uncommend popen

This commit is contained in:
nigel007 2019-07-22 14:35:45 +08:00
parent ac9a57c4a4
commit 89cfcb6a5f
1 changed files with 13 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class PullRequestsController < ApplicationController
require 'json'
require 'open-uri'
require 'uri'
# require 'string.io' # add by zxh: 将控制台shell命令输出到指定位置
require 'stringio' # add by zxh: 将控制台shell命令输出到指定位置
# 返回json格式
def index
@ -335,18 +335,18 @@ class PullRequestsController < ApplicationController
pushTXInfo["shas"] = shas # 后续修改为shaList
pushTXInfoJson = pushTXInfo.to_json
# 发送交易
# Rails.logger.info("before executing chain_trustie command...")
# cmd = "chain_trustie pushPRTX " + pushTXInfoJson
# # result = system # 执行失败了
# output = StringIO.new
# IO.popen(cmd) do |pipe|
# pipe.each do |line|
# Rails.logger.info(line)
# end
# end
# Rails.logger.info(output.string)
# # Rails.logger.info(result)
# Rails.logger.info("after executing chain_trustie command...")
Rails.logger.info("before executing chain_trustie command...")
cmd = "chain_trustie pushPRTX " + pushTXInfoJson
# result = system # 执行失败了
output = StringIO.new
IO.popen(cmd) do |pipe|
pipe.each do |line|
# Rails.logger.info(result)
Rails.logger.info("after executing chain_trustie command...")
# add by zxh end
respond_to do |format|