pt.user)#pt.user.get_level
+ project = pt.project
+ if level == 1 && target_user.id = user.id
+ result << pt
+ elsif level == 2 && target_user.id = user.id
+ result1 << pt
+ elsif level == 3 && target_user.id = user.id
+ result2 << pt
+ end
+ end
+ option_number.tread_by_one = result.count
+ option_number.tread_by_two = result1.count
+ option_number.tread_by_three = result2.count
+ update_score(option_number)
+ end
+ #更新帖子顶数量
+ def update_praise(user,type)
+ option_number = get_option_number(user,type)
+ pts = PraiseTread.where("praise_tread_object_type = 'Memo' || praise_tread_object_type = 'Message' and praise_or_tread = 1").all
+ result = []
+ result1 = []
+ result2 = []
+ pts.each do |pt|
+ obj = PraiseTread.find_object_by_type_and_id(pt.praise_tread_object_type, pt.praise_tread_object_id)
+ if obj.nil?
+ next
+ end
+ target_user = obj.author
+ level = UserLevels.get_level(pt.user)#pt.user.get_level
+ project = pt.project
+ if level == 1 && target_user.id = user.id
+ result << pt
+ elsif level == 2 && target_user.id = user.id
+ result1 << pt
+ elsif level == 3 && target_user.id = user.id
+ result2 << pt
+ end
+ end
+ option_number.praise_by_one = result.count
+ option_number.praise_by_two = result1.count
+ option_number.praise_by_three = result2.count
+ update_score(option_number)
+ end
+ #更新提交代码次数
+ def update_changeset(user,type)
+ option_number = get_option_number(user,type)
+ option_number.changeset = Changeset.includes(:user).where("user_id = '#{user.id}'").all.count
+ update_score(option_number)
+ end
+ #更新文档提交次数
+ def update_document(user,type)
+ option_number = get_option_number(user,type)
+ option_number.document = Document.includes(:user).where("user_id = '#{user.id}'").all.count
+ update_score(option_number)
+ end
+ #更新附件提交数量
+ def update_attachment(user,type)
+ option_number = get_option_number(user,type)
+ option_number.attachment = Attachment.includes(:author).where("author_id = '#{user.id}'").all.count
+ update_score(option_number)
+ end
+ #更新缺陷完成度次数
+ def update_issue_done_ratio(user,type)
+ option_number = get_option_number(user,type)
+ option_number.issue_done_ratio = Journal.joins(:details, :user).where("#{JournalDetail.table_name}.prop_key = 'done_ratio' and #{User.table_name}.id = '#{user.id}'").count
+ update_score(option_number)
+ end
+ #更新发布缺陷次数
+ def update_post_issue(user,type)
+ option_number = get_option_number(user,type)
+ option_number.post_issue = Issue.includes(:author).where("author_id = '#{user.id}'").all.count
+ update_score(option_number)
+ end
diff --git a/app/helpers/welcome_helper.rb b/app/helpers/welcome_helper.rb
index 99357a3d0..8ee7f42d8 100644
--- a/app/helpers/welcome_helper.rb
+++ b/app/helpers/welcome_helper.rb
@@ -203,12 +203,12 @@ module WelcomeHelper
- def find_miracle_project(sum, max_rate)
+ def find_miracle_project(sum, max_rate,order)
#max = sum*(max_rate.to_f/10)
#c1 = find_new_project(sum).to_a.dup
#c2 = find_all_hot_project(sum).to_a.dup
- find_all_hot_project(sum).dup#.to_a.dup
+ find_all_hot_project(sum,order).to_a.dup
def find_new_course limit=15
@@ -220,8 +220,8 @@ module WelcomeHelper
- def find_all_hot_project limit=15
- sort_project_by_hot limit
+ def find_all_hot_project limit=15,order
+ sort_project_by_hot limit,order
def find_all_hot_course limit=15
@@ -366,8 +366,9 @@ module WelcomeHelper
- def sort_project_by_hot limit=15
- sort_project_by_hot_rails 0, 'grade DESC', limit
+ def sort_project_by_hot limit=15,order
+ #'grade DESC'
+ sort_project_by_hot_rails 0,order , limit
def sort_course_by_hot limit=15
@@ -433,7 +434,7 @@ module WelcomeHelper
# FROM projects AS p LEFT OUTER JOIN (
# SELECT project_id,grade FROM project_statuses
# WHERE project_type = #{project_type} ORDER BY #{order_by} LIMIT #{limit} ) AS t ON p.id = t.project_id ")
- Project.visible.joins(:project_status).where("#{Project.table_name}.project_type = ?", project_type).order(order_by).limit(limit)#.all
+ Project.visible.joins(:project_status).where("#{Project.table_name}.project_type = ?", project_type).order(order_by).limit(limit).all
def sort_bid_by_hot_rails reward_type, limit = 10
diff --git a/app/models/first_page.rb b/app/models/first_page.rb
index 52c6e204d..58d20901e 100644
--- a/app/models/first_page.rb
+++ b/app/models/first_page.rb
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ class FirstPage < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :description, :title, :web_title,:page_type,:sort_type
validates_presence_of :web_title, :title, :description,:page_type
validates_length_of :web_title,:title, maximum: 30
- validates_length_of :description, maximum: 100
+ #validates_length_of :description, maximum: 100
diff --git a/app/models/issue.rb b/app/models/issue.rb
index f47e1c6f9..83e7f8479 100644
--- a/app/models/issue.rb
+++ b/app/models/issue.rb
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base
include Redmine::SafeAttributes
include Redmine::Utils::DateCalculation
+ include UserScoreHelper
belongs_to :project
belongs_to :tracker
@@ -1507,17 +1508,20 @@ class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base
if self.done_ratio_changed?
UserScore.project(:update_issue_ratio, User.current,self,{ issue_id: self.id })
+ #update_issue_done_ratio(User.current,1)
if self.status_id_changed?
UserScore.joint(:change_issue_status, User.current,nil,self, {issue_id: self.id})
+ #update_issues_status(self.author , 1)
def be_user_score_new_issue
UserScore.project(:post_issue, User.current,self, { issue_id: self.id })
+ update_post_issue(self.author,1)
diff --git a/app/models/journal.rb b/app/models/journal.rb
index 2e9363dd7..8d03f2325 100644
--- a/app/models/journal.rb
+++ b/app/models/journal.rb
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
class Journal < ActiveRecord::Base
+ include UserScoreHelper
belongs_to :journalized, :polymorphic => true
# added as a quick fix to allow eager loading of the polymorphic association
# since always associated to an issue, for now
@@ -161,6 +162,7 @@ class Journal < ActiveRecord::Base
if !self.notes.nil? && self.notes.gsub(' ','') != ''
UserScore.joint(:post_issue_message, User.current,self.issue.author,self, { message_id: self.id })
+ update_messges_for_issue(User.current,1)
# 减少用户分数 -by zjc
diff --git a/app/models/journal_detail.rb b/app/models/journal_detail.rb
index 1ec195733..4100a5b1c 100644
--- a/app/models/journal_detail.rb
+++ b/app/models/journal_detail.rb
@@ -16,9 +16,10 @@
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
class JournalDetail < ActiveRecord::Base
+ include UserScoreHelper
belongs_to :journal
before_save :normalize_values
+ after_create :be_user_score
def normalize_values
@@ -38,4 +39,15 @@ class JournalDetail < ActiveRecord::Base
+ def be_user_score
+ #更新缺陷完成度
+ if self.prop_key = 'done_ratio'
+ update_issue_done_ratio(User.current,1)
+ #更新缺陷状态
+ elsif self.prop_key = 'status_id'
+ update_issues_status(User.current , 1)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/app/models/journals_for_message.rb b/app/models/journals_for_message.rb
index 9551ff28b..4debe668f 100644
--- a/app/models/journals_for_message.rb
+++ b/app/models/journals_for_message.rb
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
# 注意reply_id 是提到人的id,不是留言id, Base中叫做 at_user
class JournalsForMessage < ActiveRecord::Base
include Redmine::SafeAttributes
+ include UserScoreHelper
safe_attributes "jour_type", # 留言所属类型
"jour_id", # 留言所属类型的id
"notes", # 留言内容
@@ -132,6 +133,7 @@ class JournalsForMessage < ActiveRecord::Base
if self.reply_id != 0
UserScore.joint(:reply_message, User.current,User.find(self.reply_id),self, { journals_for_messages_id: self.id })
+ update_replay_for_message(User.current,1)
# 更新用户分数 -by zjc
diff --git a/app/models/memo.rb b/app/models/memo.rb
index feb10dec9..6370065ba 100644
--- a/app/models/memo.rb
+++ b/app/models/memo.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
class Memo < ActiveRecord::Base
include Redmine::SafeAttributes
+ include UserScoreHelper
belongs_to :forum
belongs_to :author, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => 'author_id'
@@ -148,9 +149,11 @@ class Memo < ActiveRecord::Base
if self.parent_id.nil?
UserScore.joint(:post_message, User.current,nil,self ,{ memo_id: self.id })
+ update_memo_number(User.current,1)
elsif !self.parent_id.nil?
UserScore.joint(:reply_posting, User.current,self.parent.author,self, { memo_id: self.id })
+ update_replay_for_memo(User.current,1)
diff --git a/app/models/message.rb b/app/models/message.rb
index faf7e5bdf..2c183dc59 100644
--- a/app/models/message.rb
+++ b/app/models/message.rb
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
include Redmine::SafeAttributes
+ include UserScoreHelper
belongs_to :board
belongs_to :author, :class_name => 'User', :foreign_key => 'author_id'
acts_as_tree :counter_cache => :replies_count, :order => "#{Message.table_name}.created_on ASC"
@@ -149,9 +151,11 @@ class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
if self.parent_id.nil?
UserScore.joint(:post_message, User.current,nil,self, { message_id: self.id })
+ update_memo_number(User.current,1)
elsif !self.parent_id.nil?
UserScore.joint(:reply_posting, User.current,self.parent.author,self, { message_id: self.id })
+ update_replay_for_memo(User.current,1)
diff --git a/app/models/option_number.rb b/app/models/option_number.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ba32a575
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/models/option_number.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+class OptionNumber < ActiveRecord::Base
+ attr_accessible :attachment, :changeset, :document, :follow, :issue_done_ratio, :issues_status, :memo, :messages_for_issues, :post_issue, :praise_by_one, :praise_by_three, :praise_by_two, :replay_for_memo, :replay_for_message, :score_type, :total_score, :tread, :tread_by_one, :tread_by_three, :tread_by_two, :user_id
diff --git a/app/views/admin/first_page_made.html.erb b/app/views/admin/first_page_made.html.erb
index 242b7c689..e4a5119d3 100644
--- a/app/views/admin/first_page_made.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/admin/first_page_made.html.erb
@@ -20,13 +20,15 @@
<%= render :partial=>"avatar/avatar_form",:style => "display:inline",:locals=> {source:@first_page} %>
- <%= text_field_tag 'title', params[:label_site_title], :value => @first_page.title,:size => 30,:style => "font-size:small;width:490px;margin-left:10px;" %>
- <%= text_area_tag 'description',@first_page.description,:rows => 8, :size => 30,:style => "font-size:small;width:490px;margin-left:10px;" %>
+ <%= text_area 'first_page', 'description', :value => @first_page.description,:cols => 80, :rows => 15, :class => 'wiki-edit' %>
+ <%= wikitoolbar_for 'first_page_description' %>
diff --git a/app/views/welcome/index.html.erb b/app/views/welcome/index.html.erb
index dbd841159..b68bf5773 100644
--- a/app/views/welcome/index.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/welcome/index.html.erb
@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@
<% unless @first_page.nil? %>
- <%= @first_page.title %> , <%= @first_page.description %>
+ <%= @first_page.description.html_safe %>
<% end %>
diff --git a/config/configuration.yml b/config/configuration.yml
index 4bdd279aa..a329ff100 100644
--- a/config/configuration.yml
+++ b/config/configuration.yml
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ default:
domain: smtp.gmail.com
authentication: :plain
user_name: trustieforge@gmail.com
- password: '!@#$%^&*()'
+ password: '!@#$%^&*('
# Absolute path to the directory where attachments are stored.
# The default is the 'files' directory in your Redmine instance.
diff --git a/config/locales/zh.yml b/config/locales/zh.yml
index a0b08e469..439661a27 100644
--- a/config/locales/zh.yml
+++ b/config/locales/zh.yml
@@ -1919,6 +1919,8 @@ zh:
label_memo_create_fail: 发布失败
label_forum_create_succ: 贴吧新建成功
label_forum_create_fail: 贴吧新建失败
+ label_forum_update_succ: 贴吧更新成功
+ label_forum_update_fail: 贴吧更新失败
label_first_page_create_fail: 首页定制失败
label_forum_edit: 编辑讨论区
label_memo_create: 发布
diff --git a/db/migrate/20140723082637_create_option_numbers.rb b/db/migrate/20140723082637_create_option_numbers.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5405982b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/migrate/20140723082637_create_option_numbers.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+class CreateOptionNumbers < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def change
+ create_table :option_numbers do |t|
+ t.string :user_id
+ t.integer :memo
+ t.integer :messages_for_issues
+ t.integer :issues_status
+ t.integer :replay_for_message
+ t.integer :replay_for_memo
+ t.integer :follow
+ t.integer :tread
+ t.integer :praise_by_one
+ t.integer :praise_by_two
+ t.integer :praise_by_three
+ t.integer :tread_by_one
+ t.integer :tread_by_two
+ t.integer :tread_by_three
+ t.integer :changeset
+ t.integer :document
+ t.integer :attachment
+ t.integer :issue_done_ratio
+ t.integer :post_issue
+ t.integer :score_type
+ t.integer :total_score
+ t.timestamps
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/db/migrate/20140724080319_change_option_number.rb b/db/migrate/20140724080319_change_option_number.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..054b6c9c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/migrate/20140724080319_change_option_number.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+class ChangeOptionNumber < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def change
+ change_column("option_numbers","user_id",:integer)
+ add_column("option_numbers","project_id",:integer)
+ end
diff --git a/db/migrate/20140725013735_alter_first_page.rb b/db/migrate/20140725013735_alter_first_page.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc6534f14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/migrate/20140725013735_alter_first_page.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+class AlterFirstPage < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def change
+ change_column("first_pages","description",:text)
+ end
diff --git a/db/schema.rb b/db/schema.rb
index 0cc830fd8..fe80b7d6f 100644
--- a/db/schema.rb
+++ b/db/schema.rb
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
# It's strongly recommended to check this file into your version control system.
-ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20140723082637) do
+ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20140725013735) do
create_table "activities", :force => true do |t|
t.integer "act_id", :null => false
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20140723082637) do
create_table "first_pages", :force => true do |t|
t.string "web_title"
t.string "title"
- t.string "description"
+ t.text "description"
t.datetime "created_at", :null => false
t.datetime "updated_at", :null => false
t.string "page_type"
@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20140723082637) do
create_table "option_numbers", :force => true do |t|
- t.string "user_id"
+ t.integer "user_id"
t.integer "memo"
t.integer "messages_for_issues"
t.integer "issues_status"
@@ -740,6 +740,7 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20140723082637) do
t.integer "total_score"
t.datetime "created_at", :null => false
t.datetime "updated_at", :null => false
+ t.integer "project_id"
create_table "praise_tread_caches", :force => true do |t|
diff --git a/doc/Automated testing documentation.doc b/doc/Automated testing documentation.doc
index 8b43c8f3d..15f6db246 100644
Binary files a/doc/Automated testing documentation.doc and b/doc/Automated testing documentation.doc differ
diff --git a/lib/tasks/first_page_ros.rake b/lib/tasks/first_page_ros.rake
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/test/fixtures/contest_notifications.yml b/test/fixtures/contest_notifications.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2c6cecc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/contest_notifications.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Read about fixtures at http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Fixtures.html
+ title: MyString
+ content: MyString
+ title: MyString
+ content: MyString
diff --git a/test/fixtures/option_numbers.yml b/test/fixtures/option_numbers.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..630ae45f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/option_numbers.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Read about fixtures at http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Fixtures.html
+ user_id: MyString
+ memo: 1
+ messages_for_issues: 1
+ issues_status: 1
+ replay_for_message: 1
+ replay_for_memo: 1
+ follow: 1
+ tread: 1
+ praise_by_one: 1
+ praise_by_two: 1
+ praise_by_three: 1
+ tread_by_one: 1
+ tread_by_two: 1
+ tread_by_three: 1
+ changeset: 1
+ document: 1
+ attachment: 1
+ issue_done_ratio: 1
+ post_issue: 1
+ score_type: 1
+ total_score: 1
+ user_id: MyString
+ memo: 1
+ messages_for_issues: 1
+ issues_status: 1
+ replay_for_message: 1
+ replay_for_memo: 1
+ follow: 1
+ tread: 1
+ praise_by_one: 1
+ praise_by_two: 1
+ praise_by_three: 1
+ tread_by_one: 1
+ tread_by_two: 1
+ tread_by_three: 1
+ changeset: 1
+ document: 1
+ attachment: 1
+ issue_done_ratio: 1
+ post_issue: 1
+ score_type: 1
+ total_score: 1
diff --git a/test/functional/issue_categories_controller_test.rb b/test/functional/issue_categories_controller_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..825408165
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/functional/issue_categories_controller_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# Redmine - project management software
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__)
+class IssueCategoriesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
+ fixtures :projects, :users, :members, :member_roles, :roles, :enabled_modules, :issue_categories,
+ :issues
+ def setup
+ User.current = nil
+ @request.session[:user_id] = 2
+ end
+ def test_new
+ @request.session[:user_id] = 2 # manager
+ get :new, :project_id => '1'
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template 'new'
+ assert_select 'input[name=?]', 'issue_category[name]'
+ end
+ def test_new_from_issue_form
+ @request.session[:user_id] = 2 # manager
+ xhr :get, :new, :project_id => '1'
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template 'new'
+ assert_equal 'text/javascript', response.content_type
+ end
+ def test_create
+ @request.session[:user_id] = 2 # manager
+ assert_difference 'IssueCategory.count' do
+ post :create, :project_id => '1', :issue_category => {:name => 'New category'}
+ end
+ assert_redirected_to '/projects/ecookbook/settings/categories'
+ category = IssueCategory.find_by_name('New category')
+ assert_not_nil category
+ assert_equal 1, category.project_id
+ end
+ def test_create_failure
+ @request.session[:user_id] = 2
+ post :create, :project_id => '1', :issue_category => {:name => ''}
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template 'new'
+ end
+ def test_create_from_issue_form
+ @request.session[:user_id] = 2 # manager
+ assert_difference 'IssueCategory.count' do
+ xhr :post, :create, :project_id => '1', :issue_category => {:name => 'New category'}
+ end
+ category = IssueCategory.first(:order => 'id DESC')
+ assert_equal 'New category', category.name
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template 'create'
+ assert_equal 'text/javascript', response.content_type
+ end
+ def test_create_from_issue_form_with_failure
+ @request.session[:user_id] = 2 # manager
+ assert_no_difference 'IssueCategory.count' do
+ xhr :post, :create, :project_id => '1', :issue_category => {:name => ''}
+ end
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template 'new'
+ assert_equal 'text/javascript', response.content_type
+ end
+ def test_edit
+ @request.session[:user_id] = 2
+ get :edit, :id => 2
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template 'edit'
+ assert_select 'input[name=?][value=?]', 'issue_category[name]', 'Recipes'
+ end
+ def test_update
+ assert_no_difference 'IssueCategory.count' do
+ put :update, :id => 2, :issue_category => { :name => 'Testing' }
+ end
+ assert_redirected_to '/projects/ecookbook/settings/categories'
+ assert_equal 'Testing', IssueCategory.find(2).name
+ end
+ def test_update_failure
+ put :update, :id => 2, :issue_category => { :name => '' }
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template 'edit'
+ end
+ def test_update_not_found
+ put :update, :id => 97, :issue_category => { :name => 'Testing' }
+ assert_response 404
+ end
+ def test_destroy_category_not_in_use
+ delete :destroy, :id => 2
+ assert_redirected_to '/projects/ecookbook/settings/categories'
+ assert_nil IssueCategory.find_by_id(2)
+ end
+ def test_destroy_category_in_use
+ delete :destroy, :id => 1
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template 'destroy'
+ assert_not_nil IssueCategory.find_by_id(1)
+ end
+ def test_destroy_category_in_use_with_reassignment
+ issue = Issue.where(:category_id => 1).first
+ delete :destroy, :id => 1, :todo => 'reassign', :reassign_to_id => 2
+ assert_redirected_to '/projects/ecookbook/settings/categories'
+ assert_nil IssueCategory.find_by_id(1)
+ # check that the issue was reassign
+ assert_equal 2, issue.reload.category_id
+ end
+ def test_destroy_category_in_use_without_reassignment
+ issue = Issue.where(:category_id => 1).first
+ delete :destroy, :id => 1, :todo => 'nullify'
+ assert_redirected_to '/projects/ecookbook/settings/categories'
+ assert_nil IssueCategory.find_by_id(1)
+ # check that the issue category was nullified
+ assert_nil issue.reload.category_id
+ end
diff --git a/test/functional/issue_relations_controller_test.rb b/test/functional/issue_relations_controller_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..04a369b6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/functional/issue_relations_controller_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# Redmine - project management software
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__)
+class IssueRelationsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
+ fixtures :projects,
+ :users,
+ :roles,
+ :members,
+ :member_roles,
+ :issues,
+ :issue_statuses,
+ :issue_relations,
+ :enabled_modules,
+ :enumerations,
+ :trackers,
+ :projects_trackers
+ def setup
+ User.current = nil
+ @request.session[:user_id] = 3
+ end
+ def test_create
+ assert_difference 'IssueRelation.count' do
+ post :create, :issue_id => 1,
+ :relation => {:issue_to_id => '2', :relation_type => 'relates', :delay => ''}
+ end
+ relation = IssueRelation.first(:order => 'id DESC')
+ assert_equal 1, relation.issue_from_id
+ assert_equal 2, relation.issue_to_id
+ assert_equal 'relates', relation.relation_type
+ end
+ def test_create_xhr
+ assert_difference 'IssueRelation.count' do
+ xhr :post, :create, :issue_id => 3, :relation => {:issue_to_id => '1', :relation_type => 'relates', :delay => ''}
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template 'create'
+ assert_equal 'text/javascript', response.content_type
+ end
+ relation = IssueRelation.first(:order => 'id DESC')
+ assert_equal 3, relation.issue_from_id
+ assert_equal 1, relation.issue_to_id
+ assert_match /Bug #1/, response.body
+ end
+ def test_create_should_accept_id_with_hash
+ assert_difference 'IssueRelation.count' do
+ post :create, :issue_id => 1,
+ :relation => {:issue_to_id => '#2', :relation_type => 'relates', :delay => ''}
+ end
+ relation = IssueRelation.first(:order => 'id DESC')
+ assert_equal 2, relation.issue_to_id
+ end
+ def test_create_should_strip_id
+ assert_difference 'IssueRelation.count' do
+ post :create, :issue_id => 1,
+ :relation => {:issue_to_id => ' 2 ', :relation_type => 'relates', :delay => ''}
+ end
+ relation = IssueRelation.first(:order => 'id DESC')
+ assert_equal 2, relation.issue_to_id
+ end
+ def test_create_should_not_break_with_non_numerical_id
+ assert_no_difference 'IssueRelation.count' do
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ post :create, :issue_id => 1,
+ :relation => {:issue_to_id => 'foo', :relation_type => 'relates', :delay => ''}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_create_follows_relation_should_update_relations_list
+ issue1 = Issue.generate!(:subject => 'Followed issue', :start_date => Date.yesterday, :due_date => Date.today)
+ issue2 = Issue.generate!
+ assert_difference 'IssueRelation.count' do
+ xhr :post, :create, :issue_id => issue2.id,
+ :relation => {:issue_to_id => issue1.id, :relation_type => 'follows', :delay => ''}
+ end
+ assert_match /Followed issue/, response.body
+ end
+ def test_should_create_relations_with_visible_issues_only
+ Setting.cross_project_issue_relations = '1'
+ assert_nil Issue.visible(User.find(3)).find_by_id(4)
+ assert_no_difference 'IssueRelation.count' do
+ post :create, :issue_id => 1,
+ :relation => {:issue_to_id => '4', :relation_type => 'relates', :delay => ''}
+ end
+ end
+ should "prevent relation creation when there's a circular dependency"
+ def test_create_xhr_with_failure
+ assert_no_difference 'IssueRelation.count' do
+ xhr :post, :create, :issue_id => 3, :relation => {:issue_to_id => '999', :relation_type => 'relates', :delay => ''}
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template 'create'
+ assert_equal 'text/javascript', response.content_type
+ end
+ assert_match /errorExplanation/, response.body
+ end
+ def test_destroy
+ assert_difference 'IssueRelation.count', -1 do
+ delete :destroy, :id => '2'
+ end
+ end
+ def test_destroy_xhr
+ IssueRelation.create!(:relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_RELATES) do |r|
+ r.issue_from_id = 3
+ r.issue_to_id = 1
+ end
+ assert_difference 'IssueRelation.count', -1 do
+ xhr :delete, :destroy, :id => '2'
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template 'destroy'
+ assert_equal 'text/javascript', response.content_type
+ assert_match /relation-2/, response.body
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/functional/issue_statuses_controller_test.rb b/test/functional/issue_statuses_controller_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..158be4c31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/functional/issue_statuses_controller_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# Redmine - project management software
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__)
+class IssueStatusesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
+ fixtures :issue_statuses, :issues, :users
+ def setup
+ User.current = nil
+ @request.session[:user_id] = 1 # admin
+ end
+ def test_index
+ get :index
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template 'index'
+ end
+ def test_index_by_anonymous_should_redirect_to_login_form
+ @request.session[:user_id] = nil
+ get :index
+ assert_redirected_to '/login?back_url=http%3A%2F%2Ftest.host%2Fissue_statuses'
+ end
+ def test_index_by_user_should_respond_with_406
+ @request.session[:user_id] = 2
+ get :index
+ assert_response 406
+ end
+ def test_new
+ get :new
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template 'new'
+ end
+ def test_create
+ assert_difference 'IssueStatus.count' do
+ post :create, :issue_status => {:name => 'New status'}
+ end
+ assert_redirected_to :action => 'index'
+ status = IssueStatus.order('id DESC').first
+ assert_equal 'New status', status.name
+ end
+ def test_create_with_failure
+ post :create, :issue_status => {:name => ''}
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template 'new'
+ assert_error_tag :content => /name can't be blank/i
+ end
+ def test_edit
+ get :edit, :id => '3'
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template 'edit'
+ end
+ def test_update
+ put :update, :id => '3', :issue_status => {:name => 'Renamed status'}
+ assert_redirected_to :action => 'index'
+ status = IssueStatus.find(3)
+ assert_equal 'Renamed status', status.name
+ end
+ def test_update_with_failure
+ put :update, :id => '3', :issue_status => {:name => ''}
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template 'edit'
+ assert_error_tag :content => /name can't be blank/i
+ end
+ def test_destroy
+ Issue.delete_all("status_id = 1")
+ assert_difference 'IssueStatus.count', -1 do
+ delete :destroy, :id => '1'
+ end
+ assert_redirected_to :action => 'index'
+ assert_nil IssueStatus.find_by_id(1)
+ end
+ def test_destroy_should_block_if_status_in_use
+ assert_not_nil Issue.find_by_status_id(1)
+ assert_no_difference 'IssueStatus.count' do
+ delete :destroy, :id => '1'
+ end
+ assert_redirected_to :action => 'index'
+ assert_not_nil IssueStatus.find_by_id(1)
+ end
+ def test_update_issue_done_ratio_with_issue_done_ratio_set_to_issue_field
+ with_settings :issue_done_ratio => 'issue_field' do
+ post :update_issue_done_ratio
+ assert_match /not updated/, flash[:error].to_s
+ assert_redirected_to '/issue_statuses'
+ end
+ end
+ def test_update_issue_done_ratio_with_issue_done_ratio_set_to_issue_status
+ with_settings :issue_done_ratio => 'issue_status' do
+ post :update_issue_done_ratio
+ assert_match /Issue done ratios updated/, flash[:notice].to_s
+ assert_redirected_to '/issue_statuses'
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/unit/contest_notification_test.rb b/test/unit/contest_notification_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df3b26916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/contest_notification_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+require 'test_helper'
+class ContestNotificationTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ # test "the truth" do
+ # assert true
+ # end
diff --git a/test/unit/issue_test.rb b/test/unit/issue_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e22975066
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/issue_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,2246 @@
+# Redmine - project management software
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__)
+class IssueTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ fixtures :projects, :users, :members, :member_roles, :roles,
+ :groups_users,
+ :trackers, :projects_trackers,
+ :enabled_modules,
+ :versions,
+ :issue_statuses, :issue_categories, :issue_relations, :workflows,
+ :enumerations,
+ :issues, :journals, :journal_details,
+ :custom_fields, :custom_fields_projects, :custom_fields_trackers, :custom_values,
+ :time_entries
+ include Redmine::I18n
+ def teardown
+ User.current = nil
+ end
+ def test_initialize
+ issue = Issue.new
+ assert_nil issue.project_id
+ assert_nil issue.tracker_id
+ assert_nil issue.author_id
+ assert_nil issue.assigned_to_id
+ assert_nil issue.category_id
+ assert_equal IssueStatus.default, issue.status
+ assert_equal IssuePriority.default, issue.priority
+ end
+ def test_create
+ issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 3,
+ :status_id => 1, :priority => IssuePriority.all.first,
+ :subject => 'test_create',
+ :description => 'IssueTest#test_create', :estimated_hours => '1:30')
+ assert issue.save
+ issue.reload
+ assert_equal 1.5, issue.estimated_hours
+ end
+ def test_create_minimal
+ issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 3,
+ :status_id => 1, :priority => IssuePriority.all.first,
+ :subject => 'test_create')
+ assert issue.save
+ assert issue.description.nil?
+ assert_nil issue.estimated_hours
+ end
+ def test_start_date_format_should_be_validated
+ set_language_if_valid 'en'
+ ['2012', 'ABC', '2012-15-20'].each do |invalid_date|
+ issue = Issue.new(:start_date => invalid_date)
+ assert !issue.valid?
+ assert_include 'Start date is not a valid date', issue.errors.full_messages, "No error found for invalid date #{invalid_date}"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_due_date_format_should_be_validated
+ set_language_if_valid 'en'
+ ['2012', 'ABC', '2012-15-20'].each do |invalid_date|
+ issue = Issue.new(:due_date => invalid_date)
+ assert !issue.valid?
+ assert_include 'Due date is not a valid date', issue.errors.full_messages, "No error found for invalid date #{invalid_date}"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_due_date_lesser_than_start_date_should_not_validate
+ set_language_if_valid 'en'
+ issue = Issue.new(:start_date => '2012-10-06', :due_date => '2012-10-02')
+ assert !issue.valid?
+ assert_include 'Due date must be greater than start date', issue.errors.full_messages
+ end
+ def test_estimated_hours_should_be_validated
+ set_language_if_valid 'en'
+ ['-2'].each do |invalid|
+ issue = Issue.new(:estimated_hours => invalid)
+ assert !issue.valid?
+ assert_include 'Estimated time is invalid', issue.errors.full_messages
+ end
+ end
+ def test_create_with_required_custom_field
+ set_language_if_valid 'en'
+ field = IssueCustomField.find_by_name('Database')
+ field.update_attribute(:is_required, true)
+ issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 1,
+ :status_id => 1, :subject => 'test_create',
+ :description => 'IssueTest#test_create_with_required_custom_field')
+ assert issue.available_custom_fields.include?(field)
+ # No value for the custom field
+ assert !issue.save
+ assert_equal ["Database can't be blank"], issue.errors.full_messages
+ # Blank value
+ issue.custom_field_values = { field.id => '' }
+ assert !issue.save
+ assert_equal ["Database can't be blank"], issue.errors.full_messages
+ # Invalid value
+ issue.custom_field_values = { field.id => 'SQLServer' }
+ assert !issue.save
+ assert_equal ["Database is not included in the list"], issue.errors.full_messages
+ # Valid value
+ issue.custom_field_values = { field.id => 'PostgreSQL' }
+ assert issue.save
+ issue.reload
+ assert_equal 'PostgreSQL', issue.custom_value_for(field).value
+ end
+ def test_create_with_group_assignment
+ with_settings :issue_group_assignment => '1' do
+ assert Issue.new(:project_id => 2, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 1,
+ :subject => 'Group assignment',
+ :assigned_to_id => 11).save
+ issue = Issue.first(:order => 'id DESC')
+ assert_kind_of Group, issue.assigned_to
+ assert_equal Group.find(11), issue.assigned_to
+ end
+ end
+ def test_create_with_parent_issue_id
+ issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :author_id => 1, :subject => 'Group assignment',
+ :parent_issue_id => 1)
+ assert_save issue
+ assert_equal 1, issue.parent_issue_id
+ assert_equal Issue.find(1), issue.parent
+ end
+ def test_create_with_sharp_parent_issue_id
+ issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :author_id => 1, :subject => 'Group assignment',
+ :parent_issue_id => "#1")
+ assert_save issue
+ assert_equal 1, issue.parent_issue_id
+ assert_equal Issue.find(1), issue.parent
+ end
+ def test_create_with_invalid_parent_issue_id
+ set_language_if_valid 'en'
+ issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :author_id => 1, :subject => 'Group assignment',
+ :parent_issue_id => '01ABC')
+ assert !issue.save
+ assert_equal '01ABC', issue.parent_issue_id
+ assert_include 'Parent task is invalid', issue.errors.full_messages
+ end
+ def test_create_with_invalid_sharp_parent_issue_id
+ set_language_if_valid 'en'
+ issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :author_id => 1, :subject => 'Group assignment',
+ :parent_issue_id => '#01ABC')
+ assert !issue.save
+ assert_equal '#01ABC', issue.parent_issue_id
+ assert_include 'Parent task is invalid', issue.errors.full_messages
+ end
+ def assert_visibility_match(user, issues)
+ assert_equal issues.collect(&:id).sort, Issue.all.select {|issue| issue.visible?(user)}.collect(&:id).sort
+ end
+ def test_visible_scope_for_anonymous
+ # Anonymous user should see issues of public projects only
+ issues = Issue.visible(User.anonymous).all
+ assert issues.any?
+ assert_nil issues.detect {|issue| !issue.project.is_public?}
+ assert_nil issues.detect {|issue| issue.is_private?}
+ assert_visibility_match User.anonymous, issues
+ end
+ def test_visible_scope_for_anonymous_without_view_issues_permissions
+ # Anonymous user should not see issues without permission
+ Role.anonymous.remove_permission!(:view_issues)
+ issues = Issue.visible(User.anonymous).all
+ assert issues.empty?
+ assert_visibility_match User.anonymous, issues
+ end
+ def test_anonymous_should_not_see_private_issues_with_issues_visibility_set_to_default
+ assert Role.anonymous.update_attribute(:issues_visibility, 'default')
+ issue = Issue.generate!(:author => User.anonymous, :assigned_to => User.anonymous, :is_private => true)
+ assert_nil Issue.where(:id => issue.id).visible(User.anonymous).first
+ assert !issue.visible?(User.anonymous)
+ end
+ def test_anonymous_should_not_see_private_issues_with_issues_visibility_set_to_own
+ assert Role.anonymous.update_attribute(:issues_visibility, 'own')
+ issue = Issue.generate!(:author => User.anonymous, :assigned_to => User.anonymous, :is_private => true)
+ assert_nil Issue.where(:id => issue.id).visible(User.anonymous).first
+ assert !issue.visible?(User.anonymous)
+ end
+ def test_visible_scope_for_non_member
+ user = User.find(9)
+ assert user.projects.empty?
+ # Non member user should see issues of public projects only
+ issues = Issue.visible(user).all
+ assert issues.any?
+ assert_nil issues.detect {|issue| !issue.project.is_public?}
+ assert_nil issues.detect {|issue| issue.is_private?}
+ assert_visibility_match user, issues
+ end
+ def test_visible_scope_for_non_member_with_own_issues_visibility
+ Role.non_member.update_attribute :issues_visibility, 'own'
+ Issue.create!(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 9, :subject => 'Issue by non member')
+ user = User.find(9)
+ issues = Issue.visible(user).all
+ assert issues.any?
+ assert_nil issues.detect {|issue| issue.author != user}
+ assert_visibility_match user, issues
+ end
+ def test_visible_scope_for_non_member_without_view_issues_permissions
+ # Non member user should not see issues without permission
+ Role.non_member.remove_permission!(:view_issues)
+ user = User.find(9)
+ assert user.projects.empty?
+ issues = Issue.visible(user).all
+ assert issues.empty?
+ assert_visibility_match user, issues
+ end
+ def test_visible_scope_for_member
+ user = User.find(9)
+ # User should see issues of projects for which he has view_issues permissions only
+ Role.non_member.remove_permission!(:view_issues)
+ Member.create!(:principal => user, :project_id => 3, :role_ids => [2])
+ issues = Issue.visible(user).all
+ assert issues.any?
+ assert_nil issues.detect {|issue| issue.project_id != 3}
+ assert_nil issues.detect {|issue| issue.is_private?}
+ assert_visibility_match user, issues
+ end
+ def test_visible_scope_for_member_with_groups_should_return_assigned_issues
+ user = User.find(8)
+ assert user.groups.any?
+ Member.create!(:principal => user.groups.first, :project_id => 1, :role_ids => [2])
+ Role.non_member.remove_permission!(:view_issues)
+ issue = Issue.create(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 3,
+ :status_id => 1, :priority => IssuePriority.all.first,
+ :subject => 'Assignment test',
+ :assigned_to => user.groups.first,
+ :is_private => true)
+ Role.find(2).update_attribute :issues_visibility, 'default'
+ issues = Issue.visible(User.find(8)).all
+ assert issues.any?
+ assert issues.include?(issue)
+ Role.find(2).update_attribute :issues_visibility, 'own'
+ issues = Issue.visible(User.find(8)).all
+ assert issues.any?
+ assert issues.include?(issue)
+ end
+ def test_visible_scope_for_admin
+ user = User.find(1)
+ user.members.each(&:destroy)
+ assert user.projects.empty?
+ issues = Issue.visible(user).all
+ assert issues.any?
+ # Admin should see issues on private projects that he does not belong to
+ assert issues.detect {|issue| !issue.project.is_public?}
+ # Admin should see private issues of other users
+ assert issues.detect {|issue| issue.is_private? && issue.author != user}
+ assert_visibility_match user, issues
+ end
+ def test_visible_scope_with_project
+ project = Project.find(1)
+ issues = Issue.visible(User.find(2), :project => project).all
+ projects = issues.collect(&:project).uniq
+ assert_equal 1, projects.size
+ assert_equal project, projects.first
+ end
+ def test_visible_scope_with_project_and_subprojects
+ project = Project.find(1)
+ issues = Issue.visible(User.find(2), :project => project, :with_subprojects => true).all
+ projects = issues.collect(&:project).uniq
+ assert projects.size > 1
+ assert_equal [], projects.select {|p| !p.is_or_is_descendant_of?(project)}
+ end
+ def test_visible_and_nested_set_scopes
+ assert_equal 0, Issue.find(1).descendants.visible.all.size
+ end
+ def test_open_scope
+ issues = Issue.open.all
+ assert_nil issues.detect(&:closed?)
+ end
+ def test_open_scope_with_arg
+ issues = Issue.open(false).all
+ assert_equal issues, issues.select(&:closed?)
+ end
+ def test_fixed_version_scope_with_a_version_should_return_its_fixed_issues
+ version = Version.find(2)
+ assert version.fixed_issues.any?
+ assert_equal version.fixed_issues.to_a.sort, Issue.fixed_version(version).to_a.sort
+ end
+ def test_fixed_version_scope_with_empty_array_should_return_no_result
+ assert_equal 0, Issue.fixed_version([]).count
+ end
+ def test_errors_full_messages_should_include_custom_fields_errors
+ field = IssueCustomField.find_by_name('Database')
+ issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 1,
+ :status_id => 1, :subject => 'test_create',
+ :description => 'IssueTest#test_create_with_required_custom_field')
+ assert issue.available_custom_fields.include?(field)
+ # Invalid value
+ issue.custom_field_values = { field.id => 'SQLServer' }
+ assert !issue.valid?
+ assert_equal 1, issue.errors.full_messages.size
+ assert_equal "Database #{I18n.translate('activerecord.errors.messages.inclusion')}",
+ issue.errors.full_messages.first
+ end
+ def test_update_issue_with_required_custom_field
+ field = IssueCustomField.find_by_name('Database')
+ field.update_attribute(:is_required, true)
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ assert_nil issue.custom_value_for(field)
+ assert issue.available_custom_fields.include?(field)
+ # No change to custom values, issue can be saved
+ assert issue.save
+ # Blank value
+ issue.custom_field_values = { field.id => '' }
+ assert !issue.save
+ # Valid value
+ issue.custom_field_values = { field.id => 'PostgreSQL' }
+ assert issue.save
+ issue.reload
+ assert_equal 'PostgreSQL', issue.custom_value_for(field).value
+ end
+ def test_should_not_update_attributes_if_custom_fields_validation_fails
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ field = IssueCustomField.find_by_name('Database')
+ assert issue.available_custom_fields.include?(field)
+ issue.custom_field_values = { field.id => 'Invalid' }
+ issue.subject = 'Should be not be saved'
+ assert !issue.save
+ issue.reload
+ assert_equal "Can't print recipes", issue.subject
+ end
+ def test_should_not_recreate_custom_values_objects_on_update
+ field = IssueCustomField.find_by_name('Database')
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ issue.custom_field_values = { field.id => 'PostgreSQL' }
+ assert issue.save
+ custom_value = issue.custom_value_for(field)
+ issue.reload
+ issue.custom_field_values = { field.id => 'MySQL' }
+ assert issue.save
+ issue.reload
+ assert_equal custom_value.id, issue.custom_value_for(field).id
+ end
+ def test_should_not_update_custom_fields_on_changing_tracker_with_different_custom_fields
+ issue = Issue.create!(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 1,
+ :status_id => 1, :subject => 'Test',
+ :custom_field_values => {'2' => 'Test'})
+ assert !Tracker.find(2).custom_field_ids.include?(2)
+ issue = Issue.find(issue.id)
+ issue.attributes = {:tracker_id => 2, :custom_field_values => {'1' => ''}}
+ issue = Issue.find(issue.id)
+ custom_value = issue.custom_value_for(2)
+ assert_not_nil custom_value
+ assert_equal 'Test', custom_value.value
+ end
+ def test_assigning_tracker_id_should_reload_custom_fields_values
+ issue = Issue.new(:project => Project.find(1))
+ assert issue.custom_field_values.empty?
+ issue.tracker_id = 1
+ assert issue.custom_field_values.any?
+ end
+ def test_assigning_attributes_should_assign_project_and_tracker_first
+ seq = sequence('seq')
+ issue = Issue.new
+ issue.expects(:project_id=).in_sequence(seq)
+ issue.expects(:tracker_id=).in_sequence(seq)
+ issue.expects(:subject=).in_sequence(seq)
+ issue.attributes = {:tracker_id => 2, :project_id => 1, :subject => 'Test'}
+ end
+ def test_assigning_tracker_and_custom_fields_should_assign_custom_fields
+ attributes = ActiveSupport::OrderedHash.new
+ attributes['custom_field_values'] = { '1' => 'MySQL' }
+ attributes['tracker_id'] = '1'
+ issue = Issue.new(:project => Project.find(1))
+ issue.attributes = attributes
+ assert_equal 'MySQL', issue.custom_field_value(1)
+ end
+ def test_reload_should_reload_custom_field_values
+ issue = Issue.generate!
+ issue.custom_field_values = {'2' => 'Foo'}
+ issue.save!
+ issue = Issue.order('id desc').first
+ assert_equal 'Foo', issue.custom_field_value(2)
+ issue.custom_field_values = {'2' => 'Bar'}
+ assert_equal 'Bar', issue.custom_field_value(2)
+ issue.reload
+ assert_equal 'Foo', issue.custom_field_value(2)
+ end
+ def test_should_update_issue_with_disabled_tracker
+ p = Project.find(1)
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ p.trackers.delete(issue.tracker)
+ assert !p.trackers.include?(issue.tracker)
+ issue.reload
+ issue.subject = 'New subject'
+ assert issue.save
+ end
+ def test_should_not_set_a_disabled_tracker
+ p = Project.find(1)
+ p.trackers.delete(Tracker.find(2))
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ issue.tracker_id = 2
+ issue.subject = 'New subject'
+ assert !issue.save
+ assert_not_nil issue.errors[:tracker_id]
+ end
+ def test_category_based_assignment
+ issue = Issue.create(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 3,
+ :status_id => 1, :priority => IssuePriority.all.first,
+ :subject => 'Assignment test',
+ :description => 'Assignment test', :category_id => 1)
+ assert_equal IssueCategory.find(1).assigned_to, issue.assigned_to
+ end
+ def test_new_statuses_allowed_to
+ WorkflowTransition.delete_all
+ WorkflowTransition.create!(:role_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :old_status_id => 1, :new_status_id => 2,
+ :author => false, :assignee => false)
+ WorkflowTransition.create!(:role_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :old_status_id => 1, :new_status_id => 3,
+ :author => true, :assignee => false)
+ WorkflowTransition.create!(:role_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :old_status_id => 1,
+ :new_status_id => 4, :author => false,
+ :assignee => true)
+ WorkflowTransition.create!(:role_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :old_status_id => 1, :new_status_id => 5,
+ :author => true, :assignee => true)
+ status = IssueStatus.find(1)
+ role = Role.find(1)
+ tracker = Tracker.find(1)
+ user = User.find(2)
+ issue = Issue.generate!(:tracker => tracker, :status => status,
+ :project_id => 1, :author_id => 1)
+ assert_equal [1, 2], issue.new_statuses_allowed_to(user).map(&:id)
+ issue = Issue.generate!(:tracker => tracker, :status => status,
+ :project_id => 1, :author => user)
+ assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 5], issue.new_statuses_allowed_to(user).map(&:id)
+ issue = Issue.generate!(:tracker => tracker, :status => status,
+ :project_id => 1, :author_id => 1,
+ :assigned_to => user)
+ assert_equal [1, 2, 4, 5], issue.new_statuses_allowed_to(user).map(&:id)
+ issue = Issue.generate!(:tracker => tracker, :status => status,
+ :project_id => 1, :author => user,
+ :assigned_to => user)
+ assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], issue.new_statuses_allowed_to(user).map(&:id)
+ end
+ def test_new_statuses_allowed_to_should_return_all_transitions_for_admin
+ admin = User.find(1)
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ assert !admin.member_of?(issue.project)
+ expected_statuses = [issue.status] +
+ WorkflowTransition.find_all_by_old_status_id(
+ issue.status_id).map(&:new_status).uniq.sort
+ assert_equal expected_statuses, issue.new_statuses_allowed_to(admin)
+ end
+ def test_new_statuses_allowed_to_should_return_default_and_current_status_when_copying
+ issue = Issue.find(1).copy
+ assert_equal [1], issue.new_statuses_allowed_to(User.find(2)).map(&:id)
+ issue = Issue.find(2).copy
+ assert_equal [1, 2], issue.new_statuses_allowed_to(User.find(2)).map(&:id)
+ end
+ def test_safe_attributes_names_should_not_include_disabled_field
+ tracker = Tracker.new(:core_fields => %w(assigned_to_id fixed_version_id))
+ issue = Issue.new(:tracker => tracker)
+ assert_include 'tracker_id', issue.safe_attribute_names
+ assert_include 'status_id', issue.safe_attribute_names
+ assert_include 'subject', issue.safe_attribute_names
+ assert_include 'description', issue.safe_attribute_names
+ assert_include 'custom_field_values', issue.safe_attribute_names
+ assert_include 'custom_fields', issue.safe_attribute_names
+ assert_include 'lock_version', issue.safe_attribute_names
+ tracker.core_fields.each do |field|
+ assert_include field, issue.safe_attribute_names
+ end
+ tracker.disabled_core_fields.each do |field|
+ assert_not_include field, issue.safe_attribute_names
+ end
+ end
+ def test_safe_attributes_should_ignore_disabled_fields
+ tracker = Tracker.find(1)
+ tracker.core_fields = %w(assigned_to_id due_date)
+ tracker.save!
+ issue = Issue.new(:tracker => tracker)
+ issue.safe_attributes = {'start_date' => '2012-07-14', 'due_date' => '2012-07-14'}
+ assert_nil issue.start_date
+ assert_equal Date.parse('2012-07-14'), issue.due_date
+ end
+ def test_safe_attributes_should_accept_target_tracker_enabled_fields
+ source = Tracker.find(1)
+ source.core_fields = []
+ source.save!
+ target = Tracker.find(2)
+ target.core_fields = %w(assigned_to_id due_date)
+ target.save!
+ issue = Issue.new(:tracker => source)
+ issue.safe_attributes = {'tracker_id' => 2, 'due_date' => '2012-07-14'}
+ assert_equal target, issue.tracker
+ assert_equal Date.parse('2012-07-14'), issue.due_date
+ end
+ def test_safe_attributes_should_not_include_readonly_fields
+ WorkflowPermission.delete_all
+ WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :role_id => 1, :field_name => 'due_date',
+ :rule => 'readonly')
+ user = User.find(2)
+ issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1)
+ assert_equal %w(due_date), issue.read_only_attribute_names(user)
+ assert_not_include 'due_date', issue.safe_attribute_names(user)
+ issue.send :safe_attributes=, {'start_date' => '2012-07-14', 'due_date' => '2012-07-14'}, user
+ assert_equal Date.parse('2012-07-14'), issue.start_date
+ assert_nil issue.due_date
+ end
+ def test_safe_attributes_should_not_include_readonly_custom_fields
+ cf1 = IssueCustomField.create!(:name => 'Writable field',
+ :field_format => 'string',
+ :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1])
+ cf2 = IssueCustomField.create!(:name => 'Readonly field',
+ :field_format => 'string',
+ :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1])
+ WorkflowPermission.delete_all
+ WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :role_id => 1, :field_name => cf2.id.to_s,
+ :rule => 'readonly')
+ user = User.find(2)
+ issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1)
+ assert_equal [cf2.id.to_s], issue.read_only_attribute_names(user)
+ assert_not_include cf2.id.to_s, issue.safe_attribute_names(user)
+ issue.send :safe_attributes=, {'custom_field_values' => {
+ cf1.id.to_s => 'value1', cf2.id.to_s => 'value2'
+ }}, user
+ assert_equal 'value1', issue.custom_field_value(cf1)
+ assert_nil issue.custom_field_value(cf2)
+ issue.send :safe_attributes=, {'custom_fields' => [
+ {'id' => cf1.id.to_s, 'value' => 'valuea'},
+ {'id' => cf2.id.to_s, 'value' => 'valueb'}
+ ]}, user
+ assert_equal 'valuea', issue.custom_field_value(cf1)
+ assert_nil issue.custom_field_value(cf2)
+ end
+ def test_editable_custom_field_values_should_return_non_readonly_custom_values
+ cf1 = IssueCustomField.create!(:name => 'Writable field', :field_format => 'string',
+ :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1, 2])
+ cf2 = IssueCustomField.create!(:name => 'Readonly field', :field_format => 'string',
+ :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1, 2])
+ WorkflowPermission.delete_all
+ WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :role_id => 1,
+ :field_name => cf2.id.to_s, :rule => 'readonly')
+ user = User.find(2)
+ issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1)
+ values = issue.editable_custom_field_values(user)
+ assert values.detect {|value| value.custom_field == cf1}
+ assert_nil values.detect {|value| value.custom_field == cf2}
+ issue.tracker_id = 2
+ values = issue.editable_custom_field_values(user)
+ assert values.detect {|value| value.custom_field == cf1}
+ assert values.detect {|value| value.custom_field == cf2}
+ end
+ def test_safe_attributes_should_accept_target_tracker_writable_fields
+ WorkflowPermission.delete_all
+ WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :role_id => 1, :field_name => 'due_date',
+ :rule => 'readonly')
+ WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 2,
+ :role_id => 1, :field_name => 'start_date',
+ :rule => 'readonly')
+ user = User.find(2)
+ issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :status_id => 1)
+ issue.send :safe_attributes=, {'start_date' => '2012-07-12',
+ 'due_date' => '2012-07-14'}, user
+ assert_equal Date.parse('2012-07-12'), issue.start_date
+ assert_nil issue.due_date
+ issue.send :safe_attributes=, {'start_date' => '2012-07-15',
+ 'due_date' => '2012-07-16',
+ 'tracker_id' => 2}, user
+ assert_equal Date.parse('2012-07-12'), issue.start_date
+ assert_equal Date.parse('2012-07-16'), issue.due_date
+ end
+ def test_safe_attributes_should_accept_target_status_writable_fields
+ WorkflowPermission.delete_all
+ WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :role_id => 1, :field_name => 'due_date',
+ :rule => 'readonly')
+ WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 2, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :role_id => 1, :field_name => 'start_date',
+ :rule => 'readonly')
+ user = User.find(2)
+ issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :status_id => 1)
+ issue.send :safe_attributes=, {'start_date' => '2012-07-12',
+ 'due_date' => '2012-07-14'},
+ user
+ assert_equal Date.parse('2012-07-12'), issue.start_date
+ assert_nil issue.due_date
+ issue.send :safe_attributes=, {'start_date' => '2012-07-15',
+ 'due_date' => '2012-07-16',
+ 'status_id' => 2},
+ user
+ assert_equal Date.parse('2012-07-12'), issue.start_date
+ assert_equal Date.parse('2012-07-16'), issue.due_date
+ end
+ def test_required_attributes_should_be_validated
+ cf = IssueCustomField.create!(:name => 'Foo', :field_format => 'string',
+ :is_for_all => true, :tracker_ids => [1, 2])
+ WorkflowPermission.delete_all
+ WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :role_id => 1, :field_name => 'due_date',
+ :rule => 'required')
+ WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :role_id => 1, :field_name => 'category_id',
+ :rule => 'required')
+ WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :role_id => 1, :field_name => cf.id.to_s,
+ :rule => 'required')
+ WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 2,
+ :role_id => 1, :field_name => 'start_date',
+ :rule => 'required')
+ WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 2,
+ :role_id => 1, :field_name => cf.id.to_s,
+ :rule => 'required')
+ user = User.find(2)
+ issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :status_id => 1, :subject => 'Required fields',
+ :author => user)
+ assert_equal [cf.id.to_s, "category_id", "due_date"],
+ issue.required_attribute_names(user).sort
+ assert !issue.save, "Issue was saved"
+ assert_equal ["Category can't be blank", "Due date can't be blank", "Foo can't be blank"],
+ issue.errors.full_messages.sort
+ issue.tracker_id = 2
+ assert_equal [cf.id.to_s, "start_date"], issue.required_attribute_names(user).sort
+ assert !issue.save, "Issue was saved"
+ assert_equal ["Foo can't be blank", "Start date can't be blank"],
+ issue.errors.full_messages.sort
+ issue.start_date = Date.today
+ issue.custom_field_values = {cf.id.to_s => 'bar'}
+ assert issue.save
+ end
+ def test_required_attribute_names_for_multiple_roles_should_intersect_rules
+ WorkflowPermission.delete_all
+ WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :role_id => 1, :field_name => 'due_date',
+ :rule => 'required')
+ WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :role_id => 1, :field_name => 'start_date',
+ :rule => 'required')
+ user = User.find(2)
+ member = Member.find(1)
+ issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :status_id => 1)
+ assert_equal %w(due_date start_date), issue.required_attribute_names(user).sort
+ member.role_ids = [1, 2]
+ member.save!
+ assert_equal [], issue.required_attribute_names(user.reload)
+ WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :role_id => 2, :field_name => 'due_date',
+ :rule => 'required')
+ assert_equal %w(due_date), issue.required_attribute_names(user)
+ member.role_ids = [1, 2, 3]
+ member.save!
+ assert_equal [], issue.required_attribute_names(user.reload)
+ WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :role_id => 2, :field_name => 'due_date',
+ :rule => 'readonly')
+ # required + readonly => required
+ assert_equal %w(due_date), issue.required_attribute_names(user)
+ end
+ def test_read_only_attribute_names_for_multiple_roles_should_intersect_rules
+ WorkflowPermission.delete_all
+ WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :role_id => 1, :field_name => 'due_date',
+ :rule => 'readonly')
+ WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :role_id => 1, :field_name => 'start_date',
+ :rule => 'readonly')
+ user = User.find(2)
+ member = Member.find(1)
+ issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :status_id => 1)
+ assert_equal %w(due_date start_date), issue.read_only_attribute_names(user).sort
+ member.role_ids = [1, 2]
+ member.save!
+ assert_equal [], issue.read_only_attribute_names(user.reload)
+ WorkflowPermission.create!(:old_status_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :role_id => 2, :field_name => 'due_date',
+ :rule => 'readonly')
+ assert_equal %w(due_date), issue.read_only_attribute_names(user)
+ end
+ def test_copy
+ issue = Issue.new.copy_from(1)
+ assert issue.copy?
+ assert issue.save
+ issue.reload
+ orig = Issue.find(1)
+ assert_equal orig.subject, issue.subject
+ assert_equal orig.tracker, issue.tracker
+ assert_equal "125", issue.custom_value_for(2).value
+ end
+ def test_copy_should_copy_status
+ orig = Issue.find(8)
+ assert orig.status != IssueStatus.default
+ issue = Issue.new.copy_from(orig)
+ assert issue.save
+ issue.reload
+ assert_equal orig.status, issue.status
+ end
+ def test_copy_should_add_relation_with_copied_issue
+ copied = Issue.find(1)
+ issue = Issue.new.copy_from(copied)
+ assert issue.save
+ issue.reload
+ assert_equal 1, issue.relations.size
+ relation = issue.relations.first
+ assert_equal 'copied_to', relation.relation_type
+ assert_equal copied, relation.issue_from
+ assert_equal issue, relation.issue_to
+ end
+ def test_copy_should_copy_subtasks
+ issue = Issue.generate_with_descendants!
+ copy = issue.reload.copy
+ copy.author = User.find(7)
+ assert_difference 'Issue.count', 1+issue.descendants.count do
+ assert copy.save
+ end
+ copy.reload
+ assert_equal %w(Child1 Child2), copy.children.map(&:subject).sort
+ child_copy = copy.children.detect {|c| c.subject == 'Child1'}
+ assert_equal %w(Child11), child_copy.children.map(&:subject).sort
+ assert_equal copy.author, child_copy.author
+ end
+ def test_copy_as_a_child_of_copied_issue_should_not_copy_itself
+ parent = Issue.generate!
+ child1 = Issue.generate!(:parent_issue_id => parent.id, :subject => 'Child 1')
+ child2 = Issue.generate!(:parent_issue_id => parent.id, :subject => 'Child 2')
+ copy = parent.reload.copy
+ copy.parent_issue_id = parent.id
+ copy.author = User.find(7)
+ assert_difference 'Issue.count', 3 do
+ assert copy.save
+ end
+ parent.reload
+ copy.reload
+ assert_equal parent, copy.parent
+ assert_equal 3, parent.children.count
+ assert_equal 5, parent.descendants.count
+ assert_equal 2, copy.children.count
+ assert_equal 2, copy.descendants.count
+ end
+ def test_copy_as_a_descendant_of_copied_issue_should_not_copy_itself
+ parent = Issue.generate!
+ child1 = Issue.generate!(:parent_issue_id => parent.id, :subject => 'Child 1')
+ child2 = Issue.generate!(:parent_issue_id => parent.id, :subject => 'Child 2')
+ copy = parent.reload.copy
+ copy.parent_issue_id = child1.id
+ copy.author = User.find(7)
+ assert_difference 'Issue.count', 3 do
+ assert copy.save
+ end
+ parent.reload
+ child1.reload
+ copy.reload
+ assert_equal child1, copy.parent
+ assert_equal 2, parent.children.count
+ assert_equal 5, parent.descendants.count
+ assert_equal 1, child1.children.count
+ assert_equal 3, child1.descendants.count
+ assert_equal 2, copy.children.count
+ assert_equal 2, copy.descendants.count
+ end
+ def test_copy_should_copy_subtasks_to_target_project
+ issue = Issue.generate_with_descendants!
+ copy = issue.copy(:project_id => 3)
+ assert_difference 'Issue.count', 1+issue.descendants.count do
+ assert copy.save
+ end
+ assert_equal [3], copy.reload.descendants.map(&:project_id).uniq
+ end
+ def test_copy_should_not_copy_subtasks_twice_when_saving_twice
+ issue = Issue.generate_with_descendants!
+ copy = issue.reload.copy
+ assert_difference 'Issue.count', 1+issue.descendants.count do
+ assert copy.save
+ assert copy.save
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_not_call_after_project_change_on_creation
+ issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :status_id => 1,
+ :subject => 'Test', :author_id => 1)
+ issue.expects(:after_project_change).never
+ issue.save!
+ end
+ def test_should_not_call_after_project_change_on_update
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ issue.project = Project.find(1)
+ issue.subject = 'No project change'
+ issue.expects(:after_project_change).never
+ issue.save!
+ end
+ def test_should_call_after_project_change_on_project_change
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ issue.project = Project.find(2)
+ issue.expects(:after_project_change).once
+ issue.save!
+ end
+ def test_adding_journal_should_update_timestamp
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ updated_on_was = issue.updated_on
+ issue.init_journal(User.first, "Adding notes")
+ assert_difference 'Journal.count' do
+ assert issue.save
+ end
+ issue.reload
+ assert_not_equal updated_on_was, issue.updated_on
+ end
+ def test_should_close_duplicates
+ # Create 3 issues
+ issue1 = Issue.generate!
+ issue2 = Issue.generate!
+ issue3 = Issue.generate!
+ # 2 is a dupe of 1
+ IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => issue2, :issue_to => issue1,
+ :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_DUPLICATES)
+ # And 3 is a dupe of 2
+ IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => issue3, :issue_to => issue2,
+ :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_DUPLICATES)
+ # And 3 is a dupe of 1 (circular duplicates)
+ IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => issue3, :issue_to => issue1,
+ :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_DUPLICATES)
+ assert issue1.reload.duplicates.include?(issue2)
+ # Closing issue 1
+ issue1.init_journal(User.first, "Closing issue1")
+ issue1.status = IssueStatus.where(:is_closed => true).first
+ assert issue1.save
+ # 2 and 3 should be also closed
+ assert issue2.reload.closed?
+ assert issue3.reload.closed?
+ end
+ def test_should_not_close_duplicated_issue
+ issue1 = Issue.generate!
+ issue2 = Issue.generate!
+ # 2 is a dupe of 1
+ IssueRelation.create(:issue_from => issue2, :issue_to => issue1,
+ :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_DUPLICATES)
+ # 2 is a dup of 1 but 1 is not a duplicate of 2
+ assert !issue2.reload.duplicates.include?(issue1)
+ # Closing issue 2
+ issue2.init_journal(User.first, "Closing issue2")
+ issue2.status = IssueStatus.where(:is_closed => true).first
+ assert issue2.save
+ # 1 should not be also closed
+ assert !issue1.reload.closed?
+ end
+ def test_assignable_versions
+ issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 1,
+ :status_id => 1, :fixed_version_id => 1,
+ :subject => 'New issue')
+ assert_equal ['open'], issue.assignable_versions.collect(&:status).uniq
+ end
+ def test_should_not_be_able_to_assign_a_new_issue_to_a_closed_version
+ issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 1,
+ :status_id => 1, :fixed_version_id => 1,
+ :subject => 'New issue')
+ assert !issue.save
+ assert_not_nil issue.errors[:fixed_version_id]
+ end
+ def test_should_not_be_able_to_assign_a_new_issue_to_a_locked_version
+ issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 1,
+ :status_id => 1, :fixed_version_id => 2,
+ :subject => 'New issue')
+ assert !issue.save
+ assert_not_nil issue.errors[:fixed_version_id]
+ end
+ def test_should_be_able_to_assign_a_new_issue_to_an_open_version
+ issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :author_id => 1,
+ :status_id => 1, :fixed_version_id => 3,
+ :subject => 'New issue')
+ assert issue.save
+ end
+ def test_should_be_able_to_update_an_issue_assigned_to_a_closed_version
+ issue = Issue.find(11)
+ assert_equal 'closed', issue.fixed_version.status
+ issue.subject = 'Subject changed'
+ assert issue.save
+ end
+ def test_should_not_be_able_to_reopen_an_issue_assigned_to_a_closed_version
+ issue = Issue.find(11)
+ issue.status_id = 1
+ assert !issue.save
+ assert_not_nil issue.errors[:base]
+ end
+ def test_should_be_able_to_reopen_and_reassign_an_issue_assigned_to_a_closed_version
+ issue = Issue.find(11)
+ issue.status_id = 1
+ issue.fixed_version_id = 3
+ assert issue.save
+ end
+ def test_should_be_able_to_reopen_an_issue_assigned_to_a_locked_version
+ issue = Issue.find(12)
+ assert_equal 'locked', issue.fixed_version.status
+ issue.status_id = 1
+ assert issue.save
+ end
+ def test_should_not_be_able_to_keep_unshared_version_when_changing_project
+ issue = Issue.find(2)
+ assert_equal 2, issue.fixed_version_id
+ issue.project_id = 3
+ assert_nil issue.fixed_version_id
+ issue.fixed_version_id = 2
+ assert !issue.save
+ assert_include 'Target version is not included in the list', issue.errors.full_messages
+ end
+ def test_should_keep_shared_version_when_changing_project
+ Version.find(2).update_attribute :sharing, 'tree'
+ issue = Issue.find(2)
+ assert_equal 2, issue.fixed_version_id
+ issue.project_id = 3
+ assert_equal 2, issue.fixed_version_id
+ assert issue.save
+ end
+ def test_allowed_target_projects_on_move_should_include_projects_with_issue_tracking_enabled
+ assert_include Project.find(2), Issue.allowed_target_projects_on_move(User.find(2))
+ end
+ def test_allowed_target_projects_on_move_should_not_include_projects_with_issue_tracking_disabled
+ Project.find(2).disable_module! :issue_tracking
+ assert_not_include Project.find(2), Issue.allowed_target_projects_on_move(User.find(2))
+ end
+ def test_move_to_another_project_with_same_category
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ issue.project = Project.find(2)
+ assert issue.save
+ issue.reload
+ assert_equal 2, issue.project_id
+ # Category changes
+ assert_equal 4, issue.category_id
+ # Make sure time entries were move to the target project
+ assert_equal 2, issue.time_entries.first.project_id
+ end
+ def test_move_to_another_project_without_same_category
+ issue = Issue.find(2)
+ issue.project = Project.find(2)
+ assert issue.save
+ issue.reload
+ assert_equal 2, issue.project_id
+ # Category cleared
+ assert_nil issue.category_id
+ end
+ def test_move_to_another_project_should_clear_fixed_version_when_not_shared
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ issue.update_attribute(:fixed_version_id, 1)
+ issue.project = Project.find(2)
+ assert issue.save
+ issue.reload
+ assert_equal 2, issue.project_id
+ # Cleared fixed_version
+ assert_equal nil, issue.fixed_version
+ end
+ def test_move_to_another_project_should_keep_fixed_version_when_shared_with_the_target_project
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ issue.update_attribute(:fixed_version_id, 4)
+ issue.project = Project.find(5)
+ assert issue.save
+ issue.reload
+ assert_equal 5, issue.project_id
+ # Keep fixed_version
+ assert_equal 4, issue.fixed_version_id
+ end
+ def test_move_to_another_project_should_clear_fixed_version_when_not_shared_with_the_target_project
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ issue.update_attribute(:fixed_version_id, 1)
+ issue.project = Project.find(5)
+ assert issue.save
+ issue.reload
+ assert_equal 5, issue.project_id
+ # Cleared fixed_version
+ assert_equal nil, issue.fixed_version
+ end
+ def test_move_to_another_project_should_keep_fixed_version_when_shared_systemwide
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ issue.update_attribute(:fixed_version_id, 7)
+ issue.project = Project.find(2)
+ assert issue.save
+ issue.reload
+ assert_equal 2, issue.project_id
+ # Keep fixed_version
+ assert_equal 7, issue.fixed_version_id
+ end
+ def test_move_to_another_project_should_keep_parent_if_valid
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ issue.update_attribute(:parent_issue_id, 2)
+ issue.project = Project.find(3)
+ assert issue.save
+ issue.reload
+ assert_equal 2, issue.parent_id
+ end
+ def test_move_to_another_project_should_clear_parent_if_not_valid
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ issue.update_attribute(:parent_issue_id, 2)
+ issue.project = Project.find(2)
+ assert issue.save
+ issue.reload
+ assert_nil issue.parent_id
+ end
+ def test_move_to_another_project_with_disabled_tracker
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ target = Project.find(2)
+ target.tracker_ids = [3]
+ target.save
+ issue.project = target
+ assert issue.save
+ issue.reload
+ assert_equal 2, issue.project_id
+ assert_equal 3, issue.tracker_id
+ end
+ def test_copy_to_the_same_project
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ copy = issue.copy
+ assert_difference 'Issue.count' do
+ copy.save!
+ end
+ assert_kind_of Issue, copy
+ assert_equal issue.project, copy.project
+ assert_equal "125", copy.custom_value_for(2).value
+ end
+ def test_copy_to_another_project_and_tracker
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ copy = issue.copy(:project_id => 3, :tracker_id => 2)
+ assert_difference 'Issue.count' do
+ copy.save!
+ end
+ copy.reload
+ assert_kind_of Issue, copy
+ assert_equal Project.find(3), copy.project
+ assert_equal Tracker.find(2), copy.tracker
+ # Custom field #2 is not associated with target tracker
+ assert_nil copy.custom_value_for(2)
+ end
+ test "#copy should not create a journal" do
+ copy = Issue.find(1).copy(:project_id => 3, :tracker_id => 2, :assigned_to_id => 3)
+ copy.save!
+ assert_equal 0, copy.reload.journals.size
+ end
+ test "#copy should allow assigned_to changes" do
+ copy = Issue.find(1).copy(:project_id => 3, :tracker_id => 2, :assigned_to_id => 3)
+ assert_equal 3, copy.assigned_to_id
+ end
+ test "#copy should allow status changes" do
+ copy = Issue.find(1).copy(:project_id => 3, :tracker_id => 2, :status_id => 2)
+ assert_equal 2, copy.status_id
+ end
+ test "#copy should allow start date changes" do
+ date = Date.today
+ copy = Issue.find(1).copy(:project_id => 3, :tracker_id => 2, :start_date => date)
+ assert_equal date, copy.start_date
+ end
+ test "#copy should allow due date changes" do
+ date = Date.today
+ copy = Issue.find(1).copy(:project_id => 3, :tracker_id => 2, :due_date => date)
+ assert_equal date, copy.due_date
+ end
+ test "#copy should set current user as author" do
+ User.current = User.find(9)
+ copy = Issue.find(1).copy(:project_id => 3, :tracker_id => 2)
+ assert_equal User.current, copy.author
+ end
+ test "#copy should create a journal with notes" do
+ date = Date.today
+ notes = "Notes added when copying"
+ copy = Issue.find(1).copy(:project_id => 3, :tracker_id => 2, :start_date => date)
+ copy.init_journal(User.current, notes)
+ copy.save!
+ assert_equal 1, copy.journals.size
+ journal = copy.journals.first
+ assert_equal 0, journal.details.size
+ assert_equal notes, journal.notes
+ end
+ def test_valid_parent_project
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ issue_in_same_project = Issue.find(2)
+ issue_in_child_project = Issue.find(5)
+ issue_in_grandchild_project = Issue.generate!(:project_id => 6, :tracker_id => 1)
+ issue_in_other_child_project = Issue.find(6)
+ issue_in_different_tree = Issue.find(4)
+ with_settings :cross_project_subtasks => '' do
+ assert_equal true, issue.valid_parent_project?(issue_in_same_project)
+ assert_equal false, issue.valid_parent_project?(issue_in_child_project)
+ assert_equal false, issue.valid_parent_project?(issue_in_grandchild_project)
+ assert_equal false, issue.valid_parent_project?(issue_in_different_tree)
+ end
+ with_settings :cross_project_subtasks => 'system' do
+ assert_equal true, issue.valid_parent_project?(issue_in_same_project)
+ assert_equal true, issue.valid_parent_project?(issue_in_child_project)
+ assert_equal true, issue.valid_parent_project?(issue_in_different_tree)
+ end
+ with_settings :cross_project_subtasks => 'tree' do
+ assert_equal true, issue.valid_parent_project?(issue_in_same_project)
+ assert_equal true, issue.valid_parent_project?(issue_in_child_project)
+ assert_equal true, issue.valid_parent_project?(issue_in_grandchild_project)
+ assert_equal false, issue.valid_parent_project?(issue_in_different_tree)
+ assert_equal true, issue_in_child_project.valid_parent_project?(issue_in_same_project)
+ assert_equal true, issue_in_child_project.valid_parent_project?(issue_in_other_child_project)
+ end
+ with_settings :cross_project_subtasks => 'descendants' do
+ assert_equal true, issue.valid_parent_project?(issue_in_same_project)
+ assert_equal false, issue.valid_parent_project?(issue_in_child_project)
+ assert_equal false, issue.valid_parent_project?(issue_in_grandchild_project)
+ assert_equal false, issue.valid_parent_project?(issue_in_different_tree)
+ assert_equal true, issue_in_child_project.valid_parent_project?(issue)
+ assert_equal false, issue_in_child_project.valid_parent_project?(issue_in_other_child_project)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_recipients_should_include_previous_assignee
+ user = User.find(3)
+ user.members.update_all ["mail_notification = ?", false]
+ user.update_attribute :mail_notification, 'only_assigned'
+ issue = Issue.find(2)
+ issue.assigned_to = nil
+ assert_include user.mail, issue.recipients
+ issue.save!
+ assert !issue.recipients.include?(user.mail)
+ end
+ def test_recipients_should_not_include_users_that_cannot_view_the_issue
+ issue = Issue.find(12)
+ assert issue.recipients.include?(issue.author.mail)
+ # copy the issue to a private project
+ copy = issue.copy(:project_id => 5, :tracker_id => 2)
+ # author is not a member of project anymore
+ assert !copy.recipients.include?(copy.author.mail)
+ end
+ # TODO
+# def test_recipients_should_include_the_assigned_group_members
+# group_member = User.generate!
+# group = Group.generate!
+# group.users << group_member
+# issue = Issue.find(12)
+# issue.assigned_to = group
+# assert issue.recipients.include?(group_member.mail)
+# end
+ def test_watcher_recipients_should_not_include_users_that_cannot_view_the_issue
+ user = User.find(3)
+ issue = Issue.find(9)
+ Watcher.create!(:user => user, :watchable => issue)
+ assert issue.watched_by?(user)
+ assert !issue.watcher_recipients.include?(user.mail)
+ end
+ def test_issue_destroy
+ Issue.find(1).destroy
+ assert_nil Issue.find_by_id(1)
+ assert_nil TimeEntry.find_by_issue_id(1)
+ end
+ def test_destroying_a_deleted_issue_should_not_raise_an_error
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ Issue.find(1).destroy
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ assert_no_difference 'Issue.count' do
+ issue.destroy
+ end
+ assert issue.destroyed?
+ end
+ end
+ def test_destroying_a_stale_issue_should_not_raise_an_error
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ Issue.find(1).update_attribute :subject, "Updated"
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ assert_difference 'Issue.count', -1 do
+ issue.destroy
+ end
+ assert issue.destroyed?
+ end
+ end
+ def test_blocked
+ blocked_issue = Issue.find(9)
+ blocking_issue = Issue.find(10)
+ assert blocked_issue.blocked?
+ assert !blocking_issue.blocked?
+ end
+ def test_blocked_issues_dont_allow_closed_statuses
+ blocked_issue = Issue.find(9)
+ allowed_statuses = blocked_issue.new_statuses_allowed_to(users(:users_002))
+ assert !allowed_statuses.empty?
+ closed_statuses = allowed_statuses.select {|st| st.is_closed?}
+ assert closed_statuses.empty?
+ end
+ def test_unblocked_issues_allow_closed_statuses
+ blocking_issue = Issue.find(10)
+ allowed_statuses = blocking_issue.new_statuses_allowed_to(users(:users_002))
+ assert !allowed_statuses.empty?
+ closed_statuses = allowed_statuses.select {|st| st.is_closed?}
+ assert !closed_statuses.empty?
+ end
+ def test_reschedule_an_issue_without_dates
+ with_settings :non_working_week_days => [] do
+ issue = Issue.new(:start_date => nil, :due_date => nil)
+ issue.reschedule_on '2012-10-09'.to_date
+ assert_equal '2012-10-09'.to_date, issue.start_date
+ assert_equal '2012-10-09'.to_date, issue.due_date
+ end
+ with_settings :non_working_week_days => %w(6 7) do
+ issue = Issue.new(:start_date => nil, :due_date => nil)
+ issue.reschedule_on '2012-10-09'.to_date
+ assert_equal '2012-10-09'.to_date, issue.start_date
+ assert_equal '2012-10-09'.to_date, issue.due_date
+ issue = Issue.new(:start_date => nil, :due_date => nil)
+ issue.reschedule_on '2012-10-13'.to_date
+ assert_equal '2012-10-15'.to_date, issue.start_date
+ assert_equal '2012-10-15'.to_date, issue.due_date
+ end
+ end
+ def test_reschedule_an_issue_with_start_date
+ with_settings :non_working_week_days => [] do
+ issue = Issue.new(:start_date => '2012-10-09', :due_date => nil)
+ issue.reschedule_on '2012-10-13'.to_date
+ assert_equal '2012-10-13'.to_date, issue.start_date
+ assert_equal '2012-10-13'.to_date, issue.due_date
+ end
+ with_settings :non_working_week_days => %w(6 7) do
+ issue = Issue.new(:start_date => '2012-10-09', :due_date => nil)
+ issue.reschedule_on '2012-10-11'.to_date
+ assert_equal '2012-10-11'.to_date, issue.start_date
+ assert_equal '2012-10-11'.to_date, issue.due_date
+ issue = Issue.new(:start_date => '2012-10-09', :due_date => nil)
+ issue.reschedule_on '2012-10-13'.to_date
+ assert_equal '2012-10-15'.to_date, issue.start_date
+ assert_equal '2012-10-15'.to_date, issue.due_date
+ end
+ end
+ def test_reschedule_an_issue_with_start_and_due_dates
+ with_settings :non_working_week_days => [] do
+ issue = Issue.new(:start_date => '2012-10-09', :due_date => '2012-10-15')
+ issue.reschedule_on '2012-10-13'.to_date
+ assert_equal '2012-10-13'.to_date, issue.start_date
+ assert_equal '2012-10-19'.to_date, issue.due_date
+ end
+ with_settings :non_working_week_days => %w(6 7) do
+ issue = Issue.new(:start_date => '2012-10-09', :due_date => '2012-10-19') # 8 working days
+ issue.reschedule_on '2012-10-11'.to_date
+ assert_equal '2012-10-11'.to_date, issue.start_date
+ assert_equal '2012-10-23'.to_date, issue.due_date
+ issue = Issue.new(:start_date => '2012-10-09', :due_date => '2012-10-19')
+ issue.reschedule_on '2012-10-13'.to_date
+ assert_equal '2012-10-15'.to_date, issue.start_date
+ assert_equal '2012-10-25'.to_date, issue.due_date
+ end
+ end
+ def test_rescheduling_an_issue_to_a_later_due_date_should_reschedule_following_issue
+ issue1 = Issue.generate!(:start_date => '2012-10-15', :due_date => '2012-10-17')
+ issue2 = Issue.generate!(:start_date => '2012-10-15', :due_date => '2012-10-17')
+ IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => issue1, :issue_to => issue2,
+ :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_PRECEDES)
+ assert_equal Date.parse('2012-10-18'), issue2.reload.start_date
+ issue1.due_date = '2012-10-23'
+ issue1.save!
+ issue2.reload
+ assert_equal Date.parse('2012-10-24'), issue2.start_date
+ assert_equal Date.parse('2012-10-26'), issue2.due_date
+ end
+ def test_rescheduling_an_issue_to_an_earlier_due_date_should_reschedule_following_issue
+ issue1 = Issue.generate!(:start_date => '2012-10-15', :due_date => '2012-10-17')
+ issue2 = Issue.generate!(:start_date => '2012-10-15', :due_date => '2012-10-17')
+ IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => issue1, :issue_to => issue2,
+ :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_PRECEDES)
+ assert_equal Date.parse('2012-10-18'), issue2.reload.start_date
+ issue1.start_date = '2012-09-17'
+ issue1.due_date = '2012-09-18'
+ issue1.save!
+ issue2.reload
+ assert_equal Date.parse('2012-09-19'), issue2.start_date
+ assert_equal Date.parse('2012-09-21'), issue2.due_date
+ end
+ def test_rescheduling_reschedule_following_issue_earlier_should_consider_other_preceding_issues
+ issue1 = Issue.generate!(:start_date => '2012-10-15', :due_date => '2012-10-17')
+ issue2 = Issue.generate!(:start_date => '2012-10-15', :due_date => '2012-10-17')
+ issue3 = Issue.generate!(:start_date => '2012-10-01', :due_date => '2012-10-02')
+ IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => issue1, :issue_to => issue2,
+ :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_PRECEDES)
+ IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => issue3, :issue_to => issue2,
+ :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_PRECEDES)
+ assert_equal Date.parse('2012-10-18'), issue2.reload.start_date
+ issue1.start_date = '2012-09-17'
+ issue1.due_date = '2012-09-18'
+ issue1.save!
+ issue2.reload
+ # Issue 2 must start after Issue 3
+ assert_equal Date.parse('2012-10-03'), issue2.start_date
+ assert_equal Date.parse('2012-10-05'), issue2.due_date
+ end
+ def test_rescheduling_a_stale_issue_should_not_raise_an_error
+ with_settings :non_working_week_days => [] do
+ stale = Issue.find(1)
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ issue.subject = "Updated"
+ issue.save!
+ date = 10.days.from_now.to_date
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ stale.reschedule_on!(date)
+ end
+ assert_equal date, stale.reload.start_date
+ end
+ end
+ def test_child_issue_should_consider_parent_soonest_start_on_create
+ set_language_if_valid 'en'
+ issue1 = Issue.generate!(:start_date => '2012-10-15', :due_date => '2012-10-17')
+ issue2 = Issue.generate!(:start_date => '2012-10-18', :due_date => '2012-10-20')
+ IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => issue1, :issue_to => issue2,
+ :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_PRECEDES)
+ issue1.reload
+ issue2.reload
+ assert_equal Date.parse('2012-10-18'), issue2.start_date
+ child = Issue.new(:parent_issue_id => issue2.id, :start_date => '2012-10-16',
+ :project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :status_id => 1, :subject => 'Child', :author_id => 1)
+ assert !child.valid?
+ assert_include 'Start date is invalid', child.errors.full_messages
+ assert_equal Date.parse('2012-10-18'), child.soonest_start
+ child.start_date = '2012-10-18'
+ assert child.save
+ end
+ def test_setting_parent_to_a_dependent_issue_should_not_validate
+ set_language_if_valid 'en'
+ issue1 = Issue.generate!
+ issue2 = Issue.generate!
+ issue3 = Issue.generate!
+ IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => issue1, :issue_to => issue2, :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_PRECEDES)
+ IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => issue3, :issue_to => issue1, :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_PRECEDES)
+ issue3.reload
+ issue3.parent_issue_id = issue2.id
+ assert !issue3.valid?
+ assert_include 'Parent task is invalid', issue3.errors.full_messages
+ end
+ def test_setting_parent_should_not_allow_circular_dependency
+ set_language_if_valid 'en'
+ issue1 = Issue.generate!
+ issue2 = Issue.generate!
+ IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => issue1, :issue_to => issue2, :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_PRECEDES)
+ issue3 = Issue.generate!
+ issue2.reload
+ issue2.parent_issue_id = issue3.id
+ issue2.save!
+ issue4 = Issue.generate!
+ IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => issue3, :issue_to => issue4, :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_PRECEDES)
+ issue4.reload
+ issue4.parent_issue_id = issue1.id
+ assert !issue4.valid?
+ assert_include 'Parent task is invalid', issue4.errors.full_messages
+ end
+ def test_overdue
+ assert Issue.new(:due_date => 1.day.ago.to_date).overdue?
+ assert !Issue.new(:due_date => Date.today).overdue?
+ assert !Issue.new(:due_date => 1.day.from_now.to_date).overdue?
+ assert !Issue.new(:due_date => nil).overdue?
+ assert !Issue.new(:due_date => 1.day.ago.to_date,
+ :status => IssueStatus.where(:is_closed => true).first
+ ).overdue?
+ end
+ test "#behind_schedule? should be false if the issue has no start_date" do
+ assert !Issue.new(:start_date => nil,
+ :due_date => 1.day.from_now.to_date,
+ :done_ratio => 0).behind_schedule?
+ end
+ test "#behind_schedule? should be false if the issue has no end_date" do
+ assert !Issue.new(:start_date => 1.day.from_now.to_date,
+ :due_date => nil,
+ :done_ratio => 0).behind_schedule?
+ end
+ test "#behind_schedule? should be false if the issue has more done than it's calendar time" do
+ assert !Issue.new(:start_date => 50.days.ago.to_date,
+ :due_date => 50.days.from_now.to_date,
+ :done_ratio => 90).behind_schedule?
+ end
+ test "#behind_schedule? should be true if the issue hasn't been started at all" do
+ assert Issue.new(:start_date => 1.day.ago.to_date,
+ :due_date => 1.day.from_now.to_date,
+ :done_ratio => 0).behind_schedule?
+ end
+ test "#behind_schedule? should be true if the issue has used more calendar time than it's done ratio" do
+ assert Issue.new(:start_date => 100.days.ago.to_date,
+ :due_date => Date.today,
+ :done_ratio => 90).behind_schedule?
+ end
+ test "#assignable_users should be Users" do
+ assert_kind_of User, Issue.find(1).assignable_users.first
+ end
+ test "#assignable_users should include the issue author" do
+ non_project_member = User.generate!
+ issue = Issue.generate!(:author => non_project_member)
+ assert issue.assignable_users.include?(non_project_member)
+ end
+ test "#assignable_users should include the current assignee" do
+ user = User.generate!
+ issue = Issue.generate!(:assigned_to => user)
+ user.lock!
+ assert Issue.find(issue.id).assignable_users.include?(user)
+ end
+# test "#assignable_users should not show the issue author twice" do
+# assignable_user_ids = Issue.find(1).assignable_users.collect(&:id)
+# assert_equal 2, assignable_user_ids.length
+# assignable_user_ids.each do |user_id|
+# assert_equal 1, assignable_user_ids.select {|i| i == user_id}.length,
+# "User #{user_id} appears more or less than once"
+# end
+# end
+ test "#assignable_users with issue_group_assignment should include groups" do
+ issue = Issue.new(:project => Project.find(2))
+ with_settings :issue_group_assignment => '1' do
+ assert_equal %w(Group User), issue.assignable_users.map {|a| a.class.name}.uniq.sort
+ assert issue.assignable_users.include?(Group.find(11))
+ end
+ end
+ test "#assignable_users without issue_group_assignment should not include groups" do
+ issue = Issue.new(:project => Project.find(2))
+ with_settings :issue_group_assignment => '0' do
+ assert_equal %w(User), issue.assignable_users.map {|a| a.class.name}.uniq.sort
+ assert !issue.assignable_users.include?(Group.find(11))
+ end
+ end
+ # TODO
+# def test_create_should_send_email_notification
+# ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear
+# issue = Issue.new(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+# :author_id => 3, :status_id => 1,
+# :priority => IssuePriority.all.first,
+# :subject => 'test_create', :estimated_hours => '1:30')
+# assert issue.save
+# assert_equal 1, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size
+# end
+# def test_stale_issue_should_not_send_email_notification
+# ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear
+# issue = Issue.find(1)
+# stale = Issue.find(1)
+# issue.init_journal(User.find(1))
+# issue.subject = 'Subjet update'
+# assert issue.save
+# assert_equal 1, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size
+# ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear
+# stale.init_journal(User.find(1))
+# stale.subject = 'Another subjet update'
+# assert_raise ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError do
+# stale.save
+# end
+# assert ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.empty?
+# end
+ def test_journalized_description
+ IssueCustomField.delete_all
+ i = Issue.first
+ old_description = i.description
+ new_description = "This is the new description"
+ i.init_journal(User.find(2))
+ i.description = new_description
+ assert_difference 'Journal.count', 1 do
+ assert_difference 'JournalDetail.count', 1 do
+ i.save!
+ end
+ end
+ detail = JournalDetail.first(:order => 'id DESC')
+ assert_equal i, detail.journal.journalized
+ assert_equal 'attr', detail.property
+ assert_equal 'description', detail.prop_key
+ assert_equal old_description, detail.old_value
+ assert_equal new_description, detail.value
+ end
+ def test_blank_descriptions_should_not_be_journalized
+ IssueCustomField.delete_all
+ Issue.update_all("description = NULL", "id=1")
+ i = Issue.find(1)
+ i.init_journal(User.find(2))
+ i.subject = "blank description"
+ i.description = "\r\n"
+ assert_difference 'Journal.count', 1 do
+ assert_difference 'JournalDetail.count', 1 do
+ i.save!
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_journalized_multi_custom_field
+ field = IssueCustomField.create!(:name => 'filter', :field_format => 'list',
+ :is_filter => true, :is_for_all => true,
+ :tracker_ids => [1],
+ :possible_values => ['value1', 'value2', 'value3'],
+ :multiple => true)
+ issue = Issue.create!(:project_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1,
+ :subject => 'Test', :author_id => 1)
+ assert_difference 'Journal.count' do
+ assert_difference 'JournalDetail.count' do
+ issue.init_journal(User.first)
+ issue.custom_field_values = {field.id => ['value1']}
+ issue.save!
+ end
+ assert_difference 'JournalDetail.count' do
+ issue.init_journal(User.first)
+ issue.custom_field_values = {field.id => ['value1', 'value2']}
+ issue.save!
+ end
+ assert_difference 'JournalDetail.count', 2 do
+ issue.init_journal(User.first)
+ issue.custom_field_values = {field.id => ['value3', 'value2']}
+ issue.save!
+ end
+ assert_difference 'JournalDetail.count', 2 do
+ issue.init_journal(User.first)
+ issue.custom_field_values = {field.id => nil}
+ issue.save!
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_description_eol_should_be_normalized
+ i = Issue.new(:description => "CR \r LF \n CRLF \r\n")
+ assert_equal "CR \r\n LF \r\n CRLF \r\n", i.description
+ end
+ # TODO
+# def test_saving_twice_should_not_duplicate_journal_details
+# i = Issue.first
+# i.init_journal(User.find(2), 'Some notes')
+# # initial changes
+# i.subject = 'New subject'
+# i.done_ratio = i.done_ratio + 10
+# assert_difference 'Journal.count' do
+# assert i.save
+# end
+# # 1 more change
+# i.priority = IssuePriority.where("id <> ?", i.priority_id).first
+# assert_no_difference 'Journal.count' do
+# assert_difference 'JournalDetail.count', 1 do
+# i.save
+# end
+# end
+# # no more change
+# assert_no_difference 'Journal.count' do
+# assert_no_difference 'JournalDetail.count' do
+# i.save
+# end
+# end
+# end
+ def test_all_dependent_issues
+ IssueRelation.delete_all
+ assert IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => Issue.find(1),
+ :issue_to => Issue.find(2),
+ :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_PRECEDES)
+ assert IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => Issue.find(2),
+ :issue_to => Issue.find(3),
+ :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_PRECEDES)
+ assert IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => Issue.find(3),
+ :issue_to => Issue.find(8),
+ :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_PRECEDES)
+ assert_equal [2, 3, 8], Issue.find(1).all_dependent_issues.collect(&:id).sort
+ end
+ # TODO
+# def test_all_dependent_issues_with_subtask
+# IssueRelation.delete_all
+# project = Project.generate!(:name => "testproject")
+# parentIssue = Issue.generate!(:project => project)
+# childIssue1 = Issue.generate!(:project => project, :parent_issue_id => parentIssue.id)
+# childIssue2 = Issue.generate!(:project => project, :parent_issue_id => parentIssue.id)
+# assert_equal [childIssue1.id, childIssue2.id].sort, parentIssue.all_dependent_issues.collect(&:id).uniq.sort
+# end
+ # TODO
+# def test_all_dependent_issues_does_not_include_self
+# IssueRelation.delete_all
+# project = Project.generate!(:name => "testproject")
+# parentIssue = Issue.generate!(:project => project)
+# childIssue = Issue.generate!(:project => project, :parent_issue_id => parentIssue.id)
+# assert_equal [childIssue.id], parentIssue.all_dependent_issues.collect(&:id)
+# end
+ def test_all_dependent_issues_with_parenttask_and_sibling
+ IssueRelation.delete_all
+ project = Project.generate!(:name => "testproject")
+ parentIssue = Issue.generate!(:project => project)
+ childIssue1 = Issue.generate!(:project => project, :parent_issue_id => parentIssue.id)
+ childIssue2 = Issue.generate!(:project => project, :parent_issue_id => parentIssue.id)
+ assert_equal [parentIssue.id].sort, childIssue1.all_dependent_issues.collect(&:id)
+ end
+ # TODO
+# def test_all_dependent_issues_with_relation_to_leaf_in_other_tree
+# IssueRelation.delete_all
+# project = Project.generate!(:name => "testproject")
+# parentIssue1 = Issue.generate!(:project => project)
+# childIssue1_1 = Issue.generate!(:project => project, :parent_issue_id => parentIssue1.id)
+# childIssue1_2 = Issue.generate!(:project => project, :parent_issue_id => parentIssue1.id)
+# parentIssue2 = Issue.generate!(:project => project)
+# childIssue2_1 = Issue.generate!(:project => project, :parent_issue_id => parentIssue2.id)
+# childIssue2_2 = Issue.generate!(:project => project, :parent_issue_id => parentIssue2.id)
+# assert IssueRelation.create(:issue_from => parentIssue1,
+# :issue_to => childIssue2_2,
+# :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_BLOCKS)
+# assert_equal [childIssue1_1.id, childIssue1_2.id, parentIssue2.id, childIssue2_2.id].sort,
+# parentIssue1.all_dependent_issues.collect(&:id).uniq.sort
+# end
+ # TODO
+# def test_all_dependent_issues_with_relation_to_parent_in_other_tree
+# IssueRelation.delete_all
+# project = Project.generate!(:name => "testproject")
+# parentIssue1 = Issue.generate!(:project => project)
+# childIssue1_1 = Issue.generate!(:project => project, :parent_issue_id => parentIssue1.id)
+# childIssue1_2 = Issue.generate!(:project => project, :parent_issue_id => parentIssue1.id)
+# parentIssue2 = Issue.generate!(:project => project)
+# childIssue2_1 = Issue.generate!(:project => project, :parent_issue_id => parentIssue2.id)
+# childIssue2_2 = Issue.generate!(:project => project, :parent_issue_id => parentIssue2.id)
+# assert IssueRelation.create(:issue_from => parentIssue1,
+# :issue_to => parentIssue2,
+# :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_BLOCKS)
+# assert_equal [childIssue1_1.id, childIssue1_2.id, parentIssue2.id, childIssue2_1.id, childIssue2_2.id].sort,
+# parentIssue1.all_dependent_issues.collect(&:id).uniq.sort
+# end
+# def test_all_dependent_issues_with_transitive_relation
+# IssueRelation.delete_all
+# project = Project.generate!(:name => "testproject")
+# parentIssue1 = Issue.generate!(:project => project)
+# childIssue1_1 = Issue.generate!(:project => project, :parent_issue_id => parentIssue1.id)
+# parentIssue2 = Issue.generate!(:project => project)
+# childIssue2_1 = Issue.generate!(:project => project, :parent_issue_id => parentIssue2.id)
+# independentIssue = Issue.generate!(:project => project)
+# assert IssueRelation.create(:issue_from => parentIssue1,
+# :issue_to => childIssue2_1,
+# :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_RELATES)
+# assert IssueRelation.create(:issue_from => childIssue2_1,
+# :issue_to => independentIssue,
+# :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_RELATES)
+# assert_equal [childIssue1_1.id, parentIssue2.id, childIssue2_1.id, independentIssue.id].sort,
+# parentIssue1.all_dependent_issues.collect(&:id).uniq.sort
+# end
+# def test_all_dependent_issues_with_transitive_relation2
+# IssueRelation.delete_all
+# project = Project.generate!(:name => "testproject")
+# parentIssue1 = Issue.generate!(:project => project)
+# childIssue1_1 = Issue.generate!(:project => project, :parent_issue_id => parentIssue1.id)
+# parentIssue2 = Issue.generate!(:project => project)
+# childIssue2_1 = Issue.generate!(:project => project, :parent_issue_id => parentIssue2.id)
+# independentIssue = Issue.generate!(:project => project)
+# assert IssueRelation.create(:issue_from => parentIssue1,
+# :issue_to => independentIssue,
+# :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_RELATES)
+# assert IssueRelation.create(:issue_from => independentIssue,
+# :issue_to => childIssue2_1,
+# :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_RELATES)
+# assert_equal [childIssue1_1.id, parentIssue2.id, childIssue2_1.id, independentIssue.id].sort,
+# parentIssue1.all_dependent_issues.collect(&:id).uniq.sort
+# end
+ def test_all_dependent_issues_with_persistent_circular_dependency
+ IssueRelation.delete_all
+ assert IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => Issue.find(1),
+ :issue_to => Issue.find(2),
+ :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_PRECEDES)
+ assert IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => Issue.find(2),
+ :issue_to => Issue.find(3),
+ :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_PRECEDES)
+ r = IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => Issue.find(3),
+ :issue_to => Issue.find(7),
+ :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_PRECEDES)
+ IssueRelation.update_all("issue_to_id = 1", ["id = ?", r.id])
+ assert_equal [2, 3], Issue.find(1).all_dependent_issues.collect(&:id).sort
+ end
+ def test_all_dependent_issues_with_persistent_multiple_circular_dependencies
+ IssueRelation.delete_all
+ assert IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => Issue.find(1),
+ :issue_to => Issue.find(2),
+ :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_RELATES)
+ assert IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => Issue.find(2),
+ :issue_to => Issue.find(3),
+ :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_RELATES)
+ assert IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => Issue.find(3),
+ :issue_to => Issue.find(8),
+ :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_RELATES)
+ r = IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => Issue.find(8),
+ :issue_to => Issue.find(7),
+ :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_RELATES)
+ IssueRelation.update_all("issue_to_id = 2", ["id = ?", r.id])
+ r = IssueRelation.create!(:issue_from => Issue.find(3),
+ :issue_to => Issue.find(7),
+ :relation_type => IssueRelation::TYPE_RELATES)
+ IssueRelation.update_all("issue_to_id = 1", ["id = ?", r.id])
+ assert_equal [2, 3, 8], Issue.find(1).all_dependent_issues.collect(&:id).sort
+ end
+ test "#done_ratio should use the issue_status according to Setting.issue_done_ratio" do
+ @issue = Issue.find(1)
+ @issue_status = IssueStatus.find(1)
+ @issue_status.update_attribute(:default_done_ratio, 50)
+ @issue2 = Issue.find(2)
+ @issue_status2 = IssueStatus.find(2)
+ @issue_status2.update_attribute(:default_done_ratio, 0)
+ with_settings :issue_done_ratio => 'issue_field' do
+ assert_equal 0, @issue.done_ratio
+ assert_equal 30, @issue2.done_ratio
+ end
+ with_settings :issue_done_ratio => 'issue_status' do
+ assert_equal 50, @issue.done_ratio
+ assert_equal 0, @issue2.done_ratio
+ end
+ end
+ test "#update_done_ratio_from_issue_status should update done_ratio according to Setting.issue_done_ratio" do
+ @issue = Issue.find(1)
+ @issue_status = IssueStatus.find(1)
+ @issue_status.update_attribute(:default_done_ratio, 50)
+ @issue2 = Issue.find(2)
+ @issue_status2 = IssueStatus.find(2)
+ @issue_status2.update_attribute(:default_done_ratio, 0)
+ with_settings :issue_done_ratio => 'issue_field' do
+ @issue.update_done_ratio_from_issue_status
+ @issue2.update_done_ratio_from_issue_status
+ assert_equal 0, @issue.read_attribute(:done_ratio)
+ assert_equal 30, @issue2.read_attribute(:done_ratio)
+ end
+ with_settings :issue_done_ratio => 'issue_status' do
+ @issue.update_done_ratio_from_issue_status
+ @issue2.update_done_ratio_from_issue_status
+ assert_equal 50, @issue.read_attribute(:done_ratio)
+ assert_equal 0, @issue2.read_attribute(:done_ratio)
+ end
+ end
+ test "#by_tracker" do
+ User.current = User.anonymous
+ groups = Issue.by_tracker(Project.find(1))
+ assert_equal 3, groups.size
+ assert_equal 7, groups.inject(0) {|sum, group| sum + group['total'].to_i}
+ end
+ test "#by_version" do
+ User.current = User.anonymous
+ groups = Issue.by_version(Project.find(1))
+ assert_equal 3, groups.size
+ assert_equal 3, groups.inject(0) {|sum, group| sum + group['total'].to_i}
+ end
+ test "#by_priority" do
+ User.current = User.anonymous
+ groups = Issue.by_priority(Project.find(1))
+ assert_equal 4, groups.size
+ assert_equal 7, groups.inject(0) {|sum, group| sum + group['total'].to_i}
+ end
+ test "#by_category" do
+ User.current = User.anonymous
+ groups = Issue.by_category(Project.find(1))
+ assert_equal 2, groups.size
+ assert_equal 3, groups.inject(0) {|sum, group| sum + group['total'].to_i}
+ end
+ test "#by_assigned_to" do
+ User.current = User.anonymous
+ groups = Issue.by_assigned_to(Project.find(1))
+ assert_equal 2, groups.size
+ assert_equal 2, groups.inject(0) {|sum, group| sum + group['total'].to_i}
+ end
+ test "#by_author" do
+ User.current = User.anonymous
+ groups = Issue.by_author(Project.find(1))
+ assert_equal 4, groups.size
+ assert_equal 7, groups.inject(0) {|sum, group| sum + group['total'].to_i}
+ end
+ test "#by_subproject" do
+ User.current = User.anonymous
+ groups = Issue.by_subproject(Project.find(1))
+ # Private descendant not visible
+ assert_equal 1, groups.size
+ assert_equal 2, groups.inject(0) {|sum, group| sum + group['total'].to_i}
+ end
+ def test_recently_updated_scope
+ #should return the last updated issue
+ assert_equal Issue.reorder("updated_on DESC").first, Issue.recently_updated.limit(1).first
+ end
+ def test_on_active_projects_scope
+ assert Project.find(2).archive
+ before = Issue.on_active_project.length
+ # test inclusion to results
+ issue = Issue.generate!(:tracker => Project.find(2).trackers.first)
+ assert_equal before + 1, Issue.on_active_project.length
+ # Move to an archived project
+ issue.project = Project.find(2)
+ assert issue.save
+ assert_equal before, Issue.on_active_project.length
+ end
+ test "Issue#recipients should include project recipients" do
+ issue = Issue.generate!
+ assert issue.project.recipients.present?
+ issue.project.recipients.each do |project_recipient|
+ assert issue.recipients.include?(project_recipient)
+ end
+ end
+# test "Issue#recipients should include the author if the author is active" do
+# issue = Issue.generate!(:author => User.generate!)
+# assert issue.author, "No author set for Issue"
+# assert issue.recipients.include?(issue.author.mail)
+# end
+ # assigned_to test
+# test "Issue#recipients should include the assigned to user if the assigned to user is active" do
+# issue = Issue.generate!(:assigned_to => User.generate!)
+# assert issue.assigned_to, "No assigned_to set for Issue"
+# assert issue.recipients.include?(issue.assigned_to.mail)
+# end
+ test "Issue#recipients should not include users who opt out of all email" do
+ issue = Issue.generate!(:author => User.generate!)
+ issue.author.update_attribute(:mail_notification, :none)
+ assert !issue.recipients.include?(issue.author.mail)
+ end
+ test "Issue#recipients should not include the issue author if they are only notified of assigned issues" do
+ issue = Issue.generate!(:author => User.generate!)
+ issue.author.update_attribute(:mail_notification, :only_assigned)
+ assert !issue.recipients.include?(issue.author.mail)
+ end
+ test "Issue#recipients should not include the assigned user if they are only notified of owned issues" do
+ issue = Issue.generate!(:assigned_to => User.generate!)
+ issue.assigned_to.update_attribute(:mail_notification, :only_owner)
+ assert !issue.recipients.include?(issue.assigned_to.mail)
+ end
+ def test_last_journal_id_with_journals_should_return_the_journal_id
+ assert_equal 2, Issue.find(1).last_journal_id
+ end
+ def test_last_journal_id_without_journals_should_return_nil
+ assert_nil Issue.find(3).last_journal_id
+ end
+ def test_journals_after_should_return_journals_with_greater_id
+ assert_equal [Journal.find(2)], Issue.find(1).journals_after('1')
+ assert_equal [], Issue.find(1).journals_after('2')
+ end
+ def test_journals_after_with_blank_arg_should_return_all_journals
+ assert_equal [Journal.find(1), Journal.find(2)], Issue.find(1).journals_after('')
+ end
+ def test_css_classes_should_include_tracker
+ issue = Issue.new(:tracker => Tracker.find(2))
+ classes = issue.css_classes.split(' ')
+ assert_include 'tracker-2', classes
+ end
+ def test_css_classes_should_include_priority
+ issue = Issue.new(:priority => IssuePriority.find(8))
+ classes = issue.css_classes.split(' ')
+ assert_include 'priority-8', classes
+ assert_include 'priority-highest', classes
+ end
+ def test_save_attachments_with_hash_should_save_attachments_in_keys_order
+ set_tmp_attachments_directory
+ issue = Issue.generate!
+ issue.save_attachments({
+ 'p0' => {'file' => mock_file_with_options(:original_filename => 'upload')},
+ '3' => {'file' => mock_file_with_options(:original_filename => 'bar')},
+ '1' => {'file' => mock_file_with_options(:original_filename => 'foo')}
+ })
+ issue.attach_saved_attachments
+ assert_equal 3, issue.reload.attachments.count
+ assert_equal %w(upload foo bar), issue.attachments.map(&:filename)
+ end
+ def test_closed_on_should_be_nil_when_creating_an_open_issue
+ issue = Issue.generate!(:status_id => 1).reload
+ assert !issue.closed?
+ assert_nil issue.closed_on
+ end
+ def test_closed_on_should_be_set_when_creating_a_closed_issue
+ issue = Issue.generate!(:status_id => 5).reload
+ assert issue.closed?
+ assert_not_nil issue.closed_on
+ assert_equal issue.updated_on, issue.closed_on
+ assert_equal issue.created_on, issue.closed_on
+ end
+ def test_closed_on_should_be_nil_when_updating_an_open_issue
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ issue.subject = 'Not closed yet'
+ issue.save!
+ issue.reload
+ assert_nil issue.closed_on
+ end
+ def test_closed_on_should_be_set_when_closing_an_open_issue
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ issue.subject = 'Now closed'
+ issue.status_id = 5
+ issue.save!
+ issue.reload
+ assert_not_nil issue.closed_on
+ assert_equal issue.updated_on, issue.closed_on
+ end
+ def test_closed_on_should_not_be_updated_when_updating_a_closed_issue
+ issue = Issue.open(false).first
+ was_closed_on = issue.closed_on
+ assert_not_nil was_closed_on
+ issue.subject = 'Updating a closed issue'
+ issue.save!
+ issue.reload
+ assert_equal was_closed_on, issue.closed_on
+ end
+ def test_closed_on_should_be_preserved_when_reopening_a_closed_issue
+ issue = Issue.open(false).first
+ was_closed_on = issue.closed_on
+ assert_not_nil was_closed_on
+ issue.subject = 'Reopening a closed issue'
+ issue.status_id = 1
+ issue.save!
+ issue.reload
+ assert !issue.closed?
+ assert_equal was_closed_on, issue.closed_on
+ end
+ def test_status_was_should_return_nil_for_new_issue
+ issue = Issue.new
+ assert_nil issue.status_was
+ end
+ def test_status_was_should_return_status_before_change
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ issue.status = IssueStatus.find(2)
+ assert_equal IssueStatus.find(1), issue.status_was
+ end
+ def test_status_was_should_be_reset_on_save
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ issue.status = IssueStatus.find(2)
+ assert_equal IssueStatus.find(1), issue.status_was
+ assert issue.save!
+ assert_equal IssueStatus.find(2), issue.status_was
+ end
diff --git a/test/unit/option_number_test.rb b/test/unit/option_number_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3673ebf3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/option_number_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+require 'test_helper'
+class OptionNumberTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ # test "the truth" do
+ # assert true
+ # end