+ <% if is_default_field?(field) %>
+ <% case field.name %>
+ <% when 'course' %>
+ <% if @course_acts.blank? %>
+ <%= render :partial => 'organizations/org_subfield_leftMD_default', :locals => {:field => field} %>
+ <% else %>
+ <% @course_acts.first(4).each do |act| %>
+ <% if act.org_act_type == "HomeworkCommon" %>
+ <% activity = HomeworkCommon.find(act.org_act_id) %>
+ <% iamge_path = get_image_path_from_content(activity.description) %>
+ <% if iamge_path.nil? %>
+ <%= link_to image_tag("/images/default_blank/files-default.jpg", :width => "185", :height => "125"), student_work_index_url_in_org(activity.id), :target => "_blank", :class =>"sn-resourcesimg" %>
+ <% else %>
+ <%= link_to image_tag("/files/uploads/image#{iamge_path}", :width => "185", :height => "125"), student_work_index_url_in_org(activity.id), :target => "_blank", :class =>"sn-resourcesimg" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <%= link_to activity.name.to_s, student_work_index_url_in_org(activity.id), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-title" %>
+ <%= link_to activity.description.to_s.html_safe, student_work_index_url_in_org(activity.id), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-tag" %>
+ <% elsif act.org_act_type == "Message" %>
+ <% activity = Message.find(act.org_act_id) %>
+ <% iamge_path = get_image_path_from_content(activity.content) %>
+ <% if iamge_path.nil? %>
+ <%= link_to image_tag("/images/default_blank/files-default.jpg", :width => "185", :height => "125"), board_message_url_in_org(activity.board_id, activity.id), :target => "_blank", :class =>"sn-resourcesimg" %>
+ <% else %>
+ <%= link_to image_tag("/files/uploads/image#{iamge_path}", :width => "185", :height => "125"), board_message_url_in_org(activity.board_id, activity.id), :target => "_blank", :class =>"sn-resourcesimg" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if activity.parent_id.nil? %>
+ <%= link_to activity.subject.to_s.html_safe, board_message_url_in_org(activity.board_id, activity.id), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-title" %>
+ <% else %>
+ <%= link_to activity.parent.subject.to_s.html_safe, board_message_url_in_org(activity.board_id, activity.id), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-title" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <%= link_to activity.content.to_s.html_safe, board_message_url_in_org(activity.board_id, activity.id), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-tag" %>
+ <% elsif act.org_act_type == "News" %>
+ <% activity = News.find(act.org_act_id) %>
+ <% iamge_path = get_image_path_from_content(activity.description) %>
+ <% if iamge_path.nil? %>
+ <%= link_to image_tag("/images/default_blank/files-default.jpg", :width => "185", :height => "125"), news_url_in_org(activity.id), :target => "_blank", :class =>"sn-resourcesimg" %>
+ <% else %>
+ <%= link_to image_tag("/files/uploads/image#{iamge_path}", :width => "185", :height => "125"), news_url_in_org(activity.id), :target => "_blank", :class =>"sn-resourcesimg" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <%= link_to activity.title.to_s, news_url_in_org(activity.id), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-title" %>
+ <%= link_to activity.description.to_s.html_safe, news_url_in_org(activity.id), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-tag" %>
+ <% elsif act.org_act_type == "Poll" %>
+ <% activity = Poll.find(act.org_act_id) %>
+ <% has_commit = has_commit_poll?(activity.id ,User.current)%>
+ <% poll_name = activity.polls_name.empty? ? l(:label_poll_new) : activity.polls_name%>
+ <% iamge_path = get_image_path_from_content(activity.polls_description) %>
+ <% if ( activity.polls_status==2) %>
+ <% if iamge_path.nil? %>
+ <%= link_to image_tag("/images/default_blank/files-default.jpg", :width => "185", :height => "125"), Setting.protocol + "://" + Setting.host_name + "/poll/" + activity.id.to_s + "/poll_result", :target => "_blank", :class =>"sn-resourcesimg" %>
+ <% else %>
+ <%= link_to image_tag("/files/uploads/image#{iamge_path}", :width => "185", :height => "125"), Setting.protocol + "://" + Setting.host_name + "/poll/" + activity.id.to_s + "/poll_result", :target => "_blank", :class =>"sn-resourcesimg" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if has_commit %>
+ <%= link_to poll_name, Setting.protocol + "://" + Setting.host_name + "/poll/" + activity.id.to_s + "/poll_result", :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-title" %>
+ <% else %>
+ <%= link_to poll_name, Setting.protocol + "://" + Setting.host_name + "/poll/" + activity.id.to_s + "/poll_result", :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-title" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <%= link_to activity.polls_description.to_s.html_safe, Setting.protocol + "://" + Setting.host_name + "/poll/" + activity.id.to_s + "/poll_result", :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-tag" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% when 'project' %>
+ <% if @project_acts.blank? %>
+ <%= render :partial => 'organizations/org_subfield_leftMD_default', :locals => {:field => field} %>
+ <% else %>
+ <% @project_acts.first(4).each do |act| %>
+ <% if act.org_act_type == "Issue" %>
+ <% activity = Issue.find(act.org_act_id) %>
+ <% iamge_path = get_image_path_from_content(activity.description) %>
+ <% if iamge_path.nil? %>
+ <%= link_to image_tag("/images/default_blank/files-default.jpg", :width => "185", :height => "125"), issue_url_in_org(activity.id), :target => "_blank", :class =>"sn-resourcesimg" %>
+ <% else %>
+ <%= link_to image_tag("/files/uploads/image#{iamge_path}", :width => "185", :height => "125"), issue_url_in_org(activity.id), :target => "_blank", :class =>"sn-resourcesimg" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <%= link_to activity.subject.to_s, issue_url_in_org(activity.id), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-title" %>
+ <%= link_to activity.description.to_s.html_safe, issue_url_in_org(activity.id), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-tag" %>
+ <% elsif act.org_act_type == "Message" %>
+ <% activity = Message.find(act.org_act_id) %>
+ <% iamge_path = get_image_path_from_content(activity.content) %>
+ <% if iamge_path.nil? %>
+ <%= link_to image_tag("/images/default_blank/files-default.jpg", :width => "185", :height => "125"), board_message_url_in_org(activity.board_id, activity.id), :target => "_blank", :class =>"sn-resourcesimg" %>
+ <% else %>
+ <%= link_to image_tag("/files/uploads/image#{iamge_path}", :width => "185", :height => "125"), board_message_url_in_org(activity.board_id, activity.id), :target => "_blank", :class =>"sn-resourcesimg" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if activity.parent_id.nil? %>
+ <%= link_to activity.subject.to_s.html_safe, board_message_url_in_org(activity.board_id, activity.id), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-title" %>
+ <% else %>
+ <%= link_to activity.parent.subject.to_s.html_safe, board_message_url_in_org(activity.board_id, activity.id), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-title" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <%= link_to activity.content.to_s.html_safe, board_message_url_in_org(activity.board_id, activity.id), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-tag" %>
+ <% elsif act.org_act_type == "News" %>
+ <% activity = News.find(act.org_act_id) %>
+ <% iamge_path = get_image_path_from_content(activity.description) %>
+ <% if iamge_path.nil? %>
+ <%= link_to image_tag("/images/default_blank/files-default.jpg", :width => "185", :height => "125"), board_message_url_in_org(activity.board_id, activity.id), :target => "_blank", :class =>"sn-resourcesimg" %>
+ <% else %>
+ <%= link_to image_tag("/files/uploads/image#{iamge_path}", :width => "185", :height => "125"), board_message_url_in_org(activity.board_id, activity.id), :target => "_blank", :class =>"sn-resourcesimg" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <%= link_to activity.description.to_s.html_safe, news_url_in_org(activity.id), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-title" %>
+ <%= link_to activity.content.to_s.html_safe, news_url_in_org(activity.id), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-tag" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% else %>
+ <% if field.field_type == "Post" %>
+ <% org_acts = get_subfield_acts field %>
+ <% if org_acts.blank? %>
+ <%= render :partial => 'organizations/org_subfield_leftMD_default', :locals => {:field => field} %>
+ <% else %>
+ <% org_acts.first(4).each do |activity| %>
+ <% if activity.container_type == 'Organization' && activity.org_act_type == 'OrgDocumentComment' && activity.org_act_id != @organization.home_id %>
+ <% document = activity.org_act %>
+ <% org_subfield_id = params[:org_subfield_id] %>
+ <% flag = 2 %>
+ <% iamge_path = get_image_path_from_content(document.content) %>
+ <% if iamge_path.nil? %>
+ <%= link_to image_tag("/images/default_blank/files-default.jpg", :width => "185", :height => "125"), org_document_comment_path(:id => document.id, :organization_id => document.organization.id), :target => "_blank", :class =>"sn-resourcesimg" %>
+ <% else %>
+ <%= link_to image_tag("/files/uploads/image#{iamge_path}", :width => "185", :height => "125"), org_document_comment_path(:id => document.id, :organization_id => document.organization.id), :target => "_blank", :class =>"sn-resourcesimg" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <%= link_to document.title, org_document_comment_path(:id => document.id, :organization_id => document.organization.id), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-title" %>
+ <%= link_to document.content.to_s.html_safe, org_document_comment_path(:id => document.id, :organization_id => document.organization.id), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-tag" %>
+ <% else activity.container_type == 'OrgSubfield' %>
+ <% if activity.org_act_type == 'Message' and activity.org_act_id and Message.where("id=#{activity.org_act_id}").count > 0 %>
+ <% message = Message.find(activity.org_act_id) %>
+ <% if message.parent_id.nil? %>
+ <% content = message.content%>
+ <% else %>
+ <% content = message.parent.content%>
+ <% end %>
+ <% iamge_path = get_image_path_from_content(content) %>
+ <% if message.board.org_subfield_id %>
+ <% if iamge_path.nil? %>
+ <%= link_to image_tag("/images/default_blank/files-default.jpg", :width => "185", :height => "125"), board_message_url_in_org(message.board.id,message.id), :target => "_blank", :class =>"sn-resourcesimg" %>
+ <% else %>
+ <%= link_to image_tag("/files/uploads/image#{iamge_path}", :width => "185", :height => "125"), board_message_url_in_org(message.board.id,message.id), :target => "_blank", :class =>"sn-resourcesimg" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if message.parent_id.nil? %>
+ <%= link_to message.subject.to_s.html_safe, board_message_url_in_org(message.board.id,message.id), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-title" %>
+ <% else %>
+ <%= link_to message.parent.subject.to_s.html_safe, board_message_url_in_org(message.board.id,message.id), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-title" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <%= link_to content.to_s.html_safe, board_message_url_in_org(activity.board_id, activity.id), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-tag" %>
+ <% else %>
+ <% if iamge_path.nil? %>
+ <%= link_to image_tag("/images/default_blank/files-default.jpg", :width => "185", :height => "125"), board_message_path(message.board,activity), :target => "_blank", :class =>"sn-resourcesimg" %>
+ <% else %>
+ <%= link_to image_tag("/files/uploads/image#{iamge_path}", :width => "185", :height => "125"), board_message_path(message.board,activity), :target => "_blank", :class =>"sn-resourcesimg" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if message.parent_id.nil? %>
+ <%= link_to message.subject.to_s.html_safe, board_message_path(message.board,message), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-title" %>
+ <% else %>
+ <%= link_to message.parent.subject.to_s.html_safe, board_message_path(message.board,activity), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-title" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <%= link_to content.to_s.html_safe, board_message_path(message.board,activity), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-tag" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if activity.org_act_type == 'News' and News.where("id=?", activity.org_act_id).count > 0 %>
+ <% news = News.find(activity.org_act_id) %>
+ <% iamge_path = get_image_path_from_content(news.description) %>
+ <% if iamge_path.nil? %>
+ <%= link_to image_tag("/images/default_blank/files-default.jpg", :width => "185", :height => "125"), news_path(news), :target => "_blank", :class =>"sn-resourcesimg" %>
+ <% else %>
+ <%= link_to image_tag("/files/uploads/image#{iamge_path}", :width => "185", :height => "125"), news_path(news), :target => "_blank", :class =>"sn-resourcesimg" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <%= link_to news.title.to_s, news_path(news), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-title" %>
+ <%= link_to news.description.to_s.html_safe, news_path(news), :target => '_blank', :class => "resources-tag" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>