Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/szzh' into szzh

This commit is contained in:
lizanle 2015-03-19 11:16:11 +08:00
commit 966f93012d
28 changed files with 253 additions and 220 deletions

View File

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ module Mobile
desc "用户搜索"
params do
requires :name, type: String, desc: '用户名关键字'
requires :search_by, type: String,desc: '搜索依据0 昵称1 用户名2 邮箱'
requires :search_by, type: String,desc: '搜索依据0 昵称1 用户名2 邮箱,3 昵称和姓名'
get 'search/search_user' do
us =

View File

@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ module Mobile
course_dynamic_expose :type
course_dynamic_expose :count
course_dynamic_expose :course_name
course_dynamic_expose :course_term
course_dynamic_expose :course_time
course_dynamic_expose :course_id
course_dynamic_expose :course_img_url
course_dynamic_expose :message

View File

@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ class DocumentsController < ApplicationController
def update
@document.safe_attributes = params[:document]
if request.put? and
flash[:notice] = l(:notice_successful_update)
redirect_to document_url(@document)

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ module WatchersHelper
method = watched ? 'delete' : 'post'
link_to text, url, :remote => true, :method => method, :class => css
link_to text, url, :remote => true, :method => method, :style => "color: #fff; display:block; padding: 0px 5px; margin-right: 10px; height: 22px; line-height: 22px; background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #64BDD9; TES"
############## added by linchun
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ module WatchersHelper
method = applied ? 'delete' : 'post'
link_to text, url, :remote => true, :method => method ,:class=>css
link_to text, url, :remote => true, :method => method ,:style => "color: #fff; display:block; padding: 0px 5px; margin-right: 10px; height: 22px; line-height: 22px; background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #64BDD9; TES"
def exit_project_link(project)

View File

@ -214,6 +214,8 @@ class User < Principal
where(" LOWER(login) LIKE '#{pattern}' ")
elsif type == "1"
where(" LOWER(concat(lastname, firstname)) LIKE '#{pattern}' ")
elsif type == "3"
where(" LOWER(concat(lastname, firstname,login)) LIKE '#{pattern}' ")
where(" LOWER(mail) LIKE '#{pattern}' ")

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class CoursesService
if name.blank?
raise 'sumbit empty'
@courses = courses_all.visible
@courses = courses_all.visible(current_user)
if params[:name].present?
@courses_all =[:name])
@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ class CoursesService
latest_course_dynamics.sort!{|order,newer| newer[:time] <=> order[:time]}
latest_course_dynamic = latest_course_dynamics.first
unless latest_course_dynamic.nil?
result << {:course_name =>,:course_id =>,:course_img_url => url_to_avatar(course),:type => latest_course_dynamic[:type],:update_time => latest_course_dynamic[:time],:message => latest_course_dynamic[:message],:count => nil}
result << {:course_name =>,:course_id =>,:course_img_url => url_to_avatar(course),:course_time => course.time,:course_term => course.term,:type => latest_course_dynamic[:type],:update_time => latest_course_dynamic[:time],:message => latest_course_dynamic[:message],:count => nil}
result.sort!{|order,newer| newer[:update_time] <=> order[:update_time]}

View File

@ -193,7 +193,6 @@ class UsersService
#raise @current_user.errors.full_message
#return @current_user
raise 'wrong password'

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<div class="talk_top">
<div class="fl">项目讨论区共有<span><%= @topic_count %></span>个帖子 </div>
<% if @project.enabled_modules.where("name = 'boards'").count > 0 && User.current.member_of?(@project) %>
<span id = 'tttttttt'><%= link_to l(:label_message_new), new_board_message_path(@board),
<span><%= link_to l(:label_message_new), new_board_message_path(@board),
:class => 'problem_new_btn fl',
:onclick => 'showAndScrollTo("add-message", "message_subject"); return false;' if User.current.logged? %></span>
<% end %>
@ -61,14 +61,14 @@
<span><%= link_to h(topic.subject), board_message_path(@board, topic), title:topic.subject.to_s, :class =>"problem_tit fl" %></span>
<% if topic.sticky? %>
<span class="talk_up">置顶</span>
<span class="talk_up">置顶</span>
<% end %>
<div class="problem_line">
<span>由<%= link_to, user_path(, :class =>"problem_name" %></span>
<span>添加于<%= format_time topic.created_on %></span>
<span>由<%= link_to, user_path(, :class =>"problem_name" %></span>
<span>添加于<%= format_time topic.created_on %></span>
<span class="talk_btn fr">回复<%= link_to (topic.replies_count), board_message_path(@board, topic), :style =>"color:#fff;" %></span>
<div class="cl"></div>
</div><!--讨论主类容 end-->

View File

@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
<%= wikitoolbar_for 'document_description' %>
<% if @document.new_record? %>
<div class="box tabular">
<p><label><%=l(:label_attachment_plural)%></label><%= render :partial => 'attachments/form', :locals => {:container => @document} %></p>
<% end %>

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
<div class="project_r_h">
<h2 class="project_h2"><%=l(:label_document_plural)%></h2>
<%= labelled_form_for @document do |f| %>
<%= render :partial => 'form', :locals => {:f => f} %>

View File

@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
<%= sort_header_tag('filename', :caption => l(:field_filename), :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-adventure",:class => "tableth") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('size', :caption => l(:field_filesize), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-children",:class => "tableth") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('attach_type', :caption => l(:attachment_browse), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-attachmenttype",:class => "tableth") %>
<%= content_tag('th', l(:attachment_sufix_browse), id: 'vzebra-contenttype', class: 'tableth', style: 'color: black')%>
<%= sort_header_tag('attach_type', :caption => l(:field_filecontenttype), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-attachmenttype",:class => "tableth") %>
<%= content_tag('th', l(:field_filetype), id: 'vzebra-contenttype', class: 'tableth', style: 'color: black')%>
<%= sort_header_tag('field_file_dense', :caption => l(:field_file_dense), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-field_file_dense",:class => "tableth") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('downloads', :caption => l(:field_downloads), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-action",:class => "tableth") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('operation', :caption => "", :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-children",:class => "tableth") %>
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
<div class="tags_gradint"></div>
<div class="read-more hidden">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="readmore(this);"> 更多 </a>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="readmore(this);"> <%= l(:button_more)%> </a>

View File

@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
<%= sort_header_tag('filename', :caption => l(:field_filename), :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-adventure" ,:class => "tableth") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('size', :caption => l(:field_filesize), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-children",:class => "tableth") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('attach_type', :caption => l(:attachment_browse), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-attachmenttype",:class => "tableth") %>
<%= content_tag('th', l(:attachment_sufix_browse), id: 'vzebra-contenttype', class: 'tableth', style: 'color: black')%>
<%= sort_header_tag('attach_type', :caption => l(:field_filecontenttype), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-attachmenttype",:class => "tableth") %>
<%= content_tag('th', l(:field_filetype), id: 'vzebra-contenttype', class: 'tableth', style: 'color: black')%>
<%= sort_header_tag('field_file_dense', :caption => l(:field_file_dense), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-field_file_dense",:class => "tableth") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('downloads', :caption => l(:field_downloads), :default_order => 'desc', :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-action",:class => "tableth") %>
<%= sort_header_tag('operation', :caption => "", :scope => "col", :id => "vzebra-children",:class => "tableth") %>
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
<div class="tags_gradint"></div>
<div class="read-more hidden">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="readmore(this);"> 更多 </a>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="readmore(this);"> <%= l(:button_more)%> </a>

View File

@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
<div class="project_r_h">
<h2 class="project_h2">问题跟踪</h2>
<div class="problem_top">
<% unless @project.enabled_modules.where("name = 'issue_tracking'").empty? %>
<% if User.current.member_of?(@project) %>
<%= link_to l(:label_issue_new), {:controller => 'issues', :action => 'new', :copy_from => nil}, :param => :project_id, :caption => :label_issue_new,
:html => {:accesskey => Redmine::AccessKeys.key_for(:new_issue)}, :class => 'icon icon-add' %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to l(:label_query), '#', :class => 'icon icon-help',
:onclick => '$("#custom_query").slideToggle(400); ' if true || User.current.logged? %>
<% end %>
<span class="problem_p fr">问题总数:<span><%= @project.issues.count %></span> 未解决:<span><%= @project.issues.where('status_id in (1,2,4,6)').count %></span></span>
<div class="contextual">
<% if !@query.new_record? && @query.editable_by?(User.current) %>
<%= link_to l(:button_edit), edit_query_path(@query), :class => 'icon icon-edit' %>
<%= delete_link query_path(@query) %>
<% end %>
<% html_title(@query.new_record? ? l(:label_issue_plural) : %>
<div style="clear:right; ">
<%= form_tag({:controller => 'issues', :action => 'index', :project_id => @project}, :method => :get, :id => 'query_form', :class => 'query_form') do %>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'set_filter', '1' %>
<div id="custom_query" class="custom_query" style="display: <%= !params[:utf8].blank? ? 'block' : 'none' %>;">
<span>---<%= l :label_query_new %>---</span>
<div id="query_form_content" class="hide-when-print">
<fieldset id="filters" class="collapsible <%= @query.new_record? ? "" : "collapsed" %>">
<legend onclick="toggleFieldset(this);">
<%= l(:label_issue_query_condition) %>
<div style="<%= @query.new_record? ? "" : "display: none;" %>">
<%= render :partial => 'queries/filters', :locals => {:query => @query} %>
<fieldset class="collapsible collapsed">
<legend onclick="toggleFieldset(this);">
<%= l(:label_options) %>
<div style="display: none;">
<td><%= l(:field_column_names) %></td>
<td><%= render_query_columns_selection(@query) %></td>
<td><label for='group_by'><%= l(:field_group_by) %></label></td>
<td><%= select_tag('group_by', options_for_select([[]] + @query.groupable_columns.collect { |c| [c.caption,] }, @query.group_by)) %></td>
<td><%= l(:button_show) %></td>
<td><%= available_block_columns_tags(@query) %></td>
<div class="buttons hide-when-print">
<%= link_to_function l(:label_issue_query), 'submit_query_form("query_form")', :class => 'icon icon-checked' %>
<%= link_to l(:label_issue_cancel_query), {:set_filter => 1, :project_id => @project}, :class => 'icon icon-reload' %>
<% end %>
<%= error_messages_for 'query' %>
<% if @query.valid? %>
<% if @issues.empty? %>
<p class="nodata">
<%= l(:label_no_data) %>
<% else %>
<%= render :partial => 'issues/list', :locals => {:issues => @issues, :query => @query} %>
<div class="pagination">
<ul><%= pagination_links_full @issue_pages, @issue_count %></ul>
<% end %>
<div style="float: right; padding-top: 30px">
<% other_formats_links do |f| %>
<%= f.link_to 'Atom', :url => params.merge(:key => User.current.rss_key) %>
<%= f.link_to 'CSV', :url => params, :onclick => "showModal('csv-export-options', '330px'); return false;" %>
<%= f.link_to 'PDF', :url => params %>
<% end %>
<div id="csv-export-options" style="display:none;">
<h3 class="title"><%= l(:label_export_options, :export_format => 'CSV') %></h3>
<%= form_tag(params.merge({:format => 'csv', :page => nil}), :method => :get, :id => 'csv-export-form') do %>
<%= radio_button_tag 'columns', 'all' %>
<%= l(:description_all_columns) %>
<%= check_box_tag 'description', '1', @query.has_column?(:description) %>
<%= l(:field_description) %>
<p class="buttons">
<%= submit_tag l(:button_export), :name => nil, :onclick => "hideModal(this);" %>
<%= submit_tag l(:button_cancel), :name => nil, :onclick => "hideModal(this);", :type => 'button' %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= call_hook(:view_issues_index_bottom, {:issues => @issues, :project => @project, :query => @query}) %>
<% content_for :sidebar do %>
<%= render :partial => 'issues/sidebar' %>
<% end %>
<% content_for :header_tags do %>
<%= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom,
{:query_id => @query, :format => 'atom',
:page => nil, :key => User.current.rss_key},
:title => l(:label_issue_plural)) %>
<%= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom,
{:controller => 'journals', :action => 'index',
:query_id => @query, :format => 'atom',
:page => nil, :key => User.current.rss_key},
:title => l(:label_changes_details)) %>
<% end %>
<%= context_menu issues_context_menu_path %>

View File

@ -1 +1,139 @@
<%= render :partial => 'issues/newissue_index' %>
<div class="project_r_h">
<h2 class="project_h2">问题跟踪</h2>
<div class="problem_top">
<% unless @project.enabled_modules.where("name = 'issue_tracking'").empty? %>
<% if User.current.member_of?(@project) %>
<%= link_to l(:label_issue_new), {:controller => 'issues', :action => 'new', :copy_from => nil}, :param => :project_id, :caption => :label_issue_new,
:html => {:accesskey => Redmine::AccessKeys.key_for(:new_issue)}, :class => 'icon icon-add' %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to l(:label_query), '#', :class => 'icon icon-help',
:onclick => '$("#custom_query").slideToggle(400); ' if true || User.current.logged? %>
<% end %>
<span class="problem_p fr">问题总数:<span><%= @project.issues.count %></span> 未解决:<span><%= @project.issues.where('status_id in (1,2,4,6)').count %></span></span>
<div class="contextual">
<% if !@query.new_record? && @query.editable_by?(User.current) %>
<%= link_to l(:button_edit), edit_query_path(@query), :class => 'icon icon-edit' %>
<%= delete_link query_path(@query) %>
<% end %>
<% html_title(@query.new_record? ? l(:label_issue_plural) : %>
<div style="clear:right; ">
<%= form_tag({:controller => 'issues', :action => 'index', :project_id => @project}, :method => :get, :id => 'query_form', :class => 'query_form') do %>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'set_filter', '1' %>
<div id="custom_query" class="custom_query" style="display: <%= !params[:utf8].blank? ? 'block' : 'none' %>;">
<span>---<%= l :label_query_new %>---</span>
<div id="query_form_content" class="hide-when-print">
<fieldset id="filters" class="collapsible <%= @query.new_record? ? "" : "collapsed" %>">
<legend onclick="toggleFieldset(this);">
<%= l(:label_issue_query_condition) %>
<div style="<%= @query.new_record? ? "" : "display: none;" %>">
<%= render :partial => 'queries/filters', :locals => {:query => @query} %>
<fieldset class="collapsible collapsed">
<legend onclick="toggleFieldset(this);">
<%= l(:label_options) %>
<div style="display: none;">
<td><%= l(:field_column_names) %></td>
<td><%= render_query_columns_selection(@query) %></td>
<td><label for='group_by'><%= l(:field_group_by) %></label></td>
<td><%= select_tag('group_by', options_for_select([[]] + @query.groupable_columns.collect { |c| [c.caption,] }, @query.group_by)) %></td>
<td><%= l(:button_show) %></td>
<td><%= available_block_columns_tags(@query) %></td>
<div class="buttons hide-when-print">
<%= link_to_function l(:label_issue_query), 'submit_query_form("query_form")', :class => 'icon icon-checked' %>
<%= link_to l(:label_issue_cancel_query), {:set_filter => 1, :project_id => @project}, :class => 'icon icon-reload' %>
<% end %>
<%= error_messages_for 'query' %>
<% if @query.valid? %>
<% if @issues.empty? %>
<p class="nodata">
<%= l(:label_no_data) %>
<% else %>
<%= render :partial => 'issues/list', :locals => {:issues => @issues, :query => @query} %>
<div class="pagination">
<ul><%= pagination_links_full @issue_pages, @issue_count %></ul>
<% end %>
<div style="float: right; padding-top: 30px">
<% other_formats_links do |f| %>
<%= f.link_to 'Atom', :url => params.merge(:key => User.current.rss_key) %>
<%= f.link_to 'CSV', :url => params, :onclick => "showModal('csv-export-options', '330px'); return false;" %>
<%= f.link_to 'PDF', :url => params %>
<% end %>
<div id="csv-export-options" style="display:none;">
<h3 class="title"><%= l(:label_export_options, :export_format => 'CSV') %></h3>
<%= form_tag(params.merge({:format => 'csv', :page => nil}), :method => :get, :id => 'csv-export-form') do %>
<%= radio_button_tag 'columns', 'all' %>
<%= l(:description_all_columns) %>
<%= check_box_tag 'description', '1', @query.has_column?(:description) %>
<%= l(:field_description) %>
<p class="buttons">
<%= submit_tag l(:button_export), :name => nil, :onclick => "hideModal(this);" %>
<%= submit_tag l(:button_cancel), :name => nil, :onclick => "hideModal(this);", :type => 'button' %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= call_hook(:view_issues_index_bottom, {:issues => @issues, :project => @project, :query => @query}) %>
<% content_for :sidebar do %>
<%= render :partial => 'issues/sidebar' %>
<% end %>
<% content_for :header_tags do %>
<%= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom,
{:query_id => @query, :format => 'atom',
:page => nil, :key => User.current.rss_key},
:title => l(:label_issue_plural)) %>
<%= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom,
{:controller => 'journals', :action => 'index',
:query_id => @query, :format => 'atom',
:page => nil, :key => User.current.rss_key},
:title => l(:label_changes_details)) %>
<% end %>
<%= context_menu issues_context_menu_path %>

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
$('#content').html('<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => 'issues/newissue_index') %>');

View File

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ end %>
<%= render_custom_fields_rows(@issue) %>
<%= call_hook(:view_issues_show_details_bottom, :issue => @issue) %>
<% if @issue.description? || @issue.attachments.any? -%>
<hr />
<% if @issue.description? %>

View File

@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ a:hover.mail_reply{ background:#06a9bc; text-decoration:none;}
<div class="container" style="margin:0; padding:0; border:0;">
<div class="mail" style="width:600px; margin:20px; height:auto; color:#4b4b4b; font-size:14px; margin:0; padding:0; border:0;">
<div class="mail_head" style="margin:0; padding:0; border:0;">
<p><%= l(:mail_issue_greetings)%></p>
</div><!--mail_head end-->
<%= yield %>

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
<div class="cl"></div>
<div class="box_main">
<div style="padding-left: 20px;">
<h3 class="box_h3"><%= l(:label_invite_new_user)%></h3>
<p class="box_p">
<%= l(:label_invite_email_tips)%>
@ -62,5 +63,6 @@
<%#= submit_tag '免费发送', :style => "display:block; width:80px; text-align:center; color:#fff; height:26px; padding-top:3px; margin-bottom:10px;" %>
<% end %>

View File

@ -24,19 +24,19 @@
<%= file.description %>
<div class="c9 gray-color">
<%= l('label_attachment_category')%>
<%= l('attachment.category')%>
<%=result_come_from file%>
<span class="gray blue-color">
<%= l('label_attachment_download_num')%>
<%= l('attachment.download_num')%>
<%= file.downloads%>|
<%= l('label_attachment_size')%>
<%= l('attachment.size')%>
<%= number_to_human_size(file.filesize) %>|
<%= l('label_attachment_sharer')%>
<%= l('attachment.sharer')%>
<a class="gray" >
<%= link_to, user_path(, target: "_blank" unless %>
<%= l('label_attachment_upload_time')%>
<%= l('attachment.upload_time')%>
<%= format_time(file.created_on) %>
<div style="display: none"></div>

View File

@ -138,10 +138,7 @@ en:
circular_dependency: "This relation would create a circular dependency"
cant_link_an_issue_with_a_descendant: "An issue cannot be linked to one of its subtasks"
attachment_all: "All"
attachment_browse: "Attachment Content Browse"
attachment_sufix_browse: "Attachment Type Browse"
attachment_type: "Attachment Type"
general_text_No: 'No'
general_text_Yes: 'Yes'
general_text_no: 'no'
@ -166,7 +163,7 @@ en:
label_requirement: Calls
label_forum: Forum
label_contest: Contest
label_attachment_plural: Files

View File

@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ zh:
label_requirement: 需求
label_forum: 公共贴吧
label_contest: 竞赛
label_attachment_plural: 文件
field_description: 描述

View File

@ -2,3 +2,13 @@ en:
# Text direction: Left-to-Right (ltr) or Right-to-Left (rtl)
direction: ltr
# 竞赛托管平台
# 主页
label_current_hot_contest: Latest Hot Competition
label_current_attendingcontest_work: Latest Competition Work
label_issue_feedback_activities: Question&Feedback
label_more_information: More...
label_release_time: Release-time

View File

@ -3,4 +3,15 @@
# by tsechingho (
# Text direction: Left-to-Right (ltr) or Right-to-Left (rtl)
direction: ltr
direction: ltr
# 竞赛托管平台
# 主页
label_current_hot_contest: 最新热门竞赛
label_current_attendingcontest_work: 最新参赛作品
label_issue_feedback_activities: 问题和反馈动态
label_more_information: 更多>>
label_release_time: 发布时间

View File

@ -71,10 +71,9 @@ en:
field_summary: Summary
field_job_category: Job category # added by bai
field_filename: File
field_file_dense: File Dense
field_filesize: Size
field_downloads: Downloads
field_author: Author
field_created_on: Created
field_closed_on: Closed
@ -340,7 +339,7 @@ en:
label_create_new_projects: Create a project
label_work_scores_people: The total number of users given scores
label_project_grade: Score
label_relation_files: Select an existing resource
# Personal signature tips
@ -482,7 +481,7 @@ en:
label_attachment: Files
label_attachment_new: New file
label_attachment_delete: Delete file
label_attachment_plural: Files
label_file_added: File added
label_report: Report
label_report_plural: Reports
@ -792,7 +791,7 @@ en:
label_cross_project_hierarchy: With project hierarchy
label_cross_project_system: With all projects
label_gantt_progress_line: Progress line
label_files_filter: Files Filter
button_check_all: Check all
button_uncheck_all: Uncheck all
@ -1430,13 +1429,7 @@ en:
label_your_course: your course
label_have_message: have a new message
lable_not_receive_mail: Click here don't receive email form site
#added by linchun as competition#
label_current_hot_contest: Latest Hot Competition
label_current_attendingcontest_work: Latest Competition Work
label_issue_feedback_activities: Question&Feedback
label_more_information: More...
label_release_time: Release-time
label_weixin: WeiXin
@ -1571,7 +1564,6 @@ en:
label_trustie_team: The Trustie development team
label_memos_max_length: The content of the post up to 65535 characters in length
label_forums_max_length: Post Bar describing the maximum length of 65535 characters
label_unknow_type: Unknow type
review_assignments: Review assignments
label_my_school: My school

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ en:
label_unapply_project: Cancel the application
label_member: Members
project_module_attachments: Resources
project_module_attachments: Files
label_invite: Invitation
label_invite_new_user: "Send e-mail to invite new user"
@ -95,6 +95,29 @@ en:
# 资源库
lable_file_sharingarea: Files
label_upload_files: Upload
# 资源库(附件)公用
label_relation_files: Select an existing resource
label_search_by_keyword: "Search by keywords"
label_files_filter: "Files Filter:"
attachment_all: "All"
attachment_browse: "Attachment Content Browse"
attachment_sufix_browse: "Attachment Type Browse"
attachment_type: "Attachment Type"
label_unknow_type: Unknow type
field_filename: File
field_filesize: Size
field_filecontenttype: Content Typ
field_filetype: File Typ
field_downloads: Downloads
field_file_dense: Dense

View File

@ -101,16 +101,23 @@ zh:
label_upload_files: 上传文件
# 附件公用
# 资源库(附件公用
label_relation_files: 关联已有资源
label_search_by_keyword: "按关键字搜索:"
label_files_filter: "资源过滤:"
attachment_all: "全部"
field_filename: 文件
field_filesize: 大小
field_filecontenttype: 内容分类
field_filetype: 文件格式
field_file_dense: 是否公开
field_downloads: 下载次数
attachment_sufix_browse: "文件类型"
attachment_browse: "内容类型"
attachment_all: "全部"
attachment_type: "分类"
label_unknow_type: 未知类型
# 项目托管平台

View File

@ -99,10 +99,9 @@ zh:
lastname_empty: 姓氏不能为空
enterprise_empty: 企业名不能为空
field_lastname_eg: '(例:张三丰,请填写[张])'
field_filename: 文件
field_file_dense: 是否公开
field_filesize: 大小
field_downloads: 下载次数
field_author: 作者
field_created_on: 创建于
field_updated_on: 更新于
@ -566,7 +565,7 @@ zh:
label_file_upload: 上传资料
label_course_file_upload: 上传了课件
label_attachment_delete: 删除文件
label_attachment_plural: 文件
label_file_added: 文件已添加
label_report: 报表
label_report_plural: 报表
@ -1918,12 +1917,6 @@ zh:
lable_not_receive_mail: 点此设置接收本站邮件偏好!
label_contest_notification: 竞赛通知
#english site translation
label_current_hot_contest: 最新热门竞赛
label_current_attendingcontest_work: 最新参赛作品
label_issue_feedback_activities: 问题和反馈动态
label_more_information: 更多>>
label_release_time: 发布时间
label_weixin: 微信扫码
@ -2032,13 +2025,6 @@ zh:
label_enterprise_nil: 该模块为最新上线模块,目前还没有创建企业项目!
label_enterprises: 组织
label_tags_opensource: 开源项目
label_attachment_category: 所属分类
label_attachment_download_num: 下载
label_attachment_size: 大小
label_attachment_sharer: 共享者
label_attachment_upload_time: 上传时间
label_recently_updated_notification: 最近更新了通知

View File

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