- - <%= link_to l(:label_course_overview), project_path(@project), :class => link_class(:overview) %> - -
- - <%= link_to l(:label_homework), homework_project_path(@project), :class => link_class(:homework) ,:project_type => 1 %> - -
- - <%= link_to l(:label_course_file), project_files_path(@project), :class => link_class(:files)%> - -
- - <%= link_to l(:label_course_news), {:controller => 'news', :action => 'index', :project_id => @project}, :class => link_class(:news) %> - -
- - <%= link_to l(:label_course_board), { :controller => 'boards', :action => 'index', :project_id => @project}, :class => link_class(:boards) %> - -
- - <%= link_to l(:label_course_feedback), project_feedback_path(@project), :class => link_class(:feedback)%> - - - <% if User.current.logged? && (User.current.admin? || (!Member.where('user_id = ? and project_id = ?', User.current.id, @project.id).first.nil? && (Member.where('user_id = ? and project_id = ?', User.current.id, @project.id).first.roles&Role.where('id = ? or id = ?', 7, 9)).size >0))%> +
- <% @project = Project.find_by_id(@project.id)%>
- <% @course = Course.find_by_extra(@project.identifier)%>
- 高校课程实践社区 | -<%= l(:label_user_location) %> : | -
- <%= form_tag(:controller => 'projects', :action => 'search', :method => :get) do %>
- <%= text_field_tag 'name', params[:name], :size => 20 %>
- <%= hidden_field_tag 'project_type', @project.project_type %>
- <%= submit_tag l(:label_search), :class => "enterprise", :name => nil %>
- <% end %>
- |
<%=link_to request.host()+"/course", :controller => 'projects', :action => 'course' %> | -<%=link_to "主页", home_path %> > <%=link_to l(:label_course_practice), :controller => 'projects', :action => 'course' %> > <%=link_to @project.name, nil %> |
- <% @project = Project.find_by_id(@project.id) %>
- <% @course = Course.find_by_extra(@project.identifier) %>
- - <% if(@project.project_type==1) %> - <% if get_avatar?(@project) %> - <%= image_tag(url_to_avatar(@project), :class => "avatar2") %> - <% else %> - <%= link_to image_tag('../images/avatars/Project/course.jpg', :class => "avatar2"), project_path(@project) %> - <% end %> - <% else %> - <%= image_tag(url_to_avatar(@project), :class => "avatar2") %> - <% end %> | -
- - - - <%= link_to "#{teacherCount(@project)}", project_member_path(@project, :role => 1) ,:course =>'1'%> - | -- <%= link_to "#{studentCount(@project)}", project_member_path(@project, :role => 2) ,:course =>'1'%> - | -<%= link_to files_count, project_files_path(@project) %> | -|||
- - <%= l(:label_x_base_courses_teacher, :count => teacherCount(@project)) %> - | -- <%= l(:label_x_base_courses_student, :count => studentCount(@project)) %> - - | -- <%= l(:label_x_course_data, :count => files_count) %> - | ++ + <%= link_to "#{teacherCount(@project)}", project_member_path(@project, :role => 1), :course => '1' %> + | ++ <%= link_to "#{studentCount(@project)}", project_member_path(@project, :role => 2), :course => '1' %> + | +<%= link_to files_count, project_files_path(@project) %> | +
+ + <%= l(:label_x_base_courses_teacher, :count => teacherCount(@project)) %> + | ++ <%= l(:label_x_base_courses_student, :count => studentCount(@project)) %> + + | ++ <%= l(:label_x_course_data, :count => files_count) %> + | -
+ <%= l(:label_teacher_work_unit) %> :
+ <%= @course.teacher.user_extensions.school %>
+ <% else %>
+ <%= l(:label_teacher_work_unit) %> :
+ <%= l(:field_course_un) %>
+ <% end %>
- <%= l(:label_main_teacher) %> : | <%= link_to(@course.teacher.lastname+@course.teacher.firstname, user_path(@course.teacher)) %> | -
<%= l(:label_setup_time) %> : | <%= @course.setup_time %> | -
<%= l(:label_endup_time) %> : | <%= @course.endup_time %> | -
<%= l(:label_class_period) %> : | <%= @course.class_period %> <%= l(:label_class_hour)%> | -
<%= l(:label_main_term) %> : | <%= @course.time %> <%= @course.term %> | -
<%= l(:label_main_teacher) %> : | +<%= link_to(@course.teacher.lastname+@course.teacher.firstname, user_path(@course.teacher)) %> | +
<%= l(:label_teacher_work_unit) %> : | <%= @course.teacher.user_extensions.school %> | -
<%= l(:label_teacher_work_unit) %> : | <%= l(:field_course_un) %> | -
<%= l(:label_setup_time) %> : | +<%= @course.setup_time %> | +
+ <%= l(:label_class_period) %> :
+ <%= @course.class_period %> <%= l(:label_class_hour) %>
+ <% unless @course.teacher.user_extensions.nil? %>
- <%= l(:label_project_overview) %>
- <% if @project.description.size>0 %>
+ <%= l(:label_main_term) %> :
+ <%= @course.time %> <%= @course.term %>
- <%= textilizable @project.description %>
- <% else %>
- <%= l(:label_course_description_no) %>
- <% end %>
- <%= l(:label_create_time) %>:<%= format_time(@project.created_on) %>
- <%= render :partial => 'tags/tag', :locals => {:obj => @project,:object_flag => "2"}%>
- <%= render :partial => 'layouts/base_footer'%>
- <%= render_flash_messages %>
- <%= yield %>
- <%= call_hook :view_layouts_base_content %>
+ <%= l(:label_project_overview) %>
- <% end %>
- <%= l(:label_loading) %>