diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index bc936c34c..2b9fa95fe 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
index 29b2716a9..48c5adc0e 100644
--- a/Gemfile
+++ b/Gemfile
@@ -1,141 +1,141 @@
-source 'http://ruby.taobao.org'
-#source 'http://ruby.sdutlinux.org/'
-unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /w32/
- # unix-like only
- gem 'iconv'
- gem 'rubyzip'
- gem 'zip-zip'
-gem 'grape', '~> 0.9.0'
-gem 'grape-entity'
-gem 'seems_rateable', '~> 1.0.13'
-gem "rails", "3.2.13"
-gem "jquery-rails", "~> 2.0.2"
-gem "i18n", "~> 0.6.0"
-gem 'coderay', '~> 1.1.0'
-gem "fastercsv", "~> 1.5.0", :platforms => [:mri_18, :mingw_18, :jruby]
-gem "builder", "3.0.0"
-gem 'acts-as-taggable-on', '2.4.1'
-gem 'spreadsheet'
-gem 'ruby-ole'
-#gem 'email_verifier', path: 'lib/email_verifier'
-gem 'rufus-scheduler'
-#gem 'dalli', path: 'lib/dalli-2.7.2'
-gem 'rails_kindeditor'
-group :development do
- gem 'grape-swagger'
- #gem 'grape-swagger-ui', git: 'https://github.com/guange2015/grape-swagger-ui.git'
- gem 'puma' if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /linux/
- gem 'pry-rails'
- if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.0.0'
- gem 'pry-byebug'
- else
- gem 'pry-debugger'
- end
- gem 'pry-stack_explorer'
- gem 'better_errors', '~> 1.1.0'
- gem 'rack-mini-profiler', '~> 0.9.3'
-group :test do
- gem "shoulda", "~> 3.5.0"
- gem "mocha", "~> 1.1.0"
- gem 'capybara', '~> 2.4.1'
- gem 'nokogiri', '~> 1.6.3'
- gem 'factory_girl', '~> 4.4.0'
- gem 'selenium-webdriver', '~> 2.42.0'
- gem "faker"
- # platforms :mri, :mingw do
- # group :rmagick do
- # # RMagick 2 supports ruby 1.9
- # # RMagick 1 would be fine for ruby 1.8 but Bundler does not support
- # # different requirements for the same gem on different platforms
- # gem "rmagick", ">= 2.0.0"
- # end
- #end
- # gem 'rspec-rails' , '2.13.1'
- # gem 'guard-rspec','2.5.0'
-# Gems used only for assets and not required
-# in production environments by default.
-group :assets do
- gem 'sass-rails', '~> 3.2.3'
- gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 3.2.1'
- # See https://github.com/sstephenson/execjs#readme for more supported runtimes
- gem 'therubyracer', :platforms => :ruby
- gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.0.3'
-# Optional gem for LDAP authentication
-group :ldap do
- gem "net-ldap", "~> 0.3.1"
-# Optional gem for OpenID authentication
-group :openid do
- gem "ruby-openid", "~> 2.1.4", :require => "openid"
- gem "rack-openid"
-# Optional gem for exporting the gantt to a PNG file, not supported with jruby
-platforms :jruby do
- # jruby-openssl is bundled with JRuby 1.7.0
- gem "jruby-openssl" if Object.const_defined?(:JRUBY_VERSION) && JRUBY_VERSION < '1.7.0'
- gem "activerecord-jdbc-adapter", "1.2.5"
-# Include database gems for the adapters found in the database
-# configuration file
-require 'erb'
-require 'yaml'
-database_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "config/database.yml")
-if File.exist?(database_file)
- database_config = YAML::load(ERB.new(IO.read(database_file)).result)
- adapters = database_config.values.map {|c| c['adapter']}.compact.uniq
- if adapters.any?
- adapters.each do |adapter|
- case adapter
- when 'mysql2'
- gem "mysql2", "= 0.3.18", :platforms => [:mri, :mingw]
- gem "activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter", :platforms => :jruby
- when 'mysql'
- gem "mysql", "~> 2.8.1", :platforms => [:mri, :mingw]
- gem "activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter", :platforms => :jruby
- when /postgresql/
- gem "pg", ">= 0.11.0", :platforms => [:mri, :mingw]
- gem "activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter", :platforms => :jruby
- when /sqlite3/
- gem "sqlite3", :platforms => [:mri, :mingw]
- gem "activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapter", :platforms => :jruby
- when /sqlserver/
- gem "tiny_tds", "~> 0.5.1", :platforms => [:mri, :mingw]
- gem "activerecord-sqlserver-adapter", :platforms => [:mri, :mingw]
- else
- warn("Unknown database adapter `#{adapter}` found in config/database.yml, use Gemfile.local to load your own database gems")
- end
- end
- else
- warn("No adapter found in config/database.yml, please configure it first")
- end
- warn("Please configure your config/database.yml first")
-local_gemfile = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "Gemfile.local")
-if File.exists?(local_gemfile)
- puts "Loading Gemfile.local ..." if $DEBUG # `ruby -d` or `bundle -v`
- instance_eval File.read(local_gemfile)
-# Load plugins' Gemfiles
-Dir.glob File.expand_path("../plugins/*/Gemfile", __FILE__) do |file|
- puts "Loading #{file} ..." if $DEBUG # `ruby -d` or `bundle -v`
- instance_eval File.read(file)
+source 'http://ruby.taobao.org'
+#source 'http://ruby.sdutlinux.org/'
+unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /w32/
+ # unix-like only
+ gem 'iconv'
+ gem 'rubyzip'
+ gem 'zip-zip'
+gem 'grape', '~> 0.9.0'
+gem 'grape-entity'
+gem 'seems_rateable', '~> 1.0.13'
+gem "rails", "3.2.13"
+gem "jquery-rails", "~> 2.0.2"
+gem "i18n", "~> 0.6.0"
+gem 'coderay', '~> 1.1.0'
+gem "fastercsv", "~> 1.5.0", :platforms => [:mri_18, :mingw_18, :jruby]
+gem "builder", "3.0.0"
+gem 'acts-as-taggable-on', '2.4.1'
+gem 'spreadsheet'
+gem 'ruby-ole'
+#gem 'email_verifier', path: 'lib/email_verifier'
+gem 'rufus-scheduler'
+#gem 'dalli', path: 'lib/dalli-2.7.2'
+gem 'rails_kindeditor'
+group :development do
+ gem 'grape-swagger'
+ #gem 'grape-swagger-ui', git: 'https://github.com/guange2015/grape-swagger-ui.git'
+ gem 'puma' if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /linux/
+ gem 'pry-rails'
+ if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.0.0'
+ gem 'pry-byebug'
+ else
+ gem 'pry-debugger'
+ end
+ gem 'pry-stack_explorer'
+ gem 'better_errors', '~> 1.1.0'
+ gem 'rack-mini-profiler', '~> 0.9.3'
+group :test do
+ gem "shoulda", "~> 3.5.0"
+ gem "mocha", "~> 1.1.0"
+ gem 'capybara', '~> 2.4.1'
+ gem 'nokogiri', '~> 1.6.3'
+ gem 'factory_girl', '~> 4.4.0'
+ gem 'selenium-webdriver', '~> 2.42.0'
+ gem "faker"
+ # platforms :mri, :mingw do
+ # group :rmagick do
+ # # RMagick 2 supports ruby 1.9
+ # # RMagick 1 would be fine for ruby 1.8 but Bundler does not support
+ # # different requirements for the same gem on different platforms
+ # gem "rmagick", ">= 2.0.0"
+ # end
+ #end
+ # gem 'rspec-rails' , '2.13.1'
+ # gem 'guard-rspec','2.5.0'
+# Gems used only for assets and not required
+# in production environments by default.
+group :assets do
+ gem 'sass-rails', '~> 3.2.3'
+ gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 3.2.1'
+ # See https://github.com/sstephenson/execjs#readme for more supported runtimes
+ gem 'therubyracer', :platforms => :ruby
+ gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.0.3'
+# Optional gem for LDAP authentication
+group :ldap do
+ gem "net-ldap", "~> 0.3.1"
+# Optional gem for OpenID authentication
+group :openid do
+ gem "ruby-openid", "~> 2.1.4", :require => "openid"
+ gem "rack-openid"
+# Optional gem for exporting the gantt to a PNG file, not supported with jruby
+platforms :jruby do
+ # jruby-openssl is bundled with JRuby 1.7.0
+ gem "jruby-openssl" if Object.const_defined?(:JRUBY_VERSION) && JRUBY_VERSION < '1.7.0'
+ gem "activerecord-jdbc-adapter", "1.2.5"
+# Include database gems for the adapters found in the database
+# configuration file
+require 'erb'
+require 'yaml'
+database_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "config/database.yml")
+if File.exist?(database_file)
+ database_config = YAML::load(ERB.new(IO.read(database_file)).result)
+ adapters = database_config.values.map {|c| c['adapter']}.compact.uniq
+ if adapters.any?
+ adapters.each do |adapter|
+ case adapter
+ when 'mysql2'
+ gem "mysql2", "= 0.3.18", :platforms => [:mri, :mingw]
+ gem "activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter", :platforms => :jruby
+ when 'mysql'
+ gem "mysql", "~> 2.8.1", :platforms => [:mri, :mingw]
+ gem "activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter", :platforms => :jruby
+ when /postgresql/
+ gem "pg", ">= 0.11.0", :platforms => [:mri, :mingw]
+ gem "activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter", :platforms => :jruby
+ when /sqlite3/
+ gem "sqlite3", :platforms => [:mri, :mingw]
+ gem "activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapter", :platforms => :jruby
+ when /sqlserver/
+ gem "tiny_tds", "~> 0.5.1", :platforms => [:mri, :mingw]
+ gem "activerecord-sqlserver-adapter", :platforms => [:mri, :mingw]
+ else
+ warn("Unknown database adapter `#{adapter}` found in config/database.yml, use Gemfile.local to load your own database gems")
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ warn("No adapter found in config/database.yml, please configure it first")
+ end
+ warn("Please configure your config/database.yml first")
+local_gemfile = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "Gemfile.local")
+if File.exists?(local_gemfile)
+ puts "Loading Gemfile.local ..." if $DEBUG # `ruby -d` or `bundle -v`
+ instance_eval File.read(local_gemfile)
+# Load plugins' Gemfiles
+Dir.glob File.expand_path("../plugins/*/Gemfile", __FILE__) do |file|
+ puts "Loading #{file} ..." if $DEBUG # `ruby -d` or `bundle -v`
+ instance_eval File.read(file)
diff --git a/app/controllers/discuss_demos_controller.rb b/app/controllers/discuss_demos_controller.rb
index b0c9791cb..9a03f3b86 100644
--- a/app/controllers/discuss_demos_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/discuss_demos_controller.rb
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
-class DiscussDemosController < ApplicationController
- def index
- @discuss_demo_list = DiscussDemo.where("body is not null").order("created_at desc").page(params[:page] || 1).per(10)
- end
- def new
- @discuss_demo = DiscussDemo.create
- @discuss_demo.save!
- @discuss_demo
- end
- def create
- end
- def update
- @discuss_demo = DiscussDemo.find(params[:id])
- @discuss_demo.update_attributes(:title => params[:discuss_demo][:title],:body => params[:discuss_demo][:body])
- redirect_to :controller=> 'discuss_demos',:action => 'show',:id => params[:id]
- end
- def delete
- end
- def destroy
- asset = Kindeditor::Asset.find_by_owner_id(params[:id])
- if !asset.nil?
- filepath = File.join(Rails.root,"public","files","uploads",
- asset[:created_at].to_s.gsub("+0800","").to_datetime.strftime("%Y%m").to_s,
- asset[:asset].to_s)
- File.delete(filepath) if File.exist?filepath
- end
- DiscussDemo.destroy(params[:id])
- redirect_to :controller=> 'discuss_demos',:action => 'index'
- end
- def show
- @discuss_demo = DiscussDemo.find(params[:id])
- end
+class DiscussDemosController < ApplicationController
+ def index
+ @discuss_demo_list = DiscussDemo.where("body is not null").order("created_at desc").page(params[:page] || 1).per(10)
+ end
+ def new
+ @discuss_demo = DiscussDemo.create
+ @discuss_demo.save!
+ @discuss_demo
+ end
+ def create
+ end
+ def update
+ @discuss_demo = DiscussDemo.find(params[:id])
+ @discuss_demo.update_attributes(:title => params[:discuss_demo][:title],:body => params[:discuss_demo][:body])
+ redirect_to :controller=> 'discuss_demos',:action => 'show',:id => params[:id]
+ end
+ def delete
+ end
+ def destroy
+ asset = Kindeditor::Asset.find_by_owner_id(params[:id])
+ if !asset.nil?
+ filepath = File.join(Rails.root,"public","files","uploads",
+ asset[:created_at].to_s.gsub("+0800","").to_datetime.strftime("%Y%m").to_s,
+ asset[:asset].to_s)
+ File.delete(filepath) if File.exist?filepath
+ end
+ DiscussDemo.destroy(params[:id])
+ redirect_to :controller=> 'discuss_demos',:action => 'index'
+ end
+ def show
+ @discuss_demo = DiscussDemo.find(params[:id])
+ end
diff --git a/app/models/user.rb b/app/models/user.rb
index 9abe80779..87dc88976 100644
--- a/app/models/user.rb
+++ b/app/models/user.rb
@@ -1,1029 +1,1029 @@
-# Redmine - project management software
-# Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-require "digest/sha1"
-class User < Principal
- include Redmine::SafeAttributes
- seems_rateable_rater
- # Different ways of displaying/sorting users
- :firstname_lastname => {
- :string => '#{firstname} #{lastname}',
- :order => %w(firstname lastname id),
- :setting_order => 1
- },
- :firstname_lastinitial => {
- :string => '#{firstname} #{lastname.to_s.chars.first}.',
- :order => %w(firstname lastname id),
- :setting_order => 2
- },
- :firstname => {
- :string => '#{firstname}',
- :order => %w(firstname id),
- :setting_order => 3
- },
- :lastname_firstname => {
- :string => '#{lastname} #{firstname}',
- :order => %w(lastname firstname id),
- :setting_order => 4
- },
- :lastname_coma_firstname => {
- :string => '#{lastname}, #{firstname}',
- :order => %w(lastname firstname id),
- :setting_order => 5
- },
- :lastname => {
- :string => '#{lastname}',
- :order => %w(lastname id),
- :setting_order => 6
- },
- :username => {
- :string => '#{login}',
- :order => %w(login id),
- :setting_order => 7
- },
- }
- ['all', :label_user_mail_option_all],
- ['week', :label_user_mail_option_week],
- ['day', :label_user_mail_option_day],
- ['none', :label_user_mail_option_none]
- ]
- has_many :homework_users
- has_many :homework_attaches, :through => :homework_users
- has_many :homework_evaluations
- #问卷相关关关系
- has_many :poll_users, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :poll_votes, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :poll, :dependent => :destroy #用户创建的问卷
- has_many :answers, :source => :poll, :through => :poll_users, :dependent => :destroy #用户已经完成问答的问卷
- # end
- has_and_belongs_to_many :groups, :after_add => Proc.new {|user, group| group.user_added(user)},
- :after_remove => Proc.new {|user, group| group.user_removed(user)}
- has_many :changesets, :dependent => :nullify
- has_one :preference, :dependent => :destroy, :class_name => 'UserPreference'
- has_one :rss_token, :class_name => 'Token', :conditions => "action='feeds'"
- has_one :api_token, :class_name => 'Token', :conditions => "action='api'"
- belongs_to :auth_source
- belongs_to :ucourse, :class_name => 'Course', :foreign_key => :id #huang
-## added by xianbo for delete
- has_many :biding_projects, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :contesting_projects, :dependent => :destroy
- belongs_to :softapplication, :foreign_key => 'id', :dependent => :destroy
-##ended by xianbo
- has_many :jours, :class_name => 'JournalsForMessage', :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :journals_messages, :class_name => 'JournalsForMessage', :foreign_key => "user_id", :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :bids, :foreign_key => 'author_id', :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :contests, :foreign_key => 'author_id', :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :softapplications, :foreign_key => 'user_id', :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :journals_for_messages, :as => :jour, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :new_jours, :as => :jour, :class_name => 'JournalsForMessage', :conditions => "status=1"
- has_many :journal_replies, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :activities, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :students_for_courses
- #has_many :courses, :through => :students_for_courses, :source => :project
- has_many :acts, :class_name => 'Activity', :as => :act, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :file_commit, :class_name => 'Attachment', :foreign_key => 'author_id', :conditions => "container_type = 'Project' or container_type = 'Version'"
-# added by bai
- has_many :join_in_contests, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :news, :foreign_key => 'author_id'
- has_many :contestnotification, :foreign_key => 'author_id'
- has_many :comments, :foreign_key => 'author_id'
- has_many :notificationcomments, :foreign_key => 'author_id'
- has_many :wiki_contents, :foreign_key => 'author_id'
- has_many :journals
- has_many :messages, :foreign_key => 'author_id'
- has_one :user_score, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :documents # 项目中关联的文档再次与人关联
-# end
-######added by nie
- has_many :project_infos, :dependent => :destroy
- has_one :user_status, :dependent => :destroy
- #####
- has_many :shares ,:dependent => :destroy
- # add by zjc
- has_one :level, :class_name => 'UserLevels', :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :memos , :foreign_key => 'author_id'
- #####
- scope :logged, lambda { where("#{User.table_name}.status <> #{STATUS_ANONYMOUS}") }
- scope :status, lambda {|arg| where(arg.blank? ? nil : {:status => arg.to_i}) }
- scope :visible, lambda {|*args|
- nil
- }
- acts_as_customizable
- ############################added by william
- acts_as_taggable
- scope :by_join_date, order("created_on DESC")
- ############################# added by liuping 关注
- acts_as_watchable
- has_one :user_extensions,:dependent => :destroy
- ## end
- # default_scope -> { includes(:user_extensions, :user_score) }
- scope :teacher, -> {
- joins(:user_extensions).where('user_extensions.identity = ?', UserExtensions::TEACHER)
- }
- scope :student, -> {
- joins(:user_extensions).where('user_extensions.identity = ?', UserExtensions::STUDENT)
- }
- scope :developer, -> {
- joins(:user_extensions).where('user_extensions.identity = ?', UserExtensions::DEVELOPER)
- }
- scope :enterprise, -> {
- joins(:user_extensions).where('user_extensions.identity = ?', UserExtensions::ENTERPRISE)
- }
- attr_accessor :password, :password_confirmation
- attr_accessor :last_before_login_on
- # Prevents unauthorized assignments
- attr_protected :login, :admin, :password, :password_confirmation, :hashed_password
- validates_presence_of :login, :mail, :if => Proc.new { |user| !user.is_a?(AnonymousUser) }
- validates_uniqueness_of :login, :if => Proc.new { |user| user.login_changed? && user.login.present? }, :case_sensitive => false
- validates_uniqueness_of :mail, :if => Proc.new { |user| user.mail_changed? && user.mail.present? }, :case_sensitive => false
- # Login must contain letters, numbers, underscores only
- validates_format_of :login, :with => /\A[a-z0-9_\-@\.]*\z/i
- validates_length_of :login, :maximum => LOGIN_LENGTH_LIMIT
- validates_length_of :firstname, :maximum => 30
- validates_length_of :lastname, :maximum => 30
- validates_format_of :mail, :with => /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i, :allow_blank => true
- validates_length_of :mail, :maximum => MAIL_LENGTH_LIMIT, :allow_nil => true
- validates_confirmation_of :password, :allow_nil => true
- validates_inclusion_of :mail_notification, :in => MAIL_NOTIFICATION_OPTIONS.collect(&:first), :allow_blank => true
- validate :validate_password_length
- # validates_email_realness_of :mail
- before_create :set_mail_notification
- before_save :update_hashed_password
- before_destroy :remove_references_before_destroy
- # added by fq
- after_create :act_as_activity
- # end
- scope :in_group, lambda {|group|
- group_id = group.is_a?(Group) ? group.id : group.to_i
- where("#{User.table_name}.id IN (SELECT gu.user_id FROM #{table_name_prefix}groups_users#{table_name_suffix} gu WHERE gu.group_id = ?)", group_id)
- }
- scope :not_in_group, lambda {|group|
- group_id = group.is_a?(Group) ? group.id : group.to_i
- where("#{User.table_name}.id NOT IN (SELECT gu.user_id FROM #{table_name_prefix}groups_users#{table_name_suffix} gu WHERE gu.group_id = ?)", group_id)
- }
- scope :sorted, lambda { order(*User.fields_for_order_statement)}
- scope :like, lambda {|arg, type|
- if arg.blank?
- where(nil)
- else
- pattern = "%#{arg.to_s.strip.downcase}%"
- #where(" LOWER(concat(lastname, firstname)) LIKE :p ", :p => pattern)
- if type == "0"
- where(" LOWER(login) LIKE '#{pattern}' ")
- elsif type == "1"
- where(" LOWER(concat(lastname, firstname)) LIKE '#{pattern}' ")
- elsif type == "3"
- where(" LOWER(concat(lastname, firstname,login)) LIKE '#{pattern}' ")
- else
- where(" LOWER(mail) LIKE '#{pattern}' ")
- end
- end
- }
- # ======================================================================
- def extensions
- self.user_extensions ||= UserExtensions.new
- end
- def user_score_attr
- self.user_score ||= UserScore.new
- end
- # ======================================================================
- #选择项目成员时显示的用户信息文字
- def userInfo
- if self.realname.gsub(' ','') == "" || self.realname.nil?
- info = self.nickname;
- else
- info=self.nickname + ' (' + self.realname + ')';
- end
- info
- end
- ###添加留言 fq
- def add_jour(user, notes, reference_user_id = 0, options = {})
- if options.count == 0
- self.journals_for_messages << JournalsForMessage.new(:user_id => user.id, :notes => notes, :reply_id => reference_user_id, :status => true)
- else
- jfm = self.journals_for_messages.build(options)
- jfm.save
- jfm
- end
- end
- # 判断用户是否加入了竞赛中 fq
- def join_in_contest?(bid)
- joined = JoinInContest.where('user_id = ? and bid_id =?', self.id, bid.id)
- if joined.size > 0
- true
- else
- false
- end
- end
- ### fq
- def join_in?(course)
- joined = StudentsForCourse.where('student_id = ? and course_id = ?', self.id, course.id)
- if joined.size > 0
- true
- else
- false
- end
- end
- def show_name
- unless self.user_extensions.nil?
- if self.user_extensions.identity == 2
- firstname
- else
- lastname+firstname
- end
- else
- lastname+firstname
- end
- end
- ## end
- def count_new_jour
- count = self.new_jours.count
- end
- #added by nie
- def count_new_journal_reply
- count = self.journal_reply.count
- end
- def set_mail_notification
- ##add byxianbo
- thread=Thread.new do
- self.mail_notification = Setting.default_notification_option if self.mail_notification.blank?
- true
- end
- end
- def update_hashed_password
- # update hashed_password if password was set
- if self.password && self.auth_source_id.blank?
- salt_password(password)
- end
- end
- alias :base_reload :reload
- def reload(*args)
- @name = nil
- @projects_by_role = nil
- @courses_by_role = nil
- @membership_by_project_id = nil
- base_reload(*args)
- end
- def mail=(arg)
- write_attribute(:mail, arg.to_s.strip)
- end
- def identity_url=(url)
- if url.blank?
- write_attribute(:identity_url, '')
- else
- begin
- write_attribute(:identity_url, OpenIdAuthentication.normalize_identifier(url))
- rescue OpenIdAuthentication::InvalidOpenId
- # Invalid url, don't save
- end
- end
- self.read_attribute(:identity_url)
- end
- VALID_EMAIL_REGEX = /\A[\w+\-.]+@[a-z\d\-]+(\.[a-z]+)*\.[a-z]+\z/i
- # VALID_EMAIL_REGEX = /^[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+@[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+(\.[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+)+$/
- # Returns the user that matches provided login and password, or nil
- #登录,返回用户名与密码匹配的用户
- def self.try_to_login(login, password)
- login = login.to_s.lstrip.rstrip
- password = password.to_s
- # Make sure no one can sign in with an empty login or password
- return nil if login.empty? || password.empty?
- if (login =~ VALID_EMAIL_REGEX)
- user = find_by_mail(login)
- else
- user = find_by_login(login)
- end
- if user
- # user is already in local database
- #return nil unless user.active?
- return nil unless user.check_password?(password)
- else
- # user is not yet registered, try to authenticate with available sources
- attrs = AuthSource.authenticate(login, password)
- if attrs
- user = new(attrs)
- user.login = login
- user.language = Setting.default_language
- if user.save
- user.reload
- logger.info("User '#{user.login}' created from external auth source: #{user.auth_source.type} - #{user.auth_source.name}") if logger && user.auth_source
- end
- end
- end
- if user && !user.new_record?
- last_login_on = user.last_login_on.nil? ? '' : user.last_login_on.to_s
- user.update_column(:last_login_on, Time.now)
- end
- [user, last_login_on]
- rescue => text
- raise text
- end
- def self.try_to_autologin(key)
- user = Token.find_active_user('autologin', key, Setting.autologin.to_i)
- if user
- user.update_column(:last_login_on, Time.now)
- user
- end
- end
- def self.name_formatter(formatter = nil)
- USER_FORMATS[formatter || Setting.user_format] || USER_FORMATS[:firstname_lastname]
- end
- # Returns an array of fields names than can be used to make an order statement for users
- # according to how user names are displayed
- # Examples:
- #
- # User.fields_for_order_statement => ['users.login', 'users.id']
- # User.fields_for_order_statement('authors') => ['authors.login', 'authors.id']
- def self.fields_for_order_statement(table=nil)
- table ||= table_name
- name_formatter[:order].map {|field| "#{table}.#{field}"}
- end
- # Return user's full name for display
- def realname(formatter = nil)
- f = self.class.name_formatter(formatter)
- if formatter
- eval('"' + f[:string] + '"')
- else
- @name ||= eval('"' + f[:string] + '"')
- end
- end
- def nickname(formatter = nil)
- login
- end
- def name(formatter = nil)
- login
- end
- def active?
- self.status == STATUS_ACTIVE
- end
- def registered?
- self.status == STATUS_REGISTERED
- end
- def locked?
- self.status == STATUS_LOCKED
- end
- def activate
- self.status = STATUS_ACTIVE
- end
- def register
- self.status = STATUS_REGISTERED
- end
- def lock
- self.status = STATUS_LOCKED
- end
- def activate!
- update_attribute(:status, STATUS_ACTIVE)
- end
- def register!
- update_attribute(:status, STATUS_REGISTERED)
- end
- def lock!
- update_attribute(:status, STATUS_LOCKED)
- end
- # Returns true if +clear_password+ is the correct user's password, otherwise false
- def check_password?(clear_password)
- if auth_source_id.present?
- auth_source.authenticate(self.login, clear_password)
- else
- User.hash_password("#{salt}#{User.hash_password clear_password}") == hashed_password
- end
- end
- def check_password1?(clear_password)
- clear_password == hashed_password
- end
- # Generates a random salt and computes hashed_password for +clear_password+
- # The hashed password is stored in the following form: SHA1(salt + SHA1(password))
- def salt_password(clear_password)
- self.salt = User.generate_salt
- self.hashed_password = User.hash_password("#{salt}#{User.hash_password clear_password}")
- end
- # Does the backend storage allow this user to change their password?
- def change_password_allowed?
- return true if auth_source.nil?
- return auth_source.allow_password_changes?
- end
- # Generate and set a random password. Useful for automated user creation
- # Based on Token#generate_token_value
- #
- def random_password
- chars = ("a".."z").to_a + ("A".."Z").to_a + ("0".."9").to_a
- password = ''
- 40.times { |i| password << chars[rand(chars.size-1)] }
- self.password = password
- self.password_confirmation = password
- self
- end
- def pref
- self.preference ||= UserPreference.new(:user => self)
- end
- def time_zone
- @time_zone ||= (self.pref.time_zone.blank? ? nil : ActiveSupport::TimeZone[self.pref.time_zone])
- end
- def wants_comments_in_reverse_order?
- self.pref[:comments_sorting] == 'desc'
- end
- def wants_notificationcomments_in_reverse_order?
- self.pref[:notificationcomments_sorting] == 'desc'
- end
- # Return user's RSS key (a 40 chars long string), used to access feeds
- def rss_key
- if rss_token.nil?
- create_rss_token(:action => 'feeds')
- end
- rss_token.value
- end
- # Return user's API key (a 40 chars long string), used to access the API
- def api_key
- if api_token.nil?
- create_api_token(:action => 'api')
- end
- api_token.value
- end
- # Return an array of project ids for which the user has explicitly turned mail notifications on
- def notified_projects_ids
- @notified_projects_ids ||= memberships.select {|m| m.mail_notification?}.collect(&:project_id)
- end
- def notified_project_ids=(ids)
- Member.update_all("mail_notification = #{connection.quoted_false}", ['user_id = ?', id])
- Member.update_all("mail_notification = #{connection.quoted_true}", ['user_id = ? AND project_id IN (?)', id, ids]) if ids && !ids.empty?
- @notified_projects_ids = nil
- notified_projects_ids
- end
- def valid_notification_options
- self.class.valid_notification_options(self)
- end
- # Only users that belong to more than 1 project can select projects for which they are notified
- def self.valid_notification_options(user=nil)
- # Note that @user.membership.size would fail since AR ignores
- # :include association option when doing a count
- if user.nil? || user.memberships.length < 1
- MAIL_NOTIFICATION_OPTIONS.reject {|option| option.first == 'selected'}
- else
- end
- end
- # Find a user account by matching the exact login and then a case-insensitive
- # version. Exact matches will be given priority.
- #通过用户名查找相应的用户,若没有匹配到,则不区分大小写进行查询
- #修改:不再匹配不区分大小写情况 -zjc
- def self.find_by_login(login)
- if login.present?
- login = login.to_s
- # First look for an exact match
- user = where(:login => login).all.detect {|u| u.login == login}
- #unless user
- # # Fail over to case-insensitive if none was found
- # user = where("LOWER(login) = ?", login.downcase).first
- #end
- user
- end
- end
- def self.find_by_rss_key(key)
- Token.find_active_user('feeds', key)
- end
- def self.find_by_api_key(key)
- Token.find_active_user('api', key)
- end
- # Makes find_by_mail case-insensitive
- def self.find_by_mail(mail)
- where("LOWER(mail) = ?", mail.to_s.downcase).first
- end
- # Returns true if the default admin account can no longer be used
- def self.default_admin_account_changed?
- !User.active.find_by_login("admin").try(:check_password?, "admin")
- end
- def to_s
- name
- end
- STATUS_ACTIVE => 'active',
- STATUS_REGISTERED => 'registered',
- STATUS_LOCKED => 'locked'
- }
- def css_classes
- "user #{CSS_CLASS_BY_STATUS[status]}"
- end
- # Returns the current day according to user's time zone
- def today
- if time_zone.nil?
- Date.today
- else
- Time.now.in_time_zone(time_zone).to_date
- end
- end
- # Returns the day of +time+ according to user's time zone
- def time_to_date(time)
- if time_zone.nil?
- time.to_date
- else
- time.in_time_zone(time_zone).to_date
- end
- end
- def logged?
- true
- end
- def anonymous?
- !logged?
- end
- # Returns user's membership for the given project
- # or nil if the user is not a member of project
- def membership(project)
- project_id = project.is_a?(Project) ? project.id : project
- @membership_by_project_id ||= Hash.new {|h, project_id|
- h[project_id] = memberships.where(:project_id => project_id).first
- }
- @membership_by_project_id[project_id]
- end
- def coursemembership(course)
- course_id = course.is_a?(Course) ? course.id : course
- @membership_by_course_id ||= Hash.new {|h, course_id|
- h[course_id] = coursememberships.where(:course_id => course_id).first
- }
- @membership_by_course_id[course_id]
- end
- # Return user's roles for project
- def roles_for_project(project)
- roles = []
- # No role on archived projects
- return roles if project.nil? || project.archived?
- if logged?
- # Find project membership
- membership = membership(project)
- if membership
- roles = membership.roles
- else
- @role_non_member ||= Role.non_member
- roles << @role_non_member
- end
- else
- @role_anonymous ||= Role.anonymous
- roles << @role_anonymous
- end
- roles
- end
- # 用户课程权限判断
- def roles_for_course(course)
- roles = []
- # No role on archived courses
- return roles if course.nil? || course.archived?
- if logged?
- # Find course membership
- membership = coursemembership(course)
- if membership
- roles = membership.roles
- else
- @role_non_member ||= Role.non_member
- roles << @role_non_member
- end
- else
- @role_anonymous ||= Role.anonymous
- roles << @role_anonymous
- end
- roles
- end
- # Return true if the user is a member of project
- def member_of?(project)
- projects.to_a.include?(project)
- end
- def member_of_course?(course)
- courses.to_a.include?(course)
- end
- def member_of_course_group?(course_group)
- course_groups.to_a.include?(course_group)
- end
- # Returns a hash of user's projects grouped by roles
- def projects_by_role
- return @projects_by_role if @projects_by_role
- @projects_by_role = Hash.new([])
- memberships.each do |membership|
- if membership.project
- membership.roles.each do |role|
- @projects_by_role[role] = [] unless @projects_by_role.key?(role)
- @projects_by_role[role] << membership.project
- end
- end
- end
- @projects_by_role.each do |role, projects|
- projects.uniq!
- end
- @projects_by_role
- end
- # 课程的角色权限
- def courses_by_role
- return @courses_by_role if @courses_by_role
- @courses_by_role = Hash.new([])
- coursememberships.each do |membership|
- if membership.course
- membership.roles.each do |role|
- @courses_by_role[role] = [] unless @courses_by_role.key?(role)
- @courses_by_role[role] << membership.course
- end
- end
- end
- @courses_by_role.each do |role, courses|
- courses.uniq!
- end
- @courses_by_role
- end
- # Returns true if user is arg or belongs to arg
- def is_or_belongs_to?(arg)
- if arg.is_a?(User)
- self == arg
- elsif arg.is_a?(Group)
- arg.users.include?(self)
- else
- false
- end
- end
- # Return true if the user is allowed to do the specified action on a specific context
- # Action can be:
- # * a parameter-like Hash (eg. :controller => 'projects', :action => 'edit')
- # * a permission Symbol (eg. :edit_project)
- # Context can be:
- # * a project : returns true if user is allowed to do the specified action on this project
- # * an array of projects : returns true if user is allowed on every project
- # * nil with options[:global] set : check if user has at least one role allowed for this action,
- # or falls back to Non Member / Anonymous permissions depending if the user is logged
- def allowed_to?(action, context, options={}, &block)
- if context && context.is_a?(Project)
- return false unless context.allows_to?(action)
- # Admin users are authorized for anything else
- return true if admin?
- roles = roles_for_project(context)
- return false unless roles
- roles.any? {|role|
- (context.is_public? || role.member?) &&
- role.allowed_to?(action) &&
- (block_given? ? yield(role, self) : true)
- }
- #添加课程相关的权限判断
- elsif context && context.is_a?(Course)
- return false unless context.allows_to?(action)
- # Admin users are authorized for anything else
- return true if admin?
- roles = roles_for_course(context)
- return false unless roles
- roles.any? {|role|
- (context.is_public? || role.member?) &&
- role.allowed_to?(action) &&
- (block_given? ? yield(role, self) : true)
- }
- elsif context && context.is_a?(Array)
- if context.empty?
- false
- else
- # Authorize if user is authorized on every element of the array
- context.map {|project| allowed_to?(action, project, options, &block)}.reduce(:&)
- end
- elsif options[:global]
- # Admin users are always authorized
- return true if admin?
- # authorize if user has at least one role that has this permission
- roles = memberships.collect {|m| m.roles}.flatten.uniq
- if roles.count == 0
- roles = coursememberships.collect {|m| m.roles}.flatten.uniq
- end
- roles << (self.logged? ? Role.non_member : Role.anonymous)
- roles.any? {|role|
- role.allowed_to?(action) &&
- (block_given? ? yield(role, self) : true)
- }
- else
- if admin?
- return true
- end
- #无项目时 查看Non member(id为1)角色是否有权限执行action
- Role.find('1').allowed_to?(action)
- # false
- end
- end
- # Is the user allowed to do the specified action on any project?
- # See allowed_to? for the actions and valid options.
- def allowed_to_globally?(action, options, &block)
- allowed_to?(action, nil, options.reverse_merge(:global => true), &block)
- end
- # Returns true if the user is allowed to delete his own account
- def own_account_deletable?
- Setting.unsubscribe? &&
- (!admin? || User.active.where("admin = ? AND id <> ?", true, id).exists?)
- end
- safe_attributes 'login',
- 'firstname',
- 'lastname',
- 'mail',
- 'mail_notification',
- 'language',
- 'custom_field_values',
- 'custom_fields',
- 'identity_url'
- safe_attributes 'status',
- 'auth_source_id',
- :if => lambda {|user, current_user| current_user.admin?}
- safe_attributes 'group_ids',
- :if => lambda {|user, current_user| current_user.admin? && !user.new_record?}
- # Utility method to help check if a user should be notified about an
- # event.
- #
- # TODO: only supports Issue events currently
- def notify_about?(object)
- if mail_notification == 'all'
- true
- elsif mail_notification.blank? || mail_notification == 'none'
- false
- else
- case object
- when Issue
- case mail_notification
- when 'selected', 'only_my_events'
- # user receives notifications for created/assigned issues on unselected projects
- object.author == self || is_or_belongs_to?(object.assigned_to) || is_or_belongs_to?(object.assigned_to_was)
- when 'only_assigned'
- is_or_belongs_to?(object.assigned_to) || is_or_belongs_to?(object.assigned_to_was)
- when 'only_owner'
- object.author == self
- end
- when News
- # always send to project members except when mail_notification is set to 'none'
- true
- #判定用户是否接受留言提醒邮件
- when JournalsForMessage
- ##如果是直接留言并且留言对象是Project并且Project类型是课程(课程留言)
- if !object.at_user && object.jour.class.to_s.to_sym == :Project && object.jour.project_type == 1
- #根据用户设置邮件接收模式判定当前用户是否接受邮件提醒
- is_notified_project object.jour
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #用户是否接收project的消息提醒
- def is_notified_project arg
- if arg.is_a?(Project)
- case mail_notification
- when 'selected'
- notified_projects_ids.include?(arg.id)
- when 'only_my_events'
- projects.include?(arg)
- when 'only_assigned'
- false
- when 'only_owner'
- course = Course.find_by_extra(arg.identifier)
- course.teacher == self
- end
- #勾选的项目或用户的项目 TODO:需改
- #notified_projects_ids.include?(arg) || projects.include?(arg)
- else
- false
- end
- end
- def self.current=(user)
- Thread.current[:current_user] = user
- end
- def self.current
- Thread.current[:current_user] ||= User.anonymous
- end
- # Returns the anonymous user. If the anonymous user does not exist, it is created. There can be only
- # one anonymous user per database.
- def self.anonymous
- anonymous_user = AnonymousUser.first
- if anonymous_user.nil?
- anonymous_user = AnonymousUser.create(:lastname => 'Anonymous', :firstname => '', :mail => '', :login => '', :status => 0)
- raise 'Unable to create the anonymous user.' if anonymous_user.new_record?
- end
- anonymous_user
- end
- # Salts all existing unsalted passwords
- # It changes password storage scheme from SHA1(password) to SHA1(salt + SHA1(password))
- # This method is used in the SaltPasswords migration and is to be kept as is
- def self.salt_unsalted_passwords!
- transaction do
- User.where("salt IS NULL OR salt = ''").find_each do |user|
- next if user.hashed_password.blank?
- salt = User.generate_salt
- hashed_password = User.hash_password("#{salt}#{user.hashed_password}")
- User.where(:id => user.id).update_all(:salt => salt, :hashed_password => hashed_password)
- end
- end
- end
- protected
- def validate_password_length
- # Password length validation based on setting
- if !password.nil? && password.size < Setting.password_min_length.to_i
- errors.add(:password, :too_short, :count => Setting.password_min_length.to_i)
- end
- end
- private
- def act_as_activity
- self.acts << Activity.new(:user_id => self.id)
- end
- # Removes references that are not handled by associations
- # Things that are not deleted are reassociated with the anonymous user
- def remove_references_before_destroy
- return if self.id.nil?
- substitute = User.anonymous
- Attachment.update_all ['author_id = ?', substitute.id], ['author_id = ?', id]
- Comment.update_all ['author_id = ?', substitute.id], ['author_id = ?', id]
- Notificationcomment.update_all ['author_id = ?', substitute.id], ['author_id = ?', id]
- Issue.update_all ['author_id = ?', substitute.id], ['author_id = ?', id]
- Issue.update_all 'assigned_to_id = NULL', ['assigned_to_id = ?', id]
- Journal.update_all ['user_id = ?', substitute.id], ['user_id = ?', id]
- JournalDetail.update_all ['old_value = ?', substitute.id.to_s], ["property = 'attr' AND prop_key = 'assigned_to_id' AND old_value = ?", id.to_s]
- JournalDetail.update_all ['value = ?', substitute.id.to_s], ["property = 'attr' AND prop_key = 'assigned_to_id' AND value = ?", id.to_s]
- Message.update_all ['author_id = ?', substitute.id], ['author_id = ?', id]
- News.update_all ['author_id = ?', substitute.id], ['author_id = ?', id]
- # Remove private queries and keep public ones
- ::Query.delete_all ['user_id = ? AND is_public = ?', id, false]
- ::Query.update_all ['user_id = ?', substitute.id], ['user_id = ?', id]
- TimeEntry.update_all ['user_id = ?', substitute.id], ['user_id = ?', id]
- Token.delete_all ['user_id = ?', id]
- Watcher.delete_all ['user_id = ?', id]
- WikiContent.update_all ['author_id = ?', substitute.id], ['author_id = ?', id]
- WikiContent::Version.update_all ['author_id = ?', substitute.id], ['author_id = ?', id]
- end
- # Return password digest
- def self.hash_password(clear_password)
- Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(clear_password || "")
- end
- # Returns a 128bits random salt as a hex string (32 chars long)
- def self.generate_salt
- Redmine::Utils.random_hex(16)
- end
-class AnonymousUser < User
- validate :validate_anonymous_uniqueness, :on => :create
- def validate_anonymous_uniqueness
- # There should be only one AnonymousUser in the database
- errors.add :base, 'An anonymous user already exists.' if AnonymousUser.exists?
- end
- def available_custom_fields
- []
- end
- # Overrides a few properties
- def logged?; false end
- def admin; false end
- def name(*args); I18n.t(:label_user_anonymous) end
- def mail; nil end
- def time_zone; nil end
- def rss_key; nil end
- def pref
- UserPreference.new(:user => self)
- end
- # def member_of?(project)
- # false
- # end
- # Anonymous user can not be destroyed
- def destroy
- false
- end
+# Redmine - project management software
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+require "digest/sha1"
+class User < Principal
+ include Redmine::SafeAttributes
+ seems_rateable_rater
+ # Different ways of displaying/sorting users
+ :firstname_lastname => {
+ :string => '#{firstname} #{lastname}',
+ :order => %w(firstname lastname id),
+ :setting_order => 1
+ },
+ :firstname_lastinitial => {
+ :string => '#{firstname} #{lastname.to_s.chars.first}.',
+ :order => %w(firstname lastname id),
+ :setting_order => 2
+ },
+ :firstname => {
+ :string => '#{firstname}',
+ :order => %w(firstname id),
+ :setting_order => 3
+ },
+ :lastname_firstname => {
+ :string => '#{lastname} #{firstname}',
+ :order => %w(lastname firstname id),
+ :setting_order => 4
+ },
+ :lastname_coma_firstname => {
+ :string => '#{lastname}, #{firstname}',
+ :order => %w(lastname firstname id),
+ :setting_order => 5
+ },
+ :lastname => {
+ :string => '#{lastname}',
+ :order => %w(lastname id),
+ :setting_order => 6
+ },
+ :username => {
+ :string => '#{login}',
+ :order => %w(login id),
+ :setting_order => 7
+ },
+ }
+ ['all', :label_user_mail_option_all],
+ ['week', :label_user_mail_option_week],
+ ['day', :label_user_mail_option_day],
+ ['none', :label_user_mail_option_none]
+ ]
+ has_many :homework_users
+ has_many :homework_attaches, :through => :homework_users
+ has_many :homework_evaluations
+ #问卷相关关关系
+ has_many :poll_users, :dependent => :destroy
+ has_many :poll_votes, :dependent => :destroy
+ has_many :poll, :dependent => :destroy #用户创建的问卷
+ has_many :answers, :source => :poll, :through => :poll_users, :dependent => :destroy #用户已经完成问答的问卷
+ # end
+ has_and_belongs_to_many :groups, :after_add => Proc.new {|user, group| group.user_added(user)},
+ :after_remove => Proc.new {|user, group| group.user_removed(user)}
+ has_many :changesets, :dependent => :nullify
+ has_one :preference, :dependent => :destroy, :class_name => 'UserPreference'
+ has_one :rss_token, :class_name => 'Token', :conditions => "action='feeds'"
+ has_one :api_token, :class_name => 'Token', :conditions => "action='api'"
+ belongs_to :auth_source
+ belongs_to :ucourse, :class_name => 'Course', :foreign_key => :id #huang
+## added by xianbo for delete
+ has_many :biding_projects, :dependent => :destroy
+ has_many :contesting_projects, :dependent => :destroy
+ belongs_to :softapplication, :foreign_key => 'id', :dependent => :destroy
+##ended by xianbo
+ has_many :jours, :class_name => 'JournalsForMessage', :dependent => :destroy
+ has_many :journals_messages, :class_name => 'JournalsForMessage', :foreign_key => "user_id", :dependent => :destroy
+ has_many :bids, :foreign_key => 'author_id', :dependent => :destroy
+ has_many :contests, :foreign_key => 'author_id', :dependent => :destroy
+ has_many :softapplications, :foreign_key => 'user_id', :dependent => :destroy
+ has_many :journals_for_messages, :as => :jour, :dependent => :destroy
+ has_many :new_jours, :as => :jour, :class_name => 'JournalsForMessage', :conditions => "status=1"
+ has_many :journal_replies, :dependent => :destroy
+ has_many :activities, :dependent => :destroy
+ has_many :students_for_courses
+ #has_many :courses, :through => :students_for_courses, :source => :project
+ has_many :acts, :class_name => 'Activity', :as => :act, :dependent => :destroy
+ has_many :file_commit, :class_name => 'Attachment', :foreign_key => 'author_id', :conditions => "container_type = 'Project' or container_type = 'Version'"
+# added by bai
+ has_many :join_in_contests, :dependent => :destroy
+ has_many :news, :foreign_key => 'author_id'
+ has_many :contestnotification, :foreign_key => 'author_id'
+ has_many :comments, :foreign_key => 'author_id'
+ has_many :notificationcomments, :foreign_key => 'author_id'
+ has_many :wiki_contents, :foreign_key => 'author_id'
+ has_many :journals
+ has_many :messages, :foreign_key => 'author_id'
+ has_one :user_score, :dependent => :destroy
+ has_many :documents # 项目中关联的文档再次与人关联
+# end
+######added by nie
+ has_many :project_infos, :dependent => :destroy
+ has_one :user_status, :dependent => :destroy
+ #####
+ has_many :shares ,:dependent => :destroy
+ # add by zjc
+ has_one :level, :class_name => 'UserLevels', :dependent => :destroy
+ has_many :memos , :foreign_key => 'author_id'
+ #####
+ scope :logged, lambda { where("#{User.table_name}.status <> #{STATUS_ANONYMOUS}") }
+ scope :status, lambda {|arg| where(arg.blank? ? nil : {:status => arg.to_i}) }
+ scope :visible, lambda {|*args|
+ nil
+ }
+ acts_as_customizable
+ ############################added by william
+ acts_as_taggable
+ scope :by_join_date, order("created_on DESC")
+ ############################# added by liuping 关注
+ acts_as_watchable
+ has_one :user_extensions,:dependent => :destroy
+ ## end
+ # default_scope -> { includes(:user_extensions, :user_score) }
+ scope :teacher, -> {
+ joins(:user_extensions).where('user_extensions.identity = ?', UserExtensions::TEACHER)
+ }
+ scope :student, -> {
+ joins(:user_extensions).where('user_extensions.identity = ?', UserExtensions::STUDENT)
+ }
+ scope :developer, -> {
+ joins(:user_extensions).where('user_extensions.identity = ?', UserExtensions::DEVELOPER)
+ }
+ scope :enterprise, -> {
+ joins(:user_extensions).where('user_extensions.identity = ?', UserExtensions::ENTERPRISE)
+ }
+ attr_accessor :password, :password_confirmation
+ attr_accessor :last_before_login_on
+ # Prevents unauthorized assignments
+ attr_protected :login, :admin, :password, :password_confirmation, :hashed_password
+ validates_presence_of :login, :mail, :if => Proc.new { |user| !user.is_a?(AnonymousUser) }
+ validates_uniqueness_of :login, :if => Proc.new { |user| user.login_changed? && user.login.present? }, :case_sensitive => false
+ validates_uniqueness_of :mail, :if => Proc.new { |user| user.mail_changed? && user.mail.present? }, :case_sensitive => false
+ # Login must contain letters, numbers, underscores only
+ validates_format_of :login, :with => /\A[a-z0-9_\-@\.]*\z/i
+ validates_length_of :login, :maximum => LOGIN_LENGTH_LIMIT
+ validates_length_of :firstname, :maximum => 30
+ validates_length_of :lastname, :maximum => 30
+ validates_format_of :mail, :with => /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i, :allow_blank => true
+ validates_length_of :mail, :maximum => MAIL_LENGTH_LIMIT, :allow_nil => true
+ validates_confirmation_of :password, :allow_nil => true
+ validates_inclusion_of :mail_notification, :in => MAIL_NOTIFICATION_OPTIONS.collect(&:first), :allow_blank => true
+ validate :validate_password_length
+ # validates_email_realness_of :mail
+ before_create :set_mail_notification
+ before_save :update_hashed_password
+ before_destroy :remove_references_before_destroy
+ # added by fq
+ after_create :act_as_activity
+ # end
+ scope :in_group, lambda {|group|
+ group_id = group.is_a?(Group) ? group.id : group.to_i
+ where("#{User.table_name}.id IN (SELECT gu.user_id FROM #{table_name_prefix}groups_users#{table_name_suffix} gu WHERE gu.group_id = ?)", group_id)
+ }
+ scope :not_in_group, lambda {|group|
+ group_id = group.is_a?(Group) ? group.id : group.to_i
+ where("#{User.table_name}.id NOT IN (SELECT gu.user_id FROM #{table_name_prefix}groups_users#{table_name_suffix} gu WHERE gu.group_id = ?)", group_id)
+ }
+ scope :sorted, lambda { order(*User.fields_for_order_statement)}
+ scope :like, lambda {|arg, type|
+ if arg.blank?
+ where(nil)
+ else
+ pattern = "%#{arg.to_s.strip.downcase}%"
+ #where(" LOWER(concat(lastname, firstname)) LIKE :p ", :p => pattern)
+ if type == "0"
+ where(" LOWER(login) LIKE '#{pattern}' ")
+ elsif type == "1"
+ where(" LOWER(concat(lastname, firstname)) LIKE '#{pattern}' ")
+ elsif type == "3"
+ where(" LOWER(concat(lastname, firstname,login)) LIKE '#{pattern}' ")
+ else
+ where(" LOWER(mail) LIKE '#{pattern}' ")
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ # ======================================================================
+ def extensions
+ self.user_extensions ||= UserExtensions.new
+ end
+ def user_score_attr
+ self.user_score ||= UserScore.new
+ end
+ # ======================================================================
+ #选择项目成员时显示的用户信息文字
+ def userInfo
+ if self.realname.gsub(' ','') == "" || self.realname.nil?
+ info = self.nickname;
+ else
+ info=self.nickname + ' (' + self.realname + ')';
+ end
+ info
+ end
+ ###添加留言 fq
+ def add_jour(user, notes, reference_user_id = 0, options = {})
+ if options.count == 0
+ self.journals_for_messages << JournalsForMessage.new(:user_id => user.id, :notes => notes, :reply_id => reference_user_id, :status => true)
+ else
+ jfm = self.journals_for_messages.build(options)
+ jfm.save
+ jfm
+ end
+ end
+ # 判断用户是否加入了竞赛中 fq
+ def join_in_contest?(bid)
+ joined = JoinInContest.where('user_id = ? and bid_id =?', self.id, bid.id)
+ if joined.size > 0
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ ### fq
+ def join_in?(course)
+ joined = StudentsForCourse.where('student_id = ? and course_id = ?', self.id, course.id)
+ if joined.size > 0
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ def show_name
+ unless self.user_extensions.nil?
+ if self.user_extensions.identity == 2
+ firstname
+ else
+ lastname+firstname
+ end
+ else
+ lastname+firstname
+ end
+ end
+ ## end
+ def count_new_jour
+ count = self.new_jours.count
+ end
+ #added by nie
+ def count_new_journal_reply
+ count = self.journal_reply.count
+ end
+ def set_mail_notification
+ ##add byxianbo
+ thread=Thread.new do
+ self.mail_notification = Setting.default_notification_option if self.mail_notification.blank?
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ def update_hashed_password
+ # update hashed_password if password was set
+ if self.password && self.auth_source_id.blank?
+ salt_password(password)
+ end
+ end
+ alias :base_reload :reload
+ def reload(*args)
+ @name = nil
+ @projects_by_role = nil
+ @courses_by_role = nil
+ @membership_by_project_id = nil
+ base_reload(*args)
+ end
+ def mail=(arg)
+ write_attribute(:mail, arg.to_s.strip)
+ end
+ def identity_url=(url)
+ if url.blank?
+ write_attribute(:identity_url, '')
+ else
+ begin
+ write_attribute(:identity_url, OpenIdAuthentication.normalize_identifier(url))
+ rescue OpenIdAuthentication::InvalidOpenId
+ # Invalid url, don't save
+ end
+ end
+ self.read_attribute(:identity_url)
+ end
+ VALID_EMAIL_REGEX = /\A[\w+\-.]+@[a-z\d\-]+(\.[a-z]+)*\.[a-z]+\z/i
+ # VALID_EMAIL_REGEX = /^[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+@[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+(\.[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+)+$/
+ # Returns the user that matches provided login and password, or nil
+ #登录,返回用户名与密码匹配的用户
+ def self.try_to_login(login, password)
+ login = login.to_s.lstrip.rstrip
+ password = password.to_s
+ # Make sure no one can sign in with an empty login or password
+ return nil if login.empty? || password.empty?
+ if (login =~ VALID_EMAIL_REGEX)
+ user = find_by_mail(login)
+ else
+ user = find_by_login(login)
+ end
+ if user
+ # user is already in local database
+ #return nil unless user.active?
+ return nil unless user.check_password?(password)
+ else
+ # user is not yet registered, try to authenticate with available sources
+ attrs = AuthSource.authenticate(login, password)
+ if attrs
+ user = new(attrs)
+ user.login = login
+ user.language = Setting.default_language
+ if user.save
+ user.reload
+ logger.info("User '#{user.login}' created from external auth source: #{user.auth_source.type} - #{user.auth_source.name}") if logger && user.auth_source
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if user && !user.new_record?
+ last_login_on = user.last_login_on.nil? ? '' : user.last_login_on.to_s
+ user.update_column(:last_login_on, Time.now)
+ end
+ [user, last_login_on]
+ rescue => text
+ raise text
+ end
+ def self.try_to_autologin(key)
+ user = Token.find_active_user('autologin', key, Setting.autologin.to_i)
+ if user
+ user.update_column(:last_login_on, Time.now)
+ user
+ end
+ end
+ def self.name_formatter(formatter = nil)
+ USER_FORMATS[formatter || Setting.user_format] || USER_FORMATS[:firstname_lastname]
+ end
+ # Returns an array of fields names than can be used to make an order statement for users
+ # according to how user names are displayed
+ # Examples:
+ #
+ # User.fields_for_order_statement => ['users.login', 'users.id']
+ # User.fields_for_order_statement('authors') => ['authors.login', 'authors.id']
+ def self.fields_for_order_statement(table=nil)
+ table ||= table_name
+ name_formatter[:order].map {|field| "#{table}.#{field}"}
+ end
+ # Return user's full name for display
+ def realname(formatter = nil)
+ f = self.class.name_formatter(formatter)
+ if formatter
+ eval('"' + f[:string] + '"')
+ else
+ @name ||= eval('"' + f[:string] + '"')
+ end
+ end
+ def nickname(formatter = nil)
+ login
+ end
+ def name(formatter = nil)
+ login
+ end
+ def active?
+ self.status == STATUS_ACTIVE
+ end
+ def registered?
+ self.status == STATUS_REGISTERED
+ end
+ def locked?
+ self.status == STATUS_LOCKED
+ end
+ def activate
+ self.status = STATUS_ACTIVE
+ end
+ def register
+ self.status = STATUS_REGISTERED
+ end
+ def lock
+ self.status = STATUS_LOCKED
+ end
+ def activate!
+ update_attribute(:status, STATUS_ACTIVE)
+ end
+ def register!
+ update_attribute(:status, STATUS_REGISTERED)
+ end
+ def lock!
+ update_attribute(:status, STATUS_LOCKED)
+ end
+ # Returns true if +clear_password+ is the correct user's password, otherwise false
+ def check_password?(clear_password)
+ if auth_source_id.present?
+ auth_source.authenticate(self.login, clear_password)
+ else
+ User.hash_password("#{salt}#{User.hash_password clear_password}") == hashed_password
+ end
+ end
+ def check_password1?(clear_password)
+ clear_password == hashed_password
+ end
+ # Generates a random salt and computes hashed_password for +clear_password+
+ # The hashed password is stored in the following form: SHA1(salt + SHA1(password))
+ def salt_password(clear_password)
+ self.salt = User.generate_salt
+ self.hashed_password = User.hash_password("#{salt}#{User.hash_password clear_password}")
+ end
+ # Does the backend storage allow this user to change their password?
+ def change_password_allowed?
+ return true if auth_source.nil?
+ return auth_source.allow_password_changes?
+ end
+ # Generate and set a random password. Useful for automated user creation
+ # Based on Token#generate_token_value
+ #
+ def random_password
+ chars = ("a".."z").to_a + ("A".."Z").to_a + ("0".."9").to_a
+ password = ''
+ 40.times { |i| password << chars[rand(chars.size-1)] }
+ self.password = password
+ self.password_confirmation = password
+ self
+ end
+ def pref
+ self.preference ||= UserPreference.new(:user => self)
+ end
+ def time_zone
+ @time_zone ||= (self.pref.time_zone.blank? ? nil : ActiveSupport::TimeZone[self.pref.time_zone])
+ end
+ def wants_comments_in_reverse_order?
+ self.pref[:comments_sorting] == 'desc'
+ end
+ def wants_notificationcomments_in_reverse_order?
+ self.pref[:notificationcomments_sorting] == 'desc'
+ end
+ # Return user's RSS key (a 40 chars long string), used to access feeds
+ def rss_key
+ if rss_token.nil?
+ create_rss_token(:action => 'feeds')
+ end
+ rss_token.value
+ end
+ # Return user's API key (a 40 chars long string), used to access the API
+ def api_key
+ if api_token.nil?
+ create_api_token(:action => 'api')
+ end
+ api_token.value
+ end
+ # Return an array of project ids for which the user has explicitly turned mail notifications on
+ def notified_projects_ids
+ @notified_projects_ids ||= memberships.select {|m| m.mail_notification?}.collect(&:project_id)
+ end
+ def notified_project_ids=(ids)
+ Member.update_all("mail_notification = #{connection.quoted_false}", ['user_id = ?', id])
+ Member.update_all("mail_notification = #{connection.quoted_true}", ['user_id = ? AND project_id IN (?)', id, ids]) if ids && !ids.empty?
+ @notified_projects_ids = nil
+ notified_projects_ids
+ end
+ def valid_notification_options
+ self.class.valid_notification_options(self)
+ end
+ # Only users that belong to more than 1 project can select projects for which they are notified
+ def self.valid_notification_options(user=nil)
+ # Note that @user.membership.size would fail since AR ignores
+ # :include association option when doing a count
+ if user.nil? || user.memberships.length < 1
+ MAIL_NOTIFICATION_OPTIONS.reject {|option| option.first == 'selected'}
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ # Find a user account by matching the exact login and then a case-insensitive
+ # version. Exact matches will be given priority.
+ #通过用户名查找相应的用户,若没有匹配到,则不区分大小写进行查询
+ #修改:不再匹配不区分大小写情况 -zjc
+ def self.find_by_login(login)
+ if login.present?
+ login = login.to_s
+ # First look for an exact match
+ user = where(:login => login).all.detect {|u| u.login == login}
+ #unless user
+ # # Fail over to case-insensitive if none was found
+ # user = where("LOWER(login) = ?", login.downcase).first
+ #end
+ user
+ end
+ end
+ def self.find_by_rss_key(key)
+ Token.find_active_user('feeds', key)
+ end
+ def self.find_by_api_key(key)
+ Token.find_active_user('api', key)
+ end
+ # Makes find_by_mail case-insensitive
+ def self.find_by_mail(mail)
+ where("LOWER(mail) = ?", mail.to_s.downcase).first
+ end
+ # Returns true if the default admin account can no longer be used
+ def self.default_admin_account_changed?
+ !User.active.find_by_login("admin").try(:check_password?, "admin")
+ end
+ def to_s
+ name
+ end
+ STATUS_ACTIVE => 'active',
+ STATUS_REGISTERED => 'registered',
+ STATUS_LOCKED => 'locked'
+ }
+ def css_classes
+ "user #{CSS_CLASS_BY_STATUS[status]}"
+ end
+ # Returns the current day according to user's time zone
+ def today
+ if time_zone.nil?
+ Date.today
+ else
+ Time.now.in_time_zone(time_zone).to_date
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns the day of +time+ according to user's time zone
+ def time_to_date(time)
+ if time_zone.nil?
+ time.to_date
+ else
+ time.in_time_zone(time_zone).to_date
+ end
+ end
+ def logged?
+ true
+ end
+ def anonymous?
+ !logged?
+ end
+ # Returns user's membership for the given project
+ # or nil if the user is not a member of project
+ def membership(project)
+ project_id = project.is_a?(Project) ? project.id : project
+ @membership_by_project_id ||= Hash.new {|h, project_id|
+ h[project_id] = memberships.where(:project_id => project_id).first
+ }
+ @membership_by_project_id[project_id]
+ end
+ def coursemembership(course)
+ course_id = course.is_a?(Course) ? course.id : course
+ @membership_by_course_id ||= Hash.new {|h, course_id|
+ h[course_id] = coursememberships.where(:course_id => course_id).first
+ }
+ @membership_by_course_id[course_id]
+ end
+ # Return user's roles for project
+ def roles_for_project(project)
+ roles = []
+ # No role on archived projects
+ return roles if project.nil? || project.archived?
+ if logged?
+ # Find project membership
+ membership = membership(project)
+ if membership
+ roles = membership.roles
+ else
+ @role_non_member ||= Role.non_member
+ roles << @role_non_member
+ end
+ else
+ @role_anonymous ||= Role.anonymous
+ roles << @role_anonymous
+ end
+ roles
+ end
+ # 用户课程权限判断
+ def roles_for_course(course)
+ roles = []
+ # No role on archived courses
+ return roles if course.nil? || course.archived?
+ if logged?
+ # Find course membership
+ membership = coursemembership(course)
+ if membership
+ roles = membership.roles
+ else
+ @role_non_member ||= Role.non_member
+ roles << @role_non_member
+ end
+ else
+ @role_anonymous ||= Role.anonymous
+ roles << @role_anonymous
+ end
+ roles
+ end
+ # Return true if the user is a member of project
+ def member_of?(project)
+ projects.to_a.include?(project)
+ end
+ def member_of_course?(course)
+ courses.to_a.include?(course)
+ end
+ def member_of_course_group?(course_group)
+ course_groups.to_a.include?(course_group)
+ end
+ # Returns a hash of user's projects grouped by roles
+ def projects_by_role
+ return @projects_by_role if @projects_by_role
+ @projects_by_role = Hash.new([])
+ memberships.each do |membership|
+ if membership.project
+ membership.roles.each do |role|
+ @projects_by_role[role] = [] unless @projects_by_role.key?(role)
+ @projects_by_role[role] << membership.project
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ @projects_by_role.each do |role, projects|
+ projects.uniq!
+ end
+ @projects_by_role
+ end
+ # 课程的角色权限
+ def courses_by_role
+ return @courses_by_role if @courses_by_role
+ @courses_by_role = Hash.new([])
+ coursememberships.each do |membership|
+ if membership.course
+ membership.roles.each do |role|
+ @courses_by_role[role] = [] unless @courses_by_role.key?(role)
+ @courses_by_role[role] << membership.course
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ @courses_by_role.each do |role, courses|
+ courses.uniq!
+ end
+ @courses_by_role
+ end
+ # Returns true if user is arg or belongs to arg
+ def is_or_belongs_to?(arg)
+ if arg.is_a?(User)
+ self == arg
+ elsif arg.is_a?(Group)
+ arg.users.include?(self)
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ # Return true if the user is allowed to do the specified action on a specific context
+ # Action can be:
+ # * a parameter-like Hash (eg. :controller => 'projects', :action => 'edit')
+ # * a permission Symbol (eg. :edit_project)
+ # Context can be:
+ # * a project : returns true if user is allowed to do the specified action on this project
+ # * an array of projects : returns true if user is allowed on every project
+ # * nil with options[:global] set : check if user has at least one role allowed for this action,
+ # or falls back to Non Member / Anonymous permissions depending if the user is logged
+ def allowed_to?(action, context, options={}, &block)
+ if context && context.is_a?(Project)
+ return false unless context.allows_to?(action)
+ # Admin users are authorized for anything else
+ return true if admin?
+ roles = roles_for_project(context)
+ return false unless roles
+ roles.any? {|role|
+ (context.is_public? || role.member?) &&
+ role.allowed_to?(action) &&
+ (block_given? ? yield(role, self) : true)
+ }
+ #添加课程相关的权限判断
+ elsif context && context.is_a?(Course)
+ return false unless context.allows_to?(action)
+ # Admin users are authorized for anything else
+ return true if admin?
+ roles = roles_for_course(context)
+ return false unless roles
+ roles.any? {|role|
+ (context.is_public? || role.member?) &&
+ role.allowed_to?(action) &&
+ (block_given? ? yield(role, self) : true)
+ }
+ elsif context && context.is_a?(Array)
+ if context.empty?
+ false
+ else
+ # Authorize if user is authorized on every element of the array
+ context.map {|project| allowed_to?(action, project, options, &block)}.reduce(:&)
+ end
+ elsif options[:global]
+ # Admin users are always authorized
+ return true if admin?
+ # authorize if user has at least one role that has this permission
+ roles = memberships.collect {|m| m.roles}.flatten.uniq
+ if roles.count == 0
+ roles = coursememberships.collect {|m| m.roles}.flatten.uniq
+ end
+ roles << (self.logged? ? Role.non_member : Role.anonymous)
+ roles.any? {|role|
+ role.allowed_to?(action) &&
+ (block_given? ? yield(role, self) : true)
+ }
+ else
+ if admin?
+ return true
+ end
+ #无项目时 查看Non member(id为1)角色是否有权限执行action
+ Role.find('1').allowed_to?(action)
+ # false
+ end
+ end
+ # Is the user allowed to do the specified action on any project?
+ # See allowed_to? for the actions and valid options.
+ def allowed_to_globally?(action, options, &block)
+ allowed_to?(action, nil, options.reverse_merge(:global => true), &block)
+ end
+ # Returns true if the user is allowed to delete his own account
+ def own_account_deletable?
+ Setting.unsubscribe? &&
+ (!admin? || User.active.where("admin = ? AND id <> ?", true, id).exists?)
+ end
+ safe_attributes 'login',
+ 'firstname',
+ 'lastname',
+ 'mail',
+ 'mail_notification',
+ 'language',
+ 'custom_field_values',
+ 'custom_fields',
+ 'identity_url'
+ safe_attributes 'status',
+ 'auth_source_id',
+ :if => lambda {|user, current_user| current_user.admin?}
+ safe_attributes 'group_ids',
+ :if => lambda {|user, current_user| current_user.admin? && !user.new_record?}
+ # Utility method to help check if a user should be notified about an
+ # event.
+ #
+ # TODO: only supports Issue events currently
+ def notify_about?(object)
+ if mail_notification == 'all'
+ true
+ elsif mail_notification.blank? || mail_notification == 'none'
+ false
+ else
+ case object
+ when Issue
+ case mail_notification
+ when 'selected', 'only_my_events'
+ # user receives notifications for created/assigned issues on unselected projects
+ object.author == self || is_or_belongs_to?(object.assigned_to) || is_or_belongs_to?(object.assigned_to_was)
+ when 'only_assigned'
+ is_or_belongs_to?(object.assigned_to) || is_or_belongs_to?(object.assigned_to_was)
+ when 'only_owner'
+ object.author == self
+ end
+ when News
+ # always send to project members except when mail_notification is set to 'none'
+ true
+ #判定用户是否接受留言提醒邮件
+ when JournalsForMessage
+ ##如果是直接留言并且留言对象是Project并且Project类型是课程(课程留言)
+ if !object.at_user && object.jour.class.to_s.to_sym == :Project && object.jour.project_type == 1
+ #根据用户设置邮件接收模式判定当前用户是否接受邮件提醒
+ is_notified_project object.jour
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #用户是否接收project的消息提醒
+ def is_notified_project arg
+ if arg.is_a?(Project)
+ case mail_notification
+ when 'selected'
+ notified_projects_ids.include?(arg.id)
+ when 'only_my_events'
+ projects.include?(arg)
+ when 'only_assigned'
+ false
+ when 'only_owner'
+ course = Course.find_by_extra(arg.identifier)
+ course.teacher == self
+ end
+ #勾选的项目或用户的项目 TODO:需改
+ #notified_projects_ids.include?(arg) || projects.include?(arg)
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ def self.current=(user)
+ Thread.current[:current_user] = user
+ end
+ def self.current
+ Thread.current[:current_user] ||= User.anonymous
+ end
+ # Returns the anonymous user. If the anonymous user does not exist, it is created. There can be only
+ # one anonymous user per database.
+ def self.anonymous
+ anonymous_user = AnonymousUser.first
+ if anonymous_user.nil?
+ anonymous_user = AnonymousUser.create(:lastname => 'Anonymous', :firstname => '', :mail => '', :login => '', :status => 0)
+ raise 'Unable to create the anonymous user.' if anonymous_user.new_record?
+ end
+ anonymous_user
+ end
+ # Salts all existing unsalted passwords
+ # It changes password storage scheme from SHA1(password) to SHA1(salt + SHA1(password))
+ # This method is used in the SaltPasswords migration and is to be kept as is
+ def self.salt_unsalted_passwords!
+ transaction do
+ User.where("salt IS NULL OR salt = ''").find_each do |user|
+ next if user.hashed_password.blank?
+ salt = User.generate_salt
+ hashed_password = User.hash_password("#{salt}#{user.hashed_password}")
+ User.where(:id => user.id).update_all(:salt => salt, :hashed_password => hashed_password)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ protected
+ def validate_password_length
+ # Password length validation based on setting
+ if !password.nil? && password.size < Setting.password_min_length.to_i
+ errors.add(:password, :too_short, :count => Setting.password_min_length.to_i)
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def act_as_activity
+ self.acts << Activity.new(:user_id => self.id)
+ end
+ # Removes references that are not handled by associations
+ # Things that are not deleted are reassociated with the anonymous user
+ def remove_references_before_destroy
+ return if self.id.nil?
+ substitute = User.anonymous
+ Attachment.update_all ['author_id = ?', substitute.id], ['author_id = ?', id]
+ Comment.update_all ['author_id = ?', substitute.id], ['author_id = ?', id]
+ Notificationcomment.update_all ['author_id = ?', substitute.id], ['author_id = ?', id]
+ Issue.update_all ['author_id = ?', substitute.id], ['author_id = ?', id]
+ Issue.update_all 'assigned_to_id = NULL', ['assigned_to_id = ?', id]
+ Journal.update_all ['user_id = ?', substitute.id], ['user_id = ?', id]
+ JournalDetail.update_all ['old_value = ?', substitute.id.to_s], ["property = 'attr' AND prop_key = 'assigned_to_id' AND old_value = ?", id.to_s]
+ JournalDetail.update_all ['value = ?', substitute.id.to_s], ["property = 'attr' AND prop_key = 'assigned_to_id' AND value = ?", id.to_s]
+ Message.update_all ['author_id = ?', substitute.id], ['author_id = ?', id]
+ News.update_all ['author_id = ?', substitute.id], ['author_id = ?', id]
+ # Remove private queries and keep public ones
+ ::Query.delete_all ['user_id = ? AND is_public = ?', id, false]
+ ::Query.update_all ['user_id = ?', substitute.id], ['user_id = ?', id]
+ TimeEntry.update_all ['user_id = ?', substitute.id], ['user_id = ?', id]
+ Token.delete_all ['user_id = ?', id]
+ Watcher.delete_all ['user_id = ?', id]
+ WikiContent.update_all ['author_id = ?', substitute.id], ['author_id = ?', id]
+ WikiContent::Version.update_all ['author_id = ?', substitute.id], ['author_id = ?', id]
+ end
+ # Return password digest
+ def self.hash_password(clear_password)
+ Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(clear_password || "")
+ end
+ # Returns a 128bits random salt as a hex string (32 chars long)
+ def self.generate_salt
+ Redmine::Utils.random_hex(16)
+ end
+class AnonymousUser < User
+ validate :validate_anonymous_uniqueness, :on => :create
+ def validate_anonymous_uniqueness
+ # There should be only one AnonymousUser in the database
+ errors.add :base, 'An anonymous user already exists.' if AnonymousUser.exists?
+ end
+ def available_custom_fields
+ []
+ end
+ # Overrides a few properties
+ def logged?; false end
+ def admin; false end
+ def name(*args); I18n.t(:label_user_anonymous) end
+ def mail; nil end
+ def time_zone; nil end
+ def rss_key; nil end
+ def pref
+ UserPreference.new(:user => self)
+ end
+ # def member_of?(project)
+ # false
+ # end
+ # Anonymous user can not be destroyed
+ def destroy
+ false
+ end
diff --git a/app/models/user_extensions.rb b/app/models/user_extensions.rb
index 09c88e6df..d9a0f520a 100644
--- a/app/models/user_extensions.rb
+++ b/app/models/user_extensions.rb
@@ -1,86 +1,86 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- identity字段含义
- 0 教师教授
- 1 学生
- 2 企业
- 3 开发者
-class UserExtensions < ActiveRecord::Base
- validate :school, presence: true
- belongs_to :user
- belongs_to :school, :class_name => 'School', :foreign_key => :school_id
- attr_accessible :user_id,:birthday,:brief_introduction,:gender,:location,:occupation,:work_experience,:zip_code,:identity, :technical_title,:student_id
- #this method was used to update the table user_extensions
- def update_user_extensions(birthday=nil,brief_introduction=nil,
- gender=nil,location=nil,occupation=nil,work_experience=nil,zip_code=nil)
- self.birthday = birthday
- self.brief_introduction = brief_introduction
- self.gender = gender
- self.location = location
- self.occupation = occupation
- self.work_experience = work_experience
- self.zip_code = zip_code
- self.save
- end
- def get_brief_introduction
- return self.brief_introduction
- end
-# added by meng
- def show_identity
- if User.current.language == 'zh'||User.current.language == ''
- case self.identity
- when 0
- user_identity = l(:label_account_identity_teacher)
- when 1
- user_identity = l(:label_account_identity_student)
- when 2
- user_identity = l(:label_account_identity_enterprise)
- when 3
- user_identity = l(:label_account_identity_developer)
- else
- user_identity = ''
- end
- else
- case self.identity
- when 0
- user_identity = l(:label_account_identity_teacher)
- when 1
- user_identity = l(:label_account_identity_student)
- when 2
- user_identity = l(:label_account_identity_enterprise)
- when 3
- user_identity = l(:label_account_identity_developer)
- else
- user_identity = ''
- end
- end
- return user_identity
- end
-# end
- def self.introduction(user, message)
- unless user.user_extensions.nil?
- info = user.user_extensions
- info.brief_introduction = message
- info.save
- else
- info = UserExtensions.new
- info.user_id = user.id
- info.brief_introduction = message
- info.save
- end
- end
+# encoding: utf-8
+ identity字段含义
+ 0 教师教授
+ 1 学生
+ 2 企业
+ 3 开发者
+class UserExtensions < ActiveRecord::Base
+ validate :school, presence: true
+ belongs_to :user
+ belongs_to :school, :class_name => 'School', :foreign_key => :school_id
+ attr_accessible :user_id,:birthday,:brief_introduction,:gender,:location,:occupation,:work_experience,:zip_code,:identity, :technical_title,:student_id
+ #this method was used to update the table user_extensions
+ def update_user_extensions(birthday=nil,brief_introduction=nil,
+ gender=nil,location=nil,occupation=nil,work_experience=nil,zip_code=nil)
+ self.birthday = birthday
+ self.brief_introduction = brief_introduction
+ self.gender = gender
+ self.location = location
+ self.occupation = occupation
+ self.work_experience = work_experience
+ self.zip_code = zip_code
+ self.save
+ end
+ def get_brief_introduction
+ return self.brief_introduction
+ end
+# added by meng
+ def show_identity
+ if User.current.language == 'zh'||User.current.language == ''
+ case self.identity
+ when 0
+ user_identity = l(:label_account_identity_teacher)
+ when 1
+ user_identity = l(:label_account_identity_student)
+ when 2
+ user_identity = l(:label_account_identity_enterprise)
+ when 3
+ user_identity = l(:label_account_identity_developer)
+ else
+ user_identity = ''
+ end
+ else
+ case self.identity
+ when 0
+ user_identity = l(:label_account_identity_teacher)
+ when 1
+ user_identity = l(:label_account_identity_student)
+ when 2
+ user_identity = l(:label_account_identity_enterprise)
+ when 3
+ user_identity = l(:label_account_identity_developer)
+ else
+ user_identity = ''
+ end
+ end
+ return user_identity
+ end
+# end
+ def self.introduction(user, message)
+ unless user.user_extensions.nil?
+ info = user.user_extensions
+ info.brief_introduction = message
+ info.save
+ else
+ info = UserExtensions.new
+ info.user_id = user.id
+ info.brief_introduction = message
+ info.save
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/app/views/attachments/destroy.js.erb b/app/views/attachments/destroy.js.erb
index 4893d22fe..d2a3a11a1 100644
--- a/app/views/attachments/destroy.js.erb
+++ b/app/views/attachments/destroy.js.erb
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-$('#attachments_<%= j params[:attachment_id] %>').remove();
-var count=$('#attachments_fields>span').length;
- $("#upload_file_count").text(<%= l(:label_no_file_uploaded)%>);
- $(".remove_all").remove();
- $("#upload_file_count").html("已上传"+""+count+""+"个文件");
+$('#attachments_<%= j params[:attachment_id] %>').remove();
+var count=$('#attachments_fields>span').length;
+ $("#upload_file_count").text(<%= l(:label_no_file_uploaded)%>);
+ $(".remove_all").remove();
+ $("#upload_file_count").html("已上传"+""+count+""+"个文件");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/bids/_bid_homework_show.html.erb b/app/views/bids/_bid_homework_show.html.erb
index 9e086ef1b..3e79c3f1b 100644
--- a/app/views/bids/_bid_homework_show.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/bids/_bid_homework_show.html.erb
@@ -1,201 +1,201 @@
-<% if bids.blank? %>
-<%#= l(:label_uncommit_homework) %>
-<% else %>
-<% bids.each do |bid|%>
- <%= link_to(image_tag(url_to_avatar(bid.author), :class => 'avatar'), user_path(bid.author), :class => "avatar") %>
- |
- <%= link_to(bid.author.lastname+bid.author.firstname, user_path(bid.author)) %>
- <%= l(:label_user_create_project_homework) %>
- <%= link_to(bid.name, course_for_bid_path(bid), :class => 'bid_path') %>
- |
- <% if User.current.logged? && is_cur_course_student(@course) %>
- <% cur_user_homework = cur_user_homework_for_bid(bid) %>
- <% if bid.open_anonymous_evaluation == 1 %>
- <% case bid.comment_status %>
- <% when 0 %>
- 未开启匿评
- <% when 1 %>
- 匿评中..
- <% when 2 %>
- 匿评结束
- <% end %>
- <% end%>
- <% if cur_user_homework && cur_user_homework.empty? %>
- <%= link_to l(:label_commit_homework),new_exercise_book_path(bid) %>
- <% else %>
- 已 提 交
- <% end %>
- <% end %>
- <% if (User.current.admin?||User.current.allowed_to?(:as_teacher,@course)) %>
- <% if bid.open_anonymous_evaluation == 1 && bid.homeworks.count >= 2%>
- <%end%>
- <%= link_to(
- l(:button_edit),
- {:action => 'edit', :controller=>'bids', :course_id =>@course.id, :bid_id => bid.id}
- ) %>
- <%#= link_to(
- l(:button_delete),
- {:action => 'homework_destroy', :controller=>'bids', :course_id => bid.id},
- :method => :post,
- :data => {:confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure)},
- :class => 'icon icon-del'
- ) %>
- <% end %>
- |
- <% bidding_project = bid.biding_projects.all
- temp = []
- bidding_project.each do |pro|
- if pro.project && pro.project.project_status
- temp << pro
- end
- temp
- end
- %>
- <% if bid.homework_type == 1%>
- <%= l(:label_x_homework_project, :count => bid.homeworks.count) %>
- (
- <%= link_to bid.homeworks.count, course_for_bid_path(bid.id) %>
- )
- <% else %>
- <%= l(:label_x_homework_project, :count => temp.count) %>
- (
- <%= link_to temp.count, course_for_bid_path(bid.id) %>
- )
- <% end %>
- |
- <% if bid.reward_type.nil? or bid.reward_type == 1 %>
- <%= l(:label_bids_reward_method) %>
- <%= l(:label_call_bonus) %>
- <%= l(:label_RMB_sign) %>
- <%= bid.budget%>
- <% elsif bid.reward_type == 2 %>
- <%= l(:label_bids_reward_method) %>
- <%= bid.budget%>
- <% end %>
- |
- <%=h sanitize(bid.description.html_safe) %>
- |
- <%= l(:label_end_time) %>
- :
- <%= bid.deadline %>
- <% if betweentime(bid.deadline) < 0 %>
- <%= l(:label_commit_limit)%>
- <% else %>
- <% end %>
- |
- |
-<% end %>
-<% end %>