This commit is contained in:
huang 2016-10-20 13:31:05 +08:00
parent 1b8bf05be5
commit 786110f711
1 changed files with 51 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
<script src="/javascripts/i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-zh-CN.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<input type="hidden" value="<%= @type%>" name="type" id="user_activities_type">
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<% if hidden_unproject_infos %>
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<% end %>
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<li class="f14">项目动态</li>
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<li class="mt-4"><%= link_to "个人留言", {:controller => "users", :action => "show", :type => "user_journals"}, :class =>"homepagePostTypeMessage postTypeGrey"%>
<li class="mt-4"><%= link_to @user == User.current ? "我的动态" : "他的动态", {:controller => "users", :action => "show", :type => "current_user"}, :class =>"homepagePostTypeMine postTypeGrey"%>
<li class="mt-4"><%= link_to "全部动态", {:controller => "users", :action => "show", :type => "all"}, :class =>"homepagePostTypeAll postTypeGrey"%>
<%# if and BlogComment.where("id=?", > 0 %>
<%# homepage = BlogComment.find( %>
<%#= render :partial => 'blogs/homepage', :locals => {:activity => homepage, :user_activity_id =>} %>
<%# end %>
<%= render :partial => 'users/user_activities', :locals => {:user_activities => @user_activities,:page => 0,:type => @type, :user_id => (@user.type == "AnonymousUser" ? :} %>