Merge branch 'szzh' into develop

This commit is contained in:
sw 2015-03-10 17:36:31 +08:00
commit 916d467352
67 changed files with 1392 additions and 818 deletions

View File

@ -3,16 +3,23 @@
module Mobile
module Apis
class Upgrade < Grape::API
include ApplicationHelper
resource :upgrade do
desc "get update info"
params do
requires :platform, type: String, desc: '平台名android, ios'
get do
@current_version = ::PhoneAppVersion.reorder('created_at desc').first
attachment = @current_version.attachments.first
if attachment.nil?
raise '未发现客户端!'
url = Setting.host_name + "/attachments/download/" + + "/" + attachment.filename
version: '2',
url: '',
desc: '更新了什么功能'
version: @current_version.version,
url: url,
desc: @current_version.description

View File

@ -337,6 +337,40 @@ class AdminController < ApplicationController
def create_version
@versions = PhoneAppVersion.reorder('created_at desc')
@new_version =
@new_version.version = params[:version]
@new_version.description = params[:description]
if params[:attachments][:dummy][:file].nil? || params[:attachments][:dummy][:file] == ""
respond_to do |format|[:error] = "#{l :label_version_create_fail}: #{l(:label_client_need)}"[:error] = "#{l :label_first_page_create_fail}: #{@course_page.errors.full_messages[0]}"
format.html {
render :action => 'mobile_version'
format.api { render_validation_errors(@new_version) }
@new_version.save_attachments(params[:attachments] || (params[:version] && params[:version][:uploads]))
respond_to do |format|
format.html {
flash[:notice] = l(:notice_successful_create)
redirect_to mobile_version_url
format.api { render_api_ok }
respond_to do |format|[:error] = "#{l :label_version_create_fail}: #{@new_version.errors.full_messages[0]}"[:error] = "#{l :label_first_page_create_fail}: #{@course_page.errors.full_messages[0]}"
format.html {
render :action => 'mobile_version'
format.api { render_validation_errors(@new_version) }

View File

@ -181,6 +181,9 @@ class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
if params[:apptoken]
token = ApiKey.where(access_token: params[:apptoken]).first
if token.expired?
if token && !token.expired?
@current_user = User.find(token.user_id)

View File

@ -233,6 +233,8 @@ class AttachmentsController < ApplicationController
format.html { redirect_to_referer_or softapplications_path(@attachment.container) }
elsif !@attachment.container.nil? && @attachment.container.is_a?(Bid)
format.html { redirect_to_referer_or respond_path(@attachment.container) }
elsif !@attachment.container.nil? && @attachment.container.is_a?(PhoneAppVersion)
format.html { redirect_to_referer_or mobile_version_path }
if @project.nil?
format.html { redirect_to_referer_or forum_memo_path(, @attachment.container) }
@ -417,7 +419,7 @@ private
@course = @attachment.container.board.course
unless @attachment.container_type == 'Bid' || @attachment.container_type == 'HomeworkAttach' || @attachment.container_type == 'Memo' || @attachment.container_type == 'Softapplication'
unless @attachment.container_type == 'Bid' || @attachment.container_type == 'HomeworkAttach' || @attachment.container_type == 'Memo' || @attachment.container_type == 'Softapplication' || @attachment.container_type == 'PhoneAppVersion'
@project = @attachment.project

View File

@ -446,12 +446,13 @@ class UsersController < ApplicationController
activity = Activity.where(where_condition).where('user_id = ?','id desc')
activity = activity.reject { |e|
!User.current.admin? &&
e.act.nil? ||
(!User.current.admin? && !e.act.nil?
(((e.act_type == "Issue") && !e.act.project.visible?(User.current)) ||
(e.act_type == "Bid" && ! && == 0 && !User.current.member_of_course?( ||
(e.act_type == "Journal" && e.act.respond_to?("Project") && !e.act.project.visible?(User.current)) ||
(e.act_type == "News" && ((!e.act.project.nil? && !e.act.project.visible?(User.current)) || (!e.act.course.nil? && e.act.course.is_public == 0 && !User.current.member_of_course?(e.act.course)))) ||
(e.act_type == "Message" && !e.act.board.nil? && ((!e.act.board.project.nil? && !e.act.board.project.visible?(User.current)) || (!e.act.board.course.nil? && e.act.board.course.is_public == 0 && !User.current.member_of_course?(e.act.board.course)))))
(e.act_type == "Message" && !e.act.board.nil? && ((!e.act.board.project.nil? && !e.act.board.project.visible?(User.current)) || (!e.act.board.course.nil? && e.act.board.course.is_public == 0 && !User.current.member_of_course?(e.act.board.course))))))
@activity_count = activity.count
@activity_pages = @activity_count, pre_count, params['page']

View File

@ -351,10 +351,28 @@ module CoursesHelper
# added by nwb
# added by meng
# 课程time+term简写2014.春/2014.秋)国际化输出
def get_course_term course
str = ( course.try(:time).to_s << '.' << course.try(:term).to_s )
strterm = course.try(:term).to_s
if !(User.current.language == 'zh')
strterm == '春季学期' ? strterm = 'spring term' : strterm = 'autumn term'
str = ( course.try(:time).to_s << '.' << strterm )
str = ( course.try(:time).to_s << '.' << strterm )
# added by meng
# 课程term春季学期/秋季学期)国际化输出
def get_course_term_locales course
str = course.try(:term).to_s
if !(User.current.language == 'zh')
str == '春季学期' ? str = ' ' + 'spring term' : str = ' ' + 'autumn term'
return str
def members_to_user_ids members

View File

@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ module WelcomeHelper
rescue Exception => e
str << content_tag("span", l(:field_user_active_unknow))
str << content_tag("span", l(''))
def show_event_reply event

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
class PhoneAppVersion < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :description, :version
validates_presence_of :description, :version
validates_uniqueness_of :version

View File

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
#ActiveModel::Dirty 这里有一个changed方法。对任何对象都可以用
after_save :update_inherited_members, :if => {|project| project.inherit_members_changed?}
# 创建project之后默认创建一个board之后的board去掉了board的概念
after_create :create_board_sync
after_create :create_board_sync,:acts_as_forge_activities
before_destroy :delete_all_members
def remove_references_before_destroy
return if
@ -1154,6 +1154,13 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
# Time 2015-03-10 15:33:16
# Author lizanle
# Description 新建项目要在ForgeActivities中加一条数据。
def acts_as_forge_activities
fa = =>,:project_id =>,
:forge_act_id =>,:forge_act_type => "ProjectCreateInfo")!

View File

@ -33,16 +33,32 @@ class UserExtensions < ActiveRecord::Base
return self.brief_introduction
# added by bai
# added by meng
def show_identity
if self.identity == 0
user_identity = '教师'
if User.current.language == 'zh'
user_identity = '教师'
user_identity = 'Teacher'
elsif self.identity == 1
user_identity = '学生'
if User.current.language == 'zh'
user_identity = '学生'
user_identity = 'Student'
elsif self.identity == 2
user_identity = '企业'
if User.current.language == 'zh'
user_identity = '企业'
user_identity = 'Enterprise'
elsif self.identity == 3
user_identity = '开发者'
if User.current.language == 'zh'
user_identity = '开发者'
user_identity = 'Developer'
user_identity = ''

View File

@ -1,9 +1,20 @@
<h3><%= l(:label_mobile_version) %></h3>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="$('#new_version').slideToggle(400); ">发布新版本</a>
<form id="new_version" style="display: none">
<%= form_tag({:controller => 'admin', :action => 'create_version'},{:id => 'new_version',:style=>'display:none'}) do %>
<p style="margin-left:60px;padding-right: 20px;">
<label for='version'><%= l(:label_version_number) %>:</label>
<%= text_field_tag 'version', params[:version],:value => @new_version.version, :size => 30,:style => "font-size:small;width:490px;margin-left:10px;" %>
<p style="margin-left:60px;padding-right: 20px;">
<label for='description'><%= l(:label_version_description)%>:</label>
<%= text_field_tag 'description', params[:description],:value => @new_version.description,:size => 30,:style => "font-size:small;width:490px;margin-left:10px;" %>
<p style="margin-left:60px;padding-right: 20px;">
<%= render :partial => 'attachments/form', :locals => {:container => @new_version} %>
<%= submit_tag l(:button_save), :class => "small", :name => nil %>
<% end %>
@ -25,7 +36,10 @@
<% end %>
<% if @versions.first.attachments.any?%>
<% options = {:author => true, :deletable => true } %>
<%= render :partial => 'attachments/links', :locals => {:attachments => @versions.first.attachments, :options => options, :is_float => true} %>
<% end %>

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<td class="info_font" style="width: 240px;" rowspan="2">
<a href="http://<%= Setting.host_course%>" style="color: #15bccf;">
<%= l(:label_courses_community)%>
<td class="location-list">

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<td class="info_font" style="width: 240px;" rowspan="2">
<a href="http://<%= Setting.host_course%>" style="color: #15bccf;">
<%= l(:label_courses_community)%>
<td class="location-list">

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
:description_placeholder => l(:label_optional_description)
} %>
<!--<input type="submit" name="" value="上传文件" class="f_l ml10" style="width:80px; height:26px;">-->
<label class="f_l ml10 c_grey">
<label class="f_l ml10 c_grey" style=" margin-top: 3px;">
<span id="upload_file_count">
<%= l(:label_no_file_uploaded)%>

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
myTips(<%= l(:label_feedback_success)%>,"success");

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
<%= form_tag({:controller => 'homework_attach', :action => 'add_jour_reply'}, :remote => true) do %>
<%= text_area_tag 'user_notes', "", :class => 'noline',
:style => "resize: none;", :rows => 4,
:placeholder => l(:label_projects_feedback_respond_content),
:placeholder => l(:label_feedback_respond_content),
:maxlength => 250 %>
<span style="float: left; margin-top: 1px; margin-right: 4px;"></span>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'reference_id', params[:reference_id], :value => %>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'reference_user_id', params[:reference_user_id], :value => %>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'reference_message_id', params[:reference_message_id], :value => %>
<%= submit_tag l(:button_projects_feedback_respond),
<%= submit_tag l(:button_feedback_respond),
:name => nil , :class => "enterprise", :style => "float: right; margin-top: 1px; margin-right: 4px;"%>
<% end %>

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
:homework_id => },
:remote => true, :confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure), :title => l(:button_delete)) %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to l(:label_projects_feedback_respond),'',
<%= link_to l(:button_reply),'',
{:focus => 'project_respond', :onclick => "toggleAndSettingWordsVal($('##{ids}'), $('##{ids} textarea'), ''); $('##{ids} textarea') ;return false;"}

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<div class="recall_con">
<% id = 'project_respond_form_'+ %>
<%= link_to, user_path(reply.user) %>
<%= l(:label_reply_to)%>
<% parent_jour = JournalsForMessage.find reply.m_reply_id %>
<% if show_name && parent_jour %>
<%= link_to, user_path(parent_jour.user) %>
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
:remote => true, :confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure), :method => 'delete', :class => "delete", :title => l(:button_delete)) %>
<% end %>
<% if reply_allow %>
<%= link_to l(:label_projects_feedback_respond),'',
<%= link_to l(:button_reply),'',
{:focus => 'project_respond', :onclick => "toggleAndSettingWordsVal($('##{id}'), $('##{id} textarea'), ''); return false;"} %>
<% end %> <!-- #{l(:label_reply_plural)} #{}: -->

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
<% ids = 'project_respond_form_'+>
<div class="ping_disfoot">
<%= link_to l(:label_projects_feedback_respond),'',
<%= link_to l(:label_newfeedback_respond),'',
{:focus => 'project_respond', :onclick => "toggleAndSettingWordsVal($('##{ids}'), $('##{ids} textarea'), ''); $('##{ids} textarea') ;return false;"}

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
<% ids = 'project_respond_form_'+>
<%= link_to l(:label_projects_feedback_respond),'',
<%= link_to l(:button_reply),'',
{:focus => 'project_respond', :onclick => "toggleAndSettingWordsVal($('##{ids}'), $('##{ids} textarea'), '#{l(:label_reply_plural)} #{}: '); $('##{ids} textarea') ;return false;"}
<% if journal.user==User.current|| User.current.admin? %>

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<td class="info_font" style="width: 240px;" rowspan="2">
<a href="http://<%= Setting.host_course%>" style="color: #15bccf;">
<%= l(:label_courses_community)%>
<td style="width: auto; color: #15bccf">

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
<td class="info_font" style="width: 240px;" rowspan="2">
<a href="http://<%= Setting.host_course%>" style="color: #15bccf;">
<%= l(:label_courses_community)%>
<td style="color: #15bccf">
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<p class="top-content-list">
<%= link_to "主页", home_path %>
<%= link_to l(:field_homepage), home_path %>
<a href="http://<%= Setting.host_course%>" class="link_other_item">
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
<td class="font_lighter_sidebar">
<%= @course.time %>
<%= @course.term %>
<%= get_course_term_locales @course %>
<!-- end -->

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
<div class="top-content">
<td class="info_font" style="width: 240px; color: #15bccf">软件项目托管社区</td>
<td class="info_font" style="width: 240px; color: #15bccf"><%= l(:label_projects_community)%></td>
<td style="width: 430px; color: #15bccf"><strong><%= l(:label_user_location) %> : </strong></td>
<td rowspan="2" width="250px">
<div class="top-content-search">

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
<td class="info_font" style="width: 240px;" rowspan="2">
<a href="http://<%= Setting.host_course%>" style="color: #15bccf;">
<%= l(:label_courses_community)%>
<td style="width: auto; color: #15bccf">

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
<div class="top-content">
<td class="info_font" style="width: 240px; color: #15bccf">软件项目托管社区</td>
<td class="info_font" style="width: 240px; color: #15bccf"><%= l(:label_projects_community)%></td>
<td style="width: 430px; color: #15bccf"><strong><%= l(:label_user_location) %> : </strong></td>
<td rowspan="2" width="250px">
<div class="top-content-search">

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<div class="top-content">
<td class="info_font" style="width: 240px; color: #15bccf">软件项目托管社区</td>
<td class="info_font" style="width: 240px; color: #15bccf"><%= l(:label_projects_community)%></td>
<td style="width: 430px; color: #15bccf"><strong><%= l(:label_user_location) %> : </strong></td>
<td rowspan="2" width="250px">
<div class="top-content-search">
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
<td style="padding-left: 8px"><%= link_to"/forums", forums_path %></td>
<td><p class="top-content-list"><%=link_to l(:label_home),home_path %> > <%=link_to '公共贴吧', :controller => 'forums', :action => 'index' %> > <%=link_to %></p></td>
<td><p class="top-content-list"><%=link_to l(:label_home),home_path %> > <%=link_to l(:label_forum), :controller => 'forums', :action => 'index' %> > <%=link_to %></p></td>

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
else {
parent.alert("<%= l(:label_firstname_lastname_empty)%>");
function get_options(value) {
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
<p style="width:400px;padding-left: 55px;"><label style="margin-right: 5px;" for="userProvince"><%= l(:label_location) %></label>
<select onchange="showcity(this.value, document.getElementById('userCity'));" name="province" id="userProvince" class="location">
<option value="">--请选择省份--</option>
<option value=""><%= l('')%></option>
<option value="北京">北京</option>
<option value="上海">上海</option>
<option value="广东">广东</option>

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<%= render :partial => 'news/news', :collection => @news %>
<div class=more><%= link_to"更多",:contoller=>'project',:action=>'index'%></div>
<div class=more><%= link_to l(:button_more),:contoller=>'project',:action=>'index'%></div>
<% end %>
<%= call_hook(:view_projects_show_right, :project => @project) %>
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
</li> <% end -%>
<% end -%>
<div class=more><%= link_to"更多",:contoller=>'project',:action=>'index'%></div>
<div class=more><%= link_to l(:button_more),:contoller=>'project',:action=>'index'%></div>

View File

@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
<%= text_area_tag 'project_respond', "",
:class => 'noline', :required => true,
:style => "resize: none;", :rows => 3,
:placeholder => l(:label_projects_feedback_respond_content),
:placeholder => l(:label_feedback_respond_content),
:maxlength => 250 %>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'reference_id', params[:reference_id], :value => %>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'reference_user_id', params[:reference_user_id], :value => %>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'reference_message_id', params[:reference_message_id], :value => %>
<%= submit_tag l(:button_projects_feedback_respond), :name => nil , :class => "enterprise"%>
<%= submit_tag l(:button_feedback_respond), :name => nil , :class => "enterprise"%>

View File

@ -2,18 +2,22 @@
@nav_dispaly_forum_label = 1 %>
<%= labelled_form_for @project do |f| %>
<div class="project_new"><%=l(:label_project_new)%><span class="description"> <%=raw l(:label_project_new_description)%></span>
<div class="project_new">
<span class="description">
<div class="box tabular" >
<p style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(237,137,36)">
<%=raw l(:label_project_new_description)%>
<%= render :partial => 'form', :locals => { :f => f } %>
<span style="padding-left: 60px">
<%= submit_tag l(:button_create), :class => "enterprise"%>
<%= submit_tag l(:button_create), :class => "enterprise"%>
<%#= submit_tag l(:button_create_and_continue), :name => 'continue' %>
<%= javascript_tag "$('#project_name').focus();" %>
<% end %>
<% html_title(l(:label_project_new)) -%>

View File

@ -21,7 +21,37 @@
<div class="scroll">
<% unless @events_pages.empty? %>
<% @events_pages.each do |e| -%>
<% act = e.forge_act;
<% if e.forge_act_type == "ProjectCreateInfo"%>
<div class="font_description">
<table width="660">
<%= image_tag(url_to_avatar(e.user), :class => "avatar") %>
<td colspan="2">
<table width="580">
<%= link_to_user(e.user)%>
<%= l(:label_project_new) %>
<%= link_to %>
<strong> !</strong>
<td class="font_lighter" >
<%= l :label_create_time %>:
<%= format_time(e.created_at) %>
<% end %>
<% next if e.forge_act_type.safe_constantize.nil?
act = e.forge_act;
next if act.nil? %>
<% if e.forge_act_type == "Issue" %>
<div class="activity-item underline-evreycontent" style="font-size: 14px;line-height:1.5em;width: 100%;word-wrap: break-word;word-break: break-all;margin-top: 10px;">

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
<div style="width: 57%;margin: 10px auto;">
<%= form_tag( search_stores_path, method: 'post') do %>
<%= text_field_tag 'name', params[:name], placeholder:'请输入要搜索的关键字', name: "name", :class => 'blueinputbar', :style => 'width:450px;'%>
<%= text_field_tag 'name', params[:name], placeholder: l(''), name: "name", :class => 'blueinputbar', :style => 'width:450px;'%>
<%= submit_tag l(:label_search), :class => "enterprise"%>
<% end %>
<div class='font_lighter' style="display: inline-block; margin-top:3px;">全站文件搜索。不会搜索私有项目中的内容。</div>
<div class='font_lighter' style="display: inline-block; margin-top:3px;"><%= l(:label_resources_search_all)%></div>

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 踩别人的帖子数量 * (-2) = <%= option_num.tread %> * (-2) = <%= option_num.tread * (-2) %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 帖子被一级会员顶的次数 * 4 = <%= option_num.praise_by_one %> * 4 = <%= option_num.praise_by_one * 4 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 帖子被二级会员顶的次数 * 6 = <%= option_num.praise_by_two %> * 6 = <%= option_num.praise_by_two * 6 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 帖子被三级会员顶的次数 * 8 = <%= option_num.praise_by_three %> * 8 = <%= option_num.praise_by_three * 8 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 帖子被一级会员踩的次数 * (-2) = <%= option_num.tread_by_one %> * (-2) = <%= option_num.tread_by_one * (-2) %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 帖子被二级会员踩的次数 * (-4) = <%= option_num.tread_by_two %> * (-4) = <%= option_num.tread_by_two * (-4) %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 帖子被三级会员踩的次数 * (-6) = <%= option_num.tread_by_three %> * (-6) = <%= option_num.tread_by_three * (-6) %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 技术得分 = <%= option_num.tread * (-2) %> + <%= option_num.praise_by_one * 4 %> + <%= option_num.praise_by_two * 6 %> + <%= option_num.praise_by_three * 8 %> + (<%= option_num.tread_by_one * (-2) %>) + ( <%= option_num.tread_by_two * (-4) %>) + (<%= option_num.tread_by_three * (-6) %>) = <%= skill(option_num) %> </div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <%= l('userscore.skill.tramples')%> * (-2) = <%= option_num.tread %> * (-2) = <%= option_num.tread * (-2) %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <%= l('')%> * 4 = <%= option_num.praise_by_one %> * 4 = <%= option_num.praise_by_one * 4 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <%= l('')%> * 6 = <%= option_num.praise_by_two %> * 6 = <%= option_num.praise_by_two * 6 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <%= l('')%> * 8 = <%= option_num.praise_by_three %> * 8 = <%= option_num.praise_by_three * 8 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <%= l('userscore.skill.dislike.level1')%> * (-2) = <%= option_num.tread_by_one %> * (-2) = <%= option_num.tread_by_one * (-2) %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <%= l('userscore.skill.dislike.level2')%> * (-4) = <%= option_num.tread_by_two %> * (-4) = <%= option_num.tread_by_two * (-4) %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <%= l('userscore.skill.dislike.level3')%> * (-6) = <%= option_num.tread_by_three %> * (-6) = <%= option_num.tread_by_three * (-6) %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <%= l(:label_user_score_of_skill)%> = <%= option_num.tread * (-2) %> + <%= option_num.praise_by_one * 4 %> + <%= option_num.praise_by_two * 6 %> + <%= option_num.praise_by_three * 8 %> + (<%= option_num.tread_by_one * (-2) %>) + ( <%= option_num.tread_by_two * (-4) %>) + (<%= option_num.tread_by_three * (-6) %>) = <%= skill(option_num) %> </div>

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
<span style="float: right; padding-left: 8px">
<%= l(:label_course_term) %>
: <%= @course.time %><%= @course.term %>
: <%= @course.time %><%= get_course_term_locales @course %>
<% end %>

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
<div class="menu">
<%= link_to "#{l(:label_course_new)}", new_course_path, class: 'icon icon-add' if @user == User.current %>
<li mode='doing' class="on">进行中</li>
<li mode='end'>已完结</li>
<li mode='doing' class="on"><%= l('')%></li>
<li mode='end'><%= l('')%></li>

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
<div class="menu">
<%= link_to "#{l(:label_course_new)}", new_course_path, class: 'icon icon-add' if user == User.current %>
<li mode='doing' class="on">进行中</li>
<li mode='end'>已完结</li>
<li mode='doing' class="on"><%= l('')%></li>
<li mode='end'><%= l('')%></li>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 提交代码次数 * 4 = <%= option_num.changeset %> * 4 = <%= option_num.changeset * 4 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 提交文档次数 * 4 = <%= option_num.document %> * 4 = <%= option_num.document * 4 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 提交附件次数 * 4 = <%= option_num.attachment %> * 4 = <%= option_num.attachment * 4 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 更新缺陷完成度次数 * 2 = <%= option_num.issue_done_ratio %> * 2 = <%= option_num.issue_done_ratio * 2 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 发布缺陷数量 * 4 = <%= option_num.post_issue %> * 4 = <%= option_num.post_issue * 4 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 项目贡献得分 = <%= option_num.changeset * 4 %> + <%= option_num.document * 4 %> + <%= option_num.attachment * 4 %> + <%= option_num.issue_done_ratio * 2 %> + <%= option_num.post_issue * 4 %> = <%= active(option_num) %> </div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <%= l('')%> * 4 = <%= option_num.changeset %> * 4 = <%= option_num.changeset * 4 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <%= l('')%> * 4 = <%= option_num.document %> * 4 = <%= option_num.document * 4 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <%= l('')%> * 4 = <%= option_num.attachment %> * 4 = <%= option_num.attachment * 4 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <%= l('')%> * 2 = <%= option_num.issue_done_ratio %> * 2 = <%= option_num.issue_done_ratio * 2 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <%= l('')%> * 4 = <%= option_num.post_issue %> * 4 = <%= option_num.post_issue * 4 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <%= l(:label_user_score_of_active)%> = <%= option_num.changeset * 4 %> + <%= option_num.document * 4 %> + <%= option_num.attachment * 4 %> + <%= option_num.issue_done_ratio * 2 %> + <%= option_num.post_issue * 4 %> = <%= active(option_num) %> </div>

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 被关注人数 * 2 = <%= option_num.follow %> * 2 = <%= option_num.follow * 2 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 影响力得分 = <%= option_num.follow * 2 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <%= l('userscore.influence.followers')%> * 2 = <%= option_num.follow %> * 2 = <%= option_num.follow * 2 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <%= l(:label_user_score_of_influence)%> = <%= option_num.follow * 2 %></div>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 发帖数量 * 2 = <%= option_num.memo %> * 2 = <%= option_num.memo * 2 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 对缺陷留言数量 * 1 = <%= option_num.messages_for_issues %> * 1 = <%= option_num.messages_for_issues * 1 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 更改缺陷状态次数 * 1 = <%= option_num.issues_status %> * 1= <%= option_num.issues_status * 1 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 对留言的回复数量 * 1 = <%= option_num.replay_for_message %> * 1 = <%= option_num.replay_for_message * 1 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 对帖子的回复数量 * 1 = <%= option_num.replay_for_memo %> * 1 = <%= option_num.replay_for_memo * 1 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 协同得分 = <%= option_num.memo * 2 %> + <%= option_num.messages_for_issues * 1 %> + <%= option_num.issues_status * 1 %> + <%= option_num.replay_for_message * 1 %> + <%= option_num.replay_for_memo * 1 %> = <%= collaboration(option_num) %>  </div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <%= l('userscore.collaboration.memos')%> * 2 = <%= option_num.memo %> * 2 = <%= option_num.memo * 2 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <%= l('userscore.collaboration.message_for_issues')%> * 1 = <%= option_num.messages_for_issues %> * 1 = <%= option_num.messages_for_issues * 1 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <%= l('userscore.collaboration.issue_status')%> * 1 = <%= option_num.issues_status %> * 1= <%= option_num.issues_status * 1 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <%= l('userscore.collaboration.reply_for_messages')%> * 1 = <%= option_num.replay_for_message %> * 1 = <%= option_num.replay_for_message * 1 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <%= l('userscore.collaboration.reply_for_memos')%> * 1 = <%= option_num.replay_for_memo %> * 1 = <%= option_num.replay_for_memo * 1 %></div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <%= l(:label_user_score_of_collaboration)%> = <%= option_num.memo * 2 %> + <%= option_num.messages_for_issues * 1 %> + <%= option_num.issues_status * 1 %> + <%= option_num.replay_for_message * 1 %> + <%= option_num.replay_for_memo * 1 %> = <%= collaboration(option_num) %>  </div>

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<div class="menu-div">
<div class="menu">
<span style="color: #000; font-weight: bold;">
<%= l(:label_user_activity, :value => %>
<%= l(:label_user_activities, :name => %>
<li mode='all' class="<%= "on" if @state.eql?(0) %>">
@ -63,16 +63,37 @@
<%= link_to("#{l(:label_i)}", user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<% if User.current.language == "zh" %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_i_have_feedback) %>
<%= link_to("#{}", user_path( %>
<%= l(:label_of_feedback) + l(:label_layouts_feedback) %>
<% else %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_i_have_feedback) %>
<%= l(:label_layouts_feedback) + l(:label_of_feedback) %>
<%= link_to("#{}", user_path( %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to("#{}", user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<% end %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<% if User.current.language == "zh" %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_have_feedback) %>
<%= link_to("#{}", user_path( %>
<%= l(:label_of_feedback) + l(:label_layouts_feedback) %>
<% else %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_have_feedback) %>
<%= l(:label_layouts_feedback) + l(:label_of_feedback) %>
<%= link_to("#{}", user_path( %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
@ -91,7 +112,7 @@
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ': ' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px"></div>
@ -155,7 +176,7 @@
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ': ' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<!--<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px">-->
@ -216,7 +237,7 @@
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ': ' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px"></div>
@ -333,7 +354,7 @@
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ': ' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px"></div>
@ -372,7 +393,7 @@
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ': ' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px"></div>
@ -417,7 +438,7 @@
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ': ' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px">
@ -457,7 +478,7 @@
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ': ' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px">
@ -493,7 +514,7 @@
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ': ' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px">
@ -548,7 +569,7 @@
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ': ' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
@ -569,7 +590,7 @@
<% else %> <!-- < %# unless @activity.empty? %> -->
<% if @user == User.current %>
<%= l(:label_user_activities) %>
<%= l(:label_user_activities_no) %>
<% else %>
<p class="font_description">
<%= l(:label_user_activities_other) %>
@ -596,7 +617,7 @@
<% elsif e.jour_type == 'User' %>
<%= l(:label_in_users) %><%= link_to(e.jour.firstname, feedback_path(e.jour)) %>&nbsp;<%= l(:label_quote_my_words) %>
<% elsif e.jour_type == 'Project' %>
<%= '在'<<l(:field_project) %><%= link_to(, feedback_path(e.jour)) %>&nbsp;<%= l(:label_reply_plural) %>
<%= l(:label_in_projects) %><%= link_to(, feedback_path(e.jour)) %>&nbsp;<%= l(:label_reply_plural) %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<%= l(:label_about_requirement) %><%= link_to(, respond_path(e.jour_id)) %>&nbsp;<%= l(:label_have_respond) %>

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<table width="580" border="0">
<td colspan="2" valign="top"><strong> <%= link_to_user(membership.user) if membership.respond_to?(:user) %></strong>
<span class="font_lighter"> <%= l(:label_peoject_take_in) %></span> <%= link_to_project(membership.project) %></td>
<span class="font_lighter"> <%= l(:label_project_take_in) %></span> <%= link_to_project(membership.project) %></td>
<td colspan="2" width="580" style="word-break:break-all;word-wrap: break-word;">

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
<div >
<%= form_tag( search_stores_path, method: 'post') do %>
<%= text_field_tag 'name', params[:name], placeholder:'请输入要搜索的关键字', name: "name", :class => 'blueinputbar', :style => 'width:300px;'%>
<%= text_field_tag 'name', params[:name], placeholder: l(''), name: "name", :class => 'blueinputbar', :style => 'width:300px;'%>
<%= submit_tag l(:label_search), :class => "enterprise"%>
<% end %>
<div class='font_lighter' style="margin: 0; padding: 0; margin-top: 4px;">全站文件搜索。不会搜索私有项目中的内容。</div>
<div class='font_lighter' style="margin: 0; padding: 0; margin-top: 4px;"><%= l(:label_resources_search_all)%></div>

View File

@ -133,7 +133,24 @@
<div class="welcome_left" id="welcome_left">
<% unless @contest_page.nil? %>
<span class="font_welcome_trustie"><%= @contest_page.title %></span> <span class="font_welcome_tdescription">, <%= @contest_page.description %></span>
<span class="font_welcome_trustie">
edit by meng
<%= @contest_page.title %>
<%= l(:label_welcome_trustie_contest) %>
<span class="font_welcome_tdescription">,
edit by meng
<%= @contest_page.description %>
<%= l(:label_welcome_trustie_contest_description) %>
<% end %>

View File

@ -56,12 +56,24 @@
<% unless @course_page.nil? %>
<span class="font_welcome_trustie">
<%= @course_page.title %>
edit by meng
<%= @course_page.title %>
<%= l(:label_welcome_trustie_course) %>
<% if @school_id.nil? and (User.current.user_extensions.nil? || %>
<span class="font_welcome_tdescription">,
<%= @course_page.description %>
edit by meng
<%= @course_page.description %>
<%= l(:label_welcome_trustie_course_description) %>
<% else %>
<% if @school_id == "0" %>

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<% id = 'project_respond_form_'>
<% if reply_allow %>
<%= link_to l(:label_projects_feedback_respond),'#',
<%= link_to l(:button_reply),'#',
{:focus => 'project_respond',
:onclick => "toggleAndSettingWordsVal($('##{id}'),
$('##{id} textarea'),

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<div class="recall_con">
<% id = 'project_respond_form_'+ %>
<%= link_to, user_path(reply.user) %>
<%= l(:label_reply_to)%>
<% if show_name %>
<%= link_to, user_path(parent_jour.user) %>
<% else %>
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
:remote => true, :confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure), :method => 'delete', :class => "delete", :title => l(:button_delete)) %>
<% end %>
<% if reply_allow %>
<%= link_to l(:label_projects_feedback_respond),'',
<%= link_to l(:button_reply),'',
{:focus => 'project_respond', :onclick => "toggleAndSettingWordsVal($('##{id}'), $('##{id} textarea'), ''); return false;"} %>
<% end %> <!-- #{l(:label_reply_plural)} #{}: -->

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ function checkMaxLength() {
<% ids = 'project_respond_form_'+>
<% if reply_allow %>
<%= link_to l(:label_projects_feedback_respond),'',
<%= link_to l(:button_reply),'',
{:focus => 'project_respond', :onclick => "toggleAndSettingWordsVal($('##{ids}'), $('##{ids} textarea'), '#{l(:label_reply_plural)} #{}: '); $('##{ids} textarea') ;return false;"}
<% end %>

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
<%= form_tag(words_create_reply_path, :remote => true) do %>
<%= text_area_tag 'user_notes', "", :class => 'noline',
:style => "resize: none;", :rows => 4,
:placeholder => l(:label_projects_feedback_respond_content),
:placeholder => l(:label_feedback_respond_content),
:maxlength => 250 %>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'reference_id', params[:reference_id], :value => %>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'reference_user_id', params[:reference_user_id], :value => %>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'reference_message_id', params[:reference_message_id], :value => %>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'show_name',params[:show_name],:value => show_name.nil? ? true : show_name %>
<%= submit_tag l(:button_projects_feedback_respond), :name => nil ,
<%= submit_tag l(:button_feedback_respond), :name => nil ,
:class => "enterprise",
:style => "float: right; margin-top: 1px; margin-right: 4px;"%>

View File

@ -155,12 +155,20 @@ en:
actionview_instancetag_blank_option: Please select
# Trustie公共标签
label_user: User
label_project: Project
label_issue: Issue
label_requirement: Calls
label_forum: Forum
label_contest: Contest
label_issue_plural: Issues Tracking
label_project_plural: Projects
@ -172,6 +180,14 @@ en:
label_loading: Loading...
label_create_time: Created time
label_update_time: Update time
label_reply: Reply
label_anonymous: Anonymous #作业和留言 模块
text_are_you_sure: Are you sure? #js 提示
# Trustie按钮类
@ -186,7 +202,11 @@ en:
button_project_tags_add: Add
label_more: More
button_download: Download
button_delete: Delete
# Trustie上传头像模块
@ -194,7 +214,6 @@ en:
button_upload_photo: Upload photo
button_delete_file: delete
text_are_you_sure: Are you sure?
error_attachment_too_big: "This file cannot be uploaded because it exceeds the maximum allowed file size (%{max_size})"
error_pic_type: "Only supports the following image formats:"
@ -251,14 +270,86 @@ en:
sharer: "Sharer"
upload_time: "Upload time:"
# 项目托管平台主页
# 用户动态栏
lable_user_active: Recent Activities
published: released
uploaded: uploaded
updated: updated
unknow: unknown content
field_user_active_news: ' news'
field_user_active_issue: ' issue'
field_user_active_attachment: ' attachment'
field_user_active_message: ' message'
field_user_active_reply: ' reply'
field_user_active_bid: ' work'
field_user_active_memo: ' memo'
field_user_active_document: ' document'
field_user_active_changeset: ' repository'
field_user_active_issue_note: ' issue-note'
field_updated_on: Updated on
field_time_ago: ago
field_active_reply: "Reply("
# 用户动态中event.title和event.description
# 通过act_as_event方法的option配置
# "#{} ##{} (#{o.status}): #{o.subject}"
# "缺陷 #1869 (已解决):subject"
# tracker.name和status在数据库中以中文字段形式存储
# 项目托管平台主页 > 贴吧动态栏
lable_bar_active: Question&Feedback
label_my_question: My-question
label_my_feedback: My-feedback
label_updated_time: "Updated %{value} ago"
label_question_sponsor: Sponsor
label_final_reply: Last-reply
# Trustie
# 新闻
label_news: 新闻
# Trustie
# 日志
label_log_detail: "日志详情"
label_log_delete_log: "删除日志"
label_log_access_analysis: "访问统计"
label_log_time_analysis: "耗时分析"
label_log_refresh: "刷新"
label_log_key: "关键字:"
label_log_time: "时间:"
label_log_delete_confirm: "确认清除该天日志内容?"
label_log_access_count: "访问次数"
label_log_url: "URL路径"
label_log_ip: "访问IP"
label_log_access_time: "访问时间"
label_log_access_controller_action: "模块路径"
label_log_response_time: "响应时间"
label_log_views_time: "页面渲染时间"
label_log_views_time_percent: "页面渲染时间百分比"
label_log_active_record_time: "AR响应时间"
label_log_active_record_time_percent: "AR响应时间百分比"
first: "&laquo; 首页"
last: "末页 &raquo;"
previous: "&laquo; 上一页"
next: "下一页 &raquo;"
truncate: "..."

View File

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ zh:
gb: "GB"
tb: "TB"
# Used in array.to_sentence.
# Used in array.to_sentence.
sentence_connector: "和"
@ -167,17 +167,33 @@ zh:
actionview_instancetag_blank_option: 请选择
# Trustie公共标签
label_user: 用户
label_project: 项目
label_issue: 问题
label_requirement: 需求
label_forum: 公共贴吧
label_contest: 竞赛
field_description: 描述
label_loading: 载入中...
label_create_time: 创建时间
label_update_time: 更新时间
label_reply: 回复
label_anonymous: 匿名 #作业和留言 模块
text_are_you_sure: 您确定要删除吗? #js 提示
# Trustie按钮类
@ -191,7 +207,10 @@ zh:
button_project_tags_add: 增加
label_more: 更多>>
button_download: 下载
button_more: 更多
button_delete: 删除
# Trustie上传头像模块
@ -199,7 +218,6 @@ zh:
button_upload_photo: 上传图片
button_delete_file: 删除
text_are_you_sure: 您确定要删除吗?
error_attachment_too_big: 该文件无法上传。超过文件大小限制 (%{max_size})
error_pic_type: "仅支持如下图片格式:"
@ -263,5 +281,91 @@ zh:
sharer: "共享者:"
upload_time: "上传时间:"
# 项目托管平台主页
# 用户动态栏
lable_user_active: 用户动态
published: 发表了
uploaded: 上传了
updated: 更新了
unknow: 未知内容
field_user_active_news: 新闻
field_user_active_issue: 问题
field_user_active_attachment: 附件
field_user_active_message: 主题
field_user_active_reply: 回复
field_user_active_bid: 作业
field_user_active_memo: 主题
field_user_active_document: 文件
field_user_active_changeset: 版本库
field_user_active_issue_note: 问题说明
field_updated_on: 更新于
field_active_reply: "回复("
# 项目托管平台主页
# 贴吧动态栏
lable_bar_active: 问题和反馈动态
label_my_question: 我要提问
label_my_feedback: 我要反馈
label_updated_time: " 更新于 %{value} 之前"
label_question_sponsor: 楼主
label_final_reply: 最后回复
# 评论
label_find_all_comments: 查看所有评论
label_comments_count: (%{count}条评论)
# 新闻
label_news: 新闻
# 日志
label_log_detail: "日志详情"
label_log_delete_log: "删除日志"
label_log_access_analysis: "访问统计"
label_log_time_analysis: "耗时分析"
label_log_refresh: "刷新"
label_log_key: "关键字:"
label_log_time: "时间:"
label_log_delete_confirm: "确认清除该天日志内容?"
label_log_access_count: "访问次数"
label_log_url: "URL路径"
label_log_ip: "访问IP"
label_log_access_time: "访问时间"
label_log_access_controller_action: "模块路径"
label_log_response_time: "响应时间"
label_log_views_time: "页面渲染时间"
label_log_views_time_percent: "页面渲染时间百分比"
label_log_active_record_time: "AR响应时间"
label_log_active_record_time_percent: "AR响应时间百分比"
first: "&laquo; 首页"
last: "末页 &raquo;"
previous: "&laquo; 上一页"
next: "下一页 &raquo;"
truncate: "..."

View File

@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
# Text direction: Left-to-Right (ltr) or Right-to-Left (rtl)
direction: ltr
# 托管平台主页 > 底部承办单位
label_hosted_by: Organizer
label_hosted_by: National Key Laboratory for Parallel and Distributed Processing, NUDT
label_sponsor: Department of Computer Science and Technology, NUDT
label_co_organizer_NUDT: College of Computer, NUDT
label_co_organizer_EECS: Institute of Software, EECS
label_co_organizer_BHU: Beihang University School of Computer Science & Engineering
label_co_organizer_CAS: Institute of Software, CAS
label_co_organizer_InforS: InforSuite
label_rights_reserved: ©2007~2014
label_contact_us: Contact
# 英文版不需要显示国内许可证 ,需要页面做判断
# label_license: 湘ICP备09019772

View File

@ -1,4 +1,62 @@
# Text direction: Left-to-Right (ltr) or Right-to-Left (rtl)
direction: ltr
# 课程托管平台
# 课程公共标签
label_course_join_student: 加入课程
label_course_new: 新建课程
label_homework: 课程作业
label_course_news: 课程通知
label_main_teacher: 主讲教师
label_course_term: 开课学期
label_join_course: 加入
label_exit_course: 退出
label_exit_course: exit course
# 课程托管平台主页
# 热门课程栏
label_school_no_course: The school did not offer any courses, you can view other school curriculum
label_school_less_course: The school offers courses in less, you can view other school curriculum
# 课程托管平台
# 新建课程
lable_input_class: Type in class period here
# 教师权限课程关闭和重启
label_course_closed: Close
label_course_reload: Reopen
label_course_closed_tips: "Are you sure you want to reopen the course?"
# end
# 课程排序
label_sort_by_time: sorted by time
label_sort_by_active: sorted by active
label_sort_by_influence: sorted by influence
label_sort_by_activity: Sort by activities
# end
# 课程托管平台
# 课程资源上传
label_file_upload: Resource files
label_file_upload_error_messages: "Upload error, please check your network environment, and refresh the page to upload."
button_confirm: Confirm

View File

@ -5,6 +5,62 @@ zh:
# Text direction: Left-to-Right (ltr) or Right-to-Left (rtl)
direction: ltr
# 课程托管平台
# 课程公共标签
label_course_join_student: 加入课程
label_course_new: 新建课程
label_homework: 课程作业
label_course_news: 课程通知
label_main_teacher: 主讲教师
label_course_term: 开课学期
label_join_course: 加入
label_exit_course: 退出
# 课程托管平台主页
# 热门课程栏
label_school_no_course: 该学校本学期未开设任何课程,您可以查看其他学校课程
label_school_less_course: 该学校本学期开设课程较少,您也可以查看其他学校课程
# 课程托管平台
# 新建课程
lable_input_class: 在此输入课时
# 教师权限课程关闭和重启
label_course_closed: 关闭
label_course_reload: 重开
label_course_closed_tips: "确定要%{desc}课程?"
# end
# 课程排序
label_sort_by_time: 按时间排序
label_sort_by_active: 按活跃度排序
label_sort_by_influence: 按影响力排序
label_sort_by_activity: 按动态数排序
# end

View File

@ -102,7 +102,6 @@ en:
field_user: User
field_principal: Principal
field_role: Role
field_homepage: Homepage
field_parent: Subproject of
field_is_in_roadmap: Issues displayed in roadmap
field_admin: Administrator
@ -354,7 +353,7 @@ en:
label_user_for_project_grade: Score
label_relation_files: Select an existing resource
# Personal signature tips
label_my_brief_introduction: How are feeling today? Leave your footprints ~
# create course and course info
@ -378,7 +377,7 @@ en:
label_student_score: Student's score
label_without_score: No evaluated
label_homework_description: Description
label_responses: Messages
lable_has_commit_homework: You have submitted your work
label_user_create_project_homework: created the task
label_commit_limit: Expired but can submit your work
@ -395,10 +394,9 @@ en:
label_user_plural: Users
label_user_new: New user
label_user_anonymous: Anonymous
label_activity_project: 'Project: ' #added by bai
label_user_activity: "%{value}'s activities"
label_project_plural: Projects
label_project_deposit: Projects
label_first_page_made: Homepage customization
label_project_first_page: Project hosting platform page
label_course_first_page: Practice teaching platform of home page
@ -471,17 +469,16 @@ en:
label_my_projects: My projects
label_my_page_block: My page block
label_administration: Administration
label_login: Login
# end
label_help: Help
label_last_login: Last connection
label_registered_on: Registered on
label_activity: Activities
label_overall_activity: Overall activity
label_user_activity: "%{value}'s activity"
label_new: New
label_new_user: registered a new account
label_logged_as: Logged in as
label_environment: Environment
label_authentication: Authentication
@ -714,7 +711,7 @@ en:
label_message_last: Last message
label_message_new: New message
label_message_posted: Message added
label_reply_plural: Replies
label_send_information: Send account information to the user
label_year: Year
label_month: Month
@ -826,7 +823,7 @@ en:
button_uncheck_all: Uncheck all
button_collapse_all: Collapse all
button_expand_all: Expand all
button_delete: Delete
button_create_and_continue: Create and continue
button_test: Test
button_edit: Edit
@ -1030,26 +1027,14 @@ en:
label_file_new: Download
label_user_edit: "Edit information"
label_my_course: "My Course"
label_user_info: "User information" #huang 添加
label_user_watcher: "Followers" # huang添加的 # modified by bai
label_user_fans: "Followed by" # modified by bai
# modify by men
zero: fan
one: fan
other: fans
label_user_commits: "Code commits"
label_user_watchered: "Followed by" # huang添加的
label_user_newfeedback: "Messages" ## huang添加的 # modified by bai
label_user_login: "Last login:"
label_user_mail: "E-mail:"
label_user_joinin: "Join date:"
label_user_activities: "You have no activities,come and join us!"
label_user_activities_other: The user has no activities now
label_project_overview: "Overview"
label_project_tool: "Tool"
label_project_issues: "Issues"
@ -1069,21 +1054,21 @@ en:
label_unapply_project: Unsubscribe
button_leave_meassge: Submit
button_clear_meassge: Reset
label_leave_message_to: leave %{name} a message
label_leave_message: Message content
label_message: message board
field_add: Add before %{time}
button_more: More
label_user_response: Feedback # modified by bai
label_bidding_project: projects
button_bidding: I will participate in it
label_new_call: New call
label_user_information: My informations
#Customer addedAdded by nie
label_create_time: Created time
label_current_contributors: current contributors
#modify by men
@ -1112,10 +1097,7 @@ en:
label_member_since: joined
label_contribute_to: Participates %{project_count} projects
#modify by men
zero: Participates %{count} project
one: Participates %{count} project
other: Participates %{count} projects
label_total_commit: Totally %{total_commit} commits # modified by bai
#modify by men
@ -1170,11 +1152,11 @@ en:
label_leave_me_message: left a message to me
label_leave_others_message: leave message to him/her
label_leave_a_message: Leave him/her a message
label_leave_your_message: Leave a message to you
label_new_activities: ' has a new activity in' # modified by bai
label_new_activity: ' has a new activity in'
label_i_new_activity: ' have a new activity in'
label_create_project: had participated in
label_praise: praise
label_cancel_praise: cancel praise
@ -1199,19 +1181,19 @@ en:
label_me: me
label_my: my
label_i: I
label_join_bidding: joined the bidding
label_bidding_user: Bidding user
label_bidding_reason: Bidding reason
label_username: username
label_password: password
label_about_requirement: about requirement
label_about_issue: about issue
label_quote_my_words: ' quoted my words'
label_have_respond: had a respond
label_welcome: Welcome
label_goto: Go to>>
label_join: join Trustie
label_repository_new: link to existing SVN repository
label_repository_path: path of repository
@ -1223,7 +1205,7 @@ en:
label_exist_repository_path: Define exist repository's path of URL and format must be file:///, http://, https://, svn://
label_project_no_activity: The project has no activities now
label_follow_no_requirement: You don't have followed any requirements
label_no_user_respond_you: There is no respond for you
label_all_revisions: All revisions
label_repository_name: Repository name
@ -1242,7 +1224,6 @@ en:
label_no_current_watchers: The user hasn't watched others
label_project_tool_response: Response
label_course_feedback: Feedback
label_active_call: call
label_boy: Man
@ -1280,16 +1261,13 @@ en:
label_bids_new_money: input the award money,such as 500,2.5 etc.
label_bids_new_credit: input the work corresponding course credits,such as 3,2.5 etc.
label_bids_new_content: input the award content,such as certificate,things etc.
label_user_login_tips: You havn't logged in,for leaving message please login first
label_user_login_new: login
label_project_sort: the way of sorting
#modified by bai
label_sort_by_time: sorted by time
label_sort_by_active: sorted by active
label_sort_by_influence: sorted by influence
label_bids_published: published
label_bids_published_ago: ago
# label_welcome_trustie: Trustie
# label_welcome_trustie_project: Online projects hosting platform
# label_welcome_trustie_course: Online Courses practice platform
@ -1298,15 +1276,12 @@ en:
# label_welcome_trustie_course_description: Teachers and Students for Chinese universities to provide social-oriented curriculum management, resource sharing, cooperation achieved, collaborative research.
# label_welcome_trustie_contest_description: Software for Chinese college students and practitioners to provide social-oriented contest management, code hosting, resource sharing, cooperation and exchange.
# label_welcome_trustie_description: a socialized collaboration platform for project management, collaborative research, software development and software crowdsourcing for creative university students and entrepreneurs.
label_bid_respond_quote: Respond
label_bid_if_agreement: If you like me, please press me #bai
label_bid_respond_delete: Delete
label_newfeedback_message: messages
label_newfeedback_quote: Respond
label_newfeedback_delete: Delete
label_layouts_feedback: Messages
label_have_feedback: Have
label_of_feedback: Of
label_welcome_participate: participates
#modify by men
@ -1316,25 +1291,20 @@ en:
label_welcome_participate_project: projects
label_projects_feedback: responded to the project
label_projects_feedback_respond: Respond
label_projects_feedback_respond_success: Respond success
button_projects_feedback_respond: Respond
label_projects_feedback_respond_content: Please input your words
label_in_issues: in the issue
label_in_bids: in the call
label_in_users: in the user
label_user_create_project: has created
#added by bai
label_identity: Identity
label_teacher: Teacher
label_student: Student
label_school_all: Schools
label_school_not_fount: Not found by your input query condition.
label_other: Other
label_location: Location
label_course: Course
label_course_new: New course
@ -1360,18 +1330,15 @@ en:
one: teachers
other: teachers
#add by men
label_brief_introduction: Personality words
label_technical_title: Title
label_technicl_title_professor: Professor
label_technicl_title_associate_professor: Associate professor
label_technicl_title_lecturer: Lecturer
label_technicl_title_teaching_assistant: Teaching assistant
label_enter_college: College Entrance
lable_enter_enterprise: Enterprise Entrance
label_homework_info: Status
label_question_student: Feedback
label_student_response: Feedback
label_my_question: Please raise your questions here
# label_my_question: Please raise your questions here
label_teacher_homework: "Teacher's name"
label_course_homework: Corresponding courses
@ -1395,7 +1362,7 @@ en:
text_command: The password is required when applying a course, and it will be released by the teacher of.
label_enterprise_into: Enterprise Entrance
label_college_into: College Entrance
label_user_course: Courses
label_new_course: Courses
field_tea_name: Teacher
label_course_college: College
@ -1436,7 +1403,7 @@ en:
label_teacher_work_unit: Position
label_course_overview: Status
label_course_file: File
label_stores_index: Resource search
label_course_news: News
label_contest_userresponse: Userresponse
@ -1450,7 +1417,7 @@ en:
label_bids_task_list: Tasks list
label_join_course: join course
label_exit_course: exit course
label_new_join: Join
label_new_join_order: Please input the course order.
label_homeworks_form_new_description: Release a task,the submit form of the task may be accessory or project,setting in the task form.
@ -1468,14 +1435,11 @@ en:
label_assign_homework: assigned homewok
label_noawards: No awards
label_requirement_enterprise: Requirements
label_requirement_enterprise_list: Requirements List
label_contest_innovate: Competition community
label_software_user: Users
label_course_practice: Courses
label_course_all: Teacher
label_teacher_all: Student
label_user_home: User Space
field_hidden_repo: code protected
label_newbie_faq: newbie FAQ
@ -1512,209 +1476,22 @@ en:
label_release_time: Release-time
label_question_sponsor: Sponsor
label_final_reply: Final-reply
label_reply: Reply
label_weixin: WeiXin
# Trustie个人主页
# Trustie个人主页>
# 动态栏
label_user_activity: "%{name} Activities"
label_user_all_activity: All activities
label_user_activity_myself: About me
label_user_all_respond: All replies
# 项目栏
label_project_unadd: "No project, go to creat it!"
label_project_un: "You haven't joined any project yet!"
label_has_watched_project: The projects of attention
label_project_take: The projects of participation
# 托管平台主页
# edit by meng
# 托管平台主页> 顶部菜单
field_homepage: Homepage
label_project_deposit: Projects
label_course_practice: Courses
label_forum_all: Forums
# label_school_all: Schools
label_contest_innovate: Competition community
label_software_user: Users
label_requirement_enterprise: Requirements
label_stores_index: Resource search
# 托管平台主页 > 搜索提示信息
information: "Please input the keywords!" # 搜索提示信息
select: # 下拉列表
project: project
course: course
user: user
nickname: nickname
showname: name
email: email
# 托管平台主页 > 下方托管平台链接
label_projects_management_platform: Projects-platform
label_courses_management_platform: Courses-platform
label_contests_management_platform: Competitions-platform
# 托管平台主页 > 底部承办单位
label_hosted_by: Organizer
label_hosted_by: National Key Laboratory for Parallel and Distributed Processing, NUDT
label_sponsor: Department of Computer Science and Technology, NUDT
label_co_organizer_NUDT: College of Computer, NUDT
label_co_organizer_EECS: Institute of Software, EECS
label_co_organizer_BHU: Beihang University School of Computer Science & Engineering
label_co_organizer_CAS: Institute of Software, CAS
label_co_organizer_InforS: InforSuite
label_rights_reserved: ©2007~2014
label_contact_us: Contact
# 英文版不需要显示国内许可证 ,需要页面做判断
# label_license: 湘ICP备09019772
# 项目托管平台
# 项目托管平台主页 > 主旨
label_welcome_trustie_project: Trustie online projects hosting platform
label_welcome_trustie_project_description: "Software for Chinese college students and practitioners to provide social-oriented project management, code hosting, resource sharing, cooperation and exchange."
# 项目托管平台主页 > 热门项目栏
lable_hot_projects: Hot Projects
label_project_new: New project
label_join_project: Join a project
label_private: private
label_project_member_amount: "%{count} members"
label_project_score_tips: "Considering all activities of the project, project's score reflects the activity level of project"
label_project_score: Score
# 项目托管平台主页 > 用户动态栏
lable_user_active: Recent Activities
published: released
uploaded: uploaded
updated: updated
unknow: Unknown content
field_user_active_news: ' news'
field_user_active_issue: ' issue'
field_user_active_attachment: ' attachment'
field_user_active_message: ' message'
field_user_active_reply: ' reply'
field_user_active_bid: ' work'
field_user_active_memo: ' memo'
field_user_active_document: ' document'
field_user_active_changeset: ' repository'
field_user_active_issue_note: ' issue-note'
field_updated_on: Updated on
field_time_ago: ago
field_active_reply: "Reply("
# 用户动态中event.title和event.description
# 通过act_as_event方法的option配置
# "#{} ##{} (#{o.status}): #{o.subject}"
# "缺陷 #1869 (已解决):subject"
# tracker.name和status在数据库中以中文字段形式存储
# 项目托管平台主页 > 贴吧动态栏
lable_bar_active: Recent Posts
label_my_question: My-question
label_my_feedback: My-feedback
label_updated_time: "Updated %{value} ago"
label_question_sponsor: Sponsor
label_final_reply: Last-reply
# 项目托管平台 > 新建项目
label_project_new_description: "A project can be used to do anything that requires distributed collaboration."
field_name: Name
field_description: Description
field_identifier: Identifier
text_length_between: "Length between %{min} and %{max} characters."
text_project_identifier_info: "Only lower case letters (a-z), numbers, dashes and underscores are allowed, must start with a lower case letter.<br />Once saved, the identifier cannot be changed."
field_is_public: Public
field_hidden_repo: code protected
button_create: Create
# 项目托管平台 > 加入项目
title: 快速进入项目通道
description: "只要持有项目的ID就可快速申请加入所在项目。项目页面搜索不到的私有项目只能从此通道进入哦"
label: "Project ID:"
tips: "Project ID is the number within the project's url"
# 公共
label_apply_project: Apply Project
# 课程托管平台主页
# 课程托管平台主页 > 主旨
label_welcome_trustie_course: Trustie online courses practice platform
label_welcome_trustie_course_description: Teachers and Students for Chinese universities to provide social-oriented curriculum management, resource sharing, cooperation achieved, collaborative research.
# 课程托管平台主页 >
# 竞赛托管平台主页
# 竞赛托管平台主页 > 主旨
label_welcome_trustie_contest: Trustie online contests practice platform
label_welcome_trustie_contest_description: Software for Chinese college students and practitioners to provide social-oriented contest management, code hosting, resource sharing, cooperation and exchange.
# 竞赛托管平台主页 >
# edit by meng
# emailer translation
mail_issue_greetings: "Dear user , Greetings from Trustie"
mail_issue_footer: "Unsubscribe this message?"
mail_issue_title_userin: "in"
mail_issue_title_active: "has a new activity which relevants to you , please pay more attention to this!"
mail_issue_subject: "Title"
mail_issue_content: "Content"
mail_issue_sent_from: "From"
mail_issue_from_project: "project issue"
mail_issue_attachments: "Attachments"
mail_issue_reply: "Want reply"
# modified by meng
# file_upload translation
label_file_upload: Resource files
label_file_upload_error_messages: "Upload error, please check your network environment, and refresh the page to upload."
button_confirm: Confirm
# shut down and restart course
label_course_closed: Close
label_course_reopen: Reopen
label_course_closed_tips: "Are you sure you want to reopen the course?"
# end
label_work_quantity: work
label_contest_work: Competition work
@ -1806,7 +1583,7 @@ en:
label_contest_notification: Notice
lable_contest_user: Release person
label_contest_innovate_community: Competition community
label_user_login_score_and_comment: You are not logged in, please log in and then score and comment the work!
label_user_login_notificationcomment: You are not logged in, please log in and then comment the notification!
@ -1815,7 +1592,7 @@ en:
label_borad_project: Project-borad
label_update_time: Update time
label_project_notice: release the notice
label_no_file_uploaded: No file uploaded
label_forum_new: New forum
@ -1823,10 +1600,10 @@ en:
bale_edit_notice: Edit
label_user_grade: Individual score
label_active_homework: homework
label_course_term: Semester
label_comment_time: Comment time
label_bidding_user_studentcode: Student ID
label_bidding_user_studentname: name
# label_organizers: Organizer
@ -1850,15 +1627,14 @@ en:
modal_valid_passing: can be used.
label_school_no_course: The school did not offer any courses, you can view other school curriculum
label_school_less_course: The school offers courses in less, you can view other school curriculum
label_file_not_found: Sorry, the file can't be downloaded now!
label_goto_homepage: Return to the home page
label_trustie_team: The Trustie development team
label_memos_max_length: The content of the post up to 65535 characters in length
label_forums_max_length: Post Bar describing the maximum length of 65535 characters
label_unknow_type: Unknow type
label_score_less_than_zero: Score less than 0, revised to 0
review_assignments: Review assignments
label_my_school: My school
label_all_schol: All school

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Text direction: Left-to-Right (ltr) or Right-to-Left (rtl)
direction: ltr

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Chinese (China) translations for Ruby on Rails
# Text direction: Left-to-Right (ltr) or Right-to-Left (rtl)
direction: ltr

View File

@ -2,3 +2,18 @@ en:
# Text direction: Left-to-Right (ltr) or Right-to-Left (rtl)
direction: ltr
# 邮件模块
# 项目问题跟踪邮件
mail_issue_greetings: "Dear user , Greetings from Trustie"
mail_issue_footer: "Unsubscribe this message?"
mail_issue_title_userin: "in"
mail_issue_title_active: "has a new activity which relevants to you , please pay more attention to this!"
mail_issue_subject: "Title"
mail_issue_content: "Content"
mail_issue_sent_from: "From"
mail_issue_from_project: "project issue"
mail_issue_attachments: "Attachments"
mail_issue_reply: "Want reply"

View File

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
# Text direction: Left-to-Right (ltr) or Right-to-Left (rtl)
direction: ltr
# Trustie个人账户模块
# 公共类
field_occupation: Position
label_company_name: Company Name
label_location: Location
label_identity: Identity
# Trustie个人模块
@ -22,28 +35,26 @@ en:
field_is_required: Required
field_firstname: Name
firstname_empty: "Name cannot be blank"
field_firstname_eg: "(egJack Chen请填写[Jack])"
field_firstname_eg: "(egJack Chenplease input[Jack])"
field_lastname: Lastname
lastname_empty: Lastname cannot be blank
enterprise_empty: The enterprise name cannot be blank
field_lastname_eg: "(egJack Chen请填写[Chen])"
label_company_name: Company Name
lastname_empty: "Lastname cannot be blank"
enterprise_empty: "The enterprise name cannot be blank"
field_lastname_eg: "(egJack Chenplease input[Chen])"
label_firstname_lastname_empty: "Last name and first name cannot be blank"
label_gender: Gender
label_gender_male: male
label_gender_female: female
field_occupation: Position
field_occupation_click: "Click to select provinces and schools"
lable_school_list: List of schools
field_language: Language
location: #地区信息在JS中都是中文信息需要全部翻译
labelname: 地区
labelname: Location
click: --请选择省份--
click: --Please select the provinces--
field_mail_notification: Email notifications
description_user_mail_notification: Mail notification settings
@ -69,7 +80,7 @@ en:
# Trustie个人账户模块
# 可否删除?
# Redmine
label_reported_issues: Reported issues
label_assigned_to_me_issues: Issues assigned to me
@ -83,7 +94,7 @@ en:
# Trustie个人账户模块
# 可否删除?
# Redmine
notice_account_deleted: "Your account has been permanently deleted."
notice_feeds_access_key_reseted: Your RSS access key was reset.

View File

@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ zh:
lastname_empty: 姓氏不能为空
enterprise_empty: 企业名不能为空
field_lastname_eg: '(例:张三丰,请填写[张])'
label_firstname_lastname_empty: 姓氏和名字不能为空
label_gender: 性别
@ -74,12 +75,11 @@ zh:
# 修改密码
button_change_password: 修改密码
# Trustie个人账户模块
# 可否删除?
# BLOCKS 可否删除?Redmine
label_assigned_to_me_issues: 指派给我的问题
label_reported_issues: 已报告的问题
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ zh:
# Trustie个人账户模块
# 可否删除?
# BLOCKS 可否删除? Redmine
notice_account_deleted: 您的账号已被永久删除(账号已无法恢复)
notice_feeds_access_key_reseted: 您的RSS存取键已被重置。

View File

@ -1,8 +1,85 @@
# Text direction: Left-to-Right (ltr) or Right-to-Left (rtl)
direction: ltr
# Trustie平台导航
# 顶部菜单
field_homepage: Homepage
label_project_deposit: Projects
label_course_practice: Courses
label_forum_all: Forums
label_school_all: Schools
label_contest_innovate: Competition community
label_software_user: Users # 删除
label_requirement_enterprise: Requirements # 删除
label_stores_index: Resource search
label_login: Login
# 项目托管平台主
# 主旨
label_welcome_trustie_project: Trustie online projects hosting platform
label_welcome_trustie_project_description: "Software for Chinese college students and practitioners to provide social-oriented project management, code hosting, resource sharing, cooperation and exchange."
# 课程托管平台
# 主旨
label_welcome_trustie_course: Trustie online courses practice platform
label_welcome_trustie_course_description: Teachers and Students for Chinese universities to provide social-oriented curriculum management, resource sharing, cooperation achieved, collaborative research.
# 竞赛托管平台
# 主旨
label_welcome_trustie_contest: Trustie online contests practice platform
label_welcome_trustie_contest_description: Software for Chinese college students and practitioners to provide social-oriented contest management, code hosting, resource sharing, cooperation and exchange.
# Trustie平台导航
# 搜索
information: "Please input the keywords!" # 搜索提示信息
select: # 下拉列表
project: project
course: course
user: user
nickname: nickname
showname: name
email: email
label_resources_search_all: "Search all files in the website, while will not search the contents of private items." # 资源搜索提示信息
# Trustie平台导航
# 下方托管平台链接
label_projects_management_platform: Projects-platform
label_courses_management_platform: Courses-platform
label_contests_management_platform: Competitions-platform
# Trustie平台导航
# 各模块内导航
label_courses_community: Universities Curriculum Communities of Practice
label_projects_community: Software Project Communities of Hosting
label_contest_innovate_community: Innovation Communities of Competition
label_user_location: Location

View File

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ zh:
label_welcome_trustie_contest: Trustie在线竞赛实战平台
label_welcome_trustie_contest_description: "面向中国大学生与编程爱好者,提供社交化的竞赛管理、应用管理、代码托管、合作交流。"
# Trustie平台导航
@ -63,6 +64,10 @@ zh:
nickname: 昵称
showname: 姓名
email: 邮箱
label_resources_search_all: "全站文件搜索,不会搜索私有项目中的内容。" # 资源搜索提示信息
# Trustie平台导航
@ -78,4 +83,8 @@ zh:
# 各模块内导航
label_user_location: 当前位置
label_courses_community: 高校课程实践社区
label_projects_community: 软件项目托管社区
label_contest_innovate_community: 创新竞赛社区
label_user_location: 当前位置

View File

@ -2,5 +2,61 @@ en:
# Text direction: Left-to-Right (ltr) or Right-to-Left (rtl)
direction: ltr
# 项目托管平台主页
# 公共类
label_apply_project: Apply Project
label_project_new: New project
label_join_project: Join a project
# 项目托管平台主页
# 热门项目栏
lable_hot_projects: Hot Projects
label_private: private
label_project_member_amount: "%{count} members"
label_project_score_tips: "Considering all activities of the project, project's score reflects the activity level of project"
label_project_score: Score
# 项目托管平台
# 新建项目
label_project_new_description: "A project can be used to do anything that requires distributed collaboration."
field_name: Name
field_description: Description
field_identifier: Identifier
field_enterprise_name: Eterprise
text_length_between: "Length between %{min} and %{max} characters."
text_project_identifier_info: "Only lower case letters (a-z), numbers, dashes and underscores are allowed, must start with a lower case letter.<br />Once saved, the identifier cannot be changed."
field_is_public: Public
field_hidden_repo: code protected
button_create: Create
# 项目托管平台
# 加入项目
title: 快速进入项目通道
description: "只要持有项目的ID就可快速申请加入所在项目。项目页面搜索不到的私有项目只能从此通道进入哦"
label: "Project ID:"
tips: "Project ID is the number within the project's url"
label_approve: Approve
label_refusal: Refusal

View File

@ -5,14 +5,27 @@ zh:
# Text direction: Left-to-Right (ltr) or Right-to-Left (rtl)
direction: ltr
# 项目托管平台主页
# 公共类
label_apply_project: 申请加入
label_project_new: 新建项目
label_join_project: 加入项目
# 项目托管平台主页
# 热门项目栏
lable_hot_projects: 热门项目
label_project_new: 新建项目
label_join_project: 加入项目
label_private: 私有
label_project_member_amount: "%{count}人"
label_project_score_tips: 项目得分,综合考虑了项目的各项活动,反映了该项目的活跃程度
@ -28,8 +41,11 @@ zh:
field_name: 名称
field_description: 描述
field_identifier: 标识
field_enterprise_name: 组织名称
text_length_between: "长度必须在 %{min} 到 %{max} 个字符之间。"
text_project_identifier_info: "小写字母a-z、数字、破折号-和下划线_可以使用。<br />一旦保存,标识无法修改。"
field_is_public: 公开
field_hidden_repo: 隐藏代码库
button_create: 提交
@ -47,10 +63,32 @@ zh:
label: "项目ID"
tips: "项目ID是所在项目网址中显示的序号"
# 公共
label_apply_project: 申请加入
# 项目托管平台
# 项目得分
label_projects_score: 项目综合得分
label_issue_score: issue得分
label_issue_number: issue的数量
label_issue_journal_number: issue的留言数量
label_news_score: 新闻得分
label_new_number: 新闻的数量
label_file_score: 文档得分
label_file_number: 文档的数量
label_code_submit_score: 代码提交得分
label_code_submit_number: 代码提交数量
label_topic_score: 讨论区得分
label_topic_number: 讨论区帖子数量
# 项目托管平台

View File

@ -6,14 +6,212 @@ en:
# 公共变量
label_technicl_title_professor: Professor
label_technicl_title_associate_professor: Associate professor
label_technicl_title_lecturer: Lecturer
label_technicl_title_teaching_assistant: Teaching assistant
# Trustie用户主页
# top-content
label_user_home: User Space
# Trustie用户主页
# 左边栏
label_user_edit: Edit information
label_user_score: Individual synthetic score
label_user_score_of_influence: Influence score
label_user_score_of_collaboration: Collaborative score
label_user_score_of_skill: Skill score
label_user_score_of_active: Project score
memos: The number of Posts
message_for_issues: The number of messages to issues
issue_status: Times of change the issue state
reply_for_messages: The number of replies to messages
reply_for_memos: The number of replies to posts
followers: Followers
tramples: 踩别人的帖子数量
level1: 帖子被一级会员顶的次数
level2: 帖子被二级会员顶的次数
level3: 帖子被三级会员顶的次数
level1: 帖子被一级会员踩的次数
level2: 帖子被二级会员踩的次数
level3: 帖子被三级会员踩的次数
codes: 提交代码次数
documents: 提交文档次数
attachments: 提交附件次数
update_issues: 更新缺陷完成度次数
release_issues: 发布缺陷数量
label_score_less_than_zero: Score less than 0, revised to 0
label_user_info: User information
label_user_watcher: Followers
label_user_fans: Followed by
zero: Fan
one: Fan
other: Fans
label_brief_introduction: Personality words
label_my_brief_introduction: "How are feeling today? Leave your footprints ~"
label_user_joinin: Join date
label_user_login: Last login
label_technical_title: Title
label_bidding_user_studentcode: Student ID
label_account_developer: Developer
label_account_student: Student
# Trustie用户主页
# 菜单栏
label_activity: Activities
label_user_course: Courses
label_user_project: Projects
label_user_newfeedback: Messages
# Trustie用户主页
# 动态栏
label_user_activities: "%{name}'s Related Activities"
label_user_all_activity: Activities
label_user_activity_myself: About me
label_user_all_respond: Replies
label_i: I
label_i_new_activity: " have a new activity in"
label_new_activity: " has a new activity in"
label_i_have_feedback: have
label_have_feedback: has
label_layouts_feedback: "a message "
label_of_feedback: from
label_goto: Go to>>
label_activity_project: "Project"
label_active_call: call
label_active_homework: homework
# 评论、评论数在commons模块下
label_new_user: registered a new account
label_search_by_user: search by user # hidden
label_user_activities_no: "You have no activities,come and join us!" # hidden
label_user_activities_other: The user has no activities now # hidden
# 所有反馈
label_in_bids: "in the call—"
label_in_users: "in the user—"
label_quote_my_words: " quoted my words"
label_in_projects: "in the project—"
label_reply_plural: Replies
label_about_issue: "about the issue—"
label_about_requirement: "about requirement—"
label_have_respond: had a respond
label_in_issues: "in the issue—"
label_no_user_respond_you: "There is no respond for you"
# end
# Trustie用户主页
# 项目栏
label_project_unadd: "No project, go to creat it!"
label_project_un: "You haven't joined any project yet!"
label_has_watched_project: "The projects of attention"
label_project_take: "The projects of participation"
label_project_take_in: "joined the project—"
# Trustie用户主页
# 课程栏
label_project_course_un: "The user is not enrolled in any course yet. "
label_project_course_unadd: "You have no course,creat one now!"
label_project_cousre_studentun: "You have not joined any course, come and join now!"
doing: Strating
done: Finished
done: Finished
# Trustie用户主页
# 留言栏
label_responses: Messages
label_user_response: Feedback
label_leave_a_message: Leave him/her a message
button_leave_meassge: Submit
button_clear_meassge: Reset
label_user_login_new: Login
label_user_login_tips: You haven't logged in, please login first to leave a message!
label_bid_respond_delete: Delete
label_bid_respond_quote: Respond
label_bids_published: published
label_bids_published_ago: ago
label_feedback_respond_content: Please input your words
button_feedback_respond: Respond # 回复button
label_reply_to: reply to
label_newfeedback_delete: Delete # 层级 删除
label_newfeedback_respond: Respond # 层级 回复
# Trustie用户主页
# Followers & Fans
zero: "participates %{count} project"
one: "participates %{count} project—"
other: "participates %{count} projects—"
zero: "participates %{count} course"
one: "participates %{count} course—"
other: "participates %{count} courses—"

View File

@ -5,40 +5,9 @@ zh:
# Text direction: Left-to-Right (ltr) or Right-to-Left (rtl)
direction: ltr
# 项目托管平台主页
# 用户动态栏
lable_user_active: 用户动态
published: 发表了
uploaded: 上传了
updated: 更新了
field_user_active_unknow: 未知内容
field_user_active_news: 新闻
field_user_active_issue: 问题
field_user_active_attachment: 附件
field_user_active_message: 主题
field_user_active_reply: 回复
field_user_active_bid: 作业
field_user_active_memo: 主题
field_user_active_document: 文件
field_user_active_changeset: 版本库
field_user_active_issue_note: 问题说明
field_updated_on: 更新于
field_active_reply: "回复("
# 用户动态中event.title和event.description
# 通过act_as_event方法的option配置
# "#{} ##{} (#{o.status}): #{o.subject}"
# "缺陷 #1869 (已解决):subject"
# 而tracker.name和status在数据库中以中文字段形式存储
# Trustie用户主页
@ -55,17 +24,41 @@ zh:
label_user_edit: "修改资料"
label_user_score: 个人综合得分
label_user_score_of_topic: 帖子得分
label_user_score_of_project: 项目得分
label_user_score_of_activity: 活跃度得分
label_user_score_of_influence: 影响力得分
label_user_score_of_collaboration: 协同得分
label_user_score_of_skill: 技术得分
label_user_score_of_active: 项目贡献得分
label_user_info: "个人简介" #huang 添加
label_user_watcher: "关注" # huang添加的
label_user_score: 个人综合得分
label_user_score_of_collaboration: 协同得分
label_user_score_of_influence: 影响力得分
label_user_score_of_skill: 技术得分
label_user_score_of_active: 项目贡献得分
memos: 发帖数量
message_for_issues: 对缺陷留言数量
issue_status: 更改缺陷状态次数
reply_for_messages: 对留言的回复数量
reply_for_memos: 对帖子的回复数量
followers: 被关注人数
tramples: 踩别人的帖子数量
level1: 帖子被一级会员顶的次数
level2: 帖子被二级会员顶的次数
level3: 帖子被三级会员顶的次数
level1: 帖子被一级会员踩的次数
level2: 帖子被二级会员踩的次数
level3: 帖子被三级会员踩的次数
codes: 提交代码次数
documents: 提交文档次数
attachments: 提交附件次数
update_issues: 更新缺陷完成度次数
release_issues: 发布缺陷数量
label_score_less_than_zero: 得分小于0修正为0
label_user_info: "个人简介"
label_user_watcher: "关注"
label_user_fans: "粉丝"
zero: 粉丝
@ -75,14 +68,23 @@ zh:
label_brief_introduction: 个性签名
label_my_brief_introduction: 今天的心情如何?留下你的脚印吧~
label_user_joinin: "加入时间"
label_user_login: "最后登录"
label_user_joinin: 加入时间
label_user_login: 最后登录
label_technical_title: 职称
label_technicl_title_professor: 教授
label_technicl_title_associate_professor: 副教授
label_technicl_title_lecturer: 讲师
label_technicl_title_teaching_assistant: 助教
label_bidding_user_studentcode: 学号
label_account_developer: 开发者
label_account_student: 学生
label_no_current_fans: 该用户暂无粉丝
label_no_current_watchers: 该用户暂未关注其他用户
# Trustie用户主页
@ -95,29 +97,69 @@ zh:
# Trustie个人主页
# Trustie用户主页
# Trustie个人主页>
# 动态栏
label_user_activity: "%{name}的动态"
label_user_activities: "%{name}的相关动态"
label_user_all_activity: 所有动态
label_user_activity_myself: 我的动态
label_user_all_respond: 所有反馈
label_i_new_activity: 有了新活动在
label_have_feedback: 有了
label_new_activity: 有了最新动态
label_i_have_feedback: 有了
label_have_feedback: 有了
label_layouts_feedback: 留言
label_new_activity: 有了最新动态
label_goto: 前往>>
label_activity_project: "项目:"
label_active_call: 需求
label_active_homework: 作业
# 评论在commons模块下
label_new_user: "注册了一个新用户 "
label_search_by_user: 按用户搜索 # hidden
label_user_activities_no: "您没有关注该用户,请尝试重新输入!" # hidden
label_user_activities_other: "该用户暂无任何动态!" # hidden
# 所有反馈
label_in_bids: "在需求:"
label_in_users: "在用户:"
label_quote_my_words: "中对我的话进行了引用"
label_in_projects: "在项目:"
label_reply_plural: 回复
label_about_issue: "对问题:"
label_about_requirement: "对需求:"
label_have_respond: 进行了反馈
label_in_issues: "在问题:"
label_no_user_respond_you: "暂无任何用户对您进行反馈!"
# end
# Trustie用户主页
# 项目栏
label_project_unadd: "暂无项目,赶快去创建吧!"
label_project_un: "该用户暂未参与任何项目!"
label_has_watched_project: 关注的项目
label_project_take: 参与的项目
label_project_take_in: "加入了项目——"
# Trustie用户主页
@ -130,10 +172,52 @@ zh:
doing: 进行中的课程
done: 已结束的课程
zero: 成员
one: 成员
other: 成员
# Trustie
# 留言栏
label_responses: 留言
label_user_response: 用户留言
label_leave_a_message: 给他(她)留言
button_leave_meassge: 留言
button_clear_meassge: 清除留言
label_user_login_new: 登录
label_user_login_tips: 您还没有登录,请登录后再留言!
label_bid_respond_delete: 删除
label_bid_respond_quote: 回复
label_bids_published: 发布于
label_bids_published_ago: 之前
label_feedback_respond_content: 请输入回复内容
button_feedback_respond: 回复 # 回复button
label_reply_to: 回复
label_newfeedback_delete: 删除 # 层级 删除
label_newfeedback_respond: 回复 # 层级 回复
# Trustie用户主页
# 留言栏
# Followers & Fans
zero: "参与了 %{count} 个项目"
one: "参与了 %{count} 个项目——"
other: "参与了 %{count} 个项目——"
zero: "参与了 %{count} 个课程"
one: "参与了 %{count} 个课程——"
other: "参与了 %{count} 个课程——"

View File

@ -242,10 +242,7 @@ zh:
mail_body_wiki_content_added: "'%{id}' wiki页面已由 %{author} 添加。"
mail_subject_wiki_content_updated: "'%{id}' wiki页面已更新。"
mail_body_wiki_content_updated: "'%{id}' wiki页面已由 %{author} 更新。"
# 教师权限课程关闭和重启
label_course_closed: 关闭
label_course_reload: 重开
label_course_closed_tips: "确定要%{desc}课程?"
# end
field_name: 名称
field_enterprise_name: 组织
@ -441,6 +438,9 @@ zh:
permission_view_gantt: 查看甘特图
permission_view_calendar: 查看日历
permission_view_issue_watchers: 查看跟踪者列表
permission_add_issue_watchers: 添加跟踪者
permission_delete_issue_watchers: 删除跟踪者
permission_log_time: 登记工时
@ -535,10 +535,12 @@ zh:
project_module_code_review: 代码审查
label_user: 用户
label_user_plural: 用户列表
label_user_new: 新建用户
label_user_anonymous: 匿名用户
label_project: 项目
label_activity_project: '项目: ' #added by bai
label_organization: 组织
label_organization_choose: --请选择组织--
@ -547,6 +549,7 @@ zh:
label_organization_new: 新建组织
label_organization_edit: 修改组织
label_project_plural: 项目列表
label_first_page_made: 首页定制
label_project_first_page: 项目托管平台首页
label_course_first_page: 课程实践平台首页
@ -556,8 +559,8 @@ zh:
label_organizer_name: 主办单位名称
label_web_footer_description: 页脚内容
label_cooperation_compnay: 合作单位
label_version_number: 版本
label_version_description: 版本描述
label_version_number: 版本
label_version_description: 描述
label_web_footer_cooperation_compnay: 网站页脚合作单位
label_new_company: 添加合作单位
label_edit_company: 编辑合作单位
@ -653,7 +656,7 @@ zh:
lable_contest_user: 竞赛发布人
label_user_home: 创客空间
label_user_location: 当前位置
label_course_term: 开课学期
label_theme: 主题
label_logged_as_new: 当前用户
button_register: 注册
@ -667,8 +670,7 @@ zh:
label_my_photo: 我的头像
label_documents_sort: 排序设置:
label_activities_settings: 显示设置
label_user_login_new: 登录
label_user_login_tips: 您还没有登录,请登录后留言
label_user_login_course_board: 您还没有登录,请登录后参与课程讨论
label_user_login_project_board: 您还没有登录,请登录后参与项目讨论
label_user_login_attending_contest: 您还没有登录,请登录后参赛
@ -690,7 +692,7 @@ zh:
label_autumn: 秋季学期
label_winter: 冬季学期
label_followers: 关注
label_teacher: 教师
label_teacher_list: 教师列表
label_student_list: 学生列表
label_limit_time: 截止日期
@ -720,9 +722,8 @@ zh:
label_registered_on: 注册于
label_activity: 动态 # modified by bai
label_overall_activity: 活动概览
label_user_activity: "%{value} 的活动"
label_new: 新建
label_new_user: 注册了一个新用户 # added by bai
label_logged_as: 登录为
label_environment: 环境
label_authentication: 认证
@ -754,7 +755,7 @@ zh:
label_file_added: 文件已添加
label_report: 报表
label_report_plural: 报表
label_news: 新闻
label_news_new: 添加新闻
label_edit_contest_notice: 编辑竞赛通知
bale_news_notice: 添加通知 #huang
@ -773,7 +774,7 @@ zh:
label_question_student: 作业交流 #bai
label_homework_commit: 提交作业 #huang
label_homework_info: 提交情况 #huang
label_course_news: 课程通知
label_course_news_description: '课程必须是高校正式开设的课程,或是围绕特定主题定期发布课程资料的公共开放课程;<br/>如果您想创建一个协作研究空间,请您前往“我的项目”页面创建项目,谢谢!'
label_course_board: 讨论区
label_version: 版本
@ -913,7 +914,7 @@ zh:
label_time_tracking: 时间跟踪
label_change_plural: 变更
label_statistics: 统计
label_contest: 竞赛
label_commits_per_month: 每月提交次数
label_commits_per_author: 每用户提交次数
label_view_diff: 查看差别
@ -955,7 +956,7 @@ zh:
label_message_last: 最新的帖子
label_message_new: 发布新帖
label_message_posted: 发帖成功
label_reply_plural: 回复
label_send_information: 给用户发送帐号信息
@ -1011,8 +1012,8 @@ zh:
label_user_login: "最后登录"
label_user_mail: "邮件地址"
label_user_joinin: "加入时间"
label_user_activities: 您没有关注该用户,请尝试重新输入!
label_user_activities_other: 该用户暂无任何动态!
label_project_overview: "概述"
label_project_tool: "项目工具集"
label_project_issues: "问题"
@ -1087,7 +1088,7 @@ zh:
button_check_all: 全选
button_uncheck_all: 清除
button_delete: 删除
button_create_and_continue: 创建并继续
button_test: 测试
button_edit: 编辑
@ -1394,10 +1395,10 @@ zh:
field_closed_on: 已关闭
setting_default_projects_tracker_ids: Default trackers for new projects
label_total_time: 合计
label_create_time: 创建时间 #Customer addedAdded by nie
#Customer addedAdded by nie
label_comment_time: 留言时间
label_activity_time: 发布时间
label_update_time: 更新时间
label_current_contributors: 位当前贡献者
label_commit_limit: 已截止,但可补交
label_commit_ar: 作业提交截止时间快到了!
@ -1430,10 +1431,7 @@ zh:
label_member_since: 加入
label_contribute_to: 参与了 %{project_count} 个项目:
#modify by men
zero: 参与了 %{count} 个项目
one: 参与了 %{count} 个项目
other: 参与了 %{count} 个项目
label_total_commit: 共%{total_commit}次提交
label_question_number: 第%{question_number}题:
@ -1444,22 +1442,30 @@ zh:
one: 共 %{count} 次提交
other: 共 %{count} 次提交
label_upload_profile: 上传头像
label_type_as: 类型为
label_status_as: 状态为
label_priority_as: 优先级为
label_member_list: 成员列表
label_author_name: 由%{author_name}发表了
label_comments_count: (%{count}条评论)
label_post_on: 发表了
label_find_all_comments: 查看所有评论
label_updated_time_on: " 更新于 %{value} "
label_call_list: 需求列表
#added by liuping
button_unfollow: 取消关注
button_follow: 关注
label_followers: 关注
label_responses: 留言
label_delete_confirm: 确认删除?
label_more_tags: 更多
label_tags_bid: 需求名称
@ -1473,14 +1479,12 @@ zh:
label_unapply_project: 取消申请
button_leave_meassge: 留言
button_clear_meassge: 清除留言
label_leave_message_to: 给用户 %{name}留言
label_leave_message: 留言内容
label_message: 留言板
field_add: 添加于 %{time} 之前
button_more: 更多
label_user_response: 用户留言
label_student_response: 作业答疑 # modified by bai
label_bidding_project: 参与项目
label_homework_project: 已提交作业 #huang
@ -1544,7 +1548,7 @@ zh:
label_investment_budget: 投资预算:
label_investment_time_limit: 投资时限:
label_my_respond: 如有问题请在这里留下您的宝贵意见^-^
label_my_question: 请在此处留下您的意见或者问题~ # modified by bai
# label_my_question: 请在此处留下您的意见或者问题~ # modified by bai
label_respond_requirement: 对需求进行了反馈
label_contest_requirement: 对竞赛进行了反馈
label_question_requirement: 对作业提出了问题!
@ -1558,7 +1562,7 @@ zh:
button_delete_file: 删除
label_leave_me_message: 给我留言了
label_leave_others_message: 给他留言了
label_leave_a_message: 给他(她)留言
label_leave_your_message: 给你留言了
label_new_activity: 有了最新动态
label_create_project: 参与了
@ -1569,7 +1573,7 @@ zh:
label_create_new_projects: 创建项目
label_call_for_bids: 发布需求
label_create_course: 创建课程
label_news: 新闻
label_milestone: 里程碑
label_features: 特性
label_has_praisers: 赞(%{count})
@ -1582,9 +1586,9 @@ zh:
one: 粉丝(%{count})
other: 粉丝(%{count})
label_me: # delete
label_my: # delete
label_join_bidding: 参与了应标
label_jion_bidding_homework: 已提交!
@ -1596,19 +1600,15 @@ zh:
label_bidding_reason_homewrok: 作业提交说明
label_username: 用户名:
label_password: 密码:
label_about_requirement: 对需求:
label_about_issue: 对问题:
label_quote_my_words: 中对我的话进行了引用
label_have_respond: 进行了反馈
label_in_issues: 在问题:
label_in_bids: 在需求:
label_in_users: 在用户:
label_have_respond: 进行了反馈
label_user_activity: "%{value}的动态"
label_create_new_projects_description: 创建项目,让我们开启一次神奇的协同创作和开发之旅!
label_call_for_bids_description: 发布需求,征集解决方案,体验一呼百应的兴奋感觉!
label_news_description: 实时了解项目的最新动态,掌握最新项目咨询!
label_milestone_description: 在这里您可以看见任何一个版本的工程!
label_have_respond: 进行了反馈
label_welcome: 欢迎
label_join: 加入Trustie
label_repository_path: 库路径
@ -1622,7 +1622,7 @@ zh:
label_course_homework_un: 暂未发布任何作业
label_course_homework: 发布了作业
label_follow_no_requirement: 暂未关注任何需求!
label_no_user_respond_you: 暂无任何用户对您进行反馈!
label_tags_issue: 问题名称:
label_tags_project_name: 项目名称:
label_tags_project_description: 项目描述:
@ -1646,18 +1646,16 @@ zh:
label_issue_not_treed_over: 不能踩自己~
label_issues_score_not_enough: 积分不够,不能踩别人~
label_goto: 前往>>
label_issue_appraise_over: 只能评价一次哦!
label_welcome_my_respond: 请在此留下你的意见和建议!
label_no_current_fans: 该用户暂无粉丝
label_no_current_watchers: 该用户暂未关注其他用户
label_project_tool_response: 用户反馈
label_course_feedback: 留言
label_tags_search_result: 搜索结果
label_active_call: 需求
label_active_homework: 作业
label_tags_call: 需求
label_user_extensions: 其他信息
field_gender: 性别
@ -1704,11 +1702,8 @@ zh:
label_bids_new_credit: 输入该作业对应课程的学分,如 3,2.5等
label_bids_new_content: 输入奖励内容,如 奖项,物品等
label_project_sort: 排序方式
label_sort_by_time: 按时间排序
label_sort_by_active: 按活跃度排序
label_sort_by_influence: 按影响力排序
label_bids_published: 发布于
label_bids_published_ago: 之前
label_welcome_trustie: Trustie
label_welcome_trustie_project: 在线项目托管平台
label_welcome_trustie_course: 在线课程实践平台
@ -1719,12 +1714,11 @@ zh:
label_user_project: 项目
label_user_course: 课程
label_user_homework: 作业
label_bid_respond_quote: 回复
label_bid_if_agreement: 如果喜欢我,请点击我
label_bid_respond_delete: 删除
label_newfeedback_message: 留言
label_newfeedback_quote: 回复
label_newfeedback_delete: 删除
label_user_all_activity: 所有动态
label_user_activity_myself: 我的动态 # modified by bai
label_my_honework_no_homework: 暂无任何作业!
@ -1744,10 +1738,10 @@ zh:
label_welcome_participate_project: 个项目
label_projects_feedback: 对项目进行了反馈
label_projects_feedback_respond: 回复
label_projects_feedback_respond_success: 回复成功
button_projects_feedback_respond: 回复
label_projects_feedback_respond_content: 请输入回复内容
label_user_create_project: 创建了
label_user_create_project_homework: 创建了作业
#added by bai
@ -1767,7 +1761,7 @@ zh:
label_brief_introduction: 个性签名
label_my_brief_introduction: 今天的心情如何?留下你的脚印吧~
label_time: 年度
label_main_teacher: 主讲教师
label_main_term: 课程学期
label_teacher_work_unit: 教师单位
label_course_time: 课程年度
@ -1795,35 +1789,31 @@ zh:
label_question_down: 问题被踩次数
label_answer_top: 回答被顶次数
label_answer_down: 回答被踩次数
label_comments_number: 评论的数量
label_news_number: 新闻的数量
label_wiki_number: wiki的数量
label_message_number: 留言的数量
label_activity_number: 个人动态数量
# redmine活跃度评分
label_message_number: 留言的数量 # delete
label_activity_number: 个人动态数量 # delete
# redmine影响力评分
label_comments_number: 评论的数量 # delete
label_news_number: 新闻的数量 # delete
label_wiki_number: wiki的数量 # delete
label_activities: 个人动态
label_issue_message_number: 对issue的留言数量
label_code_submit_number: 代码提交次数
label_topic_number: 讨论区发言数量
label_projects_score: 项目综合得分
label_issue_score: issue得分
label_news_score: 新闻得分
label_file_score: 文档得分
label_code_submit_score: 代码提交得分
label_topic_score: 讨论区得分
label_issue_number: issue的数量
label_issue_journal_number: issue的留言数量
label_new_number: 新闻的数量
label_file_number: 文档的数量
label_code_submit_number: 代码提交数量
label_topic_number: 讨论区帖子数量
label_files_filter: 资源过滤:
label_course_contribute_to: 参与了 %{project_count} 个项目:
zero: "参与了 %{count} 个课程"
one: "参与了 %{count} 个课程"
other: "参与了 %{count} 个课程"
label_join_contest: 加入竞赛
label_exit_contest: 退出竞赛
label_participator: 参与者
@ -1835,8 +1825,8 @@ zh:
label_joined_course: 参加的课程
label_created_course: 创建的课程
label_course: 课程
label_course_new: 新建课程
label_course_join_student: 加入课程
label_public_info: (打钩为公开,不打钩则不公开,若不公开,仅项目成员可见该项目。)
label_course_public_info: (打钩为公开,不打钩则不公开,若不公开,仅课程成员可见该课程。)
label_course_open_student_info: (打钩为“学生列表公开”,不打钩为不公开,若不公开,则课程外部人员看不到学生列表)
@ -1899,15 +1889,11 @@ zh:
#add by men
label_technicl_title_professor: 教授
label_technicl_title_associate_professor: 副教授
label_technicl_title_lecturer: 讲师
label_technicl_title_teaching_assistant: 助教
label_account_identity_teacher: 教师
label_account_identity_student: 学生
label_account_identity_developer: 开发者
label_account_identity_enterprise: 组织
label_account_identity_choose: --请选择身份--
label_teaching_course: 我执教的课程
label_release_homework: 我发布的作业
label_enterprise_into: 进入企业
@ -1920,11 +1906,8 @@ zh:
label_bid_contest_show_course_name: 课程名称
label_bid_contest_show_teacher_name: 教师
label_contest_list: 竞赛列表
zero: 成员
one: 成员
other: 成员
label_bids_task_list: 作业列表
label_join_course: 加入
@ -1958,7 +1941,7 @@ zh:
label_user_grade: 个人得分
label_user_for_project_grade: 个人得分
label_system_grade: 系统评分
label_teacher: 老师
label_ta: 助教
label_in_course: 在课程中
label_assign_homework: 中布置了作业
@ -1973,7 +1956,7 @@ zh:
label_has_watched_project: 关注的项目
label_project_take: 参与的项目
label_peoject_take_in: 加入了项目:
label_search_by_user: 按用户搜索
label_update_homework_succeed: 作业更新成功
label_task_plural: 作业
label_search_by_student_id: 按学号过滤
@ -1996,6 +1979,8 @@ zh:
label_forum_update_succ: 贴吧更新成功
label_forum_update_fail: 贴吧更新失败
label_first_page_create_fail: 首页定制失败
label_version_create_fail: 版本发布失败
label_client_need: 需上传客户端
label_forum_edit: 编辑讨论区
label_memo_create: 发布
label_memo_new: 新建帖子
@ -2096,8 +2081,8 @@ zh:
label_company_name: 组织名
label_coursefile_sharingarea: 课程资源共享区
label_sort_by_activity: 按动态数排序
label_homework: 课程作业
zero: 个动态
one: 个动态
@ -2142,7 +2127,6 @@ zh:
label_wellmeaning_intimation_contenttwo: 若您已完成开发,且只希望发布您的作品,“托管项目”一项可以不选;
label_wellmeaning_intimation_contentthree: 若您希望托管竞赛数据和代码以及保留开发和提交代码的轨迹,请从“托管项目”中选择一项您已创建好的项目作为该参赛作品的托管项目,若您还没有创建项目,请点击右边的“创建项目”,然后回到本页再选择。
notice_account_updated: 帐号更新成功
notice_attendingcontest_work_successfully_created: 恭喜您,参赛作品创建成功!
notice_softapplication_was_successfully_updated: 恭喜您,参赛作品更新成功!
notice_attendingcontest_work_failed_created: 参赛产品创建失败
@ -2160,215 +2144,16 @@ zh:
label_attendingcontestwork_sorting_intimation: 您可以重新打分,打分结果以最后一次打分为主!
lable_not_receive_mail: 点此设置接收本站邮件偏好!
label_contest_notification: 竞赛通知
label_contest_innovate_community: 创新竞赛社区
#english site translation
label_current_hot_contest: 最新热门竞赛
label_current_attendingcontest_work: 最新参赛作品
label_issue_feedback_activities: 问题和反馈动态
label_more_information: 更多>>
label_release_time: 发布时间
label_reply: 回复
label_weixin: 微信扫码
# Trustie账户模块
# edit by meng
# Trustie账户模块> 登陆
lable_user_name: 登录名
label_login_prompt: 邮箱/登录名
field_password: 密码
field_identity_url: OpenID URL
label_stay_logged_in: 保持登录状态
label_password_lost: 忘记密码?
button_login: 登录
# account_controller中判断用户名或密码输入有误的提示信息
notice_account_invalid_creditentials: 无效的用户名或密码
# account_controller中判断未激活的提示信息
notice_account_invalid_creditentials_new: 您还未到邮箱激活
# Trustie账户模块> 注册
# 页面中密码和确认密码不一致信息正则判断邮件地址合法等信息由application_helper中error_messages_for方法来判断提示信息
# rails本身机制ActiveRecord提供
# 在model层的 validates_方法进行辅助验校
# 其输出的提示信息在国际化yml中的activerecord中配置
label_register: 注册
label_login_with_open_id_option: 或使用OpenID登录
field_login: 登录名
label_max_number: 登录名是在网站中显示的您的公开标识,只能为英文和数字。
field_password: 密码
text_caracters_minimum: "至少需要 %{count} 个字符。"
field_password_confirmation: 密码确认
field_mail: 邮件地址
label_mail_attention: qq邮箱可能收不到此邮件其他邮箱如果没有收到可能在垃圾邮件中
label_mail_attention1: 其中gmail与教育网邮箱的激活邮件有时比较慢请耐心等待。
button_submit: 提交
# register中js判断密码设置是否合法提示信息
setting_password_min_length_limit: "密码长度至少大于 %{count} 个字符。"
setting_password_error: 密码长度不够或密码不一致
setting_password_success: 密码设置成功
# account_controller中register方法判断注册成功的提示信息
notice_account_register_done: 帐号创建成功,请使用注册确认邮件中的链接来激活您的帐号, 如果您的邮件没有在收件箱中可能在垃圾箱中,请您注意查收。
# Trustie账户模块 >忘记密码
label_password_forget: 忘记密码
# field_mail: 邮件地址
# Trustie账户模块> 注册)变量
# button_submit: 提交
# Trustie账户模块> 注册 )变量
notice_account_unknown_email: 未知用户
# account_controller中lost_password方法判断的邮件发送提示信息
notice_account_lost_email_sent: 系统已将引导您设置新密码的邮件发送给您。
# Trustie账户模块 >重置密码
# label_password_forget: 忘记密码
# Trustie账户模块> 忘记密码)变量
field_new_password: 新密码
# text_caracters_minimum: "至少需要 %{count} 个字符。"
# Trustie账户模块> 注册)变量
# field_password_confirmation: 密码确认
# Trustie账户模块> 注册)变量
notice_account_password_updated: 密码更新成功
notice_can_t_change_password: 该帐号使用了外部认证,因此无法更改密码。
button_save: 保存
# Trustie账户模块 >登出
label_logout: 退出
# Trustie账户模块 >激活
label_regiter_account: 注册帐号
label_email_valid: 邮箱激活
notice_email_register_time: 请在24小时内点击邮件中的链接继续完成注册
notice_email_arrival: 邮件已发送到邮箱
label_check_email: 立即查收邮件
label_mail_resend: 重新发送激活邮件
notice_account_activated: 您的帐号已被激活。
# 托管平台主页
# edit by meng
# 托管平台主页> 顶部菜单>
field_homepage: 主页
label_project_deposit: 项目托管
label_course_practice: 课程实践
label_forum_all: 公共贴吧
label_enterprise_all: 组织
label_contest_innovate: 创新竞赛
label_software_user: 软件创客
label_requirement_enterprise: 软件众包
label_stores_index: 资源搜索
# 托管平台主页> 顶部菜单>
# 托管平台主页 > 搜索提示信息
label_search_information: 请输入要搜索的关键字
information: "请输入要搜索的关键字" # 搜索提示信息
select: # 下拉列表
project: "项目"
course: "课程"
user: "用户"
nickname: "昵称"
showname: "姓名"
email: "邮箱"
# 托管平台主页 > 下拉列表
label_select_project: 项目
label_select_course: 课程
label_select_user: 用户
label_select_user_nickname: 昵称
label_select_user_showname: 姓名
label_select_user_email: 邮箱
# 托管平台主页 > 下方托管平台链接
label_projects_management_platform: 项目托管平台
label_courses_management_platform: 课程实践平台
label_contests_management_platform: 竞赛托管平台
# 托管平台主页 > 底部承办单位等信息
label_hosted_organization: 主办单位
label_hosted_by: 国防科学技术大学并行与分布处理国家重点实验室
label_sponsor: 计算机科学与技术系
label_co_organizer_NUDT: 国防科学技术大学计算机学院
label_co_organizer_EECS: 北京大学信息科学技术学院软件研究所
label_co_organizer_BHU: 北京航空航天大学计算机学院
label_co_organizer_CAS: 中国科学院软件研究所
label_co_organizer_InforS: 山东中创软件商用中间件股份有限公司
label_rights_reserved: 版权?2007~2014
label_contact_us: 联系我们
# 英文版不需要显示国内许可证
label_license: 湘ICP备09019772
# 项目托管平台主页
# 项目托管平台主页 >主旨
label_project_trustie: Trustie在线项目托管平台
label_project_trustie_theme: ", 面向中国大学生与软件从业者,提供社交化的项目管理、代码托管、资源共享、合作交流。"
# 项目托管平台主页 >热门项目栏
lable_hot_projects: 热门项目
label_project_new: 新建项目
label_join_project: 加入项目
label_private: 私有
label_project_member_amount: "%{count}人"
label_project_score_tips: 项目得分,综合考虑了项目的各项活动,反映了该项目的活跃程度
label_project_score: 项目评分
# 项目托管平台主页 >用户动态栏
lable_user_active: 用户动态
published: 发布了
uploaded: 上传了
updated: 修改了
unknow: Unknown content
field_user_active_published: 发表了
field_user_active_uploaded: 上传了
field_user_active_updated: 更新了
field_user_active_unknow: 未知内容
field_user_active_news: 新闻
field_user_active_issue: 问题
field_user_active_attachment: 附件
field_user_active_message: 主题
field_user_active_reply: 回复
field_user_active_bid: 作业
field_user_active_memo: 主题
field_user_active_document: 文件
field_user_active_changeset: 版本库
field_user_active_issue_note: 问题说明
field_updated_on: 更新于
field_active_reply: "回复("
# 用户动态中event.title和event.description
# 通过act_as_event方法的option配置
# "#{} ##{} (#{o.status}): #{o.subject}"
# "缺陷 #1869 (已解决):subject"
# 而tracker.name和status在数据库中以中文字段形式存储
# 项目托管平台主页 >用户动态栏
lable_bar_active: 贴吧动态
label_my_question: 我要提问
label_my_feedback: 我要反馈
label_more: 更多>>
label_updated_time: " 更新于 %{value} 之前"
label_question_sponsor: 楼主
label_final_reply: 最后回复
# 项目托管平台 >新建项目
@ -2461,8 +2246,6 @@ zh:
modal_valid_passing: 可以使用
label_bug: 漏洞
label_school_no_course: 该学校本学期未开设任何课程,您可以查看其他学校课程
label_school_less_course: 您也可以查看其他学校课程
label_file_not_found: 对不起,该文件现在不能下载
label_goto_homepage: 返回主页
@ -2471,7 +2254,7 @@ zh:
label_memos_max_length: 帖子内容最大长度为5000个字
label_forums_max_length: 贴吧描述最大长度为5000个字
label_unknow_type: 未知类型
label_score_less_than_zero: 得分小于0修正为0
review_assignments: 评审任务
label_my_school: 我的学校
label_all_schol: 全部学校
@ -2482,7 +2265,7 @@ zh:
lable_hot_course: 活跃课程
lable_student_list_visable: 学生列表是否公开
lable_sure_exit_project: 是否确认退出该项目
lable_input_class: 在此输入课时
lable_input_class_vilidate: 学时只能为整数
lable_school_list: 学校列表
lable_teacher_evaluation_no: 老师还未进行评价
@ -2509,7 +2292,7 @@ zh:
label_sure_exit_homework: 是否确认退出该作业
label_teacher_comments: 教师评论
label_anonymous_comments: 匿评
label_anonymous: 匿名
label_submit_comments: 提交评论
field_evaluation_num: 匿评分配数量
label_my_score: 我的评分
@ -2542,38 +2325,42 @@ zh:
label_poll_republish_success: 取消成功
label_answer_total: 总计:
label_join_project: 加入项目
label_technical_support: 技术支持:
label_feedback: 意见反馈
label_log_detail: "日志详情"
label_log_delete_log: "删除日志"
label_log_access_analysis: "访问统计"
label_log_time_analysis: "耗时分析"
label_log_refresh: "刷新"
label_log_key: "关键字:"
label_log_time: "时间:"
label_log_delete_confirm: "确认清除该天日志内容?"
label_log_access_count: "访问次数"
label_log_url: "URL路径"
label_log_ip: "访问IP"
label_log_access_time: "访问时间"
label_log_access_controller_action: "模块路径"
label_log_response_time: "响应时间"
label_log_views_time: "页面渲染时间"
label_log_views_time_percent: "页面渲染时间百分比"
label_log_active_record_time: "AR响应时间"
label_log_active_record_time_percent: "AR响应时间百分比"
first: "&laquo; 首页"
last: "末页 &raquo;"
previous: "&laquo; 上一页"
next: "下一页 &raquo;"
truncate: "..."
label_feedback_success: "您的意见已经反馈到公共贴吧的新手讨论吧,我们会第一时间解决您的问题,谢谢支持!"
# 项目企业模块
# 项目企业模块
label_all_enterprises: 所有组织
label_my_enterprise: 我的企业
label_enterprise_tips: 该组织暂时还没创建公开项目,您可能会对系统的其它项目感兴趣!
@ -2596,3 +2383,4 @@ zh:
label_recently_updated_message: 最近更新了留言
label_recently_updated_courseware: 最近更新了课件
label_no_courses: 您没有参与任何课程,请搜索课程、加入课程,或者创建课程吧!

View File

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ module Redmine #:nodoc:
# Adds plugin locales if any
# YAML translation files should be found under <plugin>/config/locales/
::I18n.load_path += Dir.glob(File.join(, 'config', 'locales', '*.yml'))
::I18n.load_path += Dir.glob(File.join(Rails.root, 'config', 'locales', '**','*.yml'))
# Prepends the app/views directory of the plugin to the view path
view_path = File.join(, 'app', 'views')