From 98ccc97b279689adf0ca0f0b42b52cfc5f18a1d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yanxd
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 10:27:36 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] add hidden repository function
app/controllers/repositories_controller.rb | 7 +
app/models/project.rb | 1 +
app/models/repository.rb | 876 +++++++++---------
app/views/projects/_form.html.erb | 1 +
config/locales/en.yml | 2 +
config/locales/zh.yml | 2 +
...31112005309_add_hidden_repo_to_projects.rb | 5 +
db/schema.rb | 3 +-
lib/redmine.rb | 2 +-
9 files changed, 459 insertions(+), 440 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 db/migrate/20131112005309_add_hidden_repo_to_projects.rb
diff --git a/app/controllers/repositories_controller.rb b/app/controllers/repositories_controller.rb
index 61a3bfb51..1f3b6c020 100644
--- a/app/controllers/repositories_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/repositories_controller.rb
@@ -208,6 +208,13 @@ class RepositoriesController < ApplicationController
def show
+ if !User.current.member_of?(@project)
+ if @project.hidden_repo
+ render_403
+ return -1
+ end
+ end
+ #if( !User.current.member_of?(@project) || @project.hidden_repo)
@repository.fetch_changesets if Setting.autofetch_changesets? && @path.empty?
@entries = @repository.entries(@path, @rev)
diff --git a/app/models/project.rb b/app/models/project.rb
index c64dd5060..bead38ce6 100644
--- a/app/models/project.rb
+++ b/app/models/project.rb
@@ -702,6 +702,7 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
+ 'hidden_repo',
diff --git a/app/models/repository.rb b/app/models/repository.rb
index b0e946365..caac5c32d 100644
--- a/app/models/repository.rb
+++ b/app/models/repository.rb
@@ -1,438 +1,438 @@
-# Redmine - project management software
-# Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-class ScmFetchError < Exception; end
-class Repository < ActiveRecord::Base
- include Redmine::Ciphering
- include Redmine::SafeAttributes
- # Maximum length for repository identifiers
- belongs_to :project
- has_many :changesets, :order => "#{Changeset.table_name}.committed_on DESC, #{Changeset.table_name}.id DESC"
- has_many :filechanges, :class_name => 'Change', :through => :changesets
- serialize :extra_info
- before_save :check_default
- # Raw SQL to delete changesets and changes in the database
- # has_many :changesets, :dependent => :destroy is too slow for big repositories
- before_destroy :clear_changesets
- validates_length_of :password, :maximum => 255, :allow_nil => true
- validates_length_of :identifier, :maximum => IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH, :allow_blank => true
- validates_presence_of :identifier, :unless => { |r| r.is_default? || r.set_as_default? }
- validates_uniqueness_of :identifier, :scope => :project_id, :allow_blank => true
- validates_exclusion_of :identifier, :in => %w(show entry raw changes annotate diff show stats graph)
- # donwcase letters, digits, dashes, underscores but not digits only
- validates_format_of :identifier, :with => /\A(?!\d+$)[a-z0-9\-_]*\z/, :allow_blank => true
- # Checks if the SCM is enabled when creating a repository
- validate :repo_create_validation, :on => :create
- safe_attributes 'identifier',
- 'login',
- 'password',
- 'path_encoding',
- 'log_encoding',
- 'is_default'
- safe_attributes 'url',
- :if => lambda {|repository, user| repository.new_record?}
- def repo_create_validation
- unless Setting.enabled_scm.include?(
- errors.add(:type, :invalid)
- end
- end
- def self.human_attribute_name(attribute_key_name, *args)
- attr_name = attribute_key_name.to_s
- if attr_name == "log_encoding"
- attr_name = "commit_logs_encoding"
- end
- super(attr_name, *args)
- end
- # Removes leading and trailing whitespace
- def url=(arg)
- write_attribute(:url, arg ? arg.to_s.strip : nil)
- end
- # Removes leading and trailing whitespace
- def root_url=(arg)
- write_attribute(:root_url, arg ? arg.to_s.strip : nil)
- end
- def password
- read_ciphered_attribute(:password)
- end
- def password=(arg)
- write_ciphered_attribute(:password, arg)
- end
- def scm_adapter
- self.class.scm_adapter_class
- end
- def scm
- unless @scm
- @scm =, root_url,
- login, password, path_encoding)
- if root_url.blank? && @scm.root_url.present?
- update_attribute(:root_url, @scm.root_url)
- end
- end
- @scm
- end
- def scm_name
- self.class.scm_name
- end
- def name
- if identifier.present?
- identifier
- elsif is_default?
- l(:field_repository_is_default)
- else
- scm_name
- end
- end
- def identifier=(identifier)
- super unless identifier_frozen?
- end
- def identifier_frozen?
- errors[:identifier].blank? && !(new_record? || identifier.blank?)
- end
- def identifier_param
- if is_default?
- nil
- elsif identifier.present?
- identifier
- else
- id.to_s
- end
- end
- def <=>(repository)
- if is_default?
- -1
- elsif repository.is_default?
- 1
- else
- identifier.to_s <=> repository.identifier.to_s
- end
- end
- def self.find_by_identifier_param(param)
- if param.to_s =~ /^\d+$/
- find_by_id(param)
- else
- find_by_identifier(param)
- end
- end
- def merge_extra_info(arg)
- h = extra_info || {}
- return h if arg.nil?
- h.merge!(arg)
- write_attribute(:extra_info, h)
- end
- def report_last_commit
- true
- end
- def supports_cat?
- scm.supports_cat?
- end
- def supports_annotate?
- scm.supports_annotate?
- end
- def supports_all_revisions?
- true
- end
- def supports_directory_revisions?
- false
- end
- def supports_revision_graph?
- false
- end
- def entry(path=nil, identifier=nil)
- scm.entry(path, identifier)
- end
- def entries(path=nil, identifier=nil)
- entries = scm.entries(path, identifier)
- load_entries_changesets(entries)
- entries
- end
- def branches
- scm.branches
- end
- def tags
- scm.tags
- end
- def default_branch
- nil
- end
- def properties(path, identifier=nil)
-, identifier)
- end
- def cat(path, identifier=nil)
-, identifier)
- end
- def diff(path, rev, rev_to)
- scm.diff(path, rev, rev_to)
- end
- def diff_format_revisions(cs, cs_to, sep=':')
- text = ""
- text << cs_to.format_identifier + sep if cs_to
- text << cs.format_identifier if cs
- text
- end
- # Returns a path relative to the url of the repository
- def relative_path(path)
- path
- end
- # Finds and returns a revision with a number or the beginning of a hash
- def find_changeset_by_name(name)
- return nil if name.blank?
- s = name.to_s
- if s.match(/^\d*$/)
- changesets.where("revision = ?", s).first
- else
- changesets.where("revision LIKE ?", s + '%').first
- end
- end
- def latest_changeset
- @latest_changeset ||= changesets.first
- end
- # Returns the latest changesets for +path+
- # Default behaviour is to search in cached changesets
- def latest_changesets(path, rev, limit=10)
- if path.blank?
- changesets.find(
- :all,
- :include => :user,
- :order => "#{Changeset.table_name}.committed_on DESC, #{Changeset.table_name}.id DESC",
- :limit => limit)
- else
- filechanges.find(
- :all,
- :include => {:changeset => :user},
- :conditions => ["path = ?", path.with_leading_slash],
- :order => "#{Changeset.table_name}.committed_on DESC, #{Changeset.table_name}.id DESC",
- :limit => limit
- ).collect(&:changeset)
- end
- end
- def scan_changesets_for_issue_ids
- self.changesets.each(&:scan_comment_for_issue_ids)
- end
- # Returns an array of committers usernames and associated user_id
- def committers
- @committers ||= Changeset.connection.select_rows(
- "SELECT DISTINCT committer, user_id FROM #{Changeset.table_name} WHERE repository_id = #{id}")
- end
- # Maps committers username to a user ids
- def committer_ids=(h)
- if h.is_a?(Hash)
- committers.each do |committer, user_id|
- new_user_id = h[committer]
- if new_user_id && (new_user_id.to_i != user_id.to_i)
- new_user_id = (new_user_id.to_i > 0 ? new_user_id.to_i : nil)
- Changeset.update_all(
- "user_id = #{ new_user_id.nil? ? 'NULL' : new_user_id }",
- ["repository_id = ? AND committer = ?", id, committer])
- end
- end
- @committers = nil
- @found_committer_users = nil
- true
- else
- false
- end
- end
- # Returns the Redmine User corresponding to the given +committer+
- # It will return nil if the committer is not yet mapped and if no User
- # with the same username or email was found
- def find_committer_user(committer)
- unless committer.blank?
- @found_committer_users ||= {}
- return @found_committer_users[committer] if @found_committer_users.has_key?(committer)
- user = nil
- c = changesets.where(:committer => committer).includes(:user).first
- if c && c.user
- user = c.user
- elsif committer.strip =~ /^([^<]+)(<(.*)>)?$/
- username, email = $1.strip, $3
- u = User.find_by_login(username)
- u ||= User.find_by_mail(email) unless email.blank?
- user = u
- end
- @found_committer_users[committer] = user
- user
- end
- end
- def repo_log_encoding
- encoding = log_encoding.to_s.strip
- encoding.blank? ? 'UTF-8' : encoding
- end
- # Fetches new changesets for all repositories of active projects
- # Can be called periodically by an external script
- # eg. ruby script/runner "Repository.fetch_changesets"
- def self.fetch_changesets
- do |project|
- project.repositories.each do |repository|
- begin
- repository.fetch_changesets
- rescue Redmine::Scm::Adapters::CommandFailed => e
- logger.error "scm: error during fetching changesets: #{e.message}"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # scan changeset comments to find related and fixed issues for all repositories
- def self.scan_changesets_for_issue_ids
- all.each(&:scan_changesets_for_issue_ids)
- end
- def self.scm_name
- 'Abstract'
- end
- def self.available_scm
- subclasses.collect {|klass| [klass.scm_name,]}
- end
- def self.factory(klass_name, *args)
- klass = "Repository::#{klass_name}".constantize
- rescue
- nil
- end
- def self.scm_adapter_class
- nil
- end
- def self.scm_command
- ret = ""
- begin
- ret = self.scm_adapter_class.client_command if self.scm_adapter_class
- rescue Exception => e
- logger.error "scm: error during get command: #{e.message}"
- end
- ret
- end
- def self.scm_version_string
- ret = ""
- begin
- ret = self.scm_adapter_class.client_version_string if self.scm_adapter_class
- rescue Exception => e
- logger.error "scm: error during get version string: #{e.message}"
- end
- ret
- end
- def self.scm_available
- ret = false
- begin
- ret = self.scm_adapter_class.client_available if self.scm_adapter_class
- rescue Exception => e
- logger.error "scm: error during get scm available: #{e.message}"
- end
- ret
- end
- def set_as_default?
- new_record? && project && !Repository.first(:conditions => {:project_id =>})
- end
- protected
- def check_default
- if !is_default? && set_as_default?
- self.is_default = true
- end
- if is_default? && is_default_changed?
- Repository.update_all(["is_default = ?", false], ["project_id = ?", project_id])
- end
- end
- def load_entries_changesets(entries)
- if entries
- entries.each do |entry|
- if entry.lastrev && entry.lastrev.identifier
- entry.changeset = find_changeset_by_name(entry.lastrev.identifier)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- private
- # Deletes repository data
- def clear_changesets
- cs = Changeset.table_name
- ch = Change.table_name
- ci = "#{table_name_prefix}changesets_issues#{table_name_suffix}"
- cp = "#{table_name_prefix}changeset_parents#{table_name_suffix}"
- connection.delete("DELETE FROM #{ch} WHERE #{ch}.changeset_id IN (SELECT #{cs}.id FROM #{cs} WHERE #{cs}.repository_id = #{id})")
- connection.delete("DELETE FROM #{ci} WHERE #{ci}.changeset_id IN (SELECT #{cs}.id FROM #{cs} WHERE #{cs}.repository_id = #{id})")
- connection.delete("DELETE FROM #{cp} WHERE #{cp}.changeset_id IN (SELECT #{cs}.id FROM #{cs} WHERE #{cs}.repository_id = #{id})")
- connection.delete("DELETE FROM #{cs} WHERE #{cs}.repository_id = #{id}")
- clear_extra_info_of_changesets
- end
- def clear_extra_info_of_changesets
- end
+# Redmine - project management software
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+class ScmFetchError < Exception; end
+class Repository < ActiveRecord::Base
+ include Redmine::Ciphering
+ include Redmine::SafeAttributes
+ # Maximum length for repository identifiers
+ belongs_to :project
+ has_many :changesets, :order => "#{Changeset.table_name}.committed_on DESC, #{Changeset.table_name}.id DESC"
+ has_many :filechanges, :class_name => 'Change', :through => :changesets
+ serialize :extra_info
+ before_save :check_default
+ # Raw SQL to delete changesets and changes in the database
+ # has_many :changesets, :dependent => :destroy is too slow for big repositories
+ before_destroy :clear_changesets
+ validates_length_of :password, :maximum => 255, :allow_nil => true
+ validates_length_of :identifier, :maximum => IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH, :allow_blank => true
+ validates_presence_of :identifier, :unless => { |r| r.is_default? || r.set_as_default? }
+ validates_uniqueness_of :identifier, :scope => :project_id, :allow_blank => true
+ validates_exclusion_of :identifier, :in => %w(show entry raw changes annotate diff show stats graph)
+ # donwcase letters, digits, dashes, underscores but not digits only
+ validates_format_of :identifier, :with => /\A(?!\d+$)[a-z0-9\-_]*\z/, :allow_blank => true
+ # Checks if the SCM is enabled when creating a repository
+ validate :repo_create_validation, :on => :create
+ safe_attributes 'identifier',
+ 'login',
+ 'password',
+ 'path_encoding',
+ 'log_encoding',
+ 'is_default'
+ safe_attributes 'url',
+ :if => lambda {|repository, user| repository.new_record?}
+ def repo_create_validation
+ unless Setting.enabled_scm.include?(
+ errors.add(:type, :invalid)
+ end
+ end
+ def self.human_attribute_name(attribute_key_name, *args)
+ attr_name = attribute_key_name.to_s
+ if attr_name == "log_encoding"
+ attr_name = "commit_logs_encoding"
+ end
+ super(attr_name, *args)
+ end
+ # Removes leading and trailing whitespace
+ def url=(arg)
+ write_attribute(:url, arg ? arg.to_s.strip : nil)
+ end
+ # Removes leading and trailing whitespace
+ def root_url=(arg)
+ write_attribute(:root_url, arg ? arg.to_s.strip : nil)
+ end
+ def password
+ read_ciphered_attribute(:password)
+ end
+ def password=(arg)
+ write_ciphered_attribute(:password, arg)
+ end
+ def scm_adapter
+ self.class.scm_adapter_class
+ end
+ def scm
+ unless @scm
+ @scm =, root_url,
+ login, password, path_encoding)
+ if root_url.blank? && @scm.root_url.present?
+ update_attribute(:root_url, @scm.root_url)
+ end
+ end
+ @scm
+ end
+ def scm_name
+ self.class.scm_name
+ end
+ def name
+ if identifier.present?
+ identifier
+ elsif is_default?
+ l(:field_repository_is_default)
+ else
+ scm_name
+ end
+ end
+ def identifier=(identifier)
+ super unless identifier_frozen?
+ end
+ def identifier_frozen?
+ errors[:identifier].blank? && !(new_record? || identifier.blank?)
+ end
+ def identifier_param
+ if is_default?
+ nil
+ elsif identifier.present?
+ identifier
+ else
+ id.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ def <=>(repository)
+ if is_default?
+ -1
+ elsif repository.is_default?
+ 1
+ else
+ identifier.to_s <=> repository.identifier.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ def self.find_by_identifier_param(param)
+ if param.to_s =~ /^\d+$/
+ find_by_id(param)
+ else
+ find_by_identifier(param)
+ end
+ end
+ def merge_extra_info(arg)
+ h = extra_info || {}
+ return h if arg.nil?
+ h.merge!(arg)
+ write_attribute(:extra_info, h)
+ end
+ def report_last_commit
+ true
+ end
+ def supports_cat?
+ scm.supports_cat?
+ end
+ def supports_annotate?
+ scm.supports_annotate?
+ end
+ def supports_all_revisions?
+ true
+ end
+ def supports_directory_revisions?
+ false
+ end
+ def supports_revision_graph?
+ false
+ end
+ def entry(path=nil, identifier=nil)
+ scm.entry(path, identifier)
+ end
+ def entries(path=nil, identifier=nil)
+ entries = scm.entries(path, identifier)
+ load_entries_changesets(entries)
+ entries
+ end
+ def branches
+ scm.branches
+ end
+ def tags
+ scm.tags
+ end
+ def default_branch
+ nil
+ end
+ def properties(path, identifier=nil)
+, identifier)
+ end
+ def cat(path, identifier=nil)
+, identifier)
+ end
+ def diff(path, rev, rev_to)
+ scm.diff(path, rev, rev_to)
+ end
+ def diff_format_revisions(cs, cs_to, sep=':')
+ text = ""
+ text << cs_to.format_identifier + sep if cs_to
+ text << cs.format_identifier if cs
+ text
+ end
+ # Returns a path relative to the url of the repository
+ def relative_path(path)
+ path
+ end
+ # Finds and returns a revision with a number or the beginning of a hash
+ def find_changeset_by_name(name)
+ return nil if name.blank?
+ s = name.to_s
+ if s.match(/^\d*$/)
+ changesets.where("revision = ?", s).first
+ else
+ changesets.where("revision LIKE ?", s + '%').first
+ end
+ end
+ def latest_changeset
+ @latest_changeset ||= changesets.first
+ end
+ # Returns the latest changesets for +path+
+ # Default behaviour is to search in cached changesets
+ def latest_changesets(path, rev, limit=10)
+ if path.blank?
+ changesets.find(
+ :all,
+ :include => :user,
+ :order => "#{Changeset.table_name}.committed_on DESC, #{Changeset.table_name}.id DESC",
+ :limit => limit)
+ else
+ filechanges.find(
+ :all,
+ :include => {:changeset => :user},
+ :conditions => ["path = ?", path.with_leading_slash],
+ :order => "#{Changeset.table_name}.committed_on DESC, #{Changeset.table_name}.id DESC",
+ :limit => limit
+ ).collect(&:changeset)
+ end
+ end
+ def scan_changesets_for_issue_ids
+ self.changesets.each(&:scan_comment_for_issue_ids)
+ end
+ # Returns an array of committers usernames and associated user_id
+ def committers
+ @committers ||= Changeset.connection.select_rows(
+ "SELECT DISTINCT committer, user_id FROM #{Changeset.table_name} WHERE repository_id = #{id}")
+ end
+ # Maps committers username to a user ids
+ def committer_ids=(h)
+ if h.is_a?(Hash)
+ committers.each do |committer, user_id|
+ new_user_id = h[committer]
+ if new_user_id && (new_user_id.to_i != user_id.to_i)
+ new_user_id = (new_user_id.to_i > 0 ? new_user_id.to_i : nil)
+ Changeset.update_all(
+ "user_id = #{ new_user_id.nil? ? 'NULL' : new_user_id }",
+ ["repository_id = ? AND committer = ?", id, committer])
+ end
+ end
+ @committers = nil
+ @found_committer_users = nil
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns the Redmine User corresponding to the given +committer+
+ # It will return nil if the committer is not yet mapped and if no User
+ # with the same username or email was found
+ def find_committer_user(committer)
+ unless committer.blank?
+ @found_committer_users ||= {}
+ return @found_committer_users[committer] if @found_committer_users.has_key?(committer)
+ user = nil
+ c = changesets.where(:committer => committer).includes(:user).first
+ if c && c.user
+ user = c.user
+ elsif committer.strip =~ /^([^<]+)(<(.*)>)?$/
+ username, email = $1.strip, $3
+ u = User.find_by_login(username)
+ u ||= User.find_by_mail(email) unless email.blank?
+ user = u
+ end
+ @found_committer_users[committer] = user
+ user
+ end
+ end
+ def repo_log_encoding
+ encoding = log_encoding.to_s.strip
+ encoding.blank? ? 'UTF-8' : encoding
+ end
+ # Fetches new changesets for all repositories of active projects
+ # Can be called periodically by an external script
+ # eg. ruby script/runner "Repository.fetch_changesets"
+ def self.fetch_changesets
+ do |project|
+ project.repositories.each do |repository|
+ begin
+ repository.fetch_changesets
+ rescue Redmine::Scm::Adapters::CommandFailed => e
+ logger.error "scm: error during fetching changesets: #{e.message}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # scan changeset comments to find related and fixed issues for all repositories
+ def self.scan_changesets_for_issue_ids
+ all.each(&:scan_changesets_for_issue_ids)
+ end
+ def self.scm_name
+ 'Abstract'
+ end
+ def self.available_scm
+ subclasses.collect {|klass| [klass.scm_name,]}
+ end
+ def self.factory(klass_name, *args)
+ klass = "Repository::#{klass_name}".constantize
+ rescue
+ nil
+ end
+ def self.scm_adapter_class
+ nil
+ end
+ def self.scm_command
+ ret = ""
+ begin
+ ret = self.scm_adapter_class.client_command if self.scm_adapter_class
+ rescue Exception => e
+ logger.error "scm: error during get command: #{e.message}"
+ end
+ ret
+ end
+ def self.scm_version_string
+ ret = ""
+ begin
+ ret = self.scm_adapter_class.client_version_string if self.scm_adapter_class
+ rescue Exception => e
+ logger.error "scm: error during get version string: #{e.message}"
+ end
+ ret
+ end
+ def self.scm_available
+ ret = false
+ begin
+ ret = self.scm_adapter_class.client_available if self.scm_adapter_class
+ rescue Exception => e
+ logger.error "scm: error during get scm available: #{e.message}"
+ end
+ ret
+ end
+ def set_as_default?
+ new_record? && project && !Repository.first(:conditions => {:project_id =>})
+ end
+ protected
+ def check_default
+ if !is_default? && set_as_default?
+ self.is_default = true
+ end
+ if is_default? && is_default_changed?
+ Repository.update_all(["is_default = ?", false], ["project_id = ?", project_id])
+ end
+ end
+ def load_entries_changesets(entries)
+ if entries
+ entries.each do |entry|
+ if entry.lastrev && entry.lastrev.identifier
+ entry.changeset = find_changeset_by_name(entry.lastrev.identifier)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ # Deletes repository data
+ def clear_changesets
+ cs = Changeset.table_name
+ ch = Change.table_name
+ ci = "#{table_name_prefix}changesets_issues#{table_name_suffix}"
+ cp = "#{table_name_prefix}changeset_parents#{table_name_suffix}"
+ connection.delete("DELETE FROM #{ch} WHERE #{ch}.changeset_id IN (SELECT #{cs}.id FROM #{cs} WHERE #{cs}.repository_id = #{id})")
+ connection.delete("DELETE FROM #{ci} WHERE #{ci}.changeset_id IN (SELECT #{cs}.id FROM #{cs} WHERE #{cs}.repository_id = #{id})")
+ connection.delete("DELETE FROM #{cp} WHERE #{cp}.changeset_id IN (SELECT #{cs}.id FROM #{cs} WHERE #{cs}.repository_id = #{id})")
+ connection.delete("DELETE FROM #{cs} WHERE #{cs}.repository_id = #{id}")
+ clear_extra_info_of_changesets
+ end
+ def clear_extra_info_of_changesets
+ end
diff --git a/app/views/projects/_form.html.erb b/app/views/projects/_form.html.erb
index a2d6dc731..fa2e8da11 100644
--- a/app/views/projects/_form.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/projects/_form.html.erb
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
<% end %>
<%= f.check_box :is_public, :style => "margin-left:10px;" %>
+<%= f.check_box :hidden_repo, :style => "margin-left:10px;" %>
<%= f.text_field :project_type, :value => 0 %>
<%= wikitoolbar_for 'project_description' %>
diff --git a/config/locales/en.yml b/config/locales/en.yml
index 8b9421724..19684a981 100644
--- a/config/locales/en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/en.yml
@@ -1561,6 +1561,8 @@ en:
label_course_practice: Courses
label_user_home: User Space
+ field_hidden_repo: private code
diff --git a/config/locales/zh.yml b/config/locales/zh.yml
index 21fc6719e..e42e2eb33 100644
--- a/config/locales/zh.yml
+++ b/config/locales/zh.yml
@@ -1705,3 +1705,5 @@ zh:
label_duration_time: 授课时间
label_course_brief_introduction: 课程简介
field_teacher_name: 教 师
+ field_hidden_repo: 私有代码
diff --git a/db/migrate/20131112005309_add_hidden_repo_to_projects.rb b/db/migrate/20131112005309_add_hidden_repo_to_projects.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9616d3c8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/migrate/20131112005309_add_hidden_repo_to_projects.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+class AddHiddenRepoToProjects < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def change
+ add_column :projects, :hidden_repo, :boolean, :default => false, :null => false
+ end
diff --git a/db/schema.rb b/db/schema.rb
index b4f0a31b4..9d6b56cde 100644
--- a/db/schema.rb
+++ b/db/schema.rb
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
# It's strongly recommended to check this file into your version control system.
-ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20131108133857) do
+ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20131112005309) do
create_table "a_user_watchers", :force => true do |t|
t.string "name"
@@ -540,6 +540,7 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20131108133857) do
t.integer "rgt"
t.boolean "inherit_members", :default => false, :null => false
t.integer "project_type"
+ t.boolean "hidden_repo", :default => false, :null => false
add_index "projects", ["lft"], :name => "index_projects_on_lft"
diff --git a/lib/redmine.rb b/lib/redmine.rb
index 10425c2a1..fe4da319d 100644
--- a/lib/redmine.rb
+++ b/lib/redmine.rb
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ :project_menu do |menu|
# :if => { |p| p.boards.any? }, :caption => :label_board_plural
menu.push :files, { :controller => 'files', :action => 'index' }, :param => :project_id, :caption => :label_file_new
menu.push :repository, { :controller => 'repositories', :action => 'show', :repository_id => nil, :path => nil, :rev => nil },
- :if => { |p| p.repository && !p.repository.new_record? }
+ :if => { |p| p.repository && !p.repository.new_record? && !( !User.current.member_of?(p) && p.hidden_repo ) }
menu.push :settings, { :controller => 'projects', :action => 'settings' }, :last => true