
This commit is contained in:
sw 2014-10-23 09:44:06 +08:00
parent e9124c62ce
commit 91d08d5b9a
1 changed files with 484 additions and 341 deletions

View File

@ -48,353 +48,485 @@
<% if e.act_type == 'JournalsForMessage' || e.act_type == 'Bid' || e.act_type == 'Journal'|| e.act_type == 'Changeset' || e.act_type == 'Message' || e.act_type == 'Principal' || e.act_type == 'News' || e.act_type == 'Issue' || e.act_type == 'Contest'%>
<table width="660" border="0" align="left" style="border-bottom: 1px dashed rgb(204, 204, 204); margin-bottom: 10px;font-size:14px;">
<td colspan="2" valign="top" width="50"><%= image_tag(url_to_avatar(e.user), :class => "avatar") %></td>
<td colspan="2" valign="top" width="50">
<%= image_tag(url_to_avatar(e.user), :class => "avatar") %>
<table width="580" border="0" class="info-break">
<% case e.act_type %>
<% when 'JournalsForMessage' %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<% if User.current.login == e.user.try(:login) %>
<%= link_to("#{l(:label_i)}", user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<% else %>
<strong><%= link_to("#{e.user.name}", user_path(e.user_id)) %></strong>
<% end %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_have_feedback) %>
<%= link_to("#{e.act.user.name}", user_path(e.act.user.id)) %><%= l(:label_of_feedback) + l(:label_layouts_feedback) %>
<td colspan="2" width="580">
<p class="font_description"> <%= textAreailizable act.notes %> </p>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px">
<%= link_to(l(:label_goto), user_newfeedback_user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter"> <%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %></span>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px"></div>
<% when 'Bid' %>
<% if act.reward_type == 3 && @show_course == 1%>
<% if e.user == User.current %>
<% when 'JournalsForMessage' %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<%= link_to("#{l(:label_i)}", user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<% if User.current.login == e.user.try(:login) %>
<%= link_to("#{l(:label_i)}", user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to("#{e.user.name}", user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<% end %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_i_new_activity) %>
<%= l(:label_have_feedback) %>
<%= link_to("#{e.act.user.name}", user_path(e.act.user.id)) %>
<%= l(:label_of_feedback) + l(:label_layouts_feedback) %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{l(:label_active_homework)}##{act.id}:#{act.name}"), respond_path(e.act_id) %>
<% else %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<%= link_to(h(e.user), user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_new_activity) %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{l(:label_active_homework)}##{act.id}:#{act.name}"), respond_path(e.act_id) %>
<td colspan="2" width="580">
<p class="font_description">
<%= textAreailizable act.notes %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px">
<%= link_to(l(:label_goto), user_newfeedback_user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<% if e.user == User.current %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<strong> <%= link_to("#{l(:label_i)}", user_path(e.user_id)) %></strong>
<span class="font_lighter"><%= l(:label_i_new_activity) %></span>
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{l(:label_active_call)}##{act.id}:#{act.name}"), respond_path(e.act_id) %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px"></div>
<% else %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<strong><%= link_to(h(e.user), user_path(e.user_id)) %></strong>&nbsp;
<span class="font_lighter"><%= l(:label_new_activity) %></span>&nbsp;
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{l(:label_active_call)}##{act.id}:#{act.name}"), respond_path(e.act_id) %>
<% when 'Bid' %>
<% if act.reward_type == 3 && @show_course == 1%>
<% if e.user == User.current %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<%= link_to("#{l(:label_i)}", user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_i_new_activity) %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{l(:label_active_homework)}##{act.id}:#{act.name}"), respond_path(e.act_id) %>
<% else %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<%= link_to(h(e.user), user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_new_activity) %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{l(:label_active_homework)}##{act.id}:#{act.name}"), respond_path(e.act_id) %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<% if e.user == User.current %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<%= link_to("#{l(:label_i)}", user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_i_new_activity) %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{l(:label_active_call)}##{act.id}:#{act.name}"), respond_path(e.act_id) %>
<% else %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<%= link_to(h(e.user), user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_new_activity) %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{l(:label_active_call)}##{act.id}:#{act.name}"), respond_path(e.act_id) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<td colspan="2" width="580">
<p class="font_description">
<%=textAreailizable act, :description %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px">
<%= link_to l(:label_find_all_comments), respond_path(e.act_id) %>
<a class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_comments_count, :count => e.act.commit) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<td colspan="2" width="580">
<p class="font_description"> <%=textAreailizable act, :description %> </p></td>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter"> <%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %></span>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px">
<span><%= link_to l(:label_find_all_comments), respond_path(e.act_id) %></span>
<a class="font_lighter"><%= l(:label_comments_count, :count => e.act.commit) %></a>
<% when 'Journal' %>
<% if e.user == User.current %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<strong><%= link_to("#{l(:label_i)}", user_path(e.user_id)) %></strong>&nbsp;
<span class="font_lighter"><%= l(:label_i_new_activity) %></span>&nbsp;
<%= link_to(l(:label_activity_project)+act.issue.project.name, project_path(act.issue.project.id)) %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{act.issue.tracker} ##{act.issue.id}: #{act.issue.subject}"),
{:controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => act.issue.id, :anchor => "change-#{act.id}"} %>
<% else %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<strong><%= link_to(h(e.user), user_path(e.user_id)) %></strong>&nbsp;
<span class="font_lighter"><%= l(:label_new_activity) %></span>&nbsp;
<%= link_to(l(:label_activity_project)+act.issue.project.name, project_path(act.issue.project.identifier)) %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{act.issue.tracker} ##{act.issue.id}: #{act.issue.subject}"),
{:controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => act.issue.id, :anchor => "change-#{act.id}"} %>
<% end %>
<% if act.notes.nil? %>
<% desStr = '' %>
<% else %>
<% desStr= textAreailizable(act, :notes) %>
<% end %>
<td colspan="2" width="580"><p class="font_description"> <%= desStr %> </p>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter"> <%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %></span>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px"></div>
<% when 'Changeset' %>
<% if e.user == User.current %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<strong><%= link_to("#{l(:label_i)}", user_path(e.user_id)) %></strong>&nbsp;
<span class="font_lighter"><%= l(:label_i_new_activity) %></span>&nbsp;
<%= link_to format_activity_title(act.title),
{:controller => 'repositories',
:action => 'revision',
:id => act.repository.project,
:repository_id => act.repository.identifier_param,
:rev => act.identifier} %>
<% else %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<strong><%= link_to(h(e.user), user_path(e.user_id)) %></strong>&nbsp;
<span class="font_lighter"><%= l(:label_new_activity) %></span>&nbsp;
<%= link_to format_activity_title(act.title),
{:controller => 'repositories',
:action => 'revision',
:id => act.repository.project,
:repository_id => act.repository.identifier_param,
:rev => act.identifier} %>
<% end %>
<td colspan="2" width="580">
<p class="font_description"> <%= textAreailizable act,:long_comments %> </p></td>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter"> <%= format_time(e.act.committed_on) %></span>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px">
<span><%= link_to l(:label_find_all_comments),
{:controller => 'repositories',
:action => 'revision',
:id => act.repository.project,
:repository_id => act.repository.identifier_param,
:rev => act.identifier} %>
<a class="font_lighter"><%= l(:label_comments_count, :count => e.act.count) %></a>
<% when 'Message' %>
<% if e.user == User.current %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<strong><%= link_to("#{l(:label_i)}", user_path(e.user_id)) %></strong>&nbsp;
<span class="font_lighter"><%= l(:label_i_new_activity) %></span>&nbsp;
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{act.board.name}: #{act.subject}"),
{:controller => 'messages',
:action => 'show',
:board_id => act.board_id}.merge(act.parent_id.nil? ? {:id => act.id} : {:id => act.parent_id, :r => act.id, :anchor => "message-#{act.id}"}) %>
<% else %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<strong><%= link_to(h(e.user), user_path(e.user_id)) %></strong>&nbsp;
<span class="font_lighter"><%= l(:label_new_activity) %></span>&nbsp;
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{act.board.name}: #{act.subject}"),
{:controller => 'messages',
:action => 'show',
:board_id => act.board_id}.merge(act.parent_id.nil? ? {:id => act.id} : {:id => act.parent_id, :r => act.id, :anchor => "message-#{act.id}"}) %>
<% end %>
<td colspan="2" width="580">
<p class="font_description"> <%= textAreailizable(act,:content) %> </p>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter"> <%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %></span>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px"></div>
<% when 'Principal' %>
<% if e.user == User.current %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<strong><%= link_to("#{l(:label_i)}", user_path(e.user_id)) %></strong>&nbsp;
<span class="font_lighter"><%= l(:label_new_user) %></span>
<% else %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<strong><%= link_to(h(e.user), user_path(e.user_id)) %></strong>&nbsp;
<span class="font_lighter"><%= l(:label_new_user) %></span>
<% end %>
<td colspan="2" width="580"><p class="font_description"></p></td>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter"> <%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %></span>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px"></div>
<% when 'News' %>
<% if e.user == User.current %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<strong><%= link_to("#{l(:label_i)}", user_path(e.user_id)) %></strong>&nbsp;
<span class="font_lighter"><%= l(:label_i_new_activity) %></span>&nbsp;
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{l(:label_news)}: #{act.title}"), {:controller => 'news', :action => 'show', :id => act.id} %>
<% else %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<strong><%= link_to(h(e.user), user_path(e.user_id)) %></strong>&nbsp;
<span class="font_lighter"><%= l(:label_new_activity) %></span>&nbsp;
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{l(:label_news)}: #{act.title}"), {:controller => 'news', :action => 'show', :id => act.id} %>
<% end %>
<td colspan="2" width="580">
<p class="font_description"> <%= textAreailizable act,:description %> </p></td>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter"> <%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %></span>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px">
<%= link_to l(:label_find_all_comments), {:controller => 'news', :action => 'show', :id => act.id} %>
<a class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_comments_count, :count => e.act.comments_count) %>
<% when 'Issue' %>
<% if e.user == User.current %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<%= link_to("#{l(:label_i)}", user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_i_new_activity) %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{act.source_from} (#{act.status}): #{act.tracker.name} #{act.subject}"),
{:controller => 'issues',
:action => 'show',
:id => act.id} %>
<% else %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<%= link_to(h(e.user), user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_new_activity) %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{act.source_from} (#{act.status}): #{act.tracker.name} #{act.subject}"),
{:controller => 'issues',
:action => 'show',
:id => act.id} %>
<% end %>
<td colspan="2" width="580" style="WORD-BREAK: break-all; WORD-WRAP: break-word">
<%= textAreailizable act, :description %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter"> <%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %></span>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px">
<span><%= link_to l(:label_find_all_comments), {:controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => act.id} %></span>
<a class="font_lighter"><%= l(:label_comments_count, :count => e.act.journals.count) %></a>
<% when 'Contest' %>
<% if e.user == User.current && @show_contest == 1%>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<strong><%= link_to("#{l(:label_i)}", user_path(e.user_id)) %></strong>&nbsp;
<span class="font_lighter"><%= l(:label_i_new_activity) %></span>&nbsp;
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{l(:label_contest)}: #{act.name}"), {:controller => 'contests', :action => 'show_contest', :id => act.id} %>
<% else %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<strong><%= link_to(h(e.user), user_path(e.user_id)) %></strong>&nbsp;
<span class="font_lighter"><%= l(:label_new_activity) %></span>&nbsp;
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{l(:label_contest)}: #{act.name}"), {:controller => 'contests', :action => 'show_contest', :id => act.id} %>
<% end %>
<td colspan="2" width="580"><p class="font_description"> <%= textAreailizable act, :description %> </p>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter"> <%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %></span>
<% else %>
<% end %><!-- < % #case end %> -->
<% when 'Journal' %>
<% if e.user == User.current %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<%= link_to("#{l(:label_i)}", user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_i_new_activity) %>
<%= link_to(l(:label_activity_project)+act.issue.project.name, project_path(act.issue.project.id)) %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{act.issue.tracker} ##{act.issue.id}: #{act.issue.subject}"),
{:controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => act.issue.id, :anchor => "change-#{act.id}"} %>
<% else %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<%= link_to(h(e.user), user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_new_activity) %>
<%= link_to(l(:label_activity_project)+act.issue.project.name, project_path(act.issue.project.id)) %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{act.issue.tracker} ##{act.issue.id}: #{act.issue.subject}"),
{:controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => act.issue.id, :anchor => "change-#{act.id}"} %>
<% end %>
<% if act.notes.nil? %>
<% desStr = '' %>
<% else %>
<% desStr= textAreailizable(act, :notes) %>
<% end %>
<td colspan="2" width="580">
<p class="font_description">
<%= desStr %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px"></div>
<% when 'Changeset' %>
<% if e.user == User.current %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<%= link_to("#{l(:label_i)}", user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_i_new_activity) %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title(act.title),
{:controller => 'repositories',
:action => 'revision',
:id => act.repository.project,
:repository_id => act.repository.identifier_param,
:rev => act.identifier} %>
<% else %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<%= link_to(h(e.user), user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_new_activity) %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title(act.title),
{:controller => 'repositories',
:action => 'revision',
:id => act.repository.project,
:repository_id => act.repository.identifier_param,
:rev => act.identifier} %>
<% end %>
<td colspan="2" width="580">
<p class="font_description">
<%= textAreailizable act,:long_comments %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= format_time(e.act.committed_on) %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px">
<span><%= link_to l(:label_find_all_comments),
{:controller => 'repositories',
:action => 'revision',
:id => act.repository.project,
:repository_id => act.repository.identifier_param,
:rev => act.identifier} %>
<a class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_comments_count, :count => e.act.count) %>
<% when 'Message' %>
<% if e.user == User.current %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<%= link_to("#{l(:label_i)}", user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_i_new_activity) %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{act.board.name}: #{act.subject}"),
{:controller => 'messages',
:action => 'show',
:board_id => act.board_id}.merge(act.parent_id.nil? ? {:id => act.id} : {:id => act.parent_id, :r => act.id, :anchor => "message-#{act.id}"}) %>
<% else %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<%= link_to(h(e.user), user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_new_activity) %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{act.board.name}: #{act.subject}"),
{:controller => 'messages',
:action => 'show',
:board_id => act.board_id}.merge(act.parent_id.nil? ? {:id => act.id} : {:id => act.parent_id, :r => act.id, :anchor => "message-#{act.id}"}) %>
<% end %>
<td colspan="2" width="580">
<p class="font_description">
<%= textAreailizable(act,:content) %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px"></div>
<% when 'Principal' %>
<% if e.user == User.current %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<%= link_to("#{l(:label_i)}", user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_new_user) %>
<% else %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<%= link_to(h(e.user), user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_new_user) %>
<% end %>
<td colspan="2" width="580">
<p class="font_description"></p>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px"></div>
<% when 'News' %>
<% if e.user == User.current %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<%= link_to("#{l(:label_i)}", user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_i_new_activity) %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{l(:label_news)}: #{act.title}"), {:controller => 'news', :action => 'show', :id => act.id} %>
<% else %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<%= link_to(h(e.user), user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_new_activity) %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{l(:label_news)}: #{act.title}"), {:controller => 'news', :action => 'show', :id => act.id} %>
<% end %>
<td colspan="2" width="580">
<p class="font_description">
<%= textAreailizable act,:description %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px">
<%= link_to l(:label_find_all_comments), {:controller => 'news', :action => 'show', :id => act.id} %>
<a class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_comments_count, :count => e.act.comments_count) %>
<% when 'Issue' %>
<% if e.user == User.current %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<%= link_to("#{l(:label_i)}", user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_i_new_activity) %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{act.source_from} (#{act.status}): #{act.tracker.name} #{act.subject}"),
{:controller => 'issues',
:action => 'show',
:id => act.id} %>
<% else %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<%= link_to(h(e.user), user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_new_activity) %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{act.source_from} (#{act.status}): #{act.tracker.name} #{act.subject}"),
{:controller => 'issues',
:action => 'show',
:id => act.id} %>
<% end %>
<td colspan="2" width="580" style="WORD-BREAK: break-all; WORD-WRAP: break-word">
<%= textAreailizable act, :description %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: right; margin-top: 0px">
<%= link_to l(:label_find_all_comments), {:controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => act.id} %>
<a class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_comments_count, :count => e.act.journals.count) %>
<% when 'Contest' %>
<% if e.user == User.current && @show_contest == 1%>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<%= link_to("#{l(:label_i)}", user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_i_new_activity) %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{l(:label_contest)}: #{act.name}"), {:controller => 'contests', :action => 'show_contest', :id => act.id} %>
<% else %>
<td colspan="2" valign="top">
<%= link_to(h(e.user), user_path(e.user_id)) %>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= l(:label_new_activity) %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title("#{l(:label_contest)}: #{act.name}"), {:controller => 'contests', :action => 'show_contest', :id => act.id} %>
<% end %>
<td colspan="2" width="580">
<p class="font_description">
<%= textAreailizable act, :description %>
<div style="display: inline-block; float: left; margin-top: 0px" width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= (l(:label_update_time).to_s << ':' << format_time(e.act.created_on)).to_s %>
<% else %>
<% end %><!-- < % #case end %> -->
@ -451,12 +583,19 @@
<td colspan="2" width="580"><p class="font_description"> <%= textAreailizable e.notes %> </p></td>
<td colspan="2" width="580">
<p class="font_description">
<%= textAreailizable e.notes %>
<td align="left"><a class="font_lighter"></a></td>
<td width="200" align="right" class="a">
<span class="font_lighter"><%= format_time e.created_on %></span></td>
<span class="font_lighter">
<%= format_time e.created_on %>
@ -466,11 +605,15 @@
<div class="pagination" style="float:left;">
<ul> <%= pagination_links_full @info_pages %> </ul>
<%= pagination_links_full @info_pages %>
<% else %>
<p class="font_description"><%= l(:label_no_user_respond_you) %></p>
<p class="font_description">
<%= l(:label_no_user_respond_you) %>
<% end %>